Name final-fantasy-tactics-a2-grimoire-of-the-rift-ost
File Type music
Size 313.61MB
UpdateDate 2025-3-21
hash *****034BB5E015D3E8A715506199EE68321C5B
Hot 1
Files 01 Main Theme.png | 35.38KB 01 Main Theme_spectrogram.png | 309.75KB 01 Peaceful Days.png | 43.59KB 01 Peaceful Days_spectrogram.png | 315.75KB 02 Putting Words Together.png | 26.91KB 02 Putting Words Together_spectrogram.png | 314.42KB 02 Summer Vacation.png | 39.77KB 02 Summer Vacation_spectrogram.png | 315.78KB 03 Bookmark.png | 42.22KB 03 Bookmark_spectrogram.png | 306.82KB 03 Green Wind.png | 44.05KB 03 Green Wind_spectrogram.png | 295.33KB 04 Crossing Over the Hill.png | 43.04KB 04 Crossing Over the Hill_spectrogram.png | 276.33KB 04 Unfold the Map.png | 39.56KB 04 Unfold the Map_spectrogram.png | 322.50KB 05 A Hurried Guess.png | 43.22KB 05 A Hurried Guess_spectrogram.png | 322.24KB 05 Companions That Surpassed Their Tribe.png | 45.53KB 05 Companions That Surpassed Their Tribe_spectrogram.png | 307.93KB 06 At the Bar.png | 48.50KB 06 At the Bar_spectrogram.png | 305.13KB 06 To the Peak (From Final Fantasy XII).png | 38.80KB 06 To the Peak (From Final Fantasy XII)_spectrogram.png | 297.16KB 07 Engage.png | 40.12KB 07 Engage_spectrogram.png | 338.55KB 07 That Which Stands in the Way.png | 45.10KB 07 That Which Stands in the Way_spectrogram.png | 309.44KB 08 Knowledge of the Adventurer.png | 44.87KB 08 Knowledge of the Adventurer_spectrogram.png | 322.51KB 08 Sorrow.png | 36.45KB 08 Sorrow_spectrogram.png | 306.79KB 09 Grasp Victory.png | 36.03KB 09 Grasp Victory_spectrogram.png | 330.10KB 09 The Sky Pirate From the East.png | 41.08KB 09 The Sky Pirate From the East_spectrogram.png | 303.50KB 1-01 Main Theme.mp3 | 3.93MB 1-01 Main Theme.png | 35.38KB 1-01 Main Theme_spectrogram.png | 309.76KB 1-02 Putting Words Together.mp3 | 2.45MB 1-02 Putting Words Together.png | 26.91KB 1-02 Putting Words Together_spectrogram.png | 314.44KB 1-03 Green Wind.mp3 | 6.19MB 1-03 Green Wind.png | 44.05KB 1-03 Green Wind_spectrogram.png | 295.35KB 1-04 Unfold the Map.mp3 | 3.67MB 1-04 Unfold the Map.png | 39.56KB 1-04 Unfold the Map_spectrogram.png | 322.51KB 1-05 Companions That Surpassed Their Tribe.mp3 | 7.39MB 1-05 Companions That Surpassed Their Tribe.png | 45.53KB 1-05 Companions That Surpassed Their Tribe_spectrogram.png | 307.95KB 1-06 At the Bar.mp3 | 5.88MB 1-06 At the Bar.png | 48.50KB 1-06 At the Bar_spectrogram.png | 305.15KB 1-07 Engage.mp3 | 144.63KB 1-07 Engage.png | 40.12KB 1-07 Engage_spectrogram.png | 338.57KB 1-08 Knowledge of the Adventurer.mp3 | 5.04MB 1-08 Knowledge of the Adventurer.png | 44.87KB 1-08 Knowledge of the Adventurer_spectrogram.png | 322.52KB 1-09 Grasp Victory.mp3 | 305.86KB 1-09 Grasp Victory.png | 36.03KB 1-09 Grasp Victory_spectrogram.png | 330.11KB 1-10 Level Up.mp3 | 100.75KB 1-10 Level Up.png | 37.15KB 1-10 Level Up_spectrogram.png | 338.66KB 1-11 Gained Fruit.mp3 | 350.76KB 1-11 Gained Fruit.png | 39.94KB 1-11 Gained Fruit_spectrogram.png | 324.34KB 1-12 Luso.mp3 | 4.01MB 1-12 Luso.png | 40.92KB 1-12 Luso_spectrogram.png | 313.81KB 1-13 Gathering Allies.mp3 | 5.00MB 1-13 Gathering Allies.png | 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Determination.png | 44.51KB 1-22 Determination_spectrogram.png | 317.42KB 1-23 A Grand Spell.mp3 | 6.07MB 1-23 A Grand Spell.png | 43.60KB 1-23 A Grand Spell_spectrogram.png | 308.13KB 1-24 A Shadow Lurking.mp3 | 6.45MB 1-24 A Shadow Lurking.png | 31.06KB 1-24 A Shadow Lurking_spectrogram.png | 278.99KB 1-25 A Time Eternal.mp3 | 7.54MB 1-25 A Time Eternal.png | 44.96KB 1-25 A Time Eternal_spectrogram.png | 308.28KB 1-26 Beyond the Wasteland.mp3 | 5.58MB 1-26 Beyond the Wasteland.png | 44.39KB 1-26 Beyond the Wasteland_spectrogram.png | 314.45KB 1-27 A Beating Heart.mp3 | 6.46MB 1-27 A Beating Heart.png | 45.41KB 1-27 A Beating Heart_spectrogram.png | 310.51KB 1-28 Comparison of Wisdom.mp3 | 3.71MB 1-28 Comparison of Wisdom.png | 38.61KB 1-28 Comparison of Wisdom_spectrogram.png | 324.49KB 1-29 Bell of Victory.mp3 | 159.95KB 1-29 Bell of Victory.png | 35.84KB 1-29 Bell of Victory_spectrogram.png | 343.56KB 10 Level Up.png | 37.15KB 10 Level Up_spectrogram.png | 338.65KB 10 Painful 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Shop_spectrogram.png | 307.16KB 17 A Grave Error.png | 38.65KB 17 A Grave Error_spectrogram.png | 335.68KB 17 Adel.png | 42.10KB 17 Adel_spectrogram.png | 313.47KB 18 Requiem.png | 32.10KB 18 Requiem_spectrogram.png | 282.47KB 18 Unpreparedness Is One's Greatest Foe.png | 44.99KB 18 Unpreparedness Is One's Greatest Foe_spectrogram.png | 301.77KB 19 Finale (From Final Fantasy XII [Sky Fortress Bahamut]).png | 38.85KB 19 Finale (From Final Fantasy XII [Sky Fortress Bahamut])_spectrogram.png | 287.35KB 19 Mad Dash!.png | 44.05KB 19 Mad Dash!_spectrogram.png | 307.05KB 2-01 Peaceful Days.mp3 | 8.74MB 2-01 Peaceful Days.png | 43.59KB 2-01 Peaceful Days_spectrogram.png | 315.75KB 2-02 Summer Vacation.mp3 | 4.35MB 2-02 Summer Vacation.png | 39.77KB 2-02 Summer Vacation_spectrogram.png | 315.78KB 2-03 Bookmark.mp3 | 4.16MB 2-03 Bookmark.png | 42.22KB 2-03 Bookmark_spectrogram.png | 306.83KB 2-04 Crossing Over the Hill.mp3 | 5.72MB 2-04 Crossing Over the Hill.png | 43.04KB 2-04 Crossing Over 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