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Name The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)(1974)

File Type music

Size 98.58MB

UpdateDate 2025-3-25

hash *****06FBF8E3A0DA70A680748DD8D0AC82698D

Hot 1

Files Music/09 - At Dawn They Feast - Escape Through A Window (With Screams).mp3 | 16.87MB Music/13 - First Meat, Pursuits Into Darkness, The Dinner Game, Grandpa's Feast, The Sawyer Symphony (Reprise).mp3 | 11.89MB Music/02 - Fool For A Blond - Roger Bartlett.mp3 | 10.06MB Music/10 - A Room Of Feathers And Bones (With Screams).mp3 | 9.33MB Music/03 - Opening Titles.mp3 | 7.76MB Music/12 - End Titles - Russel Clepper (Bonus Track).mp3 | 7.09MB Music/07 - The Drive Back To The House.mp3 | 5.80MB Music/08 - Jerry Finds Pam In The Freezer - Fullmoon Sawchase.mp3 | 4.98MB Music/06 - Sign Of The Hitch Hiker.mp3 | 4.59MB Music/11 - End Titles.mp3 | 3.55MB Music/01 - Opening Narration.mp3 | 1.78MB Music/05 - Smell Of The Slaughterhouse.mp3 | 775.10KB Music/04 - The Graveyard.mp3 | 668.98KB Pictures/Cover's/poster.jpg | 532.63KB Pictures/Cover's/texas-chainsaw-vhs.jpg | 480.76KB Pictures/Cover's/front-promo.jpg | 333.79KB Pictures/Cover's/cassete.jpg | 244.41KB Pictures/Cover's/1.jpg | 113.65KB Pictures/Cover's/promo-small-cover.jpg | 75.17KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/tex10.jpg | 409.94KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-NicolauBellTobe[1].gif | 283.29KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-MBurnsPearl[1].gif | 282.85KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-Kirk[1].gif | 277.70KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-Henkel[2].gif | 244.09KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-Van[1].gif | 239.30KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-PerryTobePearl[2].gif | 218.78KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-PearlTobe[2].gif | 206.47KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-Pickup[1].gif | 186.27KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-BBQShack[1].gif | 182.61KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-EdPearl[1].gif | 178.38KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/chains~6Large.jpg | 155.30KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/TCM-GrandparentsRoom.jpg | 139.91KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-BBurns[1].gif | 117.47KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/GermanLobbyCards.jpg | 111.33KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/Unbenannt5[1].jpg | 104.36KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BobBurns-TCMProps[1].jpg | 103.78KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/burnsa.jpg | 97.66KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-MBurns[1].jpg | 95.11KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/sjff_01_img0487.jpg | 43.45KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-Gunnar&Tobe[1].jpg | 42.71KB Pictures/Live Footage, Signed/BTS-Graveyard[1].jpg | 41.15KB Pictures/Photo's/Unbenannt10[1].jpg | 382.40KB Pictures/Photo's/oo1rf8.png | 248.64KB Pictures/Photo's/00231456mp2.png | 194.21KB Pictures/Photo's/151325590_f3be12df05.jpg | 116.01KB Pictures/Photo's/R-771036-1157069064.jpg | 60.77KB Pictures/Photo's/499px-Leatherface1974.jpg | 50.14KB Pictures/Photo's/tcmue6.jpg | 49.85KB Pictures/Photo's/tcmue4.jpg | 45.40KB Pictures/Photo's/chainsaw_family.jpg | 38.79KB Pictures/Photo's/1controversial-gal-texas-chainsaw-massacre.jpg | 34.83KB Pictures/Photo's/leatherface2.jpg | 34.30KB Pictures/Photo's/142224__texas_chainsaw_l.jpg | 30.01KB Pictures/Photo's/food_feature-21427.jpg | 28.54KB Pictures/Posters/HPIM1092.jpg | 1.32MB Pictures/Posters/HPIM1094.jpg | 1.20MB Pictures/Posters/HPIM1096.jpg | 1.04MB Pictures/Posters/01967.jpg | 598.10KB Pictures/Posters/texas1_paper1280.jpg | 574.12KB Pictures/Posters/019.jpg | 544.22KB Pictures/Posters/texaschainsawmay06.jpg | 387.54KB Pictures/Posters/the%20texas%20chainsaw%201.jpg | 293.77KB Pictures/Posters/texaschainsawfrench.jpg | 222.07KB Pictures/Posters/texas_chainsaw_massacre_poster_02.jpg | 189.30KB Pictures/Posters/texaschainsawmay05.jpg | 170.60KB Pictures/Posters/texas_chainsaw_massacre_poster_03.jpg | 125.24KB Pictures/Posters/texaschainsawmassacre-2.jpg | 121.80KB Pictures/Posters/texaschainsawmassacre-5.jpg | 83.69KB Soundtrack Info.txt | 1.92KB


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