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Name Paul Clifford - The Authority Profit Machine

File Type video

Size 4.98GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-20

hash *****FA5ECD33BA77B742C83A702F2F83EB30CA

Hot 1

Files 01-Session 1 - Introduction/01-Content-Marketing-For-Dummies-Kudani-Limited-Edition.pdf | 3.17MB 01-Session 1 - Introduction/01-Introduction to APM.mp4 | 124.75MB 01-Session 1 - Introduction/01-PenaltyRecoveryMethod.pdf | 1.95MB 01-Session 1 - Introduction/01-PressReleasePower.pdf | 1.07MB 01-Session 1 - Introduction/02-The Problem with Traditional Publishing.mp4 | 140.25MB 01-Session 1 - Introduction/03-The APM Funnel.mp4 | 368.70MB 02-Session 2 - Research/01-APM Lesson #2 - Research - [Make a COPY].docx | 1.83MB 02-Session 2 - Research/01-APM+Session+2-Mindmap.pdf | 544.97KB 02-Session 2 - Research/01-PM Research Mindmap.mp4 | 242.49MB 02-Session 2 - Research/02-Session2-2-Research.mp4 | 50.61MB 02-Session 2 - Research/03-Session2-3-Research.mp4 | 65.27MB 02-Session 2 - Research/04-Other sources.mp4 | 56.32MB 02-Session 2 - Research/05-Answer the Public.mp4 | 66.74MB 02-Session 2 - Research/06-Understanding your target customer.mp4 | 162.49MB 02-Session 2 - Research/07-Customer Avatar Development.mp4 | 30.11MB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/01-APM Module #3 - eBook Creation - WorkSheet.docx | 1.98MB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/01-APM Session 3 - eBook Creation checklist.docx | 157.31KB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/01-Outline, Worksheets and Checklists.mp4 | 206.78MB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/01-Title & Subtitle Fill-In-The-Blanks Templates.docx | 405.41KB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/02-Title & Headline.mp4 | 170.41MB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/03-Building Blocks 5 onwards.mp4 | 189.32MB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/04-Building Blocks 11 onwards.mp4 | 66.82MB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/05-Building Blocks 13 onwards.mp4 | 92.10MB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/06-Building Block 15 onwards.mp4 | 113.18MB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/07-How to create content.mp4 | 86.28MB 03-Session 3 - eBook Creation/08-Time management.mp4 | 34.82MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/01-APM-4-1-IntroMarketing.mp4 | 144.12MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/02-APM Session #4 - WorkSheet.docx | 6.27MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/02-APM+Session+4+checklist.pdf | 1.13MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/02-Marketing Strategy & Worksheet Download.mp4 | 281.93MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/02-Session+#4+Mindmap.pdf | 305.96KB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/02-Social+Selling+Guide+(1).pdf | 432.10KB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/03-APM-4-3-FBGroupSetup.mp4.mp4 | 69.98MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/04-FB Profile and Page Setup.mp4 | 60.82MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/05-What to post in your group.mp4 | 84.68MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/06-Free Traffic.mp4 | 225.94MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/07-Paid Traffic.mp4 | 130.53MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/07.2-how-create-campaign.mp4 | 37.84MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/08-Final Thoughts.mp4 | 19.13MB 04-Session 4 - Marketing/09-Q & A.mp4 | 270.25MB 05-Session 5 - Publishing/01-APM Session #5 - WorkSheet.docx | 2.25MB 05-Session 5 - Publishing/01-Introduction to Publishing & Worksheet.mp4 | 94.49MB 05-Session 5 - Publishing/02-Why Go Kindle Exclusive.mp4 | 186.46MB 05-Session 5 - Publishing/03-KDP Account Setup.mp4 | 38.23MB 05-Session 5 - Publishing/04-Publishing with KDP.mp4 | 147.30MB 05-Session 5 - Publishing/05-Q & A.mp4 | 215.45MB 05-Session 5 - Publishing/06-Designrr- Importing your Google Doc.mp4 | 70.36MB 05-Session 5 - Publishing/07-Designrr- Creating the Cover.mp4 | 115.89MB 06-Session 6 - The Launch/01-APM Session #6 - WorkSheet.docx | 3.22MB 06-Session 6 - The Launch/01-Introduction to the launch.mp4 | 98.84MB 06-Session 6 - The Launch/02-Launch Strategy.mp4 | 61.78MB 06-Session 6 - The Launch/03-Executing the campaign.mp4 | 87.57MB 06-Session 6 - The Launch/04-APM Session #6 - WorkSheet + PIF.docx | 3.32MB 06-Session 6 - The Launch/04-Premium- APM Pre-Launch Strategy.mp4 | 41.72MB 06-Session 6 - The Launch/05-Lesson Summary.mp4 | 55.54MB 06-Session 6 - The Launch/06-Final Thoughts.mp4 | 19.50MB 06-Session 6 - The Launch/07-Q & A.mp4 | 233.60MB 07-Bonuses/01-Finding Your Niche.pdf | 2.70MB 07-Bonuses/02-The Productive Solopreneur.pdf | 3.11MB 07-Bonuses/03-Personal Branding Blueprint.pdf | 2.07MB Main Pdf.pdf | 88.18KB Procrack Team.url | 125B archive info.txt | 281B


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