Name Criticism of the Western Civilization - Collection 158 (Racism 28)
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UpdateDate 2025-3-5
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Files Louis-Dit-Sully - Transcending Racial Divisions. Will You Stand by Me (2020).epub | 369.61KB Ross - Letters to My White Male Friends (2021).epub | 531.98KB Choudhury - Deep Diversity. Overcoming Us vs. Them (2015).epub | 744.21KB Davis et al - The Imperial Discipline. Race and the Founding of International Relations (2020).pdf | 1.04MB Diangelo - Nice Racism. How Progressive White People Perpetuate Racial Harm (2021).epub | 1.07MB Hawkins - The Bible Told Them So. How Southern Evangelicals Fought to Preserve White Supremacy (2021).epub | 1.17MB Chatterjee - Alt-right Movement. Dissecting Racism, Patriarchy and Anti-immigrant Xenophobia (2021).pdf | 1.54MB Johnson - When the Stars Begin to Fall. Overcoming Racism and Renewing the Promise of America (2021).epub | 1.65MB Marouan & Simmons (Eds.) - Race and Displacement. Nation, Migration, and Identity in the Twenty-First Century (2013).pdf | 1.84MB Sofoluke - Twice as Hard. Navigating Black Stereotypes and Creating Space for Success (2021).epub | 1.94MB Holding & Hawkins - Why We Kneel, How We Rise (2021).epub | 2.00MB Anderson - The Second. Race and Guns in a Fatally Unequal America (2021).epub | 2.01MB Nakamura et al - Racist Zoombombing (2021).pdf | 2.03MB Jett - Race, Crime, and Policing in the Jim Crow South. African Americans and Law Enforcement in Birmingham, Memphis, and New Orleans, 1920–1945 (2021).epub | 2.64MB Rosino - Debating the Drug War. Race, Politics, and the Media (2021).pdf | 3.04MB Laackman - Selling Hate. Marketing the Ku Klux Klan (2020).epub | 3.19MB Keels - Campus Counterspaces. Black and Latinx Students’ Search for Community at Historically White Universities (2019).pdf | 3.72MB Franklin - The Digitally Disposed. Racial Capitalism and the Informatics of Value (2021).pdf | 3.86MB Murray - Facing Reality. Two Truths About Race in America (2021).epub | 3.94MB Baker - Gospel According to the Klan. The KKK’s Appeal to Protestant America, 1915-1930 (2011).epub | 4.31MB Steil et al (Eds.) - Furthering Fair Housing. Prospects for Racial Justice in America’s Neighborhoods (2021).pdf | 4.33MB Desante & Smith - Racial Stasis. The Millennial Generation and the Stagnation of Racial Attitudes in American Politics (2020).pdf | 4.63MB Parrish - The Nation Must Awake. My Witness to the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921 (2021).epub | 4.82MB Loury - The Anatomy of Racial Inequality, 2e (2021).epub | 4.83MB Owens - Hidden in Plain Sight. A History of the Newberry Mass Lynching of 1916 (2021).epub | 4.94MB Moreland-Capuia - The Trauma of Racism. Exploring the Systems and People Fear Built (2021).epub | 5.83MB Lemon et al (Eds.) - South African Urban Change Three Decades After Apartheid. Homes Still Apart (2021).pdf | 5.90MB Bromell - The Power of Dignity. The Black Political Philosophy of Frederick Douglass (2021).pdf | 6.06MB Banks - Anger and Racial Politics. The Emotional Foundation of Racial Attitudes in America (2014).pdf | 7.11MB Brown - The Black Butterfly. The Harmful Politics of Race and Space in America (2021).epub | 7.62MB Elias et al - Racism in Australia Today (2021).pdf | 7.80MB Bailey - How the Streets Were Made. Housing Segregation and Black Life in America (2020).pdf | 8.16MB Nishime & Williams (Eds.) - Racial Ecologies (2018).pdf | 8.57MB Gupta et al (Eds.) - Race and Racialization. Essential Readiness, 2e (2018).pdf | 20.84MB Thomas - Lest We Forget. The Passage from Africa into the Twenty-First Century (2018).epub | 37.89MB