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Name MasterClass - Yo-Yo Ma Teaches Music and Connection

File Type video

Size 5.02GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-24

hash *****416BB95992B7483ED79FE777C0D7FFFE04

Hot 2

Files 00.Classguide.pdf | 46.89MB 01.Meet Your Instructor Yo-Yo Ma.mkv | 265.89MB 02.What Is Music For.mkv | 315.61MB 03.Finding Connection and Common Purpose.mkv | 306.61MB 04.Developing Creativity.mkv | 296.71MB 05.Performance Bach, Suite no. 5, Sarabande.mkv | 177.86MB 06.Expressing Ourselves to Make an Impact.mkv | 496.88MB 07.Case Study Balancing Structure and Emotion.mkv | 745.23MB 08.Case Study Activating Conscious and Subconscious Expression.mkv | 498.12MB 09.Making Your Head, Heart, and Hands Work Together.mkv | 767.93MB 10.Adding Depth to Collaboration.mkv | 408.45MB 11.Bridging Arts and Sciences.mkv | 325.60MB 12.You Are Powerful.mkv | 486.32MB


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