Magnetic link has been copied to the cutting board

Name Monopol™ by Suitcase Type Foundry

File Type other

Size 1.72MB

UpdateDate 2025-3-16

hash *****1591810AFFDA7053A433907B9BCC2E79B2

Hot 51

Files Monopol Italic.ttf | 182.49KB Monopol Bold.ttf | 125.31KB Monopol Medium.ttf | 117.20KB Monopol SemiBold.ttf | 110.15KB Monopol Light.ttf | 103.39KB Monopol Bold Italic.ttf | 99.78KB Monopol Black.ttf | 98.61KB Monopol SemiBold Italic.ttf | 96.13KB Monopol Light Italic.ttf | 91.82KB Monopol Thin.ttf | 88.63KB Monopol Thin Italic.ttf | 85.20KB Monopol Black Italic.ttf | 81.29KB Monopol SemiBold Italic.otf | 43.94KB Monopol Italic.otf | 42.63KB Monopol Bold Italic.otf | 42.40KB Monopol Light Italic.otf | 41.42KB Monopol Black.otf | 40.63KB Monopol Black Italic.otf | 40.34KB Monopol Thin Italic.otf | 38.86KB Monopol SemiBold.otf | 38.77KB Monopol Bold.otf | 38.07KB Monopol Medium.otf | 37.79KB Monopol Light.otf | 37.59KB Monopol Thin.otf | 35.67KB


Magnetic link has been copied to the cutting board