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Files Keiko I. McDonald - Japanese Classical Theater in Films.pdf | 392.06MB Robert Sklar - A World History of Film.pdf | 305.72MB Stephen Thrower (ed.) - Eyeball Compendium ~ Writings on Sex and Horror in the Cinema from the Pages of Eyeball Magazine, 1989 - 2003.cbr | 254.97MB David Bordwell & Kristin Thompson - Film History An Introduction (Second ed.).pdf | 178.10MB Francois Truffaut - Hitchcock ~ the Definitive Study (Rev. Ed.).pdf | 160.82MB Thomas Weisser and Yuko Mihara Weisser - Japanese Cinema Encyclopedia ~ The Sex Films.pdf | 144.15MB John Russo - The Complete Night of the Living Dead Filmbook.pdf | 141.51MB David Bordwell & Kristen Thompson - Film Art ~ An Introduction (Eighth ed.).pdf | 132.85MB David Bordwell - Narration in the Fiction Film.pdf | 128.68MB Ritwik Ghatak - Cinema and I.pdf | 127.59MB Jonathan Clements & Helen McCarthy - The Anime Encyclopedia ~ A Guide to Japanese Animation Since 1917.pdf | 126.99MB Ronald Hayman - Fassbinder ~ Film Maker.pdf | 126.83MB Ronald Bergen - Film [DK - Eyewitness Companions].pdf | 106.99MB Joseph M. Boggs & Dennis W. Petrie - The Art of Watching Films.pdf | 85.46MB David Bordwell & Kristen Thompson - Film Art ~ An Introduction (Sixth ed.).pdf | 80.83MB Amos Vogel - Film as a Subversive Art.pdf | 78.52MB James Monaco - How to Read a Film (3rd ed.).pdf | 73.86MB Blain Brown - Cinematography Theory and Practice ~ Image Making for Cinematographers, Directors and Videographers.pdf | 70.87MB Maria Pramaggiore & Tom Wells - Film ~ A Critical Introduction (Second ed.).pdf | 63.67MB Thomas Elsaesser (ed.) - A Second Life ~ German Cinema's First Decades.pdf | 62.51MB Klaus Kreimeie -The Ufa Story ~ A History of Germany's Greatest Film Company, 1918-1945.pdf | 62.34MB Joseph V. Mascelli - The Five C's of Cinematography ~ Motion Picture Filming Techniques.pdf | 59.94MB Gilles Deleuze - Cinema 2 ~ The Time-Image.pdf | 55.68MB Thomas Schatz - Hollywood Genres.pdf | 55.48MB Francois Truffaut - The Films In My Life.pdf | 54.29MB Ronald Bogue - Deleuze on Cinema.pdf | 53.68MB Stephen Prince - The Warrior's Camera ~ The Cinema of Akira Kurosawa.pdf | 53.64MB David Bordwell - Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema.pdf | 53.11MB Robert Bird - Andrei Tarkovsky ~ Elements of Cinema.pdf | 51.84MB Richard Barsam - Looking at Movies ~ An Introduction to Film.pdf | 50.12MB Tom Pendergast & Sara Pendergast - International Dictionary of Film and Filmmakers Vol. 1 ~ Films.pdf | 50.06MB Josef Gugler - African Films ~ Re-Imagining a Continent.pdf | 46.68MB Josef Gugler - African Film ~ Re-Imagining a Continent.pdf | 46.68MB Tony Nourmand and Graham Marsh - Film Posters ~ Exploitation.pdf | 45.32MB David Bordwell - The Films of Carl-Theodore Dreyer.pdf | 45.00MB Tom Mes - Iron Man ~ The Cinema of Shinya Tsukamoto.pdf | 44.44MB S M Eisenstein - The Psychology of Composition.pdf | 44.43MB Tom Pendergast & Sara Pendergast - International Dictionary of Film and Filmmakers Vol. 3 ~ Actors And Actresses.pdf | 44.12MB Gilles Deleuze - Cinema 1 ~The Movement-Image.pdf | 41.38MB Ingmar Bergman - The Magic Lantern ~ An Autobigraphy.pdf | 40.99MB David Scroggy (ed.) - Blade Runner Sketchbook.pdf | 39.88MB Gorham Kindem (ed.) - The International Movie Industry.pdf | 39.72MB Donald Ritchie - A Hundred Years of Japanese Cinema (rev. ed.).pdf | 39.11MB Steve Ryfle - Japan's Favorite Mon-star ~ The Unauthorized Biography of 'the Big G'.pdf | 38.40MB Louis Giannetti - Understanding Movies (Ninth Edition).pdf | 38.27MB Tom Mes and Jasper Sharp - The Midnight Eye Guide to New Japanese Film.pdf | 38.14MB Film Comment Magazine Jan-Feb 1975.pdf | 38.03MB Gale - VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever.pdf | 37.36MB Scott Eyman - Ernst Lubitsch ~ Laughter in Paradise.pdf | 36.79MB William Paul - Ernst Lubitsch's American Comedy.pdf | 34.79MB Patricia D. Netzley - Encyclopedia of Movie Special Effects.pdf | 34.26MB Jim Craddock (ed.) - VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever 2009.pdf | 33.69MB United Artists ~ The Company Built by the Stars.pdf | 32.46MB Ronald Hayman - Fassbinder ~ Filmmaker .pdf | 31.44MB Viola Shafik - Popular Egyptian Cinema ~ Gender, Class and Nation.pdf | 30.99MB Joyce A. Evans - Celluloid Mushroom Clouds ~ Hollywoodand the Atomic Bomb.pdf | 30.95MB Peter Bondanella - The Films of Roberto Rossellini [Cambridge Film Classics].pdf | 30.90MB Tom Pendergast & Sara Pendergast - International Dictionary of Film and Filmmakers Vol. 2 ~ Directors.pdf | 30.87MB Martin Rubin - Thrillers [Genres in American Cinema].pdf | 30.75MB Siegfried Kracauer - From Caligari to Hitler ~ A Psychological History of German Film.pdf | 29.77MB Luis Bu¤uel - My Last Breath.pdf | 29.43MB Hollis Frampton - Circle of Confusion ~ Film - Photography - Video Texts 1968 - 1980.pdf | 28.57MB Chris Marker - Commentaires.pdf | 28.46MB Steve Chibnall and Robert Murphy (eds) - British Crime Cinema.pdf | 28.28MB Toby Miller and Robert Stam (eds) - A Companion to Film Theory.pdf | 28.14MB Barth‚lemy Amengual - Georg Wilhelm Pabst [Cineοma d'aujourd'hui 37].pdf | 28.02MB Kjel Wayne Johnson - [Re]Framing Violence ~ Hollywood Cinema & Late Capitalism 1967-2001.pdf | 27.75MB Charles Musser - The Emergence of Cinema ~ The American Screen until 1907.djvu | 27.24MB Stephen Prince (ed.) - Sam Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch [Cambridge Film Handbooks].pdf | 26.90MB Andre Bazin - What is Cinema Vol. 2.pdf | 26.87MB David Bordwell Blows the Whistle on Film Studies [Lingua franca Vol. 10. No2].pdf | 26.07MB Theodore Adorno - Aesthetic Theory.pdf | 26.05MB Negar Mottahedeh - Displaced Allegories ~ Post-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema.pdf | 25.78MB David Sterritt - The Films of Jean Luc Godard ~ Seeing the Invisible.pdf | 24.56MB [Cahiers du Cinema Vol. 3] Nick Browne (ed.) - 1969-1972 ~ The Politics of Representation.pdf | 24.41MB Slavoj Zizek (ed.) - Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock.pdf | 23.76MB David Desser (ed.) - Ozu's Tokyo Story [Cambridge Film Handbooks].pdf | 23.07MB Nathan Abrams, Ian Bell and Jan Udris - Studying Film.pdf | 22.95MB Robert Stam - Film Theory An Introduction.pdf | 22.11MB Arthur Lyon - Death on the Cheap ~ The Lost B Movies of Film Noir.pdf | 21.95MB Ken Wlaschin - The Silent Cinema in Song, 1896-1929.pdf | 21.61MB Gregory Flaxman (ed.) - The Brain is the Screen ~ Deleuze and the Philosphy of Cinema.pdf | 21.60MB Todd McGowan - The Impossible David Lynch.pdf | 21.34MB Ernesto R. Acevedo-Munoz - Bunuel and Mexico ~ The Crisis of National Cinema.pdf | 21.05MB Sol Worth and John Adair - Through Navajo Eyes ~ An Exploration in Film Communication and Anthropology.pdf | 20.44MB Thomas Elsaesser & Warren Buckland - Studying Contemporary American Film ~ A Guide to Movie Analysis.pdf | 20.41MB Andre Bazin - What is Cinema Vol. 1.pdf | 20.21MB Gregory William Mank - Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff ~ The Expanded Story of a Haunting Collaboration.pdf | 20.07MB Tag Gallagher - John Ford ~ the Man and His Films.pdf | 19.76MB James Palmer & Michael Riley - The Films of Joseph Losey [Cambridge Film Classics].pdf | 19.67MB Ian Christie & Richard Taylor (eds) - Eisenstein Rediscovered.pdf | 19.66MB Thomas Austin and Martin Barker (eds) - Contemporary Hollywood Stardom.pdf | 19.39MB Andr‚ Bazin - Jean Renoir.pdf | 19.20MB David Bordwell - Making Meaning ~ Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema.pdf | 18.62MB Lloyd Michaels (ed.) - Ingmar Bergman's Persona [Cambridge Film Handbooks].pdf | 18.16MB Ren‚ Clair - Cinema Yesterday and Today.pdf | 18.00MB Susan Tiegel - Nazis and the Cinema.pdf | 17.72MB John Alton - Painting with Light.pdf | 17.40MB Eadweard Muybridge - The Human Figure In Motion.pdf | 17.20MB [Cahiers du Cinema Vol. 4] David Wilson (ed.) - 1973-1978~ History, Ideology, Cultural Struggle.pdf | 17.10MB Donald Ritchie - Japanese Cinema ~ Film Style And National Character.pdf | 16.84MB Scott MacDonald - Art in Cinema ~ Documents Toward a History of the Film Society.pdf | 16.82MB Gary R. Edgerton and Peter C. Rollins (eds) - Television Histories ~ Shaping Collective Memory in the Media Age.pdf | 16.68MB David Gillespie - Early Soviet Cinema ~ Innovation, Ideology and Propaganda.pdf | 16.54MB Richard Crouse - The 100 Best Movies You've Never Seen.pdf | 16.47MB Paula Marantz Cohen - Silent Film and the Triumph of the American Myth.pdf | 16.40MB S. Brent Plate and David Jasper (eds) - Imag(in)ing Otherness ~ Filmic Visions of Living Together.pdf | 16.04MB Alberto Elena - The Cinema of Abbas Kiarostami.PDF | 15.88MB Shirmer Encyclopedia Of Film Vol. 4 - Romantic Comedy to Yugoslavia.pdf | 15.78MB J.P. Telotte - Science Fiction Film [Genres in American Cinema].pdf | 15.74MB Glenn Kay - Zombie Movies ~ The Ultimate Guide.pdf | 15.30MB Raol Ruiz - Poetics Of Cinema ~ Volume One.pdf | 15.23MB Ronald Hayman - Fassbinder ~ Filmmaker.pdf | 15.17MB Charles Derry - Dark Dreams 2.0 ~ A Psychological History of the Modern Horror Film from the 1950s to the 21st Century.pdf | 15.04MB John Hart - The Art of the Storyboard ~ A Filmmaker's Introduction.pdf | 14.73MB Shirmer Encyclopedia Of Film Vol. 3 - Independent Film to Road Movies.pdf | 14.66MB Rudolf Arnheim - Film as Art.pdf | 14.46MB Raul Ruiz - Poetics of Cinema 2.pdf | 14.24MB Gerald Mast, Marshall Cohen & Leo Braudy - Film Theory and Criticism ~ Introductory Readings (Fourth ed.).pdf | 14.07MB Micelangelo Antonioni - The Architecture of Vision ~ Writings & Interviews on Cinema.pdf | 13.94MB Barry Langford - Film Genre ~ Hollywood and Beyond.pdf | 13.64MB Michael Rizzo - The Art Direction Handbook for Film.pdf | 13.41MB Angela Dalle Vache - Cinema and Painting ~ How Art is Used in Film.pdf | 13.31MB Maurice Yokowar - The Films of Paul Morrissey [Cambridge Film Classics].pdf | 13.16MB Jane Shattuc - Television Tabloids and Tears ~ Fassbinder and Popular Culture.pdf | 13.12MB Josh Levine - The Coen Brothers ~ The Story of Two American Filmmakers.pdf | 13.06MB Wheeler Winston Dixon & Gwendolyn Audrey Foster - A Short History of Film.pdf | 12.89MB Barry Keith Grant (ed.) - Film Genre Reader III.pdf | 12.82MB Shirmer Encyclopedia Of Film Vol. 2 - Criticism to Ideology.pdf | 12.80MB Hamid Dabashi - Masters & Masterpieces of Iranian Cinema.pdf | 12.75MB David Bordwell - Film Interpretation Revisited [Film Criticism Vol. 17, No. 2-3].pdf | 12.67MB Shirmer Encyclopedia Of Film Vol. 1 - Academy Awards to Crime Films.pdf | 12.57MB Michael R. Pitts - Western Films Series of the Sound Era.pdf | 12.48MB Graham Roberts and Heather Wallis - Key Film Texts.pdf | 12.48MB Cynthia Chris - Watching Wildlife.pdf | 12.18MB David Bordwell - A Case for Cognitivism [Iris No. 9].pdf | 12.09MB John E. Davidson - Deterritorializing the New German Cinema.pdf | 12.06MB Gilberto Perez - The Material Ghost ~ Films and Their Medium.pdf | 11.93MB Tom Ryal - Alfred Hitchcock and the British Cinema.pdf | 11.80MB Peter C. Rollins - The Columbian Companion to American History on Film.pdf | 11.67MB Kim Young-jin - Lee Chang-dong.pdf | 11.59MB Allan Casebier - Film and Phenomenology ~ Toward a Realist Theory of Cinematic Representation.pdf | 11.39MB Richard Taylor and Ian Christie (eds) - Inside the Film Factory ~ New Approaches to Russian and Soviet cinema.pdf | 11.28MB Robert Kolker - The Altering Eye ~ Contemporary International Cinema.pdf | 11.25MB Michael G. Elasmar (ed.) - The Impact of International Television ~ A Paradigm Shift.pdf | 11.23MB Vivian Sobchack - The Address of the Eye ~ A Phenomenology of Film Experience .pdf | 11.10MB Frances Guerin - A Culture of Light ~ Cinema and Technology in 1920s Germany.pdf | 10.96MB Richard Abel (ed.) - Encyclopedia of Early Cinema.pdf | 10.96MB Sean Cubitt - The Cinema Effect.pdf | 10.88MB James M. Welsh and Peter Lev (eds) - The Literature-Film Reader ~ Issues of Adaptation.pdf | 10.87MB Phil Powrie and Keith Reader - French Cinema ~ A Student's Guide.pdf | 10.82MB Brian Henderson and Ann Martin (eds) - Film Quarterly ~ Forty Years - A Selection.pdf | 10.72MB Kenneth W. Harrow (ed.) - African Cinema ~ Postcolonial and Feminist Readings.pdf | 10.54MB James Chapman - Past and Present - National Identity and the British Historical Film.pdf | 10.50MB Hans-Bernhard Moeller and Georges Lellis - Volker Schlondorff's Cinema.pdf | 10.48MB Angela Dalle Vacche - Diva ~Defiance and Passion in Early Italian Cinema.pdf | 10.42MB Shirmer Art Books ~ Marilyn Monroe and the Camera.pdf | 10.42MB Alan Jones - Horror Movies [Rough Guides].pdf | 10.38MB Peter Hutchens - Historical Dictionary of Horror Cinema.pdf | 10.35MB Jean-Luc Nancy - Abbas Kiarostomi ~ The Evidence of Film.pdf | 10.22MB Mia Makela - Live Cinema ~ Language and Elements.pdf | 10.17MB Michael T. Martin (ed.) - New Latin American Cinema.pdf | 10.10MB Emiliano Perra - Conflicts of Memory ~ The Reception of Holocaust Films and TV Programmes in Italy, 1945 to the Present.pdf | 10.09MB Mary Anne Doane - The Desire to Desire ~ The Woman' Film of the 1940.pdf | 10.03MB Andrei Tarkovsky - Sculpting In Time ~ The Great Russian Filmmaker Discusses His Art.pdf | 9.88MB Thorsten Botz-Bornstein - Films and Dreams ~ Tarkovsky, Bergman, Sokurov,Kubrick, and Wong Kar-wai.pdf | 9.86MB Dudley Andrew - Film in the Aura of Art.pdf | 9.86MB Thomas Leitch - Crime Films [Genres In American Cinema].pdf | 9.84MB Bazin Andre - What Is Cinema Volume 2.pdf | 9.81MB Jesse Kalin - The Films of Ingmar Bergman [Cambridge Film Classics].pdf | 9.61MB [Cahiers du Cinema] Jim Hillier (ed.) - The 1950s ~ Neo-Realism, Hollywood, New Wave.pdf | 9.41MB J. E. Smyth - Reconstructing American Historical Cinema ~ From Cimarron to Citizen Kane.pdf | 9.39MB Kent Jones - L'Argent [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 9.32MB Denis Meikle - A History of Horrors ~ The Rise and fall of the House of Hammer.pdf | 9.30MB David Bordwell - La Nouvelle Mission de Feuillade; or, What Was Mise-en-Scene [Velvet Light Trap No. 37].pdf | 9.26MB Robert S. C. Gordon - Bicycle Thieves [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 9.24MB Patrick McGilligan - Backstory 3 ~ Interviews with Screenwriters of the 60s.pdf | 9.10MB Diana Holmes & Alison Smith (eds) - 100 Years of European Cinema ~ Entertainment or Ideology.pdf | 9.08MB John Marks - Gilles Deleuze ~ Vitalism and Multiplicity.pdf | 9.07MB Harriet Margolis (ed.) - Jane Campion's The Piano [Cambridge Film Handbooks].pdf | 9.02MB Anthony Slide - Inside the Hollywood Fan Magazine ~ A History of Star Makers, Fabricators and Gossip Mongers.pdf | 8.77MB Krzysztof Kieslowski - I'm So-So.pdf | 8.76MB Barry Keith Grant - Film Genre ~ From Iconography to Ideology.pdf | 8.76MB Melvin Donaldson - Black Directors in Hollywood.pdf | 8.69MB Bazin Andre - What Is Cinema Volume 1.pdf | 8.63MB Peter C. Rollins and John E. O'Conner - Hollywood's West ~ The American Frontier in Film, Television & History.pdf | 8.56MB Anna Hickey-Moody and Peta Malins - Deleuzian Encounters ~ Studies in Contemporary Social Issues.pdf | 8.56MB Dani Cavallero - Cinema of Mamoru Oshii ~ Fantasy, Technology and Politics.pdf | 8.56MB Patricia Pisters - The Matrix Of Visual Culture ~ Working with Deleuze in Film Theory.pdf | 8.54MB Peter Brunette - Roberto Rosesellini.pdf | 8.47MB Simone de Beauvoir - Brigitte Bardot and the L olita Syndrome.pdf | 8.44MB Gary A. Smith - The American International Pictures Video Guide.pdf | 8.43MB Bert Cardullo - In Search of Cinema ~ Writings on International Film Art.pdf | 8.36MB Jerry Roberts - The Complete History of American Film Criticism.pdf | 8.35MB Hugo Frey - Luis Malle.pdf | 8.34MB R. Barton Palmer - Joel and Ethan Coen.pdf | 8.21MB Paisley Livingston and Carl Plantinga (eds) - The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film.pdf | 8.18MB William C. Pamerleau - Existentialist Cinema.pdf | 8.09MB Susan J. Napier - Anime from Akira to Howl's Moving Castle ~ Experiencing Contemporary Japanese Animation.pdf | 7.96MB Louis Pizzitola - Hearst Over Hollywood ~ Power, Passion and Propaganda in the Movies.pdf | 7.90MB Joan Ramon Resina - Burning Darkness ~ A Half Cetury of Spanish Cinema.pdf | 7.87MB Jane Frank - A Biographical Dictionary ~ Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists of the Twentieth Century .pdf | 7.87MB Lesley Brill - John Huston's Filmmaking.pdf | 7.85MB Kooijiman, Pisters & Strauven (eds) - Mind the Screen ~ Media Concepts According to Thomas Elsaesser.pdf | 7.84MB James Wierzbicki - Film Music ~ A History.pdf | 7.79MB Merrill Schleier - Skyscraper Cinema ~ Architecture and Gender in American Film.pdf | 7.70MB Jeremy Hicks - Dziga Vertov ~ Defining Documentary Film.pdf | 7.61MB David Bordwell - Jump Cuts and Blind Spots [Wide Angle Vol. 6, No. 1].pdf | 7.51MB Paul Schrader - Yakuza-Eiga [Film Comment January-February 1974].pdf | 7.43MB Michael Eaton - Chinatown [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 7.41MB Leo Braudy - On The Waterfront [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 7.34MB Tina Chanter - The Picture of Abjection ~ Film, Fetish and the Nature of Difference.pdf | 7.29MB Jigna Desai - Beyond Bollywood ~ The Cultural Politics of South Asian Diasporic Film.pdf | 7.27MB Roger Hicks and Christopher Nisperos - Hollywood Portraits ~ Classic Shots and How to Take Them.pdf | 7.18MB Thomas Elsaesser - The Last Great American Picture Show ~ New Hollywood Cinema in the 1970s.pdf | 7.13MB Gary Indiana - SalΆ [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 7.12MB Bernard Eisenschitz (ed.) - Chris Marker ~ Alexandre Ivanovitch Medvedkine.pdf | 6.94MB Ken Dancyger - The Technique of Film & Video Editing ~ History, Theory and Practice.pdf | 6.69MB Scott MacDonald - A Critical Cinema 5 - Interviews with Independent Filmmakers.pdf | 6.69MB P. Adams Sitney - Visionary Film ~ The American Avant-Garde 1943-2000.pdf | 6.66MB David Laderman - Driving Visions ~ Exploring the Road Movie.pdf | 6.65MB David Bordwell - Widescreen Aesthetics and Mise en Scene Criticism [Velvet Light Trap No. 21].pdf | 6.63MB Ken Wlaschin - Silent Mystery and Detective Movies ~ A Comprehensive Filmography.pdf | 6.63MB Renata Salerc and Slavoj Zizek (eds) - Gaze and Voice as Love Objects.pdf | 6.60MB Barbie Zelizer - About to Die ~ How News Images Move the Public.pdf | 6.59MB Lucia Nagib (ed.) - The New Brazilian Cinema.pdf | 6.51MB Scott Bukatman - Blade Runner [BFI Modern Classics].pdf | 6.48MB Noel Carroll - Theorizing the Moving Image.pdf | 6.48MB Sue Parrill - Jane Austen on Film and Television ~ A Critical Study of the Adaptations.pdf | 6.45MB Marilyn Ann Moss - Giant ~ George Stevens, a Life on Film.pdf | 6.39MB Marilyn Fabe - Closely Watched Films ~ An Introduction to the Art of Narrative Film Technique.pdf | 6.36MB Tom Mes - Agitator ~ The Cinema of Takashi Miike.pdf | 6.32MB Geoff Mayer and Brian McDonnell - Encyclopedia of Film Noir.pdf | 6.30MB Sidney Gottlieb (ed.) - Roberto Rossellini's Rome Open City [Cambridge Film Handbooks].pdf | 6.25MB Oliver Leaman (ed.) - Companion Encyclopedia of Middle Eastern and North African Film.pdf | 6.21MB Linda Ruth Williams and Michael Hammond - Contemporary American Cinema.pdf | 6.21MB No‰l Carroll - The Philosophy of Motion Pictures.pdf | 6.17MB David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson - From Sennett to Stevens ~ An Interview with William Hornbeck [Velvet Light Trap No. 20].pdf | 6.16MB Generation Multiplex - The Image of Youth in Contemporary American Cinema.pdf | 5.95MB Geoffrey Nowell-Smith (ed.) - The Oxford History Of World Cinema.pdf | 5.95MB Pamela Robertosn Wojcik and Arthur Knight (eds) - Soundtrack Available ~ Essays on Film and Popular Music.pdf | 5.80MB Sumiko Higashi - Cecil B. DeMille ad American Culture ~ The Silent Era.pdf | 5.77MB Shonini Chaudhuri - Contemporary World Cinema ~ Europe, The Middle East, East Asia and South Asia.pdf | 5.77MB Barton Byg - Landscapes of Resistance ~ The German Films of Danile Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub.pdf | 5.77MB Thomas Doherty - Pre-code Hollywood ~ Sex, Immorality, and Insurrection in American Cinema, 1930-1934.pdf | 5.77MB Tom McGowan and Sheila Kunkle (eds) - Lacan and Contempory Film.pdf | 5.76MB David Bordwell - Historical Poetics of Cinema.pdf | 5.75MB Wheeler Winston Dixon (ed.) - Collected Interviews ~ Voices from Twentieth-Century Cinema.pdf | 5.74MB Andrew Horton and Stuart Y.McDougal (eds) - Play It Again, Sam ~ Retakes on Remakes.pdf | 5.71MB Steve Chibnall - Get Carter.pdf | 5.70MB Ewa Mazierska & Laura Rascaroli - From Moscow To Madrid ~ Postmodern Cities, European Cinema.pdf | 5.68MB Patrick Mcgilligan - Alfred Hitchcock A Life in Darkness and Light.pdf | 5.68MB Robert Bird - Andrei Rublev [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 5.66MB Jack Shadoian - Dreams and Dead Ends ~ The American Gangster Film .pdf | 5.64MB Michael Rabiger - Directing the Documentary.pdf | 5.58MB Geoff Andre - 10 [BFI Modern Classics].pdf | 5.57MB Patricia Aufderheide - Documentary Film ~ A Very Short Introduction.pdf | 5.52MB William C. Wees - Light Moving in Time ~ Studies in the Visual Aesthetics of Avant-Grade Film.pdf | 5.51MB Chuck Berg & Tom Erskine - The Encyclopedia of Orson Welles .pdf | 5.44MB Wilfred Wilms and William Rasch (eds) - Germa Postwar Films ~ Life and Love in the Ruins.pdf | 5.43MB Ken Gelder (ed.) - The Horror Reader.pdf | 5.43MB Jean-Louis Leutrat - Last Year at Marienbad [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 5.36MB Dan Flory - Philosophy, Black_Film, Film Noir.pdf | 5.35MB Bernd Herzogenrath - The Films of Edgar G. Ulmer.pdf | 5.29MB Lucy Fischer - Sunrise [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 5.29MB Suzanne Liandrat-Guigues - Red River [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 5.27MB Slavoj Zizek - Looking Awry ~ An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture.pdf | 5.23MB Greg Olson - David Lynch ~ Beautiful Dark.pdf | 5.19MB Josephine Woll - The Cranes are Flying.pdf | 5.09MB Laura Marcus - The Tenth Muse ~ Writing about Cinema in the Modernist Period.pdf | 5.07MB Birgit Beumers - Nikita Mikhalkov ~ Between Nostalgia and Nationalism.pdf | 5.07MB Paul Cronin (ed.) - Herzog on Herzog.pdf | 5.06MB Peter Lev - American Films of the 70s ~ Conflicting Visions.pdf | 5.06MB Francesco Casetti - Inside the Gaze ~ The Fiction Film and Its Spectator.pdf | 5.03MB Stephen Prince - Classical Film Violence ~ Designing and Regulating Brutality in Hollywood Cinema, 1930-1968.pdf | 5.02MB Roland Barthes - Image Music Text.pdf | 5.00MB Ian Conrich and Stuart Murray - Contemporary New Zealand Cinema ~ From New Wave to Blockbuster.pdf | 4.92MB Mark B. N. Hansen - New Philosophy for New Media.pdf | 4.91MB Robert J. Emery - The Directors ~ Take Three.pdf | 4.86MB Barry Keith Grant (ed.) - John Ford's Stagecoach [Cambridge Film Handbooks].pdf | 4.82MB David Bordwell - Book Review [Wide Angle Vol. 3, No. 4].pdf | 4.80MB Ian Mackilop & Neil Sinyard (eds) - British Cinema of the 1950s ~ A Celebration .pdf | 4.75MB Susan Delson - Dudley Murphy ~ Hollywood Wild Card.pdf | 4.72MB Liz Stubbs - Documentary Filmmakers Speak.pdf | 4.71MB Michael Walker - Hitchcock's Motifs.pdf | 4.68MB Jay McRoy - Nightmare Japan ~ Contemporary Japanese Horror Cinema.pdf | 4.67MB Christopher Andersen - Barbara ~ The Way She Is.pdf | 4.65MB The Probert Encyclopaedia Of Films and Characters of the Cinema.pdf | 4.63MB Fidelma Farley - Ireland Into Film ~ This Other Eden.pdf | 4.63MB Gene Youngblood - Expanded Cinema.pdf | 4.63MB Jonathan Rosenbaum - Moving Places ~ A Life at the Movies.pdf | 4.62MB Howard Hughes - Aim for the Heart ~The Films of Clint Eastwood.pdf | 4.59MB Howard Hughes - Once Upon a Time in the Italian West ~ The Filmgoers' Guide to Spaghetti Westerns.pdf | 4.58MB Yingjin Zhang and Zhiwei Xiao - Encyclopedia of Chinese Film.pdf | 4.58MB Emilie Yueh-Yu Yeh & Darrell William Davis - A Treasure Island ~ Taiwan Film Directors.pdf | 4.57MB Monica Silveira Cyrino - Big Screen Rome.pdf | 4.57MB Mary Ane Doane, Patricia Mellencamp and Linda Williams (eds) - Re-Vision ~ Essays in Femminist Film Criticism.pdf | 4.56MB David Bordwell - ApProppriations and ImProppieties ~ Problems in the Morpholgy of Film Narrative [Cinema Journal 27, No. 3].pdf | 4.56MB Amy Lawrence - Echo and Narcissus ~ Women's Voices in Classical Hollywood Cinema.pdf | 4.54MB Kevin J. Hayes (ed.) Martin Scorsese's Raging Bull [Cambridge Film Handbooks].pdf | 4.51MB Sean Callow - The Night of the Hunter [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 4.50MB The Big Picture Magazine - Issue 3.pdf | 4.50MB David Bordwell - Happily Ever After, Part Two [Velvet Light Trap No. 19].pdf | 4.48MB Studies in South Asian Film and Media - Volume 1 Issue 1.pdf | 4.47MB Roger Crittenden - Fine Cuts ~ The Art of European Film Editing.pdf | 4.43MB Roberta E. Pearson and Philip Simpson - Critical Dictionary of Film and Television Theory.pdf | 4.42MB Gerald Duchovnay (ed.) - Film Voices ~ Interviews from Post Script.pdf | 4.40MB Alison Butler - Womens Cinema ~ The Contested Screen.pdf | 4.38MB Asha Kasbekar - Pop Culture India!.pdf | 4.34MB Ken Dancyger - The Director's Idea ~ The Path to Great Directing.pdf | 4.34MB Michael Chanan - Cuban Cinema.pdf | 4.32MB Robert Robertson - Eisenstein on the Audiovisual ~ The Montage of Music, Image and Sound in Cinema.pdf | 4.29MB James Day - The Vanishing Vision ~ The Inside Story of Popular Television.pdf | 4.27MB John Berra (ed.) - Directory of World Cinema ~ Japan.pdf | 4.25MB Slavoj Zizek - The Fright of Real Tears ~ Krzystof Kieslowski between Theory and Post-Theory.pdf | 4.25MB Robin Wood - Hollywood from Vietnam to Reagan.pdf | 4.22MB Lina Khatib - Lebanese Cinema ~ Imagining the Civil War and Beyond.pdf | 4.22MB Michael DeAngelis - Gay Fandom and Crossover Stardom ~ James Dean, Mel Gibson and Keanu Reeves.pdf | 4.21MB Hamid Dabashi - Makhmalbaf at Large ~ The Making of a Rebel Fimmaker.pdf | 4.14MB Camille Paglia - The Birds [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 4.13MB David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson - Toward a Scientific Film History [Quarterly Review of Film Studies Vol. 10, No.3].pdf | 4.13MB David Bordwell - The Way Hollywood Tells It ~ Story and Stlye in Modern Movies.pdf | 4.07MB Sabine Hake - Popular Cinema of the Third Reich.pdf | 4.04MB William Rothman (ed.) - Three Documentary Fimmakers ~ Errol Morris, Ross McElwee, Jean Rouch.pdf | 4.04MB Nick Dawson - Being Hal Ashby ~ Life of a Hollwwood Rebel.pdf | 4.03MB Edward Buscombe - The Searchers [BFI Film Classics].pdf | 4.01MB Asbj›rn Gr›nstad - Trans-Figurations ~ Violence, Death, and Masculinity in American Cinema.pdf | 3.97MB Chris D - Outlaw Masters of Japanese Film.pdf | 3.97MB Stanley Cavell - The World Viewed ~ Reflections on the Ontology of Film.pdf | 3.96MB Murray Pomerance (ed.) - Bad Infamy, Darkness, Evil, and Slime on Screen.pdf | 3.90MB Bruce G. Hallenbeck - Comedy-Horror Films ~ A Chonological History, 1914-2008.pdf | 3.90MB Brian Neve - Elia Kazan ~ The Cinema of an American Outsider.pdf | 3.89MB Rosalind Galt and Karl Scoonover (eds) - Global Art Cinema ~ New Theories and Histories.pdf | 3.87MB Robert J. 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Conard (ed.) - The Philosophy of the Coen Brothers.pdf | 2.41MB Gerben Bakker - Entertainment Industrialised ~ The Emergence of the International Film Industry, 1890-1940.pdf | 2.41MB Ab‚ Mark Normes - Japanese Documentary Film ~ The Meiji Era Through Hiroshima.pdf | 2.41MB Yvonne Tasker (ed.) - Action and Adventure Cinema.pdf | 2.39MB Susan Hayward - Cinema Studies ~ The Key Concepts (second ed.).pdf | 2.39MB Steve Chibnall and Julian Petley (eds) - British Horror Cinema.pdf | 2.37MB Daniel Barnett - Movement as Meaning in Experimental Film.pdf | 2.36MB Caroline Joan S. Pacart - Remaking the Frankenstein Myth on Film ~ Between Laughter and Horror.pdf | 2.36MB [Screen Decades] Lester D. 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