Name Davinci Initiative - Introduction to Advanced Observational Drawing
File Type video
Size 3.76GB
UpdateDate 2025-2-15
hash *****06A0BCE9EBB0F9EC43EB77C7F4558B6626
Hot 8
Files About The Da Vinci Initiative.MP4 | 28.35MB Adjusting Values .MP4 | 114.24MB Arranging The Still Life .MP4 | 123.76MB Background Shading .MP4 | 133.97MB Blocking-In Shadow Shapes .MP4 | 182.55MB Cast Shadows .MP4 | 189.70MB Comparitive Measuring .MP4 | 94.61MB Course Introduction.MP4 | 31.97MB Defining Curves with Lines .MP4 | 115.17MB Ellipses on the Cup .MP4 | 107.60MB Follow-Through Line .MP4 | 124.34MB Follow-Through Line Continued.MP4 | 150.75MB Going Back to the Big Picture .MP4 | 113.26MB Introduction to Advanced Observational Drawing - Udemy_30.MP4 | 357.90MB Making Corrections .MP4 | 52.91MB Materials.MP4 | 52.65MB Notional Space .MP4 | 96.20MB Perspective with Ellipses .MP4 | 160.07MB Pushing and Pulling Value .MP4 | 122.35MB Rendering the Cup .MP4 | 281.39MB Rendering the Egg .MP4 | 249.88MB Rendering the Handle .MP4 | 149.99MB Shadow Shapes .MP4 | 53.99MB Sharpening Charcoal .MP4 | 96.54MB Single Value Shading .MP4 | 115.87MB The Big Picture Part II .MP4 | 94.98MB The Envelope.MP4 | 120.40MB The Picture Plane .MP4 | 92.12MB The Space Around the Objects .MP4 | 115.13MB Understanding Shadow and Light .MP4 | 128.98MB