Name [FreeCourseWorld.Com] Udemy - Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming
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Size 4.43GB
UpdateDate 2025-3-19
hash *****6D4FFD9F32C8038F90F5D26414B32E98CA
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Files 1. Python Basics/1. Get Python Installed.mp4 | 43.19MB 1. Python Basics/1. Get Python | 9.88KB 1. Python Basics/1.1 Installation instructions for Windows, Mac, and Linux.html | 122B 1. Python Basics/1.2 Starting IDLE on Windows, Mac, or Linux.html | 123B 1. Python Basics/2. Just a check in..html | 118B 1. Python Basics/3. Basic Terminology and Using IDLE.mp4 | 36.30MB 1. Python Basics/3. Basic Terminology and Using | 16.07KB 1. Python Basics/3.1 Evaluation of 2 + 3 6 and (2 + 3) 6.html | 109B 1. Python Basics/3.2 Evaluation of (5 - 1) ((7 + 1) (3 - 1)).html | 109B 1. Python Basics/3.3 Instructions for starting IDLE..html | 122B 1. Python Basics/4. Writing Our First Program.mp4 | 80.30MB 1. Python Basics/4. Writing Our First | 14.05KB 1. Python Basics/4.1 Evaluation of myName = input().html | 109B 1. Python Basics/4.2 Evaluation of print('It is good to meet you, ' + myName).html | 109B 1. Python Basics/4.3 Evaluation of print('You will be ' + str(int(myAge) + 1) + ' in a year.').html | 109B 1. Python Basics/4.4 Evaluation of print(len(myName)).html | 109B 10. Regular Expressions/1. Regular Expression Basics.mp4 | 121.94MB 10. Regular Expressions/1. Regular Expression | 16.55KB 10. Regular Expressions/1.1 Chapter 7 – Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions.html | 105B 10. Regular Expressions/2. Regex Groups and the Pipe Character.mp4 | 60.94MB 10. Regular Expressions/2. Regex Groups and the Pipe | 9.32KB 10. Regular Expressions/3. Repetition in Regex Patterns and GreedyNongreedy Matching.mp4 | 78.07MB 10. Regular Expressions/3. Repetition in Regex Patterns and GreedyNongreedy | 19.24KB 10. Regular Expressions/4. Regex Character Classes and the findall() Method.mp4 | 129.91MB 10. Regular Expressions/4. Regex Character Classes and the findall() | 19.11KB 10. Regular Expressions/5. Regex Dot-Star and the CaretDollar Characters.mp4 | 134.01MB 10. Regular Expressions/5. Regex Dot-Star and the CaretDollar | 23.05KB 10. Regular Expressions/6. Regex sub() Method and Verbose Mode.mp4 | 82.80MB 10. Regular Expressions/6. Regex sub() Method and Verbose | 18.35KB 10. Regular Expressions/7. Regex Example Program A Phone and Email Scraper.mp4 | 155.80MB 10. Regular Expressions/7. Regex Example Program A Phone and Email | 25.73KB 10. Regular Expressions/7.1 An example phoneemail directory PDF..html | 132B 11. Files/1. Filenames and AbsoluteRelative File Paths.mp4 | 166.97MB 11. Files/1. Filenames and AbsoluteRelative File | 27.22KB 11. Files/1.1 Chapter 8 – Reading and Writing Files.html | 105B 11. Files/2. Reading and Writing Plaintext Files.mp4 | 109.18MB 11. Files/2. Reading and Writing Plaintext | 17.50KB 11. Files/3. Copying and Moving Files and Folders.mp4 | 34.71MB 11. Files/3. Copying and Moving Files and | 5.59KB 11. Files/4. Deleting Files.mp4 | 63.93MB 11. Files/4. Deleting | 9.76KB 11. Files/5. Walking a Directory Tree.mp4 | 55.00MB 11. Files/5. Walking a Directory | 11.34KB 12. Debugging/1. The raise and assert Statements.mp4 | 67.95MB 12. Debugging/1. The raise and assert | 23.10KB 12. Debugging/1.1 Chapter 10 – Debugging.html | 106B 12. Debugging/2. Logging.mp4 | 72.94MB 12. Debugging/2. | 13.73KB 12. Debugging/3. Using the Debugger.mp4 | 122.57MB 12. Debugging/3. Using the | 21.22KB 13. Web Scraping/1. The webbrowser Module.mp4 | 82.55MB 13. Web Scraping/1. The webbrowser | 14.39KB 13. Web Scraping/1.1 Chapter 11 – Web Scraping.html | 106B 13. Web Scraping/2. Downloading from the Web with the Requests Module.mp4 | 52.55MB 13. Web Scraping/2. Downloading from the Web with the Requests | 9.35KB 13. Web Scraping/3. Parsing HTML with the Beautiful Soup Module.mp4 | 106.89MB 13. Web Scraping/3. Parsing HTML with the Beautiful Soup | 106.92MB 13. Web Scraping/4. Controlling the Browser with the Selenium Module.mp4 | 105.04MB 13. Web Scraping/4. Controlling the Browser with the Selenium | 13.19KB 14. Excel, Word, and PDF Documents/1. Reading Excel Spreadsheets.mp4 | 60.24MB 14. Excel, Word, and PDF Documents/1. Reading Excel | 10.97KB 14. Excel, Word, and PDF Documents/1.1 Chapter 12 – Working with Excel Spreadsheets.html | 106B 14. Excel, Word, and PDF Documents/2. Editing Excel Spreadsheets.mp4 | 47.83MB 14. Excel, Word, and PDF Documents/2. Editing Excel | 7.32KB 14. Excel, Word, and PDF Documents/3. Reading and Editing PDFs.mp4 | 77.34MB 14. Excel, Word, and PDF Documents/3. Reading and Editing | 16.78KB 14. Excel, Word, and PDF Documents/3.1 Chapter 13 – Working with PDF and Word Documents.html | 106B 14. Excel, Word, and PDF Documents/4. Reading and Editing Word Documents.mp4 | 111.37MB 14. Excel, Word, and PDF Documents/4. Reading and Editing Word | 16.52KB 15. Email/1. Sending Emails.mp4 | 43.44MB 15. Email/1. Sending | 13.58KB 15. Email/1.1 Chapter 16 – Sending Email and Text Messages.html | 106B 15. Email/2. Checking Your Email Inbox.mp4 | 111.04MB 15. Email/2. Checking Your Email | 20.76KB 16. GUI Automation/1. Controlling the Mouse from Python.mp4 | 107.88MB 16. GUI Automation/1. Controlling the Mouse from | 20.41KB 16. GUI Automation/1.1 Chapter 18 – Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation.html | 106B 16. GUI Automation/2. Controlling the Keyboard from Python.mp4 | 48.25MB 16. GUI Automation/2. Controlling the Keyboard from | 7.16KB 16. GUI Automation/3. Screenshots and Image Recognition.mp4 | 76.22MB 16. GUI Automation/3. Screenshots and Image | 11.01KB 16. GUI Automation/3.1 Bot programmed in Python to play Sushi Go Round.html | 104B 16. GUI Automation/4. Congratulations! (And next steps...).mp4 | 1.83MB 16. GUI Automation/4. Congratulations! (And next steps...).srt | 2.16KB 2. Flow Control/1. Flow Charts and Basic Flow Control Concepts.mp4 | 50.73MB 2. Flow Control/1. Flow Charts and Basic Flow Control | 9.13KB 2. Flow Control/1.1 Chapter 2 – Flow Control.html | 105B 2. Flow Control/2. If, Else, and Elif Statements.mp4 | 92.45MB 2. Flow Control/2. If, Else, and Elif | 92.46MB 2. Flow Control/3. While Loops.mp4 | 33.93MB 2. Flow Control/3. While | 13.37KB 2. Flow Control/4. For Loops.mp4 | 70.56MB 2. Flow Control/4. For | 8.74KB 3. Functions/1. Python's Built-In Functions.mp4 | 64.14MB 3. Functions/1. Python's Built-In | 8.46KB 3. Functions/1.1 Chapter 3 – Functions.html | 105B 3. Functions/2. Writing Your Own Functions.mp4 | 107.22MB 3. Functions/2. Writing Your Own | 15.49KB 3. Functions/2.1 Evaluation of 'Hello has ' + str(len('hello')) + ' letters in it.'.html | 109B 3. Functions/3. Global and Local Scopes.mp4 | 89.12MB 3. Functions/3. Global and Local | 17.07KB 4. Handling Errors with tryexcept/1. Try and Except Statements.mp4 | 82.28MB 4. Handling Errors with tryexcept/1. Try and Except | 9.10KB 5. Writing a Complete Program Guess the Number/1. Writing a Guess the Number Program.mp4 | 122.28MB 5. Writing a Complete Program Guess the Number/1. Writing a Guess the Number | 16.42KB 6. Lists/1. The List Data Type.mp4 | 42.39MB 6. Lists/1. The List Data | 15.19KB 6. Lists/1.1 Evaluation 3.html | 110B 6. Lists/1.2 Evaluation 4.html | 110B 6. Lists/1.3 Evaluation 1.html | 110B 6. Lists/1.4 Chapter 4 – Lists.html | 105B 6. Lists/1.5 Evaluation 2.html | 110B 6. Lists/2. For Loops with Lists, Multiple Assignment, and Augmented Operators.mp4 | 92.01MB 6. Lists/2. For Loops with Lists, Multiple Assignment, and Augmented | 10.64KB 6. Lists/3. List Methods.mp4 | 121.31MB 6. Lists/3. List | 13.37KB 6. Lists/4. Similarities Between Lists and Strings.mp4 | 137.34MB 6. Lists/4. Similarities Between Lists and | 21.05KB 7. Dictionaries/1. The Dictionary Data Type.mp4 | 188.48MB 7. Dictionaries/1. The Dictionary Data | 24.17KB 7. Dictionaries/1.1 Chapter 5 – Dictionaries and Structuring Data.html | 105B 7. Dictionaries/2. Data Structures.mp4 | 93.36MB 7. Dictionaries/2. Data | 12.24KB 8. More About Strings/1. Advanced String Syntax.mp4 | 77.21MB 8. More About Strings/1. Advanced String | 11.02KB 8. More About Strings/1.1 Chapter 6 – Manipulating Strings.html | 105B 8. More About Strings/2. String Methods.mp4 | 60.77MB 8. More About Strings/2. String | 23.62KB 8. More About Strings/3. String Formatting.mp4 | 30.04MB 8. More About Strings/3. String | 4.38KB 9. Running Programs from the Command Line/1. Launching Python Programs from Outside IDLE.mp4 | 127.66MB 9. Running Programs from the Command Line/1. Launching Python Programs from Outside | 19.07KB 9. Running Programs from the Command Line/1.1 Running Python Programs on OS X and Linux.html | 124B 9. Running Programs from the Command Line/1.2 Appendix B – Running Programs.html | 106B [FreeCourseWorld.Com].url | 54B