Name Theodore Dreiser - Sister Carrie - mp3
File Type music
Size 474.42MB
UpdateDate 2025-3-16
hash *****6E24F820C9AF9787CA880653E1DCB23F72
Hot 1
Files Chapter - 001 - The Magnet Attracting A Waif Amid Forces.mp3 | 11.00MB Chapter - 002 - What Poverty Threatened Of Granite and Brass.mp3 | 6.38MB Chapter - 003 - We Question of Fortune Four-Fifty a Week.mp3 | 10.91MB Chapter - 004 - The Spending of Fancy Facts Answer with Sneers.mp3 | 12.90MB Chapter - 005 - A Glittering Night Flower The Use of a Name.mp3 | 7.42MB Chapter - 006 - The Machine and the Maiden A Knight of Today.mp3 | 12.89MB Chapter - 007 - The Lure of the Material Beauty Speaks for Itself.mp3 | 11.37MB Chapter - 008 - Intimations by Winter An Ambassador Summoned.mp3 | 7.89MB Chapter - 009 - Convention's Own Tinderbox The Eye That is Green.mp3 | 8.01MB Chapter - 010 - The Counsel of Winter Fortune's Ambassador Calls.mp3 | 8.97MB Chapter - 011 - The Persuasion of Fashion Feeling Guards o'er Its Own.mp3 | 10.16MB Chapter - 012 - Of the Lamps of the Mansions The Ambassador's Plea.mp3 | 9.04MB Chapter - 013 - His Credentials Accepted A Babel of Tongues.mp3 | 10.04MB Chapter - 014 - With Eyes and Not Seeing One Influence Wanes.mp3 | 6.89MB Chapter - 015 - The Irk of the Old Ties The Magic of Youth.mp3 | 11.58MB Chapter - 016 - A Witless Aladdin The Gate to the World.mp3 | 8.44MB Chapter - 017 - A Glimpse through the Gateway Hope Lightens the Eye.mp3 | 9.26MB Chapter - 018 - Just over the Border A Hail and Farewell.mp3 | 5.93MB Chapter - 019 - An Hour in Elf Land A Clamor Half Heard.mp3 | 13.90MB Chapter - 020 - The Lure of the Sprit The Flesh in Pursuit.mp3 | 13.60MB Chapter - 021 - The Blaze of the Tinder Flesh Wars with the Flesh.mp3 | 12.10MB Chapter - 022 - A Spirit in Travail One Rung Put Behind.mp3 | 11.25MB Chapter - 023 - Ashes of Tinder A Face at the Window.mp3 | 5.64MB Chapter - 024 - Ashes of Tinder The Loosing of Stays.mp3 | 5.22MB Chapter - 025 - The Ambassador Fallen A Search for the Gate.mp3 | 11.83MB Chapter - 026 - When Waters Engulf Us We Reach for a Star.mp3 | 10.99MB Chapter - 027 - A Pilgrim, an Outlaw The Spirit Detained.mp3 | 11.17MB Chapter - 028 - The Solace of Travel The Boats of the Sea.mp3 | 13.18MB Chapter - 029 - The Kingdom of Greatness The Pilgrim Adream.mp3 | 8.52MB Chapter - 030 - A Pet of Good Fortune Broadway Flaunts Its Joys.mp3 | 10.34MB Chapter - 031 - The Feast of Belshazzar A Seer to Translate.mp3 | 14.43MB Chapter - 032 - Without the Walled City The Slope of the Years.mp3 | 9.22MB Chapter - 033 - The Grind of the Milestones A Sample of Chaff.mp3 | 9.82MB Chapter - 034 - The Passing of Effort The Visage of Care.mp3 | 10.71MB Chapter - 035 - A Grim Retrogression The Phantom of Chance.mp3 | 11.04MB Chapter - 036 - The Spirit Awakens New Search for the Gate.mp3 | 8.13MB Chapter - 037 - In Elf Land Disporting The Grim World Without.mp3 | 9.92MB Chapter - 038 - Of Lights and of Shadows The Parting of Worlds.mp3 | 11.47MB Chapter - 039 - A Public Dissension A Final Appeal.mp3 | 8.99MB Chapter - 040 - The Strike.mp3 | 15.49MB Chapter - 041 - A Touch of Spring The Empty Shell.mp3 | 10.00MB Chapter - 042 - The World Turns Flatter An Eye in the Dark.mp3 | 9.04MB Chapter - 043 - And This is Not Elf Land What Gold Will Not Buy.mp3 | 9.72MB Chapter - 044 - Curious Shifts of the Poor.mp3 | 10.30MB Chapter - 045 - Stirring Troubled Waters.mp3 | 10.99MB Chapter - 046 - The Way of the Beaten A Harp in the Wind.mp3 | 18.35MB