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Name game-gear-cias-3ds

File Type other

Size 1.82GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-29

hash *****09C9ED4C3EEDBD94F61A5A5A72967400E2

Hot 20

Files Aerial Assault.cia | 5.90MB Aladdin.cia | 6.03MB Alien Syndrome.cia | 5.92MB Alien³.cia | 5.93MB Andre Agassi Tennis.cia | 6.26MB Arcade Classics.cia | 6.04MB Arch Rivals.cia | 5.98MB Archer Maclean's Dropzone.cia | 5.88MB Arena Maze of Death.cia | 9.45MB Ariel the Little Mermaid.cia | 6.09MB Asterix and the Secret Mission.cia | 6.15MB Astérix and the Great Rescue.cia | 6.26MB Ax Battler A Legend of Golden Axe.cia | 6.07MB Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP II.cia | 6.06MB Baku Baku Animal.cia | 6.09MB Batman Forever.cia | 6.02MB Batman Returns.cia | 6.11MB Batter Up.cia | 5.86MB Battleship.cia | 5.92MB Battletoads.cia | 6.06MB Beavis and Butt-head.cia | 6.13MB Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S (English).cia | 6.21MB Bonkers Wax Up!.cia | 6.13MB Bram Stoker's Dracula.cia | 5.92MB Bubble Bobble.cia | 6.00MB Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble.cia | 6.18MB Bust-A-Move.cia | 6.00MB Buster Ball (English).cia | 5.83MB CJ Elephant Fugitive.cia | 5.98MB Caesars Palace.cia | 6.02MB Captain America and the Avengers.cia | 6.11MB Casino Funpak.cia | 6.06MB Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.cia | 9.31MB Chakan.cia | 6.15MB Championship Hockey.cia | 5.94MB Cheese Cat-astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales.cia | 6.14MB Chicago Syndicate.cia | 6.26MB Choplifter III.cia | 6.00MB Chuck Rock II Son of Chuck.cia | 6.04MB Chuck Rock.cia | 6.03MB Cliffhanger.cia | 5.96MB Clutch Hitter.cia | 5.86MB Coca-Cola Kid.cia | 6.04MB Columns.cia | 5.87MB Cool Spot.cia | 6.02MB Cosmic Spacehead.cia | 5.98MB Crayon Shin-chan Taiketsu! Kantam Panic!! (English).cia | 6.11MB Crystal Warriors.cia | 6.09MB Cutthroat Island.cia | 6.10MB Daffy Duck in Hollywood.cia | 6.13MB Deep Duck Trouble Starring Donald Duck.cia | 6.18MB Defenders of Oasis.cia | 6.32MB Desert Speedtrap Starring Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote.cia | 6.06MB Desert Strike Return to the Gulf.cia | 6.11MB Devilish.cia | 5.91MB Donald no Magical World.cia | 6.15MB Double Dragon.cia | 6.03MB Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine.cia | 5.83MB Dragon Crystal.cia | 5.91MB Dragon The Bruce Lee Story.cia | 6.01MB Dynamite Headdy.cia | 6.12MB Earthworm Jim.cia | 6.12MB Ecco II The Tides of Time.cia | 6.17MB Ecco the Dolphin.cia | 6.09MB Ernie Els Golf.cia | 5.95MB Eternal Legend Eien no Densetsu (English).cia | 6.02MB Evander Holyfield Boxing.cia | 9.19MB F-15 Strike Eagle.cia | 6.10MB F1 World Championship Edition.cia | 5.97MB F1.cia | 5.96MB FIFA International Soccer.cia | 6.13MB FIFA Soccer 96.cia | 6.14MB Factory Panic.cia | 5.92MB Fantasy Zone.cia | 5.97MB Fatal Fury Special.cia | 6.22MB Foreman for Real.cia | 6.11MB Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball.cia | 6.13MB Fred Couples Golf.cia | 6.20MB G-LOC Air Battle.cia | 5.95MB GG Aleste 3.cia | 6.15MB GG Aleste II.cia | 6.03MB GG Aleste.cia | 5.96MB GP Rider.cia | 5.94MB Galaga 2.cia | 5.88MB Garfield Caught in the Act.cia | 6.43MB Gear Works.cia | 5.91MB George Foreman's KO Boxing.cia | 5.92MB Global Gladiators.cia | 6.03MB Greendog The Beached Surfer Dude.cia | 6.04MB Gunstar Heroes (Japanese).cia | 6.22MB Halley Wars.cia | 5.90MB Head Buster (English).cia | 5.87MB Home Alone.cia | 5.96MB Hook.cia | 5.95MB Hurricanes.cia | 6.15MB Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.cia | 5.93MB Iron Man X-O Manowar in Heavy Metal.cia | 6.18MB James Bond 007 The Duel.cia | 6.01MB James Pond 3 Operation Starfish.cia | 6.05MB James Pond II Codename RoboCod.cia | 6.10MB Jeopardy! Sports Edition.cia | 6.13MB Jeopardy!.cia | 6.05MB Joe Montana Football.cia | 5.99MB Journey from Darkness Strider Returns.cia | 5.97MB Judge Dredd.cia | 6.14MB Junction.cia | 5.83MB Jungle Strike.cia | 6.19MB Jurassic Park.cia | 6.24MB Kaitou Saint Tail (English).cia | 6.18MB Kawasaki Superbike Challenge.cia | 6.08MB Kishin Douji Zenki (English).cia | 6.20MB Klax.cia | 5.84MB Krusty's Fun House.cia | 6.05MB Land of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.cia | 6.20MB Last Action Hero.cia | 5.92MB Legend of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse.cia | 6.15MB Lemmings.cia | 6.07MB Lunar Sanposuru Gakuen (English).cia | 6.34MB MLBPA Baseball.cia | 6.22MB Madden NFL '95.cia | 6.16MB Madden NFL '96.cia | 6.20MB Madou Monogatari A Dokidoki Vacation (English).cia | 6.42MB Madou Monogatari I 3-Tsu no Madoukyuu (English).cia | 6.34MB Madou Monogatari II Arle 16-Sai (English).cia | 6.36MB Madou Monogatari III Kyuukyoku Joou-sama (English).cia | 6.40MB Magic Knight Rayearth (English).cia | 6.08MB Magical Puzzle Popils.cia | 5.95MB Mai Nurse.cia | 5.90MB Mappy (English).cia | 5.84MB Marble Madness.cia | 5.93MB Marko's Magic Football.cia | 6.08MB Mega Man.cia | 6.02MB Megami Tensei Gaiden Last Bible (English).cia | 6.31MB Megami Tensei Gaiden Last Bible Special (English).cia | 6.19MB Mickey's Ultimate Challenge.cia | 6.01MB Micro Machines 2 Turbo Tournament.cia | 6.09MB Micro Machines.cia | 6.04MB Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie.cia | 6.16MB Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.cia | 6.20MB Moldorian Hikari to Yami no Sister (English).cia | 6.21MB Monster Truck Wars.cia | 6.00MB Mortal Kombat 3.cia | 6.02MB Mortal Kombat II.cia | 6.19MB Mortal Kombat.cia | 6.21MB Ms. Pac-Man.cia | 5.90MB NBA Action Starring David Robinson.cia | 6.09MB NBA Jam Tournament Edition.cia | 6.31MB NBA Jam.cia | 6.18MB NFL '95.cia | 6.15MB NFL Quarterback Club '96.cia | 6.20MB NFL Quarterback Club.cia | 6.01MB NHL All-Star Hockey.cia | 6.15MB NHL Hockey.cia | 6.24MB Nazo Puyo (Japanese).cia | 6.03MB Nazo Puyo 2 (English).cia | 6.11MB Nazo Puyo Arle no Roux (English).cia | 6.12MB Ninja Gaiden.cia | 5.91MB Out Run Europa.cia | 5.98MB Out Run.cia | 5.91MB PGA Tour 96.cia | 6.33MB PGA Tour Golf II.cia | 6.16MB PGA Tour Golf.cia | 6.09MB Pac-Attack.cia | 6.13MB Pac-Man.cia | 5.83MB Paperboy 2.cia | 5.97MB Paperboy.cia | 5.91MB Pengo.cia | 5.90MB Pete Sampras Tennis.cia | 6.02MB Phantasy Star Adventure (English).cia | 5.64MB Phantasy Star Gaiden (English).cia | 5.74MB Phantom 2040.cia | 6.13MB Pinball Dreams.cia | 6.01MB Poker Face Paul's Blackjack.cia | 6.02MB Poker Face Paul's Poker.cia | 6.09MB Poker Face Paul's Solitaire.cia | 5.97MB Poker Faced Paul's Gin.cia | 5.99MB Popeye Beach Volleyball.cia | 6.06MB Power Drive.cia | 6.17MB Primal Rage.cia | 6.16MB Psychic World.cia | 5.89MB Putt & Putter.cia | 5.90MB Puyo Puyo Tsuu (Japanese).cia | 6.21MB Puyo Puyo.cia | 6.14MB Quest for the Shaven Yak Starring Ren Hoëk & Stimpy.cia | 6.22MB R.B.I. Baseball '94.cia | 6.11MB Riddick Bowe Boxing.cia | 6.05MB Rise of the Robots.cia | 6.11MB Ristar The Shooting Star.cia | 6.19MB Road Rash.cia | 6.26MB RoboCop 3.cia | 5.95MB RoboCop versus The Terminator.cia | 6.19MB Royal Stone Hirakareshi Toki no Tobira (English).cia | 6.36MB S.S. Lucifer Man Overboard!.cia | 6.07MB SD Gundam Winner's History (English).cia | 6.17MB Samurai Shodown.cia | 6.34MB Scratch Golf.cia | 6.04MB Sega Game Pack 4 in 1.cia | 6.11MB Sensible Soccer European Champions.cia | 5.92MB Shaq Fu.cia | 6.19MB Shining Force Gaiden Final Conflict (English).cia | 9.46MB Shining Force II The Sword of Hajya.cia | 6.23MB Shinobi II The Silent Fury.cia | 6.00MB Shinobi.cia | 6.02MB Side Pocket.cia | 6.04MB Slam Dunk Shouri e no Starting 5 (Japanese).cia | 6.25MB Slider.cia | 5.94MB Solitaire Funpak.cia | 6.06MB Solitaire Poker.cia | 6.07MB Sonic Blast (Prototype 806).cia | 6.16MB Sonic Blast.cia | 5.97MB Sonic Chaos.cia | 5.59MB Sonic Drift 2.cia | 6.02MB Sonic Drift.cia | 5.92MB Sonic Labyrinth.cia | 5.95MB Sonic Spinball.cia | 5.96MB Sonic The Hedgehog (Prototype).cia | 6.00MB Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (AutoDemo 1991-12-05).cia | 9.19MB Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (AutoDemo Playable).cia | 9.19MB Sonic The Hedgehog 2.cia | 5.96MB Sonic The Hedgehog Triple Trouble.cia | 6.02MB Sonic The Hedgehog.cia | 5.89MB Space Harrier.cia | 6.07MB Spider-Man Return of the Sinister Six.cia | 6.05MB Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge.cia | 6.04MB Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin.cia | 6.09MB Sports Illustrated Championship Football & Baseball.cia | 6.08MB Sports Trivia Championship Edition.cia | 6.14MB Sports Trivia.cia | 5.93MB Star Trek Generations Beyond the Nexus.cia | 6.09MB Star Trek The Next Generation The Advanced Holodeck Tutorial.cia | 6.03MB Star Wars.cia | 6.19MB Stargate.cia | 5.95MB Streets of Rage II.cia | 6.13MB Streets of Rage.cia | 6.04MB Striker.cia | 6.24MB Super Battletank.cia | 5.99MB Super Columns.cia | 5.93MB Super Golf.cia | 5.88MB Super Monaco GP.cia | 5.94MB Super Off Road.cia | 6.01MB Super Smash T.V..cia | 5.86MB Super Space Invaders.cia | 6.03MB Super Star Wars Return of the Jedi.cia | 6.26MB Superman The Man of Steel.cia | 5.98MB Surf Ninjas.cia | 6.17MB Sylvan Tale (English).cia | 6.33MB T2 The Arcade Game.cia | 6.15MB Tails Adventure.cia | 5.98MB Tails' Sky Patrol.cia | 5.62MB Tale Spin.cia | 6.00MB Tarzan Lord of the Jungle.cia | 6.04MB Taz in Escape from Mars.cia | 6.15MB Taz-Mania The Search for the Lost Seabirds.cia | 5.94MB Tempo Jr..cia | 6.11MB Tengen World Cup Soccer.cia | 5.96MB Terminator 2 Judgment Day.cia | 6.04MB Tesserae.cia | 5.87MB The Addams Family.cia | 6.04MB The Adventures of Batman & Robin.cia | 6.10MB The Berenstain Bears' Camping Adventure.cia | 6.13MB The Chessmaster.cia | 5.95MB The Incredible Crash Dummies.cia | 6.06MB The Incredible Hulk.cia | 6.20MB The Itchy & Scratchy Game.cia | 5.91MB The Jungle Book.cia | 5.99MB The Lion King.cia | 6.03MB The Lost World Jurassic Park.cia | 6.24MB The Lucky Dime Caper Starring Donald Duck.cia | 6.01MB The Majors Pro Baseball.cia | 5.91MB The Ottifants.cia | 5.93MB The Simpsons Bart vs. The Space Mutants.cia | 6.04MB The Simpsons Bart vs. The World.cia | 5.98MB The Simpsons Bartman Meets Radioactive Man.cia | 6.02MB The Smurfs Travel the World.cia | 5.94MB The Smurfs.cia | 6.03MB The Terminator.cia | 5.94MB Tintin in Tibet.cia | 6.18MB Tom and Jerry The Movie.cia | 5.95MB True Lies.cia | 6.00MB Ultimate Soccer.cia | 6.04MB Urban Strike.cia | 6.25MB VR Troopers.cia | 6.16MB Vampire Master of Darkness.cia | 6.08MB Virtua Fighter Animation.cia | 6.27MB WWF Raw.cia | 6.07MB WWF Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge.cia | 5.97MB Wheel of Fortune.cia | 5.87MB WildSnake.cia | 5.88MB Wimbledon Tennis.cia | 6.13MB Winter Olympics Lillehammer '94.cia | 6.09MB Wizard Pinball.cia | 6.09MB Wolfchild.cia | 5.91MB Wonder Boy The Dragon's Trap.cia | 6.05MB Wonder Boy.cia | 5.99MB Woody Pop.cia | 5.85MB World Class Leader Board.cia | 5.99MB World Cup USA 94.cia | 6.07MB World Series Baseball '95.cia | 6.13MB World Series Baseball.cia | 5.95MB X-Men Gamemaster's Legacy.cia | 6.30MB X-Men Mojo World.cia | 6.16MB X-Men.cia | 6.29MB Yu Yu Hakusho 2 Gekitou! Nanakyou no Tatakai (English).cia | 6.11MB Zool Ninja of the Nth Dimension.cia | 6.05MB Zoop.cia | 5.80MB game-gear-cias-3ds_meta.sqlite | 560.00KB game-gear-cias-3ds_meta.xml | 923B


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