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Name Pokemon music

File Type music

Size 3.38GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-18

hash *****619C96C3AA4E8FD52256CA19920633D064

Hot 7

Files Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/32 Ending Theme.mp3 | 13.45MB Pokemon X and Y/119 Battle! (Elite Four).mp3 | 10.68MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/239 Battle! Geechisu.mp3 | 10.49MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/416 Lullaby for Trains.mp3 | 10.47MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/410 Battle! Kyurem.mp3 | 10.30MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/236 Battle! Reshiram · Zekrom.mp3 | 10.26MB Pokemon X and Y/29 Battle! (Gym Leader).mp3 | 10.04MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/223 Souryuu City (Black).mp3 | 9.43MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/201 Hodomoe Drawbridge.mp3 | 9.08MB Pokemon X and Y/72 Battle! (Successor Korrina).mp3 | 8.77MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/12 Battle! Wi-Fi Trainer.mp3 | 8.28MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/07 Battle! Trainer M.mp3 | 8.27MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/08 Battle! Trainer S.mp3 | 8.27MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/313 Battle! Battle Subway Trainer.mp3 | 8.19MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/126 Battle! Trainer.mp3 | 8.15MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/224 Souryuu City (White).mp3 | 8.06MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/237 Decisive Battle! N.mp3 | 7.71MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/329 Battle! Legendary Pokemon.mp3 | 7.71MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/013 - Gateway Colosseum.mp3 | 7.67MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/417 LAST BATTLE N^n mix.mp3 | 7.57MB Pokemon X and Y/207 Battle! (Trainer Battle).mp3 | 7.56MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/06 Battle! Roaming Pokemon.mp3 | 7.55MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/418 sayonara -refrain-.mp3 | 7.52MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/42 Appeal☆Love.mp3 | 7.47MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/141 Shippou City.mp3 | 7.40MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/33 The End.mp3 | 7.36MB Pokemon X and Y/99 An Eternal Prison.mp3 | 7.34MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/240 Farewell.mp3 | 7.33MB Pokemon X and Y/125 Kiseki.mp3 | 7.25MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/134 Battle! Team Plasma.mp3 | 7.24MB Pokemon X and Y/120 Battle! (Champion).mp3 | 7.21MB Pokemon X and Y/202 Battle! (Mewtwo).mp3 | 7.21MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/09 Strains of a New Beginning -Theme of Ωrαs-.mp3 | 7.21MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/01 Mt. Chimney.mp3 | 7.08MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/006 - Final Battle Theme - Mysterial's Theme.mp3 | 7.07MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/15 Coexistence.mp3 | 7.06MB Pokemon X and Y/109 Route 18.mp3 | 6.91MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/402 Undersea Ruins.mp3 | 6.91MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/54 Slateport City (Bonus Track).mp3 | 6.79MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/29 Battle! (Team Aqua - Team Magma).mp3 | 6.79MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/405 Village Bridge.mp3 | 6.68MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/09 Battle! World Champion.mp3 | 6.67MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/35 Battle! (Battle Chatelaine).mp3 | 6.67MB Pokemon Stadium/71 Battle with Mewtwo.mp3 | 6.66MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/144 Battle! Gym Leader.mp3 | 6.62MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/71 Ending.mp3 | 6.61MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/229 Battle! Elite Four.mp3 | 6.57MB Pokemon X and Y/69 Shalour City.mp3 | 6.52MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/012 - Stargazer Colosseum.mp3 | 6.50MB Pokemon X and Y/124 I'll Go With You.mp3 | 6.43MB Pokemon X and Y/104 Battle! (Lysandre).mp3 | 6.42MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/350 Battle! Cynthia.mp3 | 6.41MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/06 Battle! (Lorekeeper Zinnia).mp3 | 6.41MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/55 Steven Stone (Bonus Track).mp3 | 6.40MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/015 - Main Street Colosseum.mp3 | 6.35MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/208 Fukiyose City.mp3 | 6.34MB Pokemon X and Y/21 Battle! (Trainer Battle).mp3 | 6.33MB Pokemon X and Y/103 Battle! (Xerneas_Yveltal).mp3 | 6.26MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/011 - Sunset Colosseum.mp3 | 6.16MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/016 - Crystal Colosseum.mp3 | 6.16MB Pokemon RSE/028 - Aqua & Magma Team Battle.mp3 | 6.14MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/009 - Courtyard Colosseum.mp3 | 5.99MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/18 Soaring Illusions.mp3 | 5.96MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/38 Slateport City.mp3 | 5.93MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/132 Abandoned Lot of Dreams.mp3 | 5.92MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/05 Dive.mp3 | 5.87MB Pokemon X and Y/209 Final Battle! (Rival).mp3 | 5.86MB Pokemon Colosseum/17 Miror B's Retro Groove.mp3 | 5.85MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/37 Final Battle! (World Championships).mp3 | 5.80MB Pokemon X and Y/78 The Kalos Power Plant.mp3 | 5.79MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/39 Battle! (Frontier Brain) (original ver.).mp3 | 5.78MB Pokemon X and Y/33 Route 4.mp3 | 5.72MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/311 Gear Station.mp3 | 5.71MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/014 - Neon Colosseum.mp3 | 5.69MB Pokemon X and Y/80 Battle! (Team Flare).mp3 | 5.59MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/20 Battle! (Trainer Battle).mp3 | 5.56MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/347 Sazanami Town (Autumn~Spring).mp3 | 5.53MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/24 Museum.mp3 | 5.52MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/330 Kanawa Town.mp3 | 5.50MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/241 ENDING ~To Their Respective Futures~.mp3 | 5.48MB Pokemon Colosseum/28 Final Battle.mp3 | 5.45MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/08 Battle! (Deoxys).mp3 | 5.44MB Pokemon X and Y/87 Laverre City.mp3 | 5.41MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/225 Route 10.mp3 | 5.35MB Pokemon Stadium/47 Prime Cup Semifinal.mp3 | 5.31MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/11 Surf.mp3 | 5.30MB Pokemon X and Y/54 Glittering Cave.mp3 | 5.30MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/159 Battle! N.mp3 | 5.25MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/51 Ending Theme.mp3 | 5.25MB Pokemon Stadium/36 Pika Cup Final.mp3 | 5.24MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/412 Battle! Champion.mp3 | 5.21MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/17 Soaring Dreams.mp3 | 5.19MB Pokemon X and Y/98 Lysandre Labs.mp3 | 5.18MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/008 - Magma Colosseum.mp3 | 5.17MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/38 Battle! (Deoxys) (original ver.).mp3 | 5.16MB Pokemon X and Y/193 Secret Super Training!.mp3 | 5.16MB Pokemon X and Y/95 Anistar City.mp3 | 5.16MB Pokemon Stadium/30 P97 + 98 Cup Battle 4-6.mp3 | 5.13MB Pokemon Colosseum/22 Semifinal Battle.mp3 | 5.12MB Pokemon Stadium 2/48 Poke Cup Final Battle.mp3 | 5.12MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/35 Mt. Pyre Exterior.mp3 | 5.11MB Pokemon Stadium/34 Pika Cup Battles 4-6.mp3 | 5.10MB Pokemon X and Y/210 Final Battle! (Rival) [Pokémon O.mp3 | 5.08MB Pokemon X and Y/189 Super Training!.mp3 | 5.04MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/002 - Minor Boss Theme - Voldon, Terrel, Rosie, Dusty, Taylor, Marina.mp3 | 4.99MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/007 - Waterfall Colosseum.mp3 | 4.95MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/214 Dragon Spiral Tower.mp3 | 4.93MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/06 Battle! (Gym Leader).mp3 | 4.93MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/351 Lost Forest.mp3 | 4.93MB Pokemon Colosseum/25 Realgam Tower.mp3 | 4.92MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/15 Route 119.mp3 | 4.89MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/306 Global Terminal.mp3 | 4.89MB Pokemon X and Y/116 Victory Road.mp3 | 4.89MB Pokemon X and Y/206 Battle! (Wild Pokémon) [Pokémon.mp3 | 4.87MB Pokemon RSE/114 - The End.mp3 | 4.86MB Pokemon Colosseum/16 Cipher Peon Battle.mp3 | 4.85MB Pokemon X and Y/111 Snowbelle City.mp3 | 4.84MB Pokemon Stadium/37 Petit Cup Battles 1-3.mp3 | 4.81MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/39 Oceanic Museum.mp3 | 4.80MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/46 Route 113.mp3 | 4.80MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/53 Trick Master (Bonus Track).mp3 | 4.77MB Pokemon X and Y/76 Coumarine City.mp3 | 4.77MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/352 Battle! Strong Wild Pokemon.mp3 | 4.77MB Pokemon RSE/020 - Trainer Battle!.mp3 | 4.76MB Pokemon Stadium/43 Poke Cup Semifinal.mp3 | 4.75MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/010 - Sunny Park Colosseum.mp3 | 4.73MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/114 Battle! Wild Pokemon.mp3 | 4.72MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/08 Battle! (Team Aqua - Team Magma Leaders).mp3 | 4.68MB Pokemon Stadium/59 Gym Leader Castle (Preliminary Battles).mp3 | 4.68MB Pokemon Stadium 2/63 Kanto Castle.mp3 | 4.67MB Pokemon X and Y/11 Battle! (Friend).mp3 | 4.66MB Pokemon X and Y/70 Tower of Mastery.mp3 | 4.62MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/35 Dewford Town.mp3 | 4.61MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/155 Raimon City.mp3 | 4.58MB Pokemon X and Y/203 Title Screen.mp3 | 4.57MB Pokemon X and Y/73 Surf.mp3 | 4.57MB Pokemon X and Y/90 Route 15.mp3 | 4.57MB Pokemon X and Y/53 Route 8.mp3 | 4.56MB Pokemon Colosseum/21 Cipher Admin Battle.mp3 | 4.52MB Pokemon X and Y/123 The Sun Shines Down.mp3 | 4.52MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/332 Route 12 (Spring~Summer).mp3 | 4.50MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/149 Gate.mp3 | 4.47MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/404 Kagome Town.mp3 | 4.47MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/004 - Colosseum Leader - Joe's Theme.mp3 | 4.47MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/403 Route 12 (Autumn~Winter).mp3 | 4.46MB Pokemon RSE/049 - Chimney Mountain.mp3 | 4.46MB Pokemon X and Y/13 Route 2.mp3 | 4.43MB Pokemon X and Y/137 Shopping.mp3 | 4.43MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/161 Bicycle.mp3 | 4.43MB Pokemon X and Y/65 Geosenge Town.mp3 | 4.42MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/231 Receive a Mission.mp3 | 4.40MB Pokemon RSE/058 - Route 119.mp3 | 4.39MB Pokemon Stadium 2/06 Event Battle Theme.mp3 | 4.39MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/218 Ancient Castle.mp3 | 4.38MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/341 High Link.mp3 | 4.38MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/18 Route 120.mp3 | 4.37MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/25 Battle! (Team Aqua - Team Magma).mp3 | 4.36MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/221 Shopping Mall R9.mp3 | 4.36MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/20 Ever Grande City.mp3 | 4.35MB Pokemon X and Y/128 Kiloude City.mp3 | 4.35MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/27 Battle! (Brendan - May).mp3 | 4.34MB Pokemon X and Y/05 Vaniville Town.mp3 | 4.32MB Pokemon Stadium 2/72 Elite 4 Battle.mp3 | 4.31MB Pokemon FRLG/78 Ending.mp3 | 4.31MB Pokemon RSE/109 - Decisive Battle! VS Steven Stone.mp3 | 4.31MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/31 Rustboro City.mp3 | 4.30MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/005 - Colosseum Leader - Sashay's Theme.mp3 | 4.26MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/226 Victory Road.mp3 | 4.24MB Pokemon RSE/107 - Elite Four Battle!.mp3 | 4.24MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/151 Hiun City.mp3 | 4.24MB Pokemon X and Y/37 Lumiose City.mp3 | 4.23MB Pokemon X and Y/77 How About a Song_ _An Unwavering.mp3 | 4.23MB Pokemon Stadium 2/69 Gym Leader Battle.mp3 | 4.23MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/27 Battle! (Steven).mp3 | 4.21MB Pokemon X and Y/45 Parfum Palace.mp3 | 4.19MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/280 Staff Roll.mp3 | 4.18MB Pokemon FRLG/14 Battle (VS Trainer).mp3 | 4.17MB Pokemon X and Y/208 Battle! (Trainer Battle) [Pokémo.mp3 | 4.16MB Pokemon X and Y/101 Team Flare Secret Hq.mp3 | 4.16MB Pokemon Stadium 2/57 Challenge Cup Final Battle 2.mp3 | 4.16MB Pokemon Stadium/35 Pika Cup Semifinal.mp3 | 4.15MB Pokemon Stadium 2/51 Prime Cup Battle 2.mp3 | 4.15MB Pokemon RSE/053 - Gym Leader Battle!.mp3 | 4.15MB Pokemon Stadium/68 Credits (Round 1).mp3 | 4.13MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/232 N's Castle.mp3 | 4.13MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/331 Wonder Bridge.mp3 | 4.13MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/157 Unwavering Emotions.mp3 | 4.13MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/525 - Beta Track.mp3 | 4.12MB Pokemon Stadium 2/49 Poke Cup Final Battle 2.mp3 | 4.11MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/213 Sekka City.mp3 | 4.09MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/304 The Pleasure Cruise Ship, The Royal Isshu.mp3 | 4.09MB Pokemon Colosseum/19 Agate Village.mp3 | 4.08MB Pokemon X and Y/113 How About a Song_ _Jubilife City.mp3 | 4.08MB Pokemon Stadium 2/14 Stadium.mp3 | 4.06MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/415 Summer in Kagome.mp3 | 4.05MB Pokemon Stadium 2/46 Poke Cup Battle.mp3 | 4.04MB Pokemon RSE/035 - Slateport City.mp3 | 4.03MB Pokemon Stadium 2/44 Little Cup Final Battle.mp3 | 4.02MB Pokemon X and Y/198 Gts.mp3 | 4.01MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/05 Global Link Union.mp3 | 4.00MB Pokemon XD/34 Phenac City.mp3 | 3.98MB Pokemon Stadium 2/50 Prime Cup Battle.mp3 | 3.97MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/41 Trick Master ~Tricky Remix!~.mp3 | 3.97MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/12 Sootopolis City.mp3 | 3.97MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/25 Battle! (Elite Four).mp3 | 3.96MB Pokemon FRLG/20 Viridian Forest.mp3 | 3.96MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/145 Victory is Right Before Your Eyes!.mp3 | 3.88MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/23 Lilycove City.mp3 | 3.88MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/17 Battle! (Trainer Battle).mp3 | 3.88MB Pokemon Stadium/40 Petit Cup Final.mp3 | 3.87MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/106 Kanoko Town.mp3 | 3.86MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/110 Pokemon Laboratory.mp3 | 3.86MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/54 Surf.mp3 | 3.86MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/36 Happy Birthday from the Pokémon Center!.mp3 | 3.85MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/05 Littleroot Town.mp3 | 3.85MB Pokemon Stadium 2/47 Poke Cup Battle 2.mp3 | 3.83MB Pokemon Stadium 2/55 Challenge Cup Battle 2.mp3 | 3.82MB Pokemon Colosseum/23 The Under.mp3 | 3.82MB Pokemon Stadium 2/02 Demonstration Battle.mp3 | 3.82MB Pokemon Stadium 2/13 Prof. Oak's Lab.mp3 | 3.81MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/48 Fallarbor Town.mp3 | 3.81MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/71 Battle! Dialga & Palkia.mp3 | 3.81MB Pokemon Stadium 2/42 Little Cup Battle.mp3 | 3.80MB Pokemon Stadium/44 Poke Cup Final.mp3 | 3.79MB Pokemon X and Y/185 Tile Puzzle.mp3 | 3.78MB Pokemon X and Y/182 Looker's Sorrowful Theme.mp3 | 3.78MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/107 Battle! Cheren · Belle.mp3 | 3.78MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/32 Mt. Pyre.mp3 | 3.78MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/22 Battle! (Team Aqua-Team Magma Leaders).mp3 | 3.76MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/26 Dive.mp3 | 3.73MB Pokemon Stadium 2/78 Rival Battle.mp3 | 3.72MB Pokemon X and Y/03 Kalos Region Theme.mp3 | 3.71MB Pokemon Stadium/41 Poke Cup Battles 1-3.mp3 | 3.69MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/32 Slateport City.mp3 | 3.69MB Pokemon Stadium 2/67 Team Rocket Battle.mp3 | 3.69MB Pokemon RBY/15 - Battle (VS Trainer).mp3 | 3.68MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/42 Cycling.mp3 | 3.68MB Pokemon Stadium 2/53 Prime Cup Final Battle 2.mp3 | 3.68MB Pokemon Stadium/48 Prime Cup Final.mp3 | 3.67MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/112 Let's Go Together!.mp3 | 3.67MB Pokemon Stadium 2/34 Quiz.mp3 | 3.67MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/523 - Nintendo WFC Menu.mp3 | 3.66MB Pokemon Stadium 2/45 Little Cup Final Battle 2.mp3 | 3.66MB Pokemon Stadium/45 Prime Cup Battles 1-3.mp3 | 3.65MB Pokemon Stadium 2/52 Prime Cup Final Battle.mp3 | 3.64MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/339 White Forest.mp3 | 3.63MB Pokemon RSE/065 - Art Museum.mp3 | 3.63MB Pokemon X and Y/36 Gate.mp3 | 3.62MB Pokemon X and Y/110 Friends Theme _Friends Forever_.mp3 | 3.62MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/02 Hodomoe Gym Underground.mp3 | 3.62MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/315 Musical Hall.mp3 | 3.61MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/52 The End.mp3 | 3.60MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/385 Pokemon Channel Medley!.mp3 | 3.59MB Pokemon Stadium 2/04 Options Menu.mp3 | 3.59MB Pokemon FRLG/75 The Last Battle (VS Rival).mp3 | 3.58MB Pokemon Stadium 2/07 Earl's Pokemon Academy.mp3 | 3.58MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/04 Introductions.mp3 | 3.57MB Pokemon Stadium 2/56 Challenge Cup Final Battle.mp3 | 3.56MB Pokemon Stadium/69 Credits (Round 2).mp3 | 3.56MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/348 Sazanami Town (Summer).mp3 | 3.55MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/143 Gym.mp3 | 3.55MB Pokemon Stadium/63 Rival Battle.mp3 | 3.54MB Pokemon XD/51 Final Battle.mp3 | 3.53MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/08 Museum.mp3 | 3.53MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/18 Mt. Pyre Exterior.mp3 | 3.53MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/21 Victory Road.mp3 | 3.53MB Pokemon X and Y/16 Battle! (Wild Pokémon).mp3 | 3.53MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/03 Title Screen- Main Theme.mp3 | 3.53MB Pokemon Stadium 2/68 Gym Beta Battle.mp3 | 3.52MB Pokemon Colosseum/29 Ending Theme.mp3 | 3.52MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/202 Hodomoe City.mp3 | 3.52MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/302 Route 2 (Autumn~Winter).mp3 | 3.51MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/123 Route 2 (Spring~Summer).mp3 | 3.51MB Pokemon Stadium 2/75 Lance Battle.mp3 | 3.50MB Pokemon RSE/036 - Marine Science Museum.mp3 | 3.50MB Pokemon X and Y/205 Battle! (Wild Pokémon).mp3 | 3.50MB Pokemon Stadium 2/90 Move Relearned.mp3 | 3.49MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/28 Battle! (Regirock - Regice - Registeel).mp3 | 3.49MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/203 Freezer Containers.mp3 | 3.48MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/46 Mt. Chimney.mp3 | 3.47MB Pokemon Colosseum/09 Phenac City.mp3 | 3.47MB Pokemon Stadium/42 Poke Cup Battles 4-6.mp3 | 3.47MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/30 Dewford Town.mp3 | 3.47MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/526 - Select your Pokemon.mp3 | 3.46MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/207 Electric Rock Cave.mp3 | 3.44MB Pokemon X and Y/28 Pokémon Gym.mp3 | 3.44MB Pokemon FRLG/39 Mt Moon.mp3 | 3.44MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/20 Trick House.mp3 | 3.44MB Pokemon Stadium 2/80 Ash Battle.mp3 | 3.43MB Pokemon Stadium 2/77 Rival Theme.mp3 | 3.43MB Pokemon Stadium 2/36 Streaming Stampede.mp3 | 3.43MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/118 Battle! Trainer (Johto).mp3 | 3.42MB Pokemon Stadium 2/11 Academy Battle.mp3 | 3.42MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/524 - Reception Desk.mp3 | 3.42MB Pokemon X and Y/133 Friend Safari.mp3 | 3.41MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/323 Two People on the Ferris Wheel.mp3 | 3.40MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/003 - Colosseum Leader - Kruger's Theme.mp3 | 3.40MB Pokemon X and Y/62 Bicycle.mp3 | 3.40MB Pokemon X and Y/181 Emma's Theme.mp3 | 3.40MB Pokemon RSE/033 - Dewford Town.mp3 | 3.39MB Pokemon Stadium/39 Petit Cup Semifinal.mp3 | 3.39MB Pokemon Stadium 2/54 Challenge Cup Battle.mp3 | 3.38MB Pokemon RSE/045 - Route 113.mp3 | 3.37MB Pokemon Stadium 2/39 Pokemon Select.mp3 | 3.36MB Pokemon X and Y/131 Battle Maison.mp3 | 3.36MB Pokemon RSE/085 - Sootopolis City.mp3 | 3.35MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/220 Cylinder Bridge.mp3 | 3.33MB Pokemon X and Y/122 Congratulations on Entering the.mp3 | 3.33MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/307 GTS.mp3 | 3.33MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/409 Team Rocket!.mp3 | 3.33MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/14 Battle! (Primal Reversion).mp3 | 3.32MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/02 Hideout.mp3 | 3.32MB Pokemon Colosseum/14 Pyrite Town.mp3 | 3.32MB Pokemon X and Y/23 Santalune City.mp3 | 3.31MB Pokemon X and Y/92 Dendemille Town.mp3 | 3.31MB Pokemon X and Y/43 Camphrier Town (feat. Shota Kagey.mp3 | 3.31MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/05 Battle! (Super-Ancient Pokémon).mp3 | 3.31MB Pokemon X and Y/211 Cycling.mp3 | 3.30MB Pokemon RSE/113 - Ending Theme.mp3 | 3.30MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/65 Battle! The Boss of Team Galactic.mp3 | 3.29MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/305 Wi-Fi Connection.mp3 | 3.29MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/13 Cave of Origin.mp3 | 3.29MB Pokemon X and Y/30 Victory! (Gym Leader).mp3 | 3.28MB Pokemon X and Y/07 Aquacorde Town.mp3 | 3.28MB Pokemon X and Y/118 The Pokémon League.mp3 | 3.28MB Pokemon RSE/004 - Opening Selection.mp3 | 3.28MB Pokemon Colosseum/24 Shadow Pokemon Lab.mp3 | 3.26MB Pokemon Stadium 2/64 Kanto Leader Battle.mp3 | 3.25MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/401 Surf.mp3 | 3.25MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/153 Route 4 (Spring).mp3 | 3.25MB Pokemon Stadium/33 Pika Cup Battles 1-3.mp3 | 3.24MB Pokemon Colosseum/06 First Battle.mp3 | 3.24MB Pokemon X and Y/179 Hotel Richissime.mp3 | 3.24MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/04 Pokemon League 2.mp3 | 3.24MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/30 Poké Mart.mp3 | 3.23MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/349 Cynthia's Theme.mp3 | 3.23MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/01 Route 119.mp3 | 3.23MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/13 Southern Island.mp3 | 3.22MB Pokemon Colosseum/08 Normal Battle.mp3 | 3.22MB Pokemon Stadium 2/43 Little Cup Battle 2.mp3 | 3.21MB Pokemon RSE/030 - Rustboro City.mp3 | 3.21MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/522 - Choose a Colosseum.mp3 | 3.20MB Pokemon X and Y/204 Title Screen (Pokémon Origins).mp3 | 3.20MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/133 Team Plasma Appears!.mp3 | 3.19MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/09 Battle! (Wild Pokémon).mp3 | 3.19MB Pokemon Stadium 2/38 Tumbling Togepi.mp3 | 3.18MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/228 Pokemon League.mp3 | 3.18MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/27 Rustboro City.mp3 | 3.18MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/113 Route 1.mp3 | 3.17MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/42 Route 113.mp3 | 3.17MB Pokemon Stadium 2/73 Elite 4 Battle 2.mp3 | 3.16MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/03 Route 111.mp3 | 3.16MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/07 Victory! (Gym Leader - Elite Four).mp3 | 3.15MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/01 The Heirs to Eternity.mp3 | 3.15MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/150 Sky Arrow Bridge.mp3 | 3.14MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/406 Mystery Gift.mp3 | 3.13MB Pokemon RSE/118 - Classic Battle Theme (Unused).mp3 | 3.13MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/204 Route 6 (Spring~Summer).mp3 | 3.13MB Pokemon X and Y/126 Fin.mp3 | 3.13MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/328 Route 6 (Autumn~Winter).mp3 | 3.13MB Pokemon Stadium/32 P97 + 98 Cup Final.mp3 | 3.13MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/146 Victory Against Gym Leader!.mp3 | 3.12MB Pokemon RSE/076 - Mount Pyre (Outer Wall).mp3 | 3.12MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/03 Title Screen- Main Theme.mp3 | 3.11MB Pokemon FRLG/80 Battle (VS Deoxys).mp3 | 3.09MB Pokemon X and Y/24 Pokémon Center.mp3 | 3.09MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/03 United Nations.mp3 | 3.08MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/01 Opening Demo.mp3 | 3.07MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/33 Oceanic Museum.mp3 | 3.07MB Pokemon XD/62 Colosseum 3.mp3 | 3.06MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/36 Game Corner.mp3 | 3.06MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/103 Title.mp3 | 3.05MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/47 Battle! (Steven).mp3 | 3.05MB Pokemon RSE/003 - Title Demo 3 (Main Theme).mp3 | 3.04MB Pokemon X and Y/38 The Sycamore Pokémon Lab.mp3 | 3.04MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/26 Sea Mauville.mp3 | 3.03MB Pokemon X and Y/59 Cyllage City.mp3 | 3.02MB Pokemon X and Y/138 Sushi High Roller.mp3 | 3.02MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/31 Ever Grande City.mp3 | 3.02MB Pokemon Colosseum/26 Snagem Hideout.mp3 | 3.01MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/44 Verdanturf Town.mp3 | 3.01MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/187 Battle! Ho-Oh.mp3 | 3.00MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/45 Battle! (Elite Four).mp3 | 3.00MB Pokemon RSE/057 - Surfing.mp3 | 3.00MB Pokemon FRLG/50 Team Rocket Hideout.mp3 | 3.00MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/27 Sealed Chamber.mp3 | 3.00MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/15 Mt. Pyre.mp3 | 2.99MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/258 Battle Castle.mp3 | 2.99MB Pokemon Stadium/03 Game Demo.mp3 | 2.99MB Pokemon Colosseum/12 Trainer's School.mp3 | 2.99MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/26 Route 104.mp3 | 2.99MB Pokemon X and Y/142 Coiffure Clips.mp3 | 2.99MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/117 Karakusa Town.mp3 | 2.98MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/50 Battle! (Gym Leader).mp3 | 2.98MB Pokemon RSE/068 - Rival Duels! VS May & Brendan.mp3 | 2.98MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/168 Battle! Raikou.mp3 | 2.97MB Pokemon X and Y/14 Santalune Forest.mp3 | 2.97MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/31 Let's Go Home.mp3 | 2.97MB Pokemon X and Y/199 Game Sync.mp3 | 2.94MB Pokemon X and Y/184 Head It.mp3 | 2.94MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/109 Professor Araragi.mp3 | 2.94MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/07 Per Aspera Ad Astra.mp3 | 2.94MB Pokemon Colosseum/10 Pokemon Center.mp3 | 2.94MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/32 Battle Resort.mp3 | 2.94MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/158 National Park.mp3 | 2.93MB Pokemon X and Y/41 Dark Skies.mp3 | 2.93MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/11 Battle! (Brendan-May).mp3 | 2.93MB Pokemon Stadium/31 P97 + 98 Cup Semifinal.mp3 | 2.92MB Pokemon RSE/039 - Game Corner.mp3 | 2.92MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/04 The Lament of Falling Stars.mp3 | 2.90MB Pokemon X and Y/108 Az.mp3 | 2.90MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/25 Wally's Theme.mp3 | 2.90MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/15 Pokémon Center.mp3 | 2.89MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/528 - Battle Tutorial Menu.mp3 | 2.87MB Pokemon X and Y/183 Berry Picker.mp3 | 2.87MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/340 Game Sync.mp3 | 2.87MB Pokemon Stadium 2/66 Team Rocket's Castle.mp3 | 2.86MB Pokemon X and Y/143 Pr Video Studio.mp3 | 2.86MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/41 Route 110.mp3 | 2.85MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/37 Battle! Yuxie, Emurit, & Agnome.mp3 | 2.84MB Pokemon XD/57 VS. Battle.mp3 | 2.84MB Pokemon XD/48 Citadark Island.mp3 | 2.83MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/213 Battle! Suicune.mp3 | 2.83MB Pokemon Stadium 2/17 Minigame Complete.mp3 | 2.83MB Pokemon FRLG/32 Battle (VS Gym Leader).mp3 | 2.83MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/27 Sootopolis City.mp3 | 2.82MB Pokemon X and Y/39 Professor Sycamore's Theme.mp3 | 2.82MB Pokemon GSC/22 Trainer Battle Theme 1.mp3 | 2.81MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/119 Pokemon Center.mp3 | 2.81MB Pokemon RSE/087 - Ancient Pokemon Battle!.mp3 | 2.81MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/23 Rival's Theme.mp3 | 2.80MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/338 Black City.mp3 | 2.79MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/29 Pokémon Link.mp3 | 2.79MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/399 THE END.mp3 | 2.78MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/343 Someone's High Link.mp3 | 2.78MB Pokemon Stadium/46 Prime Cup Battles 4-6.mp3 | 2.77MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/29 Room of Glory.mp3 | 2.76MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/15 Pokémon Contest Spectacular- Introductions!.mp3 | 2.76MB Pokemon XD/73 Credits.mp3 | 2.75MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/130 Sanyou City.mp3 | 2.75MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/319 Musical Stardom!.mp3 | 2.74MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/33 Battle Maison.mp3 | 2.74MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/27 Petalburg Woods.mp3 | 2.74MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/05 Pokémon Gym.mp3 | 2.73MB Pokemon Stadium 2/05 Mystery Gift.mp3 | 2.73MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/17 Fortree City.mp3 | 2.73MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/16 Pokémon Contest Spectacular- Appeals!.mp3 | 2.73MB Pokemon Colosseum/03 Main Menu.mp3 | 2.72MB Pokemon X and Y/102 The Legendary Pokémon Awoken.mp3 | 2.72MB Pokemon Stadium 2/40 Battle Preparation.mp3 | 2.71MB Pokemon FRLG/43 Lavender Town Theme.mp3 | 2.71MB Pokemon FRLG/82 Battle (VS Trainer) (RS).mp3 | 2.70MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/35 Route 216 (Night).mp3 | 2.70MB Pokemon Stadium/60 Gym Leader Battle.mp3 | 2.70MB Pokemon RSE/005 - Littleroot Town.mp3 | 2.69MB Pokemon Stadium 2/03 White City (Menu Theme).mp3 | 2.69MB Pokemon Colosseum/18 Mirakle B's Imitation Groove.mp3 | 2.69MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/03 Route 120.mp3 | 2.68MB Pokemon X and Y/191 Try Again....mp3 | 2.68MB Pokemon RSE/089 - Ever Grande City.mp3 | 2.67MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/11 Route 101.mp3 | 2.67MB Pokemon FRLG/41 SS Anne.mp3 | 2.67MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/30 The Hall of Fame.mp3 | 2.64MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/12 Oldale Town.mp3 | 2.64MB Pokemon RBY/36 - Team Rocket Hideout.mp3 | 2.63MB Pokemon X and Y/08 Friends Theme _a New Meeting_.mp3 | 2.63MB Pokemon X and Y/177 Looker's Theme.mp3 | 2.63MB Pokemon Stadium 2/62 Johto Castle.mp3 | 2.63MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/162 Champion Adeku.mp3 | 2.63MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/05 Littleroot Town.mp3 | 2.63MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/62 Route 216 (Midday).mp3 | 2.63MB Pokemon Stadium/38 Petit Cup Battles 4-6.mp3 | 2.62MB Pokemon X and Y/100 The Ultimate Weapon Deployed.mp3 | 2.62MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/256 Battle Arcade.mp3 | 2.61MB Pokemon XD/61 Colosseum 2.mp3 | 2.61MB Pokemon Stadium 2/81 Free Battle.mp3 | 2.61MB Pokemon Stadium/05 Hall of Fame.mp3 | 2.59MB Pokemon X and Y/197 Wonder Trade.mp3 | 2.59MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/320 Musical A Walk in the Forest.mp3 | 2.59MB Pokemon Stadium 2/18 Minigame Championship.mp3 | 2.58MB Pokemon X and Y/212 Cycling (Pokémon Origins Version.mp3 | 2.58MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/29 Battle! (Super-Ancient Pokémon).mp3 | 2.57MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/44 Fallarbor Town.mp3 | 2.56MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/301 Looker's Theme.mp3 | 2.56MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/135 Victory Against Team Plasma!.mp3 | 2.56MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/35 Cycling.mp3 | 2.56MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/32 Trainers' School.mp3 | 2.55MB Pokemon X and Y/84 Friends Theme _Reunited_.mp3 | 2.55MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/206 Rock Tunnel.mp3 | 2.55MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/16 Explosive Encounters! Red and Blue.mp3 | 2.54MB Pokemon GSC/45 National Park.mp3 | 2.53MB Pokemon X and Y/114 Pokémon Village.mp3 | 2.52MB Pokemon X and Y/139 Boutique.mp3 | 2.52MB Pokemon FRLG/18 Pewter City Theme.mp3 | 2.52MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/028 - Pokemon Revolution Demo Music.mp3 | 2.52MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/42 Victory Road.mp3 | 2.52MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/28 - Torn World.mp3 | 2.51MB Pokemon GSC/69 Vermilion City.mp3 | 2.51MB Pokemon RBY/28 - Battle (VS Gym Leader).mp3 | 2.51MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/321 Musical The Evening Party.mp3 | 2.51MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/209 Araragi's Father.mp3 | 2.51MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/09 Battle! (Wild Pokémon).mp3 | 2.50MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/38 Battle! (Regirock-Regice-Registeel).mp3 | 2.50MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/10 A Path We All Must Walk.mp3 | 2.50MB Pokemon Stadium 2/12 My Room.mp3 | 2.50MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/229 Battle! Trainer (Kanto).mp3 | 2.49MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/11 Heavy Rain.mp3 | 2.49MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/20 Battle! Trainer.mp3 | 2.49MB Pokemon X and Y/01 Title Screen.mp3 | 2.49MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/63 Kissaki City (Midday).mp3 | 2.47MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/21 Super-Secret Bases.mp3 | 2.47MB Pokemon FRLG/61 Pokemon Mansion.mp3 | 2.47MB Pokemon FRLG/83 Battle (VS Gym Leader) (RS).mp3 | 2.47MB Pokemon Stadium 2/15 Beta Theme.mp3 | 2.47MB Pokemon X and Y/06 Route 1.mp3 | 2.45MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/322 Musical The Heated Raimon.mp3 | 2.45MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/14 Poké Mart.mp3 | 2.44MB Pokemon Stadium 2/08 Academy Quiz.mp3 | 2.44MB Pokemon Stadium/57 Gym Leader Castle.mp3 | 2.44MB Pokemon X and Y/196 Battle Spot.mp3 | 2.43MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/04 Countdown to Destruction.mp3 | 2.43MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/07 Lilycove City.mp3 | 2.43MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/26 Brendan.mp3 | 2.42MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/34 Kissaki City (Night).mp3 | 2.42MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/529 - What's Your Name.mp3 | 2.42MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/06 Birch Pokémon Lab.mp3 | 2.42MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/255 Battle Hall.mp3 | 2.41MB Pokemon X and Y/55 Team Flare Appears!.mp3 | 2.41MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/23 Petalburg City.mp3 | 2.40MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/183 Battle! Entei.mp3 | 2.40MB Pokemon X and Y/86 Scary House.mp3 | 2.39MB Pokemon RSE/064 - Lilycove City.mp3 | 2.39MB Pokemon RSE/117 - Pewter City, Red Field Pinball (Unused).mp3 | 2.39MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/260 Battle! Frontier Brain.mp3 | 2.38MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/24 Drought.mp3 | 2.38MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/07 May.mp3 | 2.38MB Pokemon RSE/060 - Route 120.mp3 | 2.38MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/48 Route 111.mp3 | 2.38MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/64 Battle! Elite Four.mp3 | 2.38MB Pokemon RSE/084 - Dive.mp3 | 2.37MB Pokemon RSE/116 - Unused Theme 2.mp3 | 2.37MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/28 Cave of Origin.mp3 | 2.37MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/28 Victory! (Steven).mp3 | 2.37MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/254 Battle Factory.mp3 | 2.36MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/204 Battle! Gym Leader (Kanto).mp3 | 2.36MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/40 Leader's Theme (Team Aqua - Team Magma).mp3 | 2.35MB Pokemon Stadium 2/32 Gutsy Golbat.mp3 | 2.34MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/408 Challenge the Battle Tournament.mp3 | 2.34MB Pokemon X and Y/200 Mystery Gift.mp3 | 2.34MB Pokemon X and Y/96 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Psychic).mp3 | 2.34MB Pokemon Stadium/58 Gym Leader Castle Menu.mp3 | 2.33MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/13 Route 203 (Night).mp3 | 2.33MB Pokemon Colosseum/27 Nascour's Theme.mp3 | 2.32MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/527 - Pokemon Wheel.mp3 | 2.32MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/283 Sinjoh Ruins.mp3 | 2.32MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/39 The Trick House.mp3 | 2.32MB Pokemon XD/41 Cipher Key Lair.mp3 | 2.30MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/336 Pokeshifter Catch a Pokemon!.mp3 | 2.30MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/139 Cheren's Theme.mp3 | 2.30MB Pokemon RSE/010 - Wild Pokemon Battle!.mp3 | 2.29MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/179 Ice Cave.mp3 | 2.29MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/160 Ecruteak City.mp3 | 2.29MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/40 Carnival Ludicolo Musical!.mp3 | 2.28MB Pokemon Stadium 2/70 Castle Clear.mp3 | 2.28MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/32 Battle! Gym Leader.mp3 | 2.28MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/13 Lisia's Theme.mp3 | 2.27MB Pokemon X and Y/180 Looker's in Trouble!.mp3 | 2.26MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/07 Team Aqua Appears!.mp3 | 2.26MB Pokemon XD/16 Agate Village.mp3 | 2.26MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/414 Congratulations on Entering the Hall of Fame!.mp3 | 2.26MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/156 Belle's Theme.mp3 | 2.26MB Pokemon Stadium/70 VS Mewtwo Menu.mp3 | 2.26MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/28 Tobari City (Night).mp3 | 2.25MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/354 Battle! Suicune!.mp3 | 2.25MB Pokemon RSE/073 - Mount Pyre.mp3 | 2.24MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/334 Shift Factory.mp3 | 2.24MB Pokemon RSE/100 - Regirock! Regice! Registeel!.mp3 | 2.24MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/44 Hakutai City (Midday).mp3 | 2.24MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/04 - Opening ~PLATINUM VERSION~.mp3 | 2.24MB Pokemon XD/50 Shadow Lugia Battle.mp3 | 2.24MB Pokemon Colosseum/05 Outskirt Stand.mp3 | 2.23MB Pokemon RSE/047 - Fallarbor Town.mp3 | 2.23MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/18 Hakutai City (Night).mp3 | 2.22MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/10 - Battle Frontier - Battle Castle.mp3 | 2.22MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/230 Siege on the Pokemon League.mp3 | 2.22MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/22 Route 104.mp3 | 2.22MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/23 Forest House.mp3 | 2.21MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/143 Battle! Gym Leader (Johto).mp3 | 2.21MB Pokemon X and Y/48 Hurry Along 2.mp3 | 2.21MB Pokemon GSC/72 Saffron City Cerulean City Pewter City Viridian City Cinnabar Island.mp3 | 2.20MB Pokemon RSE/104 - Champion Road.mp3 | 2.20MB Pokemon GSC/62 Radio Places & People.mp3 | 2.20MB Pokemon GSC/46 Ecruteak City Cianwood City.mp3 | 2.20MB Pokemon X and Y/10 It's a Pokémon Battle!.mp3 | 2.19MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/25 Route 203 (Midday).mp3 | 2.19MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/67 Battle! Champion.mp3 | 2.19MB Pokemon RBY/32 - Pokemon Tower.mp3 | 2.18MB Pokemon XD/52 Greevil Redeemed.mp3 | 2.18MB Pokemon GSC/27 Trainer Battle Theme 2.mp3 | 2.16MB Pokemon RSE/077 - Magma & Aqua Hideout.mp3 | 2.15MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/22 Trainers' eyes Meet (Ace Trainer).mp3 | 2.15MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/40 Nagisa City (Night).mp3 | 2.14MB Pokemon X and Y/121 Victory! (Champion).mp3 | 2.14MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/41 Verdanturf Town.mp3 | 2.13MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/252 Battle Tower (Johto).mp3 | 2.13MB Pokemon XD/63 Colosseum 4.mp3 | 2.13MB Pokemon XD/01 Title Screen.mp3 | 2.11MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/34 Crossing the Sea.mp3 | 2.11MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/233 The Child of Pokemon, N.mp3 | 2.11MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/215 Spotted! Team Plasma.mp3 | 2.11MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/140 Trouble Occurs!.mp3 | 2.11MB Pokemon GSC/24 Dark Cave Slowpoke Well Ice Path.mp3 | 2.10MB Pokemon RBY/12 - Viridian Forest.mp3 | 2.10MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/02 Azoth.mp3 | 2.10MB Pokemon RSE/038 - Cycling.mp3 | 2.10MB Pokemon RSE/013 - Route 101.mp3 | 2.10MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/02 - Battle! VS Giratina.mp3 | 2.10MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/278 Battle! Champion.mp3 | 2.10MB Pokemon FRLG/40 Vermilion City Theme.mp3 | 2.10MB Pokemon Stadium/08 Kid's Club.mp3 | 2.10MB Pokemon RSE/082 - Drought.mp3 | 2.10MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/222 Spotted! Roughneck.mp3 | 2.09MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/50 The Hall of Fame.mp3 | 2.09MB Pokemon Stadium/17 Ekan Hoop Hurl.mp3 | 2.09MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/30 Kurogane Mine.mp3 | 2.08MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/72 Nagisa City (Midday).mp3 | 2.08MB Pokemon GSC/68 Wild Pokemon Battle Theme Kanto.mp3 | 2.08MB Pokemon RBY/09 - Pewter City's Theme.mp3 | 2.08MB Pokemon GSC/14 Routes 46 36 32 34 35 37 40 45.mp3 | 2.08MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/26 Champion Steven.mp3 | 2.07MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/40 Abandoned Ship.mp3 | 2.07MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/49 Dance - Easy.mp3 | 2.07MB Pokemon RSE/025 - Route 104.mp3 | 2.06MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/12 Contest Lobby.mp3 | 2.06MB Pokemon Colosseum/20 Relic Forest.mp3 | 2.06MB Pokemon RBY/01 - Opening.mp3 | 2.06MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/313 Battle! Trainer (Johto).mp3 | 2.05MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/135 Battle! Team Rocket.mp3 | 2.05MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/171 Cianwood City.mp3 | 2.05MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/41 Battle Tower.mp3 | 2.04MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/50 Dance - Hard.mp3 | 2.04MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/29 Game Corner.mp3 | 2.04MB Pokemon XD/15 Krabby Klub.mp3 | 2.04MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/67 Mt. Tenga.mp3 | 2.04MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/59 Tobari City (Midday).mp3 | 2.03MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/118 Come Along 2.mp3 | 2.03MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/04 Introductions.mp3 | 2.03MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/51 Victory! (Gym Leader).mp3 | 2.03MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/09 The Super-Ancient Pokémon Awaken!.mp3 | 2.03MB Pokemon FRLG/65 Jumping With Mini Pokemon.mp3 | 2.02MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/03 Pokemon Center (Night).mp3 | 2.01MB Pokemon FRLG/70 Union Room.mp3 | 2.01MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/170 Surf.mp3 | 2.01MB Pokemon FRLG/69 Sevii Islands Fortune & Quest Islands.mp3 | 2.01MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/34 Pokémon Contest!.mp3 | 2.00MB Pokemon Colosseum/11 Es Cade's Theme.mp3 | 2.00MB Pokemon RSE/014 - Oldale Town.mp3 | 2.00MB Pokemon RSE/015 - Pokemon Center.mp3 | 2.00MB Pokemon FRLG/03 Opening.mp3 | 2.00MB Pokemon Stadium 2/88 Relearn TM.mp3 | 2.00MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/217 Route 4 (Summer).mp3 | 2.00MB Pokemon X and Y/178 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Punk Guy).mp3 | 2.00MB Pokemon X and Y/79 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Team Flare).mp3 | 2.00MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/10 Drought.mp3 | 1.99MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/407 Route 4 (Winter).mp3 | 1.99MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/310 Route 4 (Autumn).mp3 | 1.99MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/13 Pokémon Center.mp3 | 1.99MB Pokemon GSC/37 Radio Lucky Channel Game Corner.mp3 | 1.98MB Pokemon Colosseum/02 Opening Demo.mp3 | 1.98MB Pokemon XD/22 Mt Battle.mp3 | 1.98MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/102 Title.mp3 | 1.98MB Pokemon Colosseum/15 Pyrite Building.mp3 | 1.97MB Pokemon Stadium 2/16 Minigames.mp3 | 1.97MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/23 Petalburg Woods.mp3 | 1.97MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/57 Route 225 (Night).mp3 | 1.97MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/20 Petalburg City.mp3 | 1.97MB Pokemon Colosseum/07 World Map.mp3 | 1.97MB Pokemon RSE/080 - Aqua & Magma Leader Battle.mp3 | 1.96MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/138 Battle! Rival.mp3 | 1.96MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/41 Battle! Team Galactic.mp3 | 1.96MB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/413 Victory Against the Champion!.mp3 | 1.96MB Pokemon X and Y/46 Together with Shauna.mp3 | 1.95MB Pokemon RSE/044 - Verdanturf Town.mp3 | 1.95MB Pokemon XD/71 Demo.mp3 | 1.95MB Pokemon XD/14 Gateon Port.mp3 | 1.94MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/77 Route 225 (Midday).mp3 | 1.94MB Pokemon FRLG/73 Battle (VS Mewtwo).mp3 | 1.94MB Pokemon FRLG/66 Dodrio's Green Power.mp3 | 1.94MB Pokemon GSC/60 Dragon's Den.mp3 | 1.94MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/03 Sky Pillar.mp3 | 1.94MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/284 Arceus.mp3 | 1.94MB Pokemon RBY/31 - Lavender Town's Theme.mp3 | 1.94MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/246 Pokethlon - The Deciding Match!.mp3 | 1.93MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/122 Violet City.mp3 | 1.93MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/54 The Town of Lake Aspiration (Night).mp3 | 1.93MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/37 Sealed Chamber.mp3 | 1.93MB Pokemon X and Y/56 Evolution.mp3 | 1.92MB Pokemon RSE/026 - Petalburg Forest.mp3 | 1.92MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/207 Battle! Wild Pokemon (Kanto).mp3 | 1.92MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/216 Top Floor of Dragon Spiral Tower.mp3 | 1.92MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/11 Mio City (Night).mp3 | 1.92MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/265 Wi-Fi Plaza.mp3 | 1.92MB Pokemon XD/25 Cipher Admin Battle.mp3 | 1.92MB Pokemon FRLG/21 Battle (VS Wild Pokemon).mp3 | 1.91MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/25 - Pokemon Contest Theme ~BEAUTY~.mp3 | 1.91MB Pokemon RSE/006 - Unused Theme.mp3 | 1.91MB Pokemon X and Y/89 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Furisode Gir.mp3 | 1.91MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/58 Hard Mountain.mp3 | 1.91MB Pokemon RSE/054 - Gym Leader Defeated!.mp3 | 1.90MB Pokemon RSE/108 - Champion Steven Stone.mp3 | 1.90MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/38 Route 210 (Night).mp3 | 1.90MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/149 Goldenrod City Game Corner.mp3 | 1.90MB Pokemon GSC/31 Ruins Of Alph Union Cave Ilex Forest Mt Mortar Whirlpool Islands Tohjo Falls.mp3 | 1.89MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/275 Battle! Lugia.mp3 | 1.89MB Pokemon Colosseum/13 Cipher Syndicate's Theme.mp3 | 1.89MB Pokemon XD/17 Relic Forest.mp3 | 1.89MB Pokemon XD/26 Pyrite Town.mp3 | 1.88MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/07 May.mp3 | 1.88MB Pokemon X and Y/107 Firing the Ultimate Weapon (Poké.mp3 | 1.88MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/27 Kurogane Gate.mp3 | 1.88MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/58 Route 210.mp3 | 1.88MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/19 Underground Tunnel.mp3 | 1.87MB Pokemon XD/40 S.S. Libra.mp3 | 1.87MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/49 Pokémon Gym.mp3 | 1.87MB Pokemon Colosseum/01 Title Theme.mp3 | 1.87MB Pokemon RSE/086 - Cave Of Origin & Meteor Falls.mp3 | 1.87MB Pokemon FRLG/46 Game Corner.mp3 | 1.87MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/34 Route 110.mp3 | 1.86MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/60 The Town of Lake Aspiration (Midday).mp3 | 1.86MB Pokemon XD/37 Battle SIM.mp3 | 1.85MB Pokemon RSE/101 - Trick Mansion.mp3 | 1.85MB Pokemon RSE/095 - Contest! (Variation 4).mp3 | 1.85MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/03 Five Furious Strikes!.mp3 | 1.85MB Pokemon RSE/096 - Contest!.mp3 | 1.85MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/101 The Day I Became King.mp3 | 1.85MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/12 Oldale Town.mp3 | 1.84MB Pokemon RSE/092 - Contest! (Variation 1).mp3 | 1.84MB Pokemon RSE/093 - Contest! (Variation 2).mp3 | 1.84MB Pokemon RSE/094 - Contest! (Variation 3).mp3 | 1.84MB Pokemon GSC/49 Surf Theme.mp3 | 1.84MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/181 Dragon's Den.mp3 | 1.84MB Pokemon Stadium 2/60 Cup Victory.mp3 | 1.84MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/122 Team Plasma's Secret Maneuvers.mp3 | 1.84MB Pokemon XD/46 Willie Battle.mp3 | 1.84MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/235 The Dragon's Awakening.mp3 | 1.83MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/06 Trainers' eyes Meet (Scuba Diver).mp3 | 1.83MB Pokemon RSE/051 - Route 111.mp3 | 1.83MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/42 Hakutai Forest.mp3 | 1.83MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/33 Route 209 (Night).mp3 | 1.83MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/220 Viridian City.mp3 | 1.83MB Pokemon XD/07 Dr. Kaminko's Yard.mp3 | 1.83MB Pokemon Stadium/26 Free Battle.mp3 | 1.82MB Pokemon GSC/20 Rival Battle Theme.mp3 | 1.82MB Pokemon RSE/072 - Friendly Shop.mp3 | 1.82MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/10 Surf.mp3 | 1.82MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/46 Battle! Team Galactic Admin.mp3 | 1.81MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/14 Hurry Along.mp3 | 1.81MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/231 Route 47.mp3 | 1.81MB Pokemon GSC/25 Violet City Olivine City.mp3 | 1.81MB Pokemon XD/12 JOVI is Sad.mp3 | 1.80MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/317 Dress Up in Accessories.mp3 | 1.80MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/11 Route 101.mp3 | 1.80MB Pokemon FRLG/44 Pokemon Tower.mp3 | 1.80MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/50 Bike.mp3 | 1.80MB Pokemon FRLG/45 Celadon City Theme.mp3 | 1.80MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/54 Route 209 (Midday).mp3 | 1.79MB Pokemon GSC/67 S S Aqua.mp3 | 1.79MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/62 Decisive Battle! Pokemon League.mp3 | 1.79MB Pokemon X and Y/81 A Mysterious Figure.mp3 | 1.78MB Pokemon XD/45 Miror B Battle.mp3 | 1.78MB Pokemon FRLG/58 Battle (VS Legendary Pokemon).mp3 | 1.78MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/49 Room of Glory.mp3 | 1.77MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/19 Hideout.mp3 | 1.77MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/24 The Elite Four Appear!.mp3 | 1.76MB Pokemon XD/32 Cipher Command.mp3 | 1.76MB Pokemon GSC/76 Lavander Town.mp3 | 1.76MB Pokemon RSE/115 - Unused Battle.mp3 | 1.76MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/355 Ice Cave.mp3 | 1.75MB Pokemon XD/60 Colloseum 1.mp3 | 1.75MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/10 The Legend Has Come (Zekrom).mp3 | 1.75MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/11 The Legend Has Come (Reshiram).mp3 | 1.75MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/14 Epilogue (Waves).mp3 | 1.75MB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/13 Epilogue.mp3 | 1.75MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/61 Pokemon League (Night).mp3 | 1.75MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/59 Battle! Legendary Pokemon.mp3 | 1.73MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/152 The Global Terminal.mp3 | 1.73MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/104 New Bark Town.mp3 | 1.73MB Pokemon FRLG/16 Road To Viridian City From Pallet Town.mp3 | 1.72MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/29 Crossing the Sea.mp3 | 1.72MB Pokemon RSE/023 - Petalburg City.mp3 | 1.72MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/61 Mio City.mp3 | 1.72MB Pokemon RSE/031 - Pokemon Institute.mp3 | 1.72MB Pokemon RSE/099 - Ancient Braille Cave.mp3 | 1.72MB Pokemon GSC/85 Staff Roll.mp3 | 1.72MB Pokemon RSE/103 - Battle Tower.mp3 | 1.72MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/01 - Battle! VS Frontier Brain.mp3 | 1.72MB Pokemon GSC/57 Radio Unown Tune.mp3 | 1.72MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/09 Battle! Wild Pokémon.mp3 | 1.71MB Pokemon RSE/008 - May (Girl's Theme).mp3 | 1.71MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/233 Safari Zone.mp3 | 1.71MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/12 - Battle Frontier - Battle Roulette.mp3 | 1.71MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/202 The High-Speed Ship.mp3 | 1.71MB Pokemon RSE/102 - Suterarebune.mp3 | 1.71MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/128 Union Cave.mp3 | 1.71MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/101 Opening Demo.mp3 | 1.71MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/158 The Equated Captives.mp3 | 1.71MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/234 N's Dragon.mp3 | 1.70MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/01 Futaba Town (Night).mp3 | 1.70MB Pokemon Stadium/62 Gym Leader Castle (Elite Four).mp3 | 1.70MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/04 Futaba Town (Midday).mp3 | 1.70MB Pokemon XD/36 Realgam Tower.mp3 | 1.70MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/75 Pokemon League (Midday).mp3 | 1.70MB Pokemon GSC/36 Azalea Town Blackthorn City.mp3 | 1.69MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/07 Lake.mp3 | 1.69MB Pokemon Stadium/27 Stadium Selection.mp3 | 1.69MB Pokemon FRLG/08 Pallet Town Theme.mp3 | 1.69MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/308 Spin Trade.mp3 | 1.69MB Pokemon Stadium/24 Free Battle Menu.mp3 | 1.69MB Pokemon GSC/39 Trainer Battle Theme 3.mp3 | 1.68MB Pokemon GSC/79 Cycling Road.mp3 | 1.68MB Pokemon X and Y/135 Gogoat Shuttle.mp3 | 1.68MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/44 Yosuga City (Night).mp3 | 1.67MB Pokemon GSC/70 Trainer Battle Theme 4.mp3 | 1.67MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/20 Safari Zone.mp3 | 1.67MB Pokemon FRLG/42 Cycling.mp3 | 1.67MB Pokemon FRLG/53 Road To Fuchsia City From Lavender Town.mp3 | 1.66MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/109 Route 29.mp3 | 1.65MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/160 Battle Trouble!.mp3 | 1.65MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/212 Spotted! Psychic.mp3 | 1.65MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/10 Brendan.mp3 | 1.65MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/28 Trainers' School.mp3 | 1.65MB Pokemon GSC/61 Routes 27 26.mp3 | 1.64MB Pokemon X and Y/105 Victory! (Team Flare).mp3 | 1.64MB Pokemon X and Y/190 Success!.mp3 | 1.64MB Pokemon X and Y/71 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Roller Skate.mp3 | 1.64MB Pokemon RSE/112 - Induction Into The Hall Of Fame.mp3 | 1.64MB Pokemon FRLG/60 Cinnabar Island Theme.mp3 | 1.63MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/56 Battle Tower.mp3 | 1.63MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/05 Safari Zone.mp3 | 1.63MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/02 Fortree City.mp3 | 1.63MB Pokemon RSE/083 - Heavy Rainfall.mp3 | 1.63MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/28 Team Magma Appears!.mp3 | 1.62MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/26 Battle! Rival.mp3 | 1.62MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/218 Viridian Forest.mp3 | 1.62MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/13 - Battle Frontier - Battle Stage.mp3 | 1.62MB Pokemon GSC/65 Lance & Red Battle Theme.mp3 | 1.62MB Pokemon RSE/037 - Route 110.mp3 | 1.62MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/110 Battle! Wild Pokemon (Johto).mp3 | 1.62MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/238 Geechisu's Ambitions.mp3 | 1.61MB Pokemon GSC/59 Bug Catching Contest.mp3 | 1.61MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/53 Yosuga City (Midday).mp3 | 1.61MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/21 Team Aqua Appears!.mp3 | 1.61MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/25 Heavy Rain.mp3 | 1.61MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/43 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Cooltrainer).mp3 | 1.60MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/33 Contest Lobby.mp3 | 1.60MB Pokemon FRLG/55 Fuchsia City Theme.mp3 | 1.59MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/69 Hall of Fame.mp3 | 1.59MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/27 - Test Track - Opening Title [Pokemon RSE].mp3 | 1.59MB Pokemon Stadium 2/76 Lance Defeated.mp3 | 1.59MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/25 Trainers' eyes Meet (Street Thug).mp3 | 1.58MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/11 - Battle Frontier - Battle Factory.mp3 | 1.58MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/46 Champion Steven.mp3 | 1.58MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/44 The Elite Four Appear!.mp3 | 1.57MB Pokemon X and Y/106 Firing the Ultimate Weapon (Poké.mp3 | 1.57MB Pokemon FRLG/37 Road To Cerulean City From Mt Moon.mp3 | 1.56MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/335 Pokeshifter Choose a Pokemon.mp3 | 1.55MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/205 Lavender Town.mp3 | 1.55MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/36 Crater of the Lake.mp3 | 1.55MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/125 Friendly Shop.mp3 | 1.55MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/02 Opening.mp3 | 1.55MB Pokemon XD/09 Dr. Kaminko's Manor.mp3 | 1.54MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/184 Tin Tower.mp3 | 1.53MB Pokemon RSE/007 - Birch Research Institute.mp3 | 1.53MB Pokemon RBY/17 - Mt. Moon Cave.mp3 | 1.53MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/302 Title.mp3 | 1.53MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/76 Fight Area (Midday).mp3 | 1.53MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/133 Azalea Town.mp3 | 1.53MB Pokemon X and Y/35 Sina and Dexio.mp3 | 1.53MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/244 Pokethlon - During the Games!.mp3 | 1.53MB Pokemon FRLG/33 Victory (VS Gym Leader).mp3 | 1.52MB Pokemon RSE/052 - Gym Theme.mp3 | 1.52MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/01 Opening Movie- Setting out on a Journey in the Hoenn Region.mp3 | 1.52MB Pokemon FRLG/52 Silph Co..mp3 | 1.52MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/08 Television Channel.mp3 | 1.52MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/05 Masago Town (Night).mp3 | 1.52MB Pokemon Stadium 2/35 Rampage Rollout.mp3 | 1.51MB Pokemon GSC/41 Goldenrod City.mp3 | 1.51MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/14 Research Lab.mp3 | 1.51MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/17 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Hex Maniac).mp3 | 1.51MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/48 Victory! (Steven).mp3 | 1.50MB Pokemon RBY/07 - Battle (VS Wild Pokemon).mp3 | 1.50MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/06 Birch Pokémon Lab.mp3 | 1.50MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/55 Fight Area (Night).mp3 | 1.50MB Pokemon RBY/38 - Ocean.mp3 | 1.50MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/25 Great Swamp.mp3 | 1.50MB Pokemon RBY/18 - The Road to Cerulean from Mt. Moon.mp3 | 1.49MB Pokemon FRLG/68 Sevii Islands.mp3 | 1.49MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/32 - Wi-Fi Union Room.mp3 | 1.49MB Pokemon XD/05 JOVI's Theme.mp3 | 1.49MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/31 - Wi-Fi Tower.mp3 | 1.49MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/64 Team Galactic Hideout.mp3 | 1.48MB Pokemon FRLG/30 Pokemon Gym.mp3 | 1.48MB Pokemon RSE/111 - Glory Room.mp3 | 1.48MB Pokemon RSE/079 - Team Aqua Appears!.mp3 | 1.48MB Pokemon FRLG/09 Prof Oak.mp3 | 1.48MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/123 Sprout Tower.mp3 | 1.48MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/31 Gym.mp3 | 1.48MB Pokemon GSC/55 Rocket Hideout.mp3 | 1.48MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/136 Evolution.mp3 | 1.48MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/226 Professor Oak.mp3 | 1.48MB Pokemon Stadium 2/87 Got a Rare Pokemon.mp3 | 1.47MB Pokemon GSC/09 Wild Pokemon Battle Theme.mp3 | 1.47MB Pokemon X and Y/194 A Poké Radar Hit!.mp3 | 1.47MB Pokemon Stadium/04 Map.mp3 | 1.47MB Pokemon RSE/027 - Aqua & Magma Teams Appear!.mp3 | 1.47MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/28 Evolution.mp3 | 1.47MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/34 Trainers' eyes Meet (Hex Maniac).mp3 | 1.47MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/337 National Park.mp3 | 1.47MB Pokemon GSC/18 Chat With Professor Oak.mp3 | 1.46MB Pokemon Stadium 2/37 Topsy-Turvy.mp3 | 1.46MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/232 Safari Zone Gate.mp3 | 1.46MB Pokemon RBY/40 - Pokemon Mansion.mp3 | 1.46MB Pokemon XD/23 Cipher Peon Battle.mp3 | 1.46MB Pokemon X and Y/17 Victory! (Wild Pokémon).mp3 | 1.46MB Pokemon X and Y/75 Riding Skiddo.mp3 | 1.46MB Pokemon RBY/24 - Codename- St. Anne.mp3 | 1.46MB Pokemon Stadium 2/30 Egg Emergency.mp3 | 1.46MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/530 - Main Menu - Game Mode Menu.mp3 | 1.45MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/113 Cherrygrove City.mp3 | 1.45MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/282 Battle! Super Ancient Pokemon!.mp3 | 1.45MB Pokemon RSE/016 - Pokemon Center Classic (Unused).mp3 | 1.45MB Pokemon RBY/34 - Casino.mp3 | 1.45MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/268 Wi-Fi Plaza Parade.mp3 | 1.44MB Pokemon FRLG/57 Surfing.mp3 | 1.43MB Pokemon RSE/067 - Brendan's Theme.mp3 | 1.43MB Pokemon Stadium/06 Professor Oak's Lab.mp3 | 1.43MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/147 Radio - Buena's Password.mp3 | 1.43MB Pokemon GSC/81 Route 2.mp3 | 1.43MB Pokemon RSE/059 - Fortree City.mp3 | 1.43MB Pokemon XD/24 Cipher Lab.mp3 | 1.43MB Pokemon XD/70 Trouble.mp3 | 1.43MB Pokemon RBY/25 - The Road to Lavender Town - From Vermillion.mp3 | 1.42MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/337 Spotted! PokeFan.mp3 | 1.42MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/22 Trainers' eyes Meet (Gentleman).mp3 | 1.42MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/07 - Pokemon Contest Theme ~SMART~.mp3 | 1.41MB Pokemon X and Y/67 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Honeymooners.mp3 | 1.41MB Pokemon X and Y/117 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Ace Trainer.mp3 | 1.41MB Pokemon X and Y/22 Victory! (Trainer Battle).mp3 | 1.41MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/01 The Slitherers.mp3 | 1.41MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/13 Masago Town (Midday).mp3 | 1.41MB Pokemon GSC/51 Tin Tower.mp3 | 1.41MB Pokemon RSE/091 - Contest Lobby.mp3 | 1.41MB Pokemon RBY/30 - Cycling.mp3 | 1.41MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/42 Meeting Plaza.mp3 | 1.41MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/05 - Pokemon Contest Theme ~COOL~.mp3 | 1.41MB Pokemon GSC/56 Rocket Tower Takeover.mp3 | 1.40MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/24 Zui Town (Night).mp3 | 1.40MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/331 Battle! Gym Leader! (Johto).mp3 | 1.40MB Pokemon Stadium/13 Run Rattata Run.mp3 | 1.39MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/277 Pokemon League.mp3 | 1.39MB Pokemon FRLG/64 Sevii Islands Floe & Chrono Islands.mp3 | 1.39MB Pokemon FRLG/25 Pokemon Center.mp3 | 1.39MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/372 Viridian City.mp3 | 1.39MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/227 Spotted! Ace Trainer.mp3 | 1.39MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/128 Spotted! Lass.mp3 | 1.38MB Pokemon RSE/110 - Steven Stone Defeated!.mp3 | 1.38MB Pokemon GSC/29 Bellsprout Tower.mp3 | 1.38MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/276 Victory Road.mp3 | 1.37MB Pokemon X and Y/68 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Black Belt).mp3 | 1.37MB Pokemon FRLG/62 Pokemon Network Center.mp3 | 1.37MB Pokemon Stadium 2/74 Lance's Theme.mp3 | 1.37MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/248 Pokethlon - Awards Ceremony.mp3 | 1.37MB Pokemon XD/20 PokeCenter.mp3 | 1.37MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/225 Pallet Town.mp3 | 1.36MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/20 Taking an Underground Flag!.mp3 | 1.36MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/56 Zui Town (Midday).mp3 | 1.35MB Pokemon RSE/024 - Come Along.mp3 | 1.35MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/08 - Pokemon Contest Theme ~TOUGH~.mp3 | 1.35MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/21 Hurry Along.mp3 | 1.35MB Pokemon FRLG/77 Induction Into The Hall Of Fame.mp3 | 1.35MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/173 Route 42.mp3 | 1.34MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/203 Vermilion City.mp3 | 1.34MB Pokemon Battle Revolution/001 - Title Screen.mp3 | 1.33MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/334 Global Terminal.mp3 | 1.33MB Pokemon X and Y/52 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Maid).mp3 | 1.33MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/382 Route 47.mp3 | 1.33MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/312 Battle Subway.mp3 | 1.33MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/24 Team Magma Appears!.mp3 | 1.33MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/324 Battle! Team Rocket.mp3 | 1.32MB Pokemon XD/39 Battle Bingo Battle.mp3 | 1.32MB Pokemon FRLG/76 Epilogue.mp3 | 1.32MB Pokemon Stadium/51 Pokemon Victory Poses & Cup Presentation.mp3 | 1.32MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/107 The Elm Laboratory.mp3 | 1.32MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/364 Battle! Wild Pokemon (Kanto).mp3 | 1.31MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/340 Ecruteak City.mp3 | 1.31MB Pokemon GSC/64 Mt Silver.mp3 | 1.31MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/78 Route 228 (Midday).mp3 | 1.31MB Pokemon GSC/12 New Bark Town.mp3 | 1.31MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/262 Radio - Trainer Channel.mp3 | 1.31MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/390 Pokethlon - The Deciding Match!.mp3 | 1.31MB Pokemon XD/04 Pokemon Lab.mp3 | 1.31MB Pokemon RBY/37 - Sylph Company.mp3 | 1.30MB Pokemon GSC/84 Pallet Town.mp3 | 1.30MB Pokemon XD/31 Battle Wild Pokemon.mp3 | 1.30MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/327 Battle! Rival.mp3 | 1.30MB Pokemon Stadium 2/28 Delibird's Delivery.mp3 | 1.30MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/397 Battle! Champion.mp3 | 1.29MB Pokemon RSE/075 - Look! Occult Manic.mp3 | 1.29MB Pokemon Stadium/28 Pokemon Selection.mp3 | 1.29MB Pokemon XD/42 Snagem Hideout.mp3 | 1.28MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/130 Ruins of Alph.mp3 | 1.28MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/142 Gym.mp3 | 1.28MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/47 Super Contest!.mp3 | 1.28MB Pokemon Stadium/15 Thunder Dynamo.mp3 | 1.28MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/53 Route 228 (Night).mp3 | 1.28MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/06 - Pokemon Contest Theme ~CUTE~.mp3 | 1.28MB Pokemon XD/03 Normal Battle.mp3 | 1.27MB Pokemon Stadium/07 Pokemon Transfer.mp3 | 1.27MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/384 Safari Zone.mp3 | 1.27MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/346 Spotted! Gentleman.mp3 | 1.27MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/127 Victory Against Trainer!.mp3 | 1.27MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/138 Spotted! Twins.mp3 | 1.27MB Pokemon RSE/032 - Crossing The Sea.mp3 | 1.26MB Pokemon Colosseum/04 Seth Steals the Snag Machine.mp3 | 1.26MB Pokemon GSC/43 Bicycle Theme.mp3 | 1.26MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/175 Team Rocket's Hideout.mp3 | 1.26MB Pokemon Stadium 2/25 Barrier Ball.mp3 | 1.26MB Pokemon Stadium 2/01 Title Screen.mp3 | 1.26MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/144 Victory Against Gym Leader.mp3 | 1.25MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/39 Route 205 (Midday).mp3 | 1.25MB Pokemon Stadium/54 VS Won.mp3 | 1.24MB Pokemon GSC/71 Trainer Battle Theme 5.mp3 | 1.24MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/06 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Gentleman).mp3 | 1.24MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/333 Goldenrod City Game Corner.mp3 | 1.24MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/169 Olivine City Lighthouse.mp3 | 1.24MB Pokemon XD/11 Theme of Suspense.mp3 | 1.24MB Pokemon GSC/06 Pokemon Lab.mp3 | 1.24MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Battle! Aruseus.mp3 | 1.23MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/205 Spotted! Parasol Lady.mp3 | 1.23MB Pokemon X and Y/187 Let's Super Train!.mp3 | 1.23MB Pokemon X and Y/12 Hurry Along 1.mp3 | 1.23MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/166 Route 38.mp3 | 1.23MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/162 Burned Tower.mp3 | 1.22MB Pokemon RBY/33 - Celadon City.mp3 | 1.22MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/120 Route 30.mp3 | 1.22MB Pokemon XD/21 Reception Center.mp3 | 1.21MB Pokemon XD/54 Orre Colloseum.mp3 | 1.21MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/178 Radio Tower Invasion!.mp3 | 1.21MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/11 Hikari.mp3 | 1.21MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/356 Dragon's Den.mp3 | 1.21MB Pokemon FRLG/71 Mysterious Presnt.mp3 | 1.21MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/136 Route 34.mp3 | 1.21MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/153 GTS.mp3 | 1.20MB Pokemon RBY/02 - Palette Town Theme.mp3 | 1.20MB Pokemon GSC/26 Pokemon Gym.mp3 | 1.20MB Pokemon XD/30 PokeSpot.mp3 | 1.19MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/115 Victory Against Wild Pokemon.mp3 | 1.19MB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/206 Spotted! Scientist.mp3 | 1.19MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/230 Cinnabar Island.mp3 | 1.19MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/21 Victory! (Trainer Battle).mp3 | 1.19MB Pokemon GSC/16 Cherrygrove City Tour.mp3 | 1.19MB Pokemon X and Y/44 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Tourist).mp3 | 1.19MB Pokemon GSC/02 Title Screen.mp3 | 1.19MB Pokemon GSC/28 Gym Leader Defeated.mp3 | 1.18MB Pokemon XD/35 Pre Gym.mp3 | 1.18MB Pokemon RBY/19 - Cerulean City's Theme.mp3 | 1.18MB Pokemon RBY/20 - Pokemon Gym.mp3 | 1.17MB Pokemon XD/44 Miror B.mp3 | 1.17MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/24 Friendly Shop.mp3 | 1.17MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/164 Radio - Oak's Pokemon Talk.mp3 | 1.17MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/02 Trainers' eyes Meet (Hiker).mp3 | 1.16MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/16 Route 205 (Night).mp3 | 1.16MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/15 Kurogane City (Night).mp3 | 1.16MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/22 Kotobuki City (Midday).mp3 | 1.15MB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/152 Spotted! Businessman.mp3 | 1.15MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/201 Route 26.mp3 | 1.15MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/271 Pokewalker.mp3 | 1.15MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/09 GTS.mp3 | 1.15MB Pokemon GSC/83 Route 1.mp3 | 1.15MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/26 - Resort Area House.mp3 | 1.14MB Pokemon GSC/52 Routes 38 39.mp3 | 1.14MB Pokemon Stadium/14 Snore War.mp3 | 1.14MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/251 Registration at the Battle Tower.mp3 | 1.14MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/216 Route 11.mp3 | 1.13MB Pokemon RBY/10 - Pokemon Center.mp3 | 1.13MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/03 - Battle! VS Regis.mp3 | 1.13MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/29 Kurogane City (Midday).mp3 | 1.12MB Pokemon GSC/78 Celadon City Fuchsia City.mp3 | 1.12MB Pokemon XD/27 ONBS Building.mp3 | 1.12MB Pokemon GSC/77 Routes 11 12 13.mp3 | 1.12MB Pokemon Stadium/55 VS Lost.mp3 | 1.12MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/114 Come Along 2.mp3 | 1.12MB Pokemon FRLG/74 The Last Road.mp3 | 1.11MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/10 Victory! (Wild Pokémon).mp3 | 1.11MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/33 Trainers' eyes Meet (Psychic).mp3 | 1.11MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/380 Battle! Trainer (Kanto).mp3 | 1.11MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/36 Trainers' eyes Meet (Tuber♀).mp3 | 1.10MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/52 Route 206 (Midday).mp3 | 1.10MB Pokemon GSC/08 Pokemon Center.mp3 | 1.10MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/17 Trainers' eyes Meet (Youngster).mp3 | 1.10MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/07 Kotobuki City.mp3 | 1.10MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/362 Lavender Town.mp3 | 1.10MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/70 Congratulations on Your Induction into the Hall of Fame!.mp3 | 1.10MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/141 Goldenrod City.mp3 | 1.09MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/68 Spear Pillar.mp3 | 1.09MB Pokemon GSC/04 Welcome To The World Of Pokemon.mp3 | 1.09MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/35 Results Announcement.mp3 | 1.09MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/320 Union Cave.mp3 | 1.09MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/348 Surf.mp3 | 1.09MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/234 Radio - Variety Channel.mp3 | 1.09MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/33 Victory Against Gym Leader!.mp3 | 1.08MB Pokemon GSC/17 Routes 30 33.mp3 | 1.08MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/359 The High-Speed Ship.mp3 | 1.08MB Pokemon XD/53 Purify Chamber.mp3 | 1.08MB Pokemon GSC/82 Radio Poke Flute.mp3 | 1.07MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/319 Friendly Shop.mp3 | 1.07MB Pokemon RSE/105 - Look! Elite Trainer 2.mp3 | 1.07MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/350 Rocket Hideout.mp3 | 1.06MB Pokemon X and Y/63 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Hiker).mp3 | 1.06MB Pokemon GSC/13 Route 29.mp3 | 1.06MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/48 Contest! Dress-up.mp3 | 1.06MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/155 Bicycle.mp3 | 1.06MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/224 Route 1.mp3 | 1.06MB Pokemon FRLG/79 Deoxys' Appearance.mp3 | 1.05MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/281 THE END.mp3 | 1.05MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/16 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Psychic).mp3 | 1.05MB Pokemon RSE/106 - Elite Four Intro!.mp3 | 1.04MB Pokemon RBY/23 - Vermillion City's Theme.mp3 | 1.04MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/115 Pokemon Center.mp3 | 1.04MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/322 Azalea Town.mp3 | 1.04MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/16 Pokemon Center (Midday).mp3 | 1.04MB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/333 Spotted! Cyclist.mp3 | 1.04MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/01 Opening Movie- Setting out on a Journey in the Hoenn Region.mp3 | 1.04MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/17 Results.mp3 | 1.04MB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/26 Route 206 (Night).mp3 | 1.04MB Pokemon GSC/53 Olivine Lighthouse Silver Cave.mp3 | 1.04MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/47 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Hiker).mp3 | 1.04MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/36 Contest Winner.mp3 | 1.04MB Pokemon X and Y/51 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Butler).mp3 | 1.03MB Pokemon XD/59 Cipher Admin Gonzap.mp3 | 1.02MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/221 Route 3.mp3 | 1.01MB Pokemon RBY/39 - Cinnabar Islands' Theme.mp3 | 1.01MB Pokemon Stadium/16 Sushi-Go-Round.mp3 | 1.01MB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/212 Radio - Pokemon Lullaby.mp3 | 1.01MB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/12 Evolution.mp3 | 1.00MB Pokemon Stadium/18 Rock Harden.mp3 | 1.00MB Pokemon XD/06 World Map.mp3 | 1023.75KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/19 Trainers' eyes Meet (Swimmer♀).mp3 | 1021.61KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/214 Celadon City.mp3 | 1020.80KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/279 Hall of Fame.mp3 | 1020.39KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/269 Radio Route 101.mp3 | 1020.19KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/31 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Tuber♀).mp3 | 1016.74KB Pokemon Stadium 2/59 Victory!.mp3 | 1016.71KB Pokemon RSE/062 - Safari Zone.mp3 | 1013.94KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/163 Eusine.mp3 | 1013.50KB Pokemon X and Y/34 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Poké Fan).mp3 | 1012.48KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/383 Safari Zone Gate.mp3 | 1011.33KB Pokemon Stadium/09 Magikarp's Splash.mp3 | 1006.00KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/18 Victory! (Trainer Battle).mp3 | 1003.08KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/389 Pokethlon - During the Games!.mp3 | 999.59KB Pokemon Stadium/02 Title.mp3 | 998.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/137 The Rival Appears!.mp3 | 994.50KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/66 Champion - Shirona.mp3 | 994.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/307 Battle! Wild Pokemon (Johto).mp3 | 990.61KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/106 Kotone.mp3 | 986.97KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/270 Radio Route 201.mp3 | 984.61KB Pokemon FRLG/12 Rival Appears.mp3 | 984.00KB Pokemon X and Y/195 Poké Radar Chain!.mp3 | 983.91KB Pokemon GSC/63 Indigo Plateau.mp3 | 981.11KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/370 Viridian Forest.mp3 | 980.70KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/209 Cerulean City.mp3 | 980.42KB Pokemon X and Y/74 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Swimmer♂).mp3 | 976.13KB Pokemon GSC/54 Routes 42 43 44 Gyarados Lake.mp3 | 975.39KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/217 Radio - Poke Flute.mp3 | 975.35KB Pokemon GSC/86 The End.mp3 | 968.86KB Pokemon RBY/06 - The Road to Viridian City - From Palette.mp3 | 966.92KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/68 Victory Against Champion!.mp3 | 966.13KB Pokemon XD/13 Heroic.mp3 | 965.25KB Pokemon RBY/29 - Victory (VS Gym Leader).mp3 | 958.72KB Pokemon X and Y/04 An Adventure Is Beginning.mp3 | 954.31KB Pokemon Stadium/19 Dig! Dig! Dig!.mp3 | 954.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/215 Hibiki.mp3 | 948.47KB Pokemon FRLG/81 Pokemon Institute (RS).mp3 | 948.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/30 - Wi-Fi Parade.mp3 | 947.32KB Pokemon FRLG/29 Guidance.mp3 | 946.00KB Pokemon XD/33 Rhumba of Love.mp3 | 945.63KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/19 Trainers' eyes Meet (Lass).mp3 | 942.71KB Pokemon XD/72 Ending.mp3 | 942.00KB Pokemon X and Y/42 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Twins).mp3 | 940.03KB Pokemon X and Y/19 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Youngster).mp3 | 940.03KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/30 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Swimmer♀).mp3 | 933.34KB Pokemon XD/19 Purification Complete.mp3 | 930.38KB Pokemon FRLG/13 Rival Appears (No Intro).mp3 | 928.00KB Pokemon XD/43 Outskirt Stand.mp3 | 927.35KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/352 Radio Tower Invasion!.mp3 | 927.35KB Pokemon XD/69 Mecha-Groudon.mp3 | 922.75KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/236 Bug-Catching Contest.mp3 | 922.19KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/24 Trainers' eyes Meet (Poké Fan).mp3 | 919.81KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/46 Pofin.mp3 | 918.07KB Pokemon RSE/021 - Trainer Defeated.mp3 | 917.32KB Pokemon Stadium/52 Alternate Victory Celebration.mp3 | 912.00KB Pokemon GSC/15 Cherrygrove City Mahogany Town.mp3 | 911.72KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/104 Now for the Adventure!.mp3 | 910.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/05 Rival.mp3 | 906.05KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/247 Pokethlon - Results Announcement.mp3 | 905.71KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/316 Violet City.mp3 | 903.59KB Pokemon X and Y/20 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Lass).mp3 | 896.15KB Pokemon FRLG/10 Oak Research Institute.mp3 | 894.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/69 Enter Legendary Pokemon!.mp3 | 890.13KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/16 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Lass).mp3 | 887.20KB Pokemon RBY/21 - To Bill's Origin - From Cerulean.mp3 | 884.84KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/353 Tin Tower.mp3 | 884.49KB Pokemon XD/49 XD001.mp3 | 883.13KB Pokemon Stadium 2/31 Furret's Frolic.mp3 | 882.70KB Pokemon Stadium 2/29 Eager Eevee.mp3 | 881.67KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/185 The Summoning Dance.mp3 | 878.76KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/139 Evolution.mp3 | 877.99KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/15 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Youngster).mp3 | 876.10KB Pokemon RSE/011 - Wild Pokemon Defeated! (No Intro).mp3 | 874.46KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/361 Battle! Gym Leader (Kanto).mp3 | 873.76KB Pokemon GSC/50 Burned Tower.mp3 | 873.35KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/04 Interviewers.mp3 | 870.07KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/318 The Curtain Rises on the Musical.mp3 | 870.00KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/108 Come Along 1.mp3 | 870.00KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/154 Spotted! Backpacker.mp3 | 870.00KB Pokemon RSE/012 - Wild Pokemon Defeated!.mp3 | 869.57KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/177 The Rival Appears! 2.mp3 | 868.42KB Pokemon GSC/42 Radio Pokemon Music.mp3 | 864.38KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/360 Vermilion City.mp3 | 864.36KB Pokemon Stadium 2/58 Defeated!.mp3 | 864.05KB Pokemon XD/29 Kandee.mp3 | 863.88KB Pokemon XD/38 Battle Bingo.mp3 | 863.88KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/210 Route 24.mp3 | 863.83KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/43 Trainers' eyes Meet (Triathlete).mp3 | 863.65KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/167 Radio - Pokemon March.mp3 | 863.52KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/17 Spotted! Sailor.mp3 | 862.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/301 Opening.mp3 | 856.38KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/73 Champions' Road.mp3 | 856.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/272 Spiky-Eared Pichu Appears!.mp3 | 853.93KB Pokemon XD/02 Intro.mp3 | 852.25KB Pokemon FRLG/07 Welcome To The World Of Pokemon!.mp3 | 852.00KB Pokemon FRLG/51 Trainer Appears (Bad Guys Version).mp3 | 850.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/45 Galactic's Hakutai Building.mp3 | 844.13KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/26 Victory! (Team Aqua - Team Magma).mp3 | 836.59KB Pokemon GSC/73 Radio Let's All Sing!.mp3 | 829.68KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/332 Gym Leader Defeated!.mp3 | 821.35KB Pokemon XD/47 Greevil.mp3 | 820.63KB Pokemon GSC/35 Trainer Challenge Theme 5.mp3 | 819.07KB Pokemon RSE/001 - Title Demo 1 (Departure From Houen District).mp3 | 816.90KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/381 Cinnabar Island.mp3 | 816.65KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/06 Route 201 (Midday).mp3 | 814.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/127 Kimono Girls.mp3 | 813.86KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/325 Route 34.mp3 | 812.71KB Pokemon X and Y/156 Pr Video Bgm _Classical 1_.mp3 | 809.42KB Pokemon X and Y/149 Pr Video Bgm _Elegant 2_.mp3 | 809.42KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/19 Interviewers.mp3 | 806.81KB Pokemon FRLG/31 Tense Competition!.mp3 | 806.00KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/105 The First Day.mp3 | 806.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/305 Professor Elm's Lab.mp3 | 805.79KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/303 New Bark Town.mp3 | 804.97KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/376 Route 1.mp3 | 803.68KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/161 Dance Theater.mp3 | 802.35KB Pokemon GSC/19 Rival Challenge.mp3 | 802.33KB Pokemon Stadium 2/65 Pichu's Power Plant.mp3 | 802.13KB Pokemon X and Y/150 Pr Video Bgm _Elegant 3_.mp3 | 795.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/273 Encounter! Kimono Girl.mp3 | 794.64KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/41 Spotted! Artist.mp3 | 794.13KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/70 Cataclysm!!.mp3 | 790.13KB Pokemon XD/65 Puri2.mp3 | 789.38KB Pokemon GSC/47 Dance Theater.mp3 | 787.23KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/45 Contest Hall.mp3 | 784.13KB Pokemon RSE/018 - Look! Little Kid.mp3 | 782.32KB Pokemon X and Y/160 Pr Video Bgm _Lively 1_.mp3 | 780.84KB Pokemon X and Y/152 Pr Video Bgm _Cool 1_.mp3 | 780.84KB Pokemon X and Y/157 Pr Video Bgm _Classical 2_.mp3 | 780.84KB Pokemon GSC/74 Underground Path Rock Tunnel Diglett's Cave.mp3 | 780.29KB Pokemon FRLG/24 Trainer Appears (Boy Version).mp3 | 780.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/377 Pallet Town.mp3 | 778.39KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/08 H-Help Me!.mp3 | 775.26KB Pokemon FRLG/15 Victory (VS Trainer).mp3 | 774.00KB Pokemon RBY/03 - Professor Oak.mp3 | 773.88KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/125 Spotted! Youngster.mp3 | 770.63KB Pokemon X and Y/58 Trainers' Eyes Meet (Swimmer♀).mp3 | 768.63KB Pokemon X and Y/172 Pr Video Bgm _Thrilling 1_.mp3 | 765.54KB Pokemon X and Y/171 Pr Video Bgm _Mature 4_.mp3 | 765.54KB Pokemon X and Y/153 Pr Video Bgm _Cool 2_.mp3 | 765.54KB Pokemon X and Y/148 Pr Video Bgm _Elegant 1_.mp3 | 765.54KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/30 Victory! (Team Aqua - Team Magma).mp3 | 763.21KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/43 Twins.mp3 | 758.75KB Pokemon XD/58 Mr. Verich.mp3 | 758.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/346 Route 38.mp3 | 756.13KB Pokemon X and Y/02 Opening Movie.mp3 | 751.25KB Pokemon X and Y/175 Pr Video Bgm _Thrilling 4_.mp3 | 751.25KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/274 Summoned Lugia!.mp3 | 749.33KB Pokemon RSE/063 - Look! Gentlemen.mp3 | 748.34KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/240 Pokethlon - Dome.mp3 | 748.27KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/02 Route 201 (Night).mp3 | 746.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/182 Clair.mp3 | 743.81KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/250 Mysterious Gift.mp3 | 743.69KB Pokemon XD/64 Puri1.mp3 | 742.50KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/249 You Won the Pokethlon!.mp3 | 740.98KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/358 Route 26.mp3 | 740.36KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/261 Victory Against Frontier Brain.mp3 | 739.51KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/47 Trainers' eyes Meet (Twins).mp3 | 737.83KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/368 Celadon City.mp3 | 737.52KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/330 Gym.mp3 | 737.50KB Pokemon X and Y/145 Pr Video Bgm _Cute 2_.mp3 | 736.97KB Pokemon X and Y/158 Pr Video Bgm _Classical 3_.mp3 | 736.97KB Pokemon X and Y/146 Pr Video Bgm _Cute 3_.mp3 | 736.97KB Pokemon RBY/04 - Oak Research Lab.mp3 | 732.72KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/16 - Encounter! Officer Handsome.mp3 | 731.08KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/329 Goldenrod City.mp3 | 730.60KB Pokemon GSC/11 Pokemon Evolves.mp3 | 724.78KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/243 Pokethlon - Game Start!.mp3 | 723.15KB Pokemon X and Y/163 Pr Video Bgm _Lively 4_.mp3 | 722.68KB Pokemon X and Y/174 Pr Video Bgm _Thrilling 3_.mp3 | 722.68KB Pokemon X and Y/165 Pr Video Bgm _Rhythmical 2_.mp3 | 722.68KB Pokemon X and Y/154 Pr Video Bgm _Cool 3_.mp3 | 722.68KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/17 - Epilogue.mp3 | 719.64KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/32 Spotted! Gambler.mp3 | 718.13KB Pokemon Stadium/10 Clefairy Says (Percussion).mp3 | 718.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/51 Spotted! Cycling.mp3 | 716.13KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/39 Reel Time.mp3 | 715.39KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/18 Contest Victor.mp3 | 713.83KB Pokemon X and Y/166 Pr Video Bgm _Rhythmical 3_.mp3 | 707.38KB Pokemon X and Y/147 Pr Video Bgm _Cute 4_.mp3 | 707.38KB Pokemon X and Y/162 Pr Video Bgm _Lively 3_.mp3 | 707.38KB Pokemon X and Y/159 Pr Video Bgm _Classical 4_.mp3 | 707.38KB Pokemon X and Y/164 Pr Video Bgm _Rhythmical 1_.mp3 | 707.38KB Pokemon X and Y/173 Pr Video Bgm _Thrilling 2_.mp3 | 707.38KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/263 Mystery Gift.mp3 | 706.21KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/10 Victory! (Wild Pokémon).mp3 | 704.83KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/394 Battle Tower (Johto).mp3 | 704.72KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/369 Route 11.mp3 | 702.92KB Pokemon Stadium 2/84 Evolution.mp3 | 701.80KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/266 Wi-Fi Plaza Minigames!.mp3 | 699.01KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/365 Cerulean City.mp3 | 697.31KB Pokemon X and Y/170 Pr Video Bgm _Mature 3_.mp3 | 693.09KB Pokemon X and Y/167 Pr Video Bgm _Rhythmical 4_.mp3 | 693.09KB Pokemon X and Y/169 Pr Video Bgm _Mature 2_.mp3 | 693.09KB Pokemon X and Y/155 Pr Video Bgm _Cool 4_.mp3 | 693.09KB Pokemon RBY/05 - Rival Appears.mp3 | 687.23KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/347 Olivine Lighthouse.mp3 | 685.59KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/09 - Victory! VS Frontier Brain.mp3 | 685.56KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/315 Route 30.mp3 | 681.49KB Pokemon XD/66 Puri3.mp3 | 680.00KB Pokemon XD/67 Puri4.mp3 | 680.00KB Pokemon XD/68 Greevil Defeated.mp3 | 680.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/344 Eusine.mp3 | 679.80KB Pokemon RBY/13 - Guidepost.mp3 | 678.96KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/23 - Mystery Gift ~PLATINUM VERSION~.mp3 | 678.81KB Pokemon X and Y/201 Pokédex Evaluation... It's Compl.mp3 | 678.80KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/40 Enter Team Galactic!.mp3 | 678.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/396 Pokemon League.mp3 | 677.14KB Pokemon RSE/019 - Look! Miniskirt.mp3 | 676.19KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/017 - Ending to Poketopia.mp3 | 674.83KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/366 Route 24.mp3 | 673.93KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/08 H-Help Me!.mp3 | 671.86KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/343 Burned Tower.mp3 | 670.28KB Pokemon RSE/046 - My Twins.mp3 | 669.55KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/15 Come On!.mp3 | 668.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/176 Encounter! Suspicious Person.mp3 | 667.89KB Pokemon GSC/01 Intro.mp3 | 664.78KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/335 Bicycle.mp3 | 661.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/66 Deep Within the Hideout!!.mp3 | 660.13KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/48 Evolution.mp3 | 658.13KB Pokemon RSE/029 - Aqua & Magma Teams Defeated!.mp3 | 657.33KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/306 Route 29.mp3 | 656.65KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/103 Let's Start Our Adventure!.mp3 | 655.91KB Pokemon RSE/050 - Look! Giant.mp3 | 655.27KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/242 Pokethlon - Opening Ceremonies.mp3 | 654.48KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/74 Spotted! Elite Trainer.mp3 | 654.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/150 Slot Payout!.mp3 | 652.56KB Pokemon X and Y/161 Pr Video Bgm _Lively 2_.mp3 | 650.23KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/311 Pokemon Center.mp3 | 648.45KB Pokemon GSC/07 Radio Oak's Pokemon Talk.mp3 | 647.23KB Pokemon FRLG/22 Victory (VS Wild Pokemon).mp3 | 636.00KB Pokemon X and Y/144 Pr Video Bgm _Cute 1_.mp3 | 634.93KB Pokemon X and Y/151 Pr Video Bgm _Elegant 4_.mp3 | 634.93KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/339 Bug-Catching Contest.mp3 | 633.83KB Pokemon FRLG/38 Trainer Appears (Girl Version).mp3 | 630.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/373 Route 3.mp3 | 629.48KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/14 - Cataclysm ~PART 1~.mp3 | 629.03KB Pokemon Stadium 2/89 Relearning Move.mp3 | 628.23KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/111 Victory Against Wild Pokemon!.mp3 | 624.83KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/19 Spotted! Miniskirt.mp3 | 624.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/131 Radio - Unown.mp3 | 620.08KB Pokemon RSE/097 - Result Announcement.mp3 | 618.54KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/392 Pokethlon - Awards Ceremony.mp3 | 615.86KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/117 Encounter! Enthusiastic Youth.mp3 | 613.32KB Pokemon RBY/41 - Evolution.mp3 | 613.27KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/317 Sprout Tower.mp3 | 612.73KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/02 Opening Movie 2.mp3 | 612.31KB Pokemon RSE/Battle! VS Mew.mp3 | 611.92KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/105 Come Along.mp3 | 605.69KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/102 A New Adventure!.mp3 | 602.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/264 Wi-Fi Communication.mp3 | 595.79KB Pokemon RSE/034 - Look! A Girl.mp3 | 595.27KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/349 Route 42.mp3 | 595.00KB Pokemon FRLG/35 Evolution.mp3 | 594.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/310 Come With Me 2.mp3 | 592.17KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/27 Spotted! Pokemon Collector.mp3 | 592.13KB Pokemon X and Y/168 Pr Video Bgm _Mature 1_.mp3 | 592.07KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/119 Victory Against Trainer!.mp3 | 591.97KB Pokemon RSE/074 - Look! Elite Trainer.mp3 | 591.20KB Pokemon RBY/08 - Victory (VS Wild Pokemon).mp3 | 588.67KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/29 - Wi-Fi Minigames.mp3 | 585.68KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/378 Professor Oak.mp3 | 585.14KB Pokemon Stadium/49 Stadium Cup ~ Victory Badges.mp3 | 576.00KB Pokemon GSC/38 Trainer Challenge Theme 6.mp3 | 563.97KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/156 Encounter! Innocent Cutie.mp3 | 563.70KB Pokemon GSC/44 Trainer Challenge Theme 8.mp3 | 561.52KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/63 Enter Elite Four!.mp3 | 560.13KB Pokemon Stadium/01 Opening Demo.mp3 | 558.00KB Pokemon GSC/58 Get Park Balls.mp3 | 554.17KB Pokemon FRLG/23 Victory (VS Wild Pokemon) (No Intro).mp3 | 552.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/391 Pokethlon - Results Announcement.mp3 | 551.65KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/309 Cherrygrove City.mp3 | 546.41KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/12 Hold on Tight!.mp3 | 539.19KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/39 Discovery with the Poketore!.mp3 | 532.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/351 The Rival Appears! 2.mp3 | 528.96KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/398 Hall of Fame.mp3 | 528.59KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/326 The Rival Appears!.mp3 | 526.73KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/235 Bug-Catching Contest Start!.mp3 | 523.00KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/02 Opening Movie- Double Battles.mp3 | 522.63KB Pokemon RBY/16 - Victory (VS Trainer).mp3 | 519.75KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/223 Mt. Moon.mp3 | 515.75KB Pokemon RBY/27 - Trainer Appears (Boy Chapter).mp3 | 515.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/186 Summoned Ho-Oh!.mp3 | 513.78KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/222 Encounter! Tough Guy.mp3 | 511.09KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/219 Encounter! Security Guard.mp3 | 508.75KB Pokemon X and Y/47 Poké Flute.mp3 | 504.31KB Pokemon X and Y/134 Pokédex Evaluation... It's Amazi.mp3 | 504.31KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/21 Spotted! Aromatic Girl.mp3 | 504.13KB Pokemon XD/28 ONBS Broadcast.mp3 | 503.25KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/22 - Move Tutor.mp3 | 502.90KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/15 Game Freak Logo.mp3 | 502.69KB Pokemon RSE/098 - Contest Championship.mp3 | 498.14KB Pokemon RSE/088 - Look! Bikini Sister.mp3 | 497.32KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/363 Rock Tunnel.mp3 | 497.30KB Pokemon RSE/069 - Evolution.mp3 | 496.90KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/51 Contest! Results Announcement.mp3 | 496.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/341 Dance Theater.mp3 | 495.98KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/386 Pokethlon Dome.mp3 | 492.88KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/134 Encounter! Team Rocket.mp3 | 486.61KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/52 Contest Victory!.mp3 | 480.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/328 Evolution.mp3 | 474.89KB Pokemon GSC/66 New Champion.mp3 | 473.35KB Pokemon GSC/23 Trainer Defeated.mp3 | 472.95KB Pokemon RSE/009 - Help!.mp3 | 471.08KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/124 Encounter! Devout Monk.mp3 | 467.65KB Pokemon GSC/03 Continue.mp3 | 466.82KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/08 A Happening at the Lake!.mp3 | 466.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/228 Encounter! Classic Lass.mp3 | 461.13KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/30 Win at the Slots.mp3 | 460.13KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/03 Public Service Announcement 'After That Red Gyarados!'.mp3 | 456.13KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/65 Victory Against Elite Four!.mp3 | 454.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/388 Pokethlon - Game Start!.mp3 | 454.11KB Pokemon Stadium 2/41 Versus Theme.mp3 | 452.77KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/21 Victory Against Trainer!.mp3 | 450.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/395 Victory Road.mp3 | 444.96KB Pokemon RBY/35 - Trainer Appears (Bad Guy Chapter).mp3 | 444.62KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/18 Spotted! Shorts Kid.mp3 | 442.13KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/45 Cable Car.mp3 | 435.05KB Pokemon RSE/061 - Interviewer.mp3 | 434.45KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/49 Cable Car.mp3 | 434.08KB Pokemon X and Y/31 Obtained a Gym Badge!.mp3 | 431.86KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/60 Mystery Gift.mp3 | 426.13KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/35 Spotted! Twins.mp3 | 424.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/55 Spotted! Mountain Man.mp3 | 418.13KB Pokemon X and Y/115 Pokédex Evaluation... It's Great.mp3 | 417.58KB Pokemon X and Y/140 Changed into Classic Clothes (Bo.mp3 | 417.58KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/47 Victory Against Team Galactic!.mp3 | 416.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Beginning Dimension - Aruseus.mp3 | 415.55KB Pokemon RSE/002 - Title Demo 2 (Double Battle).mp3 | 415.17KB Pokemon Stadium/21 Kid's Club (Loss).mp3 | 414.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/31 Big Win at the Slots.mp3 | 412.13KB Pokemon Stadium/64 Gym Castle Castle ~ Final Victory.mp3 | 410.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/336 Encounter! Innocent Cutie.mp3 | 409.62KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/357 Clair.mp3 | 409.32KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/04 Wi-Fi Chat.mp3 | 408.13KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/14 Spotted! Karate King.mp3 | 408.00KB Pokemon RBY/14 - Trainer Appears (Girl Chapter).mp3 | 406.95KB Pokemon BW/Disc 4/411 Pokedex Rating...Perfect!.mp3 | 406.00KB Pokemon GSC/30 Trainer Challenge Theme 2.mp3 | 405.19KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/308 Wild Pokemon Defeated!.mp3 | 404.54KB Pokemon X and Y/83 Quiz Time in the Lumiose City Gym.mp3 | 403.29KB Pokemon X and Y/61 Changed into Sporty Clothes (Girl.mp3 | 403.29KB Pokemon X and Y/82 The Lighting of Prism Tower.mp3 | 403.29KB Pokemon X and Y/57 Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evo.mp3 | 403.29KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/31 Pokédex Evaluation... Complete!.mp3 | 400.46KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/24 - News on Prof. Rowan's Arrival.mp3 | 399.16KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/23 The Super-Ancient Pokémon Awaken!.mp3 | 398.07KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/387 Pokethlon - Opening Ceremonies.mp3 | 393.17KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/393 Battle Tower Reception.mp3 | 390.08KB Pokemon X and Y/88 Changed into Exotic Clothes (Girl.mp3 | 389.01KB Pokemon X and Y/85 Pokédex Evaluation... Not Bad!.mp3 | 389.01KB Pokemon X and Y/27 Changed into Basic Clothes (Girl).mp3 | 389.01KB Pokemon X and Y/66 Pokédex Evaluation... Keep at It!.mp3 | 389.01KB Pokemon X and Y/91 Pokédex Evaluation... Looking Goo.mp3 | 389.01KB Pokemon X and Y/32 Obtained a Tm!.mp3 | 389.01KB Pokemon RSE/042 - BD Time.mp3 | 388.74KB Pokemon Stadium/66 Pokemon Present.mp3 | 380.00KB Pokemon X and Y/176 Another Chapter in Looker's Tale.mp3 | 373.70KB Pokemon X and Y/26 Changed into Basic Clothes (Boy).mp3 | 373.70KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/10 Victory Against Wild Pokemon!.mp3 | 370.04KB Pokemon FRLG/19 Teach Tv Menu.mp3 | 366.00KB Pokemon X and Y/94 Obtained a Mega Stone!.mp3 | 359.42KB Pokemon X and Y/40 Pokédex Evaluation... You've Just.mp3 | 359.42KB Pokemon X and Y/50 Pokédex Evaluation... You're on Y.mp3 | 359.42KB Pokemon X and Y/186 Tile Puzzle Complete!.mp3 | 359.42KB Pokemon GSC/48 Trainer Challenge Theme 9.mp3 | 357.84KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/027 - Intro to Poketopia.mp3 | 353.64KB Pokemon Stadium/11 Clefairy Says (Wrong Version).mp3 | 350.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/314 Victory Against Trainer!.mp3 | 349.48KB Pokemon Stadium/72 Mewtwo Defeated.mp3 | 348.00KB Pokemon GSC/34 Trainer Challenge Theme 4.mp3 | 347.23KB Pokemon FRLG/05 Game Explanation (Part 2).mp3 | 346.00KB Pokemon X and Y/15 Obtained an Item!.mp3 | 345.13KB Pokemon X and Y/136 Obtained Wallpapers!.mp3 | 345.13KB Pokemon X and Y/93 Move Deleted.mp3 | 345.13KB Pokemon X and Y/112 Changed into Elegant Clothes (Gi.mp3 | 345.13KB Pokemon Stadium/50 Poke & Prime Cup Trophy Presentation.mp3 | 342.40KB Pokemon X and Y/192 Unlocked a New Super-Training Re.mp3 | 330.84KB Pokemon X and Y/25 Pokémon Healed.mp3 | 330.84KB Pokemon X and Y/49 Received a Pokémon Egg!.mp3 | 330.84KB Pokemon X and Y/09 Obtained a Key Item!.mp3 | 330.84KB Pokemon X and Y/97 Changed into Feminine Clothes (Gi.mp3 | 330.84KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/342 The High Link Mission Begins!.mp3 | 326.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/318 Encounter! Devout Monk.mp3 | 324.70KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/323 Encounter! Team Rocket.mp3 | 317.68KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/345 Encounter! Suspicious Person.mp3 | 315.60KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/375 Mt. Moon.mp3 | 315.55KB Pokemon X and Y/127 The Tmv Departs.mp3 | 315.54KB Pokemon X and Y/132 Received Battle Points!.mp3 | 315.54KB Pokemon X and Y/130 Changed into Special Clothes (Gi.mp3 | 315.54KB Pokemon X and Y/64 Obtained a Berry!.mp3 | 315.54KB Pokemon X and Y/188 Start.mp3 | 315.54KB Pokemon X and Y/129 Changed into Special Clothes (Bo.mp3 | 315.54KB Pokemon X and Y/141 Changed into Classic Clothes (Gi.mp3 | 315.54KB Pokemon X and Y/18 Level Up!.mp3 | 315.54KB Pokemon X and Y/60 Changed into Colorful Clothes (Bo.mp3 | 315.54KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/147 Received a League Badge!.mp3 | 314.90KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/20 Caught a Pokemon!.mp3 | 311.56KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/321 Ruins of Alph.mp3 | 309.14KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/19 Musical (Guitar Scale) 2.mp3 | 307.80KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/18 Musical (Guitar Scale).mp3 | 307.80KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/17 Musical (String Scale).mp3 | 307.80KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/16 Musical (Piano Scale).mp3 | 307.80KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/22 Item Mystery.mp3 | 307.79KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/174 Radio Waves.mp3 | 305.58KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/342 Encounter! Kimono Girl.mp3 | 305.24KB Pokemon Stadium/65 Gym Leader Castle Clear.mp3 | 304.00KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/344 Mission Complete!.mp3 | 304.00KB Pokemon Stadium/12 Clefairy Says (Right Version).mp3 | 304.00KB Pokemon Stadium/53 Battle End.mp3 | 304.00KB Pokemon Stadium/29 VS Intro.mp3 | 302.00KB Pokemon GSC/21 Trainer Challenge Theme 1.mp3 | 300.70KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/314 Received BP!.mp3 | 300.00KB Pokemon Stadium 2/71 Castle Clear (Short).mp3 | 291.85KB Pokemon Stadium 2/cart.jpg | 291.30KB Pokemon GSC/33 Trainer Challenge Theme 3.mp3 | 287.64KB Pokemon Stadium 2/61 Stadium Cup Final Winner Fanfare.mp3 | 287.49KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/137 Congratulations on Your Evolution!.mp3 | 287.38KB Pokemon GSC/40 Trainer Challenge Theme 7.mp3 | 285.19KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/023 - Player Fanfare #6.mp3 | 283.89KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/cover.jpg | 281.07KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/cover.jpg | 281.07KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/cover.jpg | 281.07KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/cover.jpg | 281.07KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/cover.jpg | 281.07KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/cover.jpg | 281.07KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/374 Encounter! Tough Guy.mp3 | 279.86KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/325 Your Chemistry is the Best!.mp3 | 276.00KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/142 Pokedex Rating...Keep It Up!.mp3 | 271.07KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/25 Recovery 2.mp3 | 267.99KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/10 Pokédex Evaluation... Fantastic!.mp3 | 267.47KB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/210 Pokedex Rating...Getting Better!.mp3 | 266.46KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/345 Mission Failed....mp3 | 266.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/371 Encounter! Security Guard.mp3 | 262.34KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/309 Pokedex Rating...Just a Little More!.mp3 | 260.00KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/148 Received a TM!.mp3 | 259.84KB Pokemon GSC/10 Wild Pokemon Defeated.mp3 | 255.39KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/304 Come Along.mp3 | 253.07KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/022 - Player Fanfare #5.mp3 | 249.12KB Pokemon GSC/05 Chat With Mom.mp3 | 248.86KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/121 Pokedex Rating...Onwards!.mp3 | 247.61KB Pokemon Stadium 2/82 Battle End.mp3 | 246.44KB Pokemon Stadium/67 Pokemon Present Revealed.mp3 | 246.27KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/326 Your Chemistry is Getting There.mp3 | 246.00KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/124 Live Caster.mp3 | 245.56KB Pokemon Stadium/25 VS Intro (Short).mp3 | 242.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/146 Radio - Pokemon Channel.mp3 | 241.88KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/15 - Cataclysm ~PART 2~.mp3 | 241.69KB Pokemon RBY/26 - Pokemon Whistle.mp3 | 239.25KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/131 Pokedex Rating...Not Yet.mp3 | 238.44KB Pokemon FRLG/02 Opening Demo.mp3 | 238.00KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/24 Del Power.mp3 | 233.48KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/312 Encounter! Enthusiastic Youth.mp3 | 232.88KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/303 Obtained Pokemon Egg!.mp3 | 230.00KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/21 Obtained Berry.mp3 | 229.22KB Pokemon Stadium 2/19 Minigame Champion.mp3 | 228.33KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/338 Bug-Catching Contest Start!.mp3 | 226.93KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/211 Magnet Train.mp3 | 226.71KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/52 Obtained a Badge!.mp3 | 225.36KB Pokemon Stadium 2/10 Earl's Test Fail.mp3 | 224.59KB Pokemon FRLG/04 Game Explanation (Part 1).mp3 | 224.00KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/111 Got a Key Item!.mp3 | 219.06KB Pokemon Stadium 2/09 Earl's Test Pass.mp3 | 218.52KB Pokemon Stadium/23 Kid's Club (Champion).mp3 | 218.00KB Pokemon GSC/80 Mt Moon.mp3 | 217.03KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/019 - Player Fanfare #2.mp3 | 216.14KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/08 Obtained a Badge!.mp3 | 214.75KB Pokemon Stadium 2/27 Clear Cut End.mp3 | 214.53KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/324 Feeling Check!.mp3 | 214.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/379 Encounter! Classic Lass.mp3 | 212.72KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/327 Your Chemistry Doesn't Measure Up.mp3 | 212.00KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/018 - Player Fanfare #1.mp3 | 210.66KB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/219 Light Stone · Dark Stone.mp3 | 210.57KB Pokemon BW/Disc 2/211 Forget a Technique.mp3 | 210.38KB Pokemon Stadium/22 Kid's Club (Draw).mp3 | 210.00KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/129 Received an Item!.mp3 | 208.86KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/120 Recovery.mp3 | 208.85KB Pokemon Stadium 2/85 Evolution Complete.mp3 | 208.05KB Pokemon Stadium 2/23 Select the Winner.mp3 | 207.18KB Pokemon BW/Disc 1/116 Level Up!.mp3 | 206.82KB Pokemon BW/Disc 3/316 Received Accessories!.mp3 | 206.00KB Pokemon Stadium/56 Doduo & Dodrio GB Tower Obtained.mp3 | 202.00KB Pokemon Stadium 2/33 Quiz Introduction.mp3 | 195.19KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/227 Pokedex Evaluation...Perfect!.mp3 | 191.87KB Pokemon Stadium 2/79 Rival Defeated.mp3 | 190.82KB Pokemon RSE/048 - Rope Way.mp3 | 190.78KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/01 What.mp3 | 190.44KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/23 Quiz.mp3 | 190.44KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/31 Pokédex Evaluation... Amazing!.mp3 | 186.26KB Pokemon Stadium/61 Gym Leader Castle Stage Clear.mp3 | 186.00KB Pokemon Stadium 2/22 Minigame Won.mp3 | 183.75KB Pokemon Stadium/20 Mini Game End.mp3 | 182.00KB Pokemon Stadium 2/26 Clear Cut Begin.mp3 | 181.34KB Pokemon Stadium 2/83 Clear!.mp3 | 180.30KB Pokemon Stadium 2/20 Minigame Champion Prize.mp3 | 179.89KB Pokemon Stadium 2/91 Champion Whistle.mp3 | 178.75KB Pokemon RBY/22 - Jigglypuff's Song.mp3 | 176.15KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/29 Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evolved!.mp3 | 175.63KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 3/367 Magnet Train.mp3 | 173.38KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/40 Jackpot.mp3 | 171.94KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/145 You Got a League Badge!.mp3 | 171.72KB Pokemon BW/cover_zekrom.png | 171.20KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/21 Pokédex Evaluation... Looking Good!.mp3 | 170.94KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/09 Obtained a TM!.mp3 | 170.66KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/Coverart.png | 170.49KB Pokemon Stadium 2/21 Minigame Lost.mp3 | 168.47KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/04 Pokédex Evaluation... Not Bad!.mp3 | 164.30KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/34 Badge Get.mp3 | 164.00KB Pokemon GSC/32 Ruins Of Alph (Inside).mp3 | 162.74KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/37 Pokédex Evaluation... Keep at It!.mp3 | 161.50KB Pokemon Stadium 2/24 Single Minigame Won.mp3 | 159.24KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/13 Congratulations! Your Pokémon Evolved!.mp3 | 159.11KB Pokemon RSE/081 - Waking The Ancient Pokemon.mp3 | 158.55KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/53 Obtained a TM!.mp3 | 152.56KB Pokemon FRLG/26 Jigglypuff's Song.mp3 | 152.00KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/024 - Completed Colosseum Fanfare.mp3 | 151.96KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/021 - Player Fanfare #4.mp3 | 150.72KB Pokemon XD/10 Snag Machine.mp3 | 148.75KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/24 Pokédex Evaluation... You're on Your Way!.mp3 | 148.50KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/19 - Fanfare! Battle Points Earned.mp3 | 147.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/239 Bug-Catching Contest Winner!.mp3 | 142.67KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/49 Congratulations on Your Evolution.mp3 | 142.13KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/14 Obtained a Mega Stone!.mp3 | 141.51KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/020 - Player Fanfare #3.mp3 | 140.35KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/253 You Got Battle Points!.mp3 | 139.84KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/18 Pokédex Evaluation... Getting Started!.mp3 | 139.54KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/140 Congratulations On Your Evolut.mp3 | 139.45KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/14 Pokémon Healed.mp3 | 138.96KB Pokemon Stadium 2/86 Trade Complete.mp3 | 138.88KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/20 - Fanfare! Victory at Minigames.mp3 | 137.62KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/18 - Fanfare! Battle Frontier.mp3 | 135.18KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/267 Victory At Minigames!.mp3 | 135.00KB Pokemon FRLG/01 Gamefreak Logo.mp3 | 134.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/21 - Fanfare! Win.mp3 | 133.92KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/23 Team Rank Increased!.mp3 | 131.18KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/37 Win.mp3 | 130.89KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/19 Reached a New Contest Rank!.mp3 | 130.07KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/154 Pokedex Evaluation...Good Luck!.mp3 | 129.84KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/45 Received a Pokémon Egg!.mp3 | 129.62KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/238 2nd Place in the Bug-Catching Contest!.mp3 | 129.19KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/33 Obtained a Key Item!.mp3 | 128.61KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/13 Obtained an Item!.mp3 | 127.18KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/148 You Got a Technical Machine!.mp3 | 126.97KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/09 Move Deleted.mp3 | 126.63KB Pokemon RBY/11 - Pokemon Recovery.mp3 | 125.84KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/026 - Player Wins Fanfare.mp3 | 124.67KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/121 Pokedex Evaluation...No Good, No Good.mp3 | 123.87KB Pokemon GSC/75 Magnet Train.mp3 | 123.56KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/20 Obtained an Item!.mp3 | 123.11KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 6/32 Obtained a Berry!.mp3 | 121.27KB Pokemon BW/Supplemental Tracks/Folder.jpg | 121.06KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/38 Lose.mp3 | 120.62KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/16 Pokémon Healed.mp3 | 120.04KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/208 Pokedex Evaluation...Just a Little More!.mp3 | 119.31KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/28 Technical Machine Get.mp3 | 118.13KB Pokemon FRLG/34 Fanfare Badge Get.mp3 | 118.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/165 Pokedex Evaluation...You're On the Way.mp3 | 115.38KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 5/19 Level Up!.mp3 | 112.34KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/259 You Got Castle Points!.mp3 | 109.77KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/132 Pokedex Evaluation...Not Yet.mp3 | 108.04KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/30 Time Travel Award.mp3 | 107.62KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/25 Move Deleted.mp3 | 107.35KB Pokemon Stadium 2/92 Beep (Drum).mp3 | 106.06KB Pokemon FRLG/54 Pokeflute.mp3 | 106.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/157 Number Saved in the PokeGear!.mp3 | 105.09KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 3/16 The Eon Flute.mp3 | 104.58KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/257 You Got Some BP in the Battle Arcade!.mp3 | 101.11KB Pokemon Battle Revolution/025 - Player Lost Fanfare.mp3 | 99.71KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/22 Obtained Decorations!.mp3 | 98.78KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/34 Obtained BP!.mp3 | 98.16KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/43 Let's Go Together!.mp3 | 98.13KB Pokemon FRLG/48 Fanfare Big Success!.mp3 | 98.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/172 Befriended a Pokemon!.mp3 | 97.46KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/23 Key Item Get.mp3 | 96.13KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/43 Accessory Get.mp3 | 92.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/126 You Got a Pokemon Egg!.mp3 | 91.67KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/dpmusic back.jpg | 90.13KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/57 Poketch Ability Get.mp3 | 90.13KB Pokemon FRLG/36 Fanfare Evolution Congratulations.mp3 | 90.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/116 Recovery.mp3 | 89.38KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 2/36 Red Orb - Blue Orb.mp3 | 88.64KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/108 You Got a Key Item!.mp3 | 88.57KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/151 You Got an Accessory.mp3 | 88.39KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 2/12 Forget Technique.mp3 | 88.13KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/14 Contest Costume Time!.mp3 | 87.51KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/180 Forget a Technique.mp3 | 87.37KB Pokemon XD/18 Purified.mp3 | 86.25KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/17 Recovery.mp3 | 86.13KB Pokemon FRLG/59 Fanfare Pokemon Captured.mp3 | 86.00KB Pokemon FRLG/85 Fanfare Tm Hm Get (RS).mp3 | 86.00KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/dp music front.jpg | 84.60KB Pokemon FRLG/63 Fanfare Pokedex Evaluation.mp3 | 84.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/245 Pokethlon - Currently 1st Place!.mp3 | 83.59KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/12 Item Get.mp3 | 82.13KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/129 You Found an Item!.mp3 | 82.02KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/237 3rd Place in the Bug-Catching Contest!.mp3 | 79.19KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/159 You Got a Berry.mp3 | 77.53KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 4/11 Obtained a Berry!.mp3 | 77.00KB Pokemon RSE/055 - Get Badge.mp3 | 75.68KB Pokémon ORAS/Disc 1/22 Level Up!.mp3 | 73.25KB Pokemon FRLG/47 Fanfare Success!.mp3 | 72.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 2/241 Pokethlon - Changed Into Their Jerseys!.mp3 | 71.67KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/36 Level Up.mp3 | 70.13KB Pokemon FRLG/11 Fanfare Pokemon Acquisition.mp3 | 70.00KB Pokemon FRLG/72 Fanfare Item Get 2.mp3 | 70.00KB Pokemon HGSS/Disc 1/112 Level Up!.mp3 | 66.70KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Diamond & Pearl Super Music Collection/Disc 1/38 Berry Get.mp3 | 64.13KB Pokemon Stadium 2/boxart (JP).jpg | 64.05KB Pokemon RSE/043 - Great Success!.mp3 | 63.44KB Pokemon FRLG/67 Bad Luck.mp3 | 62.00KB Pokemon Stadium 2/boxart (US).jpg | 58.80KB Pokemon FRLG/56 Forget Skill.mp3 | 56.00KB Pokemon FRLG/27 Pokemon Recovery.mp3 | 56.00KB Pokemon FRLG/28 Pokemon Recovery (Unused).mp3 | 56.00KB Pokemon XD/08 Victory.mp3 | 55.38KB Pokemon RSE/071 - Congratulations On Your Evolution!.mp3 | 53.66KB Pokemon Colosseum/coverart.jpg | 52.66KB Pokemon DPt/Pokemon Platinum Super Complete/Folder.jpg | 52.35KB Pokemon FRLG/84 Fanfare Berry Get (RS).mp3 | 52.00KB Pokemon BW/cover_reshiram.jpg | 48.18KB Pokemon RSE/056 - Get Techanical Machine.mp3 | 46.71KB Pokemon FRLG/06 Game Explanation (Part 3).mp3 | 46.00KB Pokemon FRLG/17 Fanfare Item Get 1.mp3 | 44.00KB Pokemon FRLG/86 Unknown Jingle.mp3 | 40.00KB Pokemon FRLG/49 Pokemon Print.mp3 | 40.00KB Pokemon RSE/017 - Recovery.mp3 | 39.96KB Pokemon RSE/066 - Failure.mp3 | 34.04KB Pokemon HGSS/hgss_houou.jpg | 33.55KB Pokemon RSE/078 - Get Tool.mp3 | 32.00KB Pokemon RSE/041 - Regret.mp3 | 32.00KB Pokemon RSE/040 - Hit!.mp3 | 27.51KB Pokemon HGSS/hgss_lugia.jpg | 27.27KB Pokemon RSE/Folder.jpg | 26.25KB Pokemon RSE/090 - Get Berry!.mp3 | 24.66KB Pokemon RSE/022 - Improvement.mp3 | 20.58KB Pokemon RSE/070 - Unknown Jingle.mp3 | 17.31KB Pokemon XD/Folder.jpg | 13.38KB Pokemon FRLG/Folder.jpg | 9.23KB


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