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Name Cold - Discography (1996-2019)

File Type music

Size 1.16GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-25

hash *****B1767DFF69C78110A6E7FB6F61BBBEFFCA

Hot 1

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Intro.mp3 | 2.31MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/14 - Ghost in Here (Demo).mp3 | 2.58MB Live Albums/1998-07-24 - Live in Minnesota/06 - Everyone Dies.mp3 | 3.05MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/10 - Gone Away.mp3 | 3.19MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - No One (reverb live).mp3 | 3.21MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - End of the World (from reverb show).mp3 | 3.25MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - End of the World (reverb live).mp3 | 3.27MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - Wasted Years.mp3 | 3.29MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - Suffocate.mp3 | 3.36MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/03 - Remedy.mp3 | 3.39MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - Witch (reverb live).mp3 | 3.45MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/08 - Stupid Girl.mp3 | 3.46MB Live Albums/1998-07-24 - Live in Minnesota/04 - Makes Her Sick.mp3 | 3.60MB Live Albums/1998-07-24 - Live in Minnesota/01 - Goodbye Cruel World.mp3 | 3.61MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/05 - No One.mp3 | 3.66MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/12 - Gone Away.mp3 | 3.66MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/10 - Happens All the Time.mp3 | 3.82MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - Just Got Wicked (reverb live).mp3 | 3.84MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/03 - Cure My Tragedy.mp3 | 3.88MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - Confession.mp3 | 4.08MB Live Albums/1998-07-24 - Live in Minnesota/07 - Go Away.mp3 | 4.12MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/04 - End of the World .mp3 | 4.13MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/09 - Rain Song.mp3 | 4.13MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/05 - Don't Belong.mp3 | 4.13MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/12 - Just Got Wicked.mp3 | 4.14MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/04 - No One.mp3 | 4.19MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/09 - Came All the Way.mp3 | 4.21MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/08 - Change the World.mp3 | 4.24MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/07 - The Day Seattle Died.mp3 | 4.26MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/06 - Whatever You Became.mp3 | 4.36MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/01 - Remedy.mp3 | 4.37MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/06 - Suffocate.mp3 | 4.40MB Live Albums/1996-XX-XX - Live at Furies (Grundig)/03 - PRD.mp3 | 4.43MB Live Albums/1998-07-24 - Live in Minnesota/05 - Insane.mp3 | 4.50MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/02 - Sick of Man.mp3 | 4.52MB Live Albums/1996-XX-XX - Live at Furies (Grundig)/06 - Everyone's A Devil.mp3 | 4.61MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/11 - Stupid Girl.mp3 | 4.63MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/13 - Just Got Wicked.mp3 | 4.64MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/07 - Confession.mp3 | 4.68MB Live Albums/2003-03-07 - Live in Pittsburgh, PA, USA/02 - Suffocate.mp3 | 4.71MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/11 - It's All Good.mp3 | 4.79MB Live Albums/1998-07-24 - Live in Minnesota/02 - Empty Spaces.mp3 | 4.85MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - Bizarre (live2002).mp3 | 5.43MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - Send in the Clowns.mp3 | 5.61MB Live Albums/2009-03-24 - Blender Theater at Gramercy, New York, USA/01 - Back Home.mp3 | 5.73MB Live Albums/1996-XX-XX - Live at Furies (Grundig)/05 - Don't Fuck With This.mp3 | 5.83MB Live Albums/Rare Live-Tracks/00 - Ugly (live2001).mp3 | 5.99MB Live Albums/1996-XX-XX - Live at Furies (Grundig)/02 - 2 Days More.mp3 | 6.20MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/15 - Bizarre (Demo).mp3 | 6.40MB EP,Single Albums/2000 - Something Wicked this Way Comes (EP)/03 - Ghost in Here (Demo).mp3 | 6.44MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/01 - Remedy.mp3 | 6.79MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/13 - Kill the Music Industry.mp3 | 6.84MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Go Away (Single)/04 - Go Away (DJ Lethal Remix).mp3 | 7.00MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/04 - End of the World.mp3 | 7.03MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/04. The Devil We Know.mp3 | 7.09MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/07 - When Heaven's Not Far Away.mp3 | 7.12MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/04 - Stupid Girl.mp3 | 7.25MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/09 - Anti-Love Song.mp3 | 7.25MB EP,Single Albums/2003 - Stupid Girl (Single)/01 - Stupid Girl.mp3 | 7.28MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/08 - God's Song.mp3 | 7.37MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/14 - Gone Away.mp3 | 7.41MB EP,Single Albums/2001 - No One [Acoustic] (Single)/01 - No One (Acoustic).mp3 | 7.48MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD2/01 - No One.mp3 | 7.49MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/03 - No One.mp3 | 7.53MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Oddity (EP)/01 - Go Away (Edit).mp3 | 7.61MB Albums/1998 - Cold/04 - Everyone Dies.mp3 | 7.62MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/09. The One That Got Away.mp3 | 7.64MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/10 - Tell Me Why.mp3 | 7.71MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/07. Without You.mp3 | 7.78MB Live Albums/1996-XX-XX - Live at Furies (Grundig)/01 - What You Gave Here Wasn't Fear.mp3 | 7.89MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/06 - Happens All the Time.mp3 | 7.95MB Albums/1998 - Cold/12 - Blame.mp3 | 7.97MB Albums/1998 - Cold/07 - Goodbye Cruel World.mp3 | 7.97MB EP,Single Albums/2000 - Something Wicked this Way Comes (EP)/04 - Bizarre (Demo).mp3 | 8.00MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/10 - The Day Seattle Died.mp3 | 8.17MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/08 - Sad Happy.mp3 | 8.26MB EP,Single Albums/2000 - Project 13 (EP)/02 - End of the World (Acoustic).mp3 | 8.29MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD2/02 - End of the World.mp3 | 8.29MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/12 - Outerspace.mp3 | 8.30MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/09 - Rain Song.mp3 | 8.30MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/02 - Suffocate.mp3 | 8.39MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/05 - Don't Belong.mp3 | 8.41MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/13 - Dream On.mp3 | 8.42MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/12. We All Love.mp3 | 8.50MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/06 - It's All Good.mp3 | 8.51MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/08 - Same Drug.mp3 | 8.52MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/07 - Whatever You Became.mp3 | 8.60MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/05 - Another Pill.mp3 | 8.60MB EP,Single Albums/2000 - Project 13 (EP)/03 - Just Got Wicked (Madhatter Remix).mp3 | 8.61MB Live Albums/1996-XX-XX - Live at Furies (Grundig)/04 - Oyster.mp3 | 8.62MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/11 - Ocean.mp3 | 8.63MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/02 - Feel it in Your Heart.mp3 | 8.64MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/10 - Witch.mp3 | 8.73MB Albums/1998 - Cold/02 - Give.mp3 | 8.73MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/05 - Confession.mp3 | 8.74MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Give (EP)/01 - Give.mp3 | 8.79MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Go Away (Single)/02 - Space Oddity.mp3 | 8.86MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/13 - Wasted Years.mp3 | 8.86MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Oddity (EP)/04 - Space Oddity.mp3 | 8.89MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Give (EP)/04 - Give (Alternative Mix).mp3 | 8.91MB EP,Single Albums/2001 - Thirteen (Single)/01 - Thirteen.mp3 | 8.96MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/03 - Cure My Tragedy (A Letter to God).mp3 | 8.98MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/12 - Check Please.mp3 | 8.99MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/13 - Bleed.mp3 | 9.04MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/09 - When Angel's Fly Away.mp3 | 9.09MB Albums/1998 - Cold/11 - Makes Her Sick.mp3 | 9.13MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD2/03 - Just Got Wicked.mp3 | 9.14MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/01 - Just Got Wicked.mp3 | 9.20MB EP,Single Albums/2000 - Something Wicked this Way Comes (EP)/01 - Just Got Wicked.mp3 | 9.20MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/11 - Change the World.mp3 | 9.20MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Give (EP)/03 - Makes Her Sick.mp3 | 9.22MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/11 - Sick of Man.mp3 | 9.33MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/06 - Wasted Years.mp3 | 9.43MB Albums/1998 - Cold/10 - The Switch.mp3 | 9.43MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/02 - She Said.mp3 | 9.47MB Albums/2000 - 13 Ways to Bleed on Stage/CD1/07 - Send in the Clowns.mp3 | 9.66MB EP,Single Albums/2000 - Something Wicked this Way Comes (EP)/02 - Send in the Clowns.mp3 | 9.69MB Albums/1998 - Cold/03 - Ugly.mp3 | 9.72MB Albums/1998 - Cold/09 - Superstar.mp3 | 9.81MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/05 - Welcome2MyWorld.mp3 | 9.81MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/12 - The Ballad of the Nameless.mp3 | 9.81MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/11 - Flight of the Superstar.mp3 | 9.83MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Give (EP)/02 - Blame.mp3 | 9.96MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/08. Quiet Now.mp3 | 9.98MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Oddity (EP)/03 - Blame.mp3 | 9.98MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/01 - Wicked World.mp3 | 10.03MB EP,Single Albums/2000 - Project 13 (EP)/01 - No One (Acoustic).mp3 | 10.03MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/06 - Emily.mp3 | 10.05MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/03 - American Dream.mp3 | 10.13MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/10 - The Park.mp3 | 10.19MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/03 - Anatomy of a Tidal Wave.mp3 | 10.21MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/05. Run.mp3 | 10.23MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/06. Better Human.mp3 | 10.25MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/02 - What Happens Now.mp3 | 10.29MB Albums/2003 - Year of the Spider/12 - Black Sunday.mp3 | 10.34MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/01 - Back Home.mp3 | 10.35MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/10. Systems Fail.mp3 | 10.37MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/04 - The Break.mp3 | 10.40MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Go Away (Single)/03 - Go Away (Eye Socket Remix).mp3 | 10.51MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Oddity (EP)/02 - Go Away (Eye Socket Remix).mp3 | 10.54MB Albums/1998 - Cold/01 - Go Away.mp3 | 10.74MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Go Away (Single)/01 - Go Away.mp3 | 10.78MB EP,Single Albums/2000 - Project 13 (EP)/04 - Just Got Wicked (Romperstomper Remix).mp3 | 10.85MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/02. Shine.mp3 | 10.95MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/11. Beautiful Life.mp3 | 11.07MB EP,Single Albums/2003 - Stupid Girl (Single)/02 - Stupid Girl (My Life is Long Remix).mp3 | 11.11MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/07 - The Crossroads.mp3 | 11.65MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/08 - Delivering The Saint.mp3 | 11.87MB Albums/2019 - The Things We Can't Stop/03. Snowblind.mp3 | 12.15MB Albums/2005 - A Different Kind of Pain/04 - A Different Kind of Pain.mp3 | 12.17MB Albums/2011 - Superfiction/09 - So Long June.mp3 | 12.54MB Albums/1998 - Cold/08 - Serial Killer.mp3 | 12.79MB Albums/1998 - Cold/06 - Insane.mp3 | 13.02MB Albums/1998 - Cold/05 - Strip Her Down.mp3 | 14.24MB EP,Single Albums/1998 - Oddity (EP)/05 - Cold Talks with Freak of WRCX.mp3 | 16.18MB


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