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Name Udemy - VMware vSphere 6.5 - Setup your own enterprise environment

File Type video

Size 1.02GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-16

hash *****6D7F91C76B40670FA7FCB88223FC17BFC1

Hot 7

Files 01 Course introduction/001 Course overview.mp4 | 26.42MB 01 Course introduction/002 About author.mp4 | 26.01MB 01 Course introduction/003 Should I take this course.mp4 | 15.40MB 02 VMware overview/004 Introduction.mp4 | 13.78MB 02 VMware overview/005 Overview.mp4 | 5.82MB 02 VMware overview/006 Why VMware.mp4 | 5.57MB 02 VMware overview/007 VMwares vision.mp4 | 8.52MB 02 VMware overview/008 VMware product portfolio part1.mp4 | 23.65MB 02 VMware overview/009 VMware product portfolio part2.mp4 | 12.11MB 02 VMware overview/010 Hyperconverged Infrastructures.mp4 | 28.53MB 02 VMware overview/011 Competitors.mp4 | 15.54MB 03 Project plan/attached_files/016 IP address plan/IP-address-plan.xlsx | 27.38KB 03 Project plan/012 Introduction.mp4 | 14.50MB 03 Project plan/013 Overview.mp4 | 3.15MB 03 Project plan/014 Infrastructure diagrams.mp4 | 12.69MB 03 Project plan/015 Network services.mp4 | 7.85MB 03 Project plan/016 IP address plan.mp4 | 4.00MB 04 Environment configuration/017 Introduction.mp4 | 7.62MB 04 Environment configuration/018 Overview.mp4 | 6.29MB 04 Environment configuration/019 ESXi installation.mp4 | 6.91MB 04 Environment configuration/020 ESXi initial configuration.mp4 | 14.38MB 04 Environment configuration/021 ESXi web client.mp4 | 21.05MB 04 Environment configuration/022 ESXi basic setup.mp4 | 11.95MB 04 Environment configuration/023 ESXi network overview.mp4 | 26.20MB 04 Environment configuration/024 ESXi network configuration.mp4 | 20.02MB 04 Environment configuration/025 ESXi storage configuration.mp4 | 20.01MB 04 Environment configuration/026 vCenter installation.mp4 | 23.62MB 05 vCenter management/027 Introduction.mp4 | 19.55MB 05 vCenter management/028 Overview.mp4 | 8.05MB 05 vCenter management/029 vCenter web client.mp4 | 21.34MB 05 vCenter management/030 Single Sign On configuration.mp4 | 17.82MB 05 vCenter management/031 Permissions users and groups.mp4 | 28.52MB 05 vCenter management/032 Cluster overview and features.mp4 | 24.01MB 05 vCenter management/033 Cluster configuration.mp4 | 35.27MB 05 vCenter management/034 Distributed vSwitch overview and features.mp4 | 15.48MB 05 vCenter management/035 Creating Distributed vSwitch.mp4 | 22.71MB 05 vCenter management/036 Distributed vSwitch configuration.mp4 | 18.12MB 05 vCenter management/037 Datastores and datastore clusters.mp4 | 31.25MB 05 vCenter management/038 Alarms and Events.mp4 | 24.58MB 06 Virtual machine management/attached_files/047 Templates/VMware-OptimizationGuide.pdf | 5.63MB 06 Virtual machine management/039 Introduction.mp4 | 14.80MB 06 Virtual machine management/040 Overview.mp4 | 6.47MB 06 Virtual machine management/041 Creating virtual machine.mp4 | 30.04MB 06 Virtual machine management/042 Resource allocation.mp4 | 25.07MB 06 Virtual machine management/043 Working with virtual machine.mp4 | 25.36MB 06 Virtual machine management/044 Virtual machine tools.mp4 | 19.12MB 06 Virtual machine management/045 Migrations.mp4 | 21.30MB 06 Virtual machine management/046 Snapshots.mp4 | 19.33MB 06 Virtual machine management/047 Templates.mp4 | 29.10MB 07 Troubleshoting/048 Introduction.mp4 | 10.99MB 07 Troubleshoting/049 Oveview.mp4 | 4.79MB 07 Troubleshoting/050 Failore scenarios - ESXi downtime.mp4 | 14.58MB 07 Troubleshoting/051 Failore scenarios - Network cable unplug.mp4 | 8.49MB 07 Troubleshoting/052 Failore scenarios - Physical switch downtime.mp4 | 9.11MB 07 Troubleshoting/053 Maintenance mode.mp4 | 11.00MB 07 Troubleshoting/054 DCUI troubleshooting.mp4 | 26.85MB 07 Troubleshoting/055 SSH troubleshooting.mp4 | 44.29MB 07 Troubleshoting/056 Performance monitoring.mp4 | 36.78MB 07 Troubleshoting/057 Log and events collection.mp4 | 19.85MB 08 Bonus section/058 Introduction.mp4 | 10.65MB 08 Bonus section/059 Blogs about virtualization.mp4 | 4.90MB 08 Bonus section/060 Keep in touch.mp4 | 1.89MB


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