Name LiveLessons - OpenStack Certification Complete Video Course
File Type video
Size 3.13GB
UpdateDate 2025-3-10
hash *****8D8253426DAAAEDB39F3C0FCFD8886D556
Hot 3
Files 068 - 6.12 Managing Ip Addresses.mp4 | 62.37MB 090 - 9.8 Configuring Object Storage From Horizon.mp4 | 15.76MB 069 - 6.13 Troubleshooting Openstack Cli Operations.mp4 | 55.70MB 039 - 3.9 Creating Br-ex.mp4 | 22.81MB 128 - 14.6 Troubleshooting Neutron Networking.mp4 | 18.74MB 079 - 8.4 Creating And Managing Endpoints.mp4 | 54.97MB 020 - 2.8 Horizon.mp4 | 10.90MB 064 - 6.8 Managing And Creating Flavors.mp4 | 8.36MB 014 - 2.2 Restful Api And Python.mp4 | 12.33MB 089 - 9.7 Managing Objects In The Swift Store.mp4 | 80.82MB 029 - 2.17 Other Components.mp4 | 9.81MB 136 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 3.26MB 032 - 3.2 Getting Free Access To Red Hat Openstack.mp4 | 5.93MB 037 - 3.7 Taking Care Of Basic Networking.mp4 | 22.39MB 017 - 2.5 Neutron.mp4 | 17.37MB 130 - 15.1 Understanding The Nova.conf Configuration File.mp4 | 7.70MB 011 - 1.9 Interacting With Openstack (cli, Horizon, Api Calls).mp4 | 26.08MB 126 - 14.4 Configuring Tenant Networking.mp4 | 33.43MB 151 - 18.1 Lab Assignment.mp4 | 6.59MB 049 - 5.1 The Big Picture - Understanding The Procedure.mp4 | 10.90MB 142 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 1.99MB 048 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 4.23MB 111 - 12.4 Managing Volume Snapshots.mp4 | 7.98MB 143 - 17.1 Lab Assignment.mp4 | 8.28MB 098 - 10.7 Configuring The Ceph Block Device.mp4 | 7.99MB 054 - 5.6 Launching Instances.mp4 | 20.14MB 021 - 2.9 Keystone.mp4 | 17.68MB 024 - 2.12 Trove.mp4 | 5.22MB 063 - 6.7 Creating Users And Roles.mp4 | 12.79MB 091 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 2.82MB 028 - 2.16 Mandatory Backend Services.mp4 | 10.79MB 104 - 11.5 Building Custom Images For Glance.mp4 | 13.44MB 086 - 9.4 Deploying Swift Storage Nodes.mp4 | 18.85MB 003 - 1.1 A Primer To Iaas Cloud Computing.mp4 | 77.89MB 139 - 16.3 Understanding Tripleo Deployment.mp4 | 7.76MB 067 - 6.11 Configuring Quotas.mp4 | 9.96MB 101 - 11.2 Understanding The Glance Image Format.mp4 | 4.54MB 047 - 4.4 Creating Your Own Ubuntu-based Lab Environment.mp4 | 25.33MB 056 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 2.89MB 013 - 2.1 Openstack Core Services Overview.mp4 | 11.98MB 030 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 4.39MB 088 - 9.6 Deploying Swift Proxy.mp4 | 16.38MB 062 - 6.6 Creating Domains And Groups.mp4 | 27.53MB 135 - 15.6 Managing Instances.mp4 | 5.49MB 046 - 4.3 Using Devstack To Deploy Openstack On Ubuntu.mp4 | 6.64MB 005 - 1.3 Openstack Foundation Guiding Principles.mp4 | 16.44MB 156 - 18.6 Managing Instances.mp4 | 46.04MB 137 - 16.1 Openstack Architecture.mp4 | 8.50MB 132 - 15.3 Deploying An Instance From The Command Line.mp4 | 7.72MB 019 - 2.7 Cinder.mp4 | 10.67MB 095 - 10.4 Setting Up A Ceph Storage Cluster—part 1.mp4 | 8.48MB 085 - 9.3 Deploying Swift Object Storage.mp4 | 41.45MB 040 - 3.10 Deploying Openstack Behind A Proxy.mp4 | 9.59MB 001 - Openstack Certification - Introduction.mp4 | 51.40MB 027 - 2.15 The Message Broker.mp4 | 4.41MB 144 - 17.2 Configuring Packstack.mp4 | 37.63MB 097 - 10.6 Testing The Ceph Cluster Using Rados.mp4 | 4.22MB 052 - 5.4 Managing Images And Flavors.mp4 | 28.07MB 123 - 14.1 Verifying Neutron Networking Services.mp4 | 29.98MB 045 - 4.2 Deploying Ubuntu Openstack With Juju.mp4 | 24.06MB 044 - 4.1 Understanding Ubuntu Deployment Methods.mp4 | 1.94MB 009 - 1.7 Openstack Contributors.mp4 | 21.87MB 078 - 8.3 Managing Users, Roles, And Services From The Command Line.mp4 | 37.97MB 083 - 9.1 Understanding Openstack Storage Types.mp4 | 26.28MB 121 - 13.6 Understanding Additional Neutron Services (fwaas, Lbaas).mp4 | 13.67MB 070 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 3.48MB 110 - 12.3 Managing Cinder Volumes.mp4 | 14.50MB 149 - 17.7 Troubleshooting Networking.mp4 | 28.46MB 051 - 5.3 Creating A User.mp4 | 7.27MB 008 - 1.6 Openstack Distributions.mp4 | 22.17MB 125 - 14.3 Understanding Networks, Subnets And Floating Ip Addresses.mp4 | 53.40MB 023 - 2.11 Sahara.mp4 | 2.27MB 010 - 1.8 Openstack Licensing.mp4 | 2.40MB 022 - 2.10 Magnum.mp4 | 4.22MB 116 - 13.1 The Big Picture - Where Are We Now.mp4 | 3.84MB 094 - 10.3 Preparing Your Servers For Ceph—part 2.mp4 | 157.68MB 012 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 7.74MB 060 - 6.4 Creating A Credentials Environment Variable File.mp4 | 42.16MB 148 - 17.6 Starting The Instance.mp4 | 11.14MB 113 - 12.6 Managing Object Storage From Horizon.mp4 | 13.62MB 057 - 6.1 The Big Picture - Understanding The Procedure.mp4 | 50.12MB 103 - 11.4 Uploading System Images To Glance.mp4 | 62.83MB 041 - 3.11 Understanding The Use Of Foreman For Openstack Deployment.mp4 | 5.18MB 065 - 6.9 Launching Instances.mp4 | 32.34MB 059 - 6.3 Understanding The Command Line Interface.mp4 | 44.80MB 025 - 2.13 Designate.mp4 | 5.20MB 077 - 8.2 Verifying Keystone Identity Services.mp4 | 15.93MB 150 - 17.8 Troubleshooting Networking Part 2.mp4 | 9.80MB 105 - 11.6 Configuring Swift As A Glance Back-end.mp4 | 14.25MB 053 - 5.5 Configuring Networking.mp4 | 30.52MB 124 - 14.2 Understanding Cloud Administrator Tasks And Tenant Tasks.mp4 | 38.99MB 093 - 10.2 Preparing Your Servers For Ceph—part 1.mp4 | 18.14MB 073 - 7.3 Understanding Database Services.mp4 | 9.76MB 138 - 16.2 Openstack Deployment Methods Overview.mp4 | 21.17MB 072 - 7.2 Understanding The Message Broker.mp4 | 7.30MB 100 - 11.1 Understanding The Need For Image Services.mp4 | 3.34MB 117 - 13.2 An Introduction To Software Defined Networking.mp4 | 63.86MB 058 - 6.2 Working With Openstack Credentials.mp4 | 12.31MB 071 - 7.1 Verifying The Installation.mp4 | 8.45MB 131 - 15.2 Understanding Instance Creation Prerequisites.mp4 | 3.15MB 055 - 5.7 Summarizing The Procedure.mp4 | 34.79MB 006 - 1.4 Understanding The Success Of Openstack.mp4 | 11.81MB 066 - 6.10 Understanding The Use Of Ssh Keys And Security Groups.mp4 | 28.72MB 038 - 3.8 Adding Compute Nodes With Packstack.mp4 | 10.71MB 026 - 2.14 Heat.mp4 | 17.51MB 153 - 18.3 Managing Quota.mp4 | 24.26MB 112 - 12.5 Managing Cinder Volume Backups.mp4 | 14.64MB 015 - 2.3 Nova.mp4 | 8.97MB 157 - Openstack Certification - Summary.mp4 | 4.41MB 118 - 13.3 Sdn Architectural Overview.mp4 | 12.01MB 004 - 1.2 Understanding The Role Of The Openstack Foundation.mp4 | 16.44MB 152 - 18.2 Configuring Users, Tenants, Domains, Groups And Roles.mp4 | 37.88MB 096 - 10.5 Setting Up A Ceph Storage Cluster—part 2.mp4 | 4.86MB 145 - 17.3 Configuring Network Bridges.mp4 | 14.30MB 042 - 3.12 Creating Your Own Lab Environment.mp4 | 48.45MB 087 - 9.5 Configuring Swift Rings.mp4 | 38.61MB 043 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 1.98MB 002 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 9.26MB 035 - 3.5 Deploying Openstack With Packstack—part 1.mp4 | 100.89MB 007 - 1.5 Openstack Release Cycle.mp4 | 17.31MB 134 - 15.5 Adding And Removing Nova Compute Nodes.mp4 | 9.70MB 050 - 5.2 Creating A Project.mp4 | 25.36MB 127 - 14.5 Configuring Networking From Horizon.mp4 | 20.33MB 081 - 8.6 Troubleshooting Keystone Services.mp4 | 24.12MB 109 - 12.2 Verifying The Cinder Block Storage Service.mp4 | 33.04MB 114 - 12.7 Troubleshooting Cinder Block Storage Services.mp4 | 8.42MB 146 - 17.4 Configuring The Project.mp4 | 16.97MB 107 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 4.12MB 108 - 12.1 Understanding Openstack Storage Needs.mp4 | 13.10MB 140 - 16.4 Upgrading Openstack.mp4 | 8.72MB 080 - 8.5 Keystone Backend Services Overview.mp4 | 19.76MB 099 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 4.17MB 092 - 10.1 Understanding Ceph Components.mp4 | 8.44MB 075 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 2.76MB 061 - 6.5 Creating A Project.mp4 | 15.58MB 115 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 8.48MB 036 - 3.6 Deploying Openstack With Packstack—part 2.mp4 | 57.16MB 129 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 5.38MB 016 - 2.4 Swift.mp4 | 8.34MB 082 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 3.44MB 120 - 13.5 Understanding The Need For Different Plugins And Agents.mp4 | 15.53MB 034 - 3.4 Common Packstack Answer File Parameters.mp4 | 38.02MB 033 - 3.3 Introducing Packstack Answer Files.mp4 | 7.67MB 119 - 13.4 Analyzing Packet Flow In Sdn.mp4 | 64.54MB 122 - Learning Objectives.mp4 | 2.83MB 018 - 2.6 Glance.mp4 | 13.59MB 133 - 15.4 Troubleshooting Nova Compute And Instances.mp4 | 24.21MB 141 - 16.5 Scaling Openstack Cloud.mp4 | 12.26MB 031 - 3.1 Red Hat Openstack-related Solutions Overview.mp4 | 10.76MB 106 - 11.7 Troubleshooting Glance Image Services.mp4 | 18.40MB 154 - 18.4 Managing Networking.mp4 | 14.98MB 084 - 9.2 Understanding Swift Object Storage.mp4 | 16.13MB 147 - 17.5 Configuring Networking.mp4 | 22.13MB 074 - 7.4 Understanding Storage.mp4 | 16.30MB 155 - 18.5 Managing Storage.mp4 | 43.50MB 102 - 11.3 Verifying Glance Image Services.mp4 | 21.06MB 076 - 8.1 Understanding The Keystone Service.mp4 | 30.53MB