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Name 52--Command of Theta (London Professional Course)

File Type music

Size 607.11MB

UpdateDate 2025-3-24

hash *****F4D313AFBF09E2250E07D2474A91F4287C

Hot 5

Files 5211c10-CT01-Definitions of Dianetics and Scientology, Other Philosophies.mp3 | 58.98MB 5211c12-CT02-8-8008 Continued, Time and Space.mp3 | 60.53MB 5211c14-CT03-Standard Operating Procedure Issue 2, Parts I.mp3 | 60.90MB 5211c14-CT04-Standard Operating Procedure Issue 2, Parts II.mp3 | 61.39MB 5211c17-CT05-Self-Determinism and Creation of Universes.mp3 | 57.54MB 5211c17-CT06-Creative Processing.mp3 | 60.46MB 5211c19-CT07-The Control of the Individual by an Unknown.mp3 | 58.16MB 5211c19-CT08-Responsibility.mp3 | 67.06MB 5211c20-CT09-Creative Processing — Handling Illusions.mp3 | 59.29MB 5211c20-CT10-Assessment of Pc — The Dynamics Be, Do, Have.mp3 | 60.82MB 5211c21 CoT 11 Glossary.doc | 74.50KB _info.txt | 3.31KB Command of Theta graphs/FIG01.jpg | 25.14KB Command of Theta graphs/FIG01.jpg.files/vcm_s_kf_m160_160x87.jpg | 4.20KB Command of Theta graphs/FIG01.jpg.files/vcm_s_kf_repr_640x350.jpg | 37.85KB Command of Theta graphs/FIG02.jpg | 3.40KB Command of Theta graphs/FIG02.jpg.files/vcm_s_kf_m160_160x141.jpg | 4.88KB Command of Theta graphs/FIG02.jpg.files/vcm_s_kf_repr_163x144.jpg | 4.94KB Command of Theta graphs/FIG03.jpg | 17.65KB Command of Theta graphs/FIG03.jpg.files/vcm_s_kf_m160_160x116.jpg | 3.47KB Command of Theta graphs/FIG03.jpg.files/vcm_s_kf_repr_663x483.jpg | 33.68KB Command of Theta graphs/The Command of Theta.htm | 900.40KB Command of Theta graphs/Thumbs.db | 21.50KB folder.jpg | 34.35KB folder.jpg.files/vcm_s_kf_m160_124x160.jpg | 5.83KB folder.jpg.files/vcm_s_kf_repr_300x387.jpg | 23.41KB folder2.jpg | 13.13KB folder2.jpg.files/vcm_s_kf_m160_121x160.jpg | 5.54KB folder2.jpg.files/vcm_s_kf_repr_235x309.jpg | 13.66KB pic2.jpg | 40.57KB The Command of Theta.pdf | 730.66KB Thumbs.db | 30.50KB


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