Name Criticism of the Western Civilization - Collection 197 (Racism 38)
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UpdateDate 2025-3-7
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Files Hurston - The “Pet Negro” System (1943).epub | 133.61KB Connelly - Good White Racist. Confronting Your Role in Racial Injustice (2020).epub | 252.18KB Hage - Is Racism an Environmental Threat (2017).epub | 269.68KB Harper & King - Racist, Not Racist, Antiracist. Language and the Dynamic Disaster of American Racism (2022).epub | 334.83KB Uwagba - Whites. On Race and Other Falsehoods (2020).epub | 578.94KB Ghuman - British Untouchables. A Study of Dalit Identity and Education (2011).epub | 702.64KB Harvey – Christianity and Race in the American South (2016).epub | 758.07KB Bjerknes - Racial Zionism. A Source Book of Essential Texts from Noah to Herzl and Beyond (2016).mobi | 773.37KB Howard - Performing Postracialism. Reflections on Antiblackness, Nation, and Education through Contemporary Blackface in Canada (2023).pdf | 911.12KB Baden - American Autopsy. One Medical Examiner’s Decades-Long Fight for Racial Justice in a Broken Legal System (2023).epub | 918.14KB Felder - Race, Racism, and the Biblical Narratives. Use and Abuse of the Sacred Scripture (2023).pdf | 1.10MB Wingfield - Gray Areas. How the Way We Work Perpetuates Racism & What We Can Do to Fix It (2023).epub | 1.35MB Araujo & Maeso (Eds.) - Eurocentrism, racism and knowledge. Debates on History and Power in Europe and the Americas (2015).pdf | 1.44MB Fletcher & Howard - Don’t Let Them Bury My Story. The Oldest Living Survivor of the Tulsa Race Massacre in Her Own Word (2023).epub | 1.53MB Luthuli - Le My People Go, 2e (2018).epub | 1.57MB Whitaker - Black Metaphors. How Modern Racism Emerged from Medieval Race-Thinking (2019).epub | 2.01MB Agnew - Interrogating Race and Racism (2007).pdf | 2.17MB Dray - At the Hands of Persons Unknown. The Lynching of Black America (2002).epub | 2.47MB McCaulley - How Far to the Promised Land. One Black Family’s Story of Hope and Survival in the American South (2023).epub | 2.93MB Penner et al - Unequal Health. Anti-Black Racism and the Threat to America’s Health (2023).pdf | 2.95MB Hasian & Paliewics - Racial Terrorism. A Rhetorical Investigation of Lynching (2021).epub | 3.36MB Cole & Ring - The Folly of Jim Crow. Rethinking the Segregated South (2012).pdf | 3.52MB The Empire Strikes Back. Race and racism in 70s Britain, Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (1982).pdf | 3.79MB Medina - The Epistemology of Resistance. Gender and Racial Oppression, Epistemic Injustice, and Resistant Imaginations (2013).pdf | 3.80MB Rosenberg - Undesirable Immigrants. Why Racism Persists in International Migration (2022).pdf | 4.93MB Farred - An Essay for Ezra. Racial Terror in America (2021).pdf | 5.56MB Jackson & Rao - White Women. Everything You Already Know About Your Own Racism and How to Do Better (2022).epub | 5.58MB Hass - Blunt Instruments. Recognizing Racist Cultural Infrastructure in Memorials, Museums, and Patriotic Practices (2022).pdf | 6.62MB Boaz - Voodoo. The History of a Racial Slur (2023).pdf | 8.47MB Scott - Lynching and Leisure. Race and the Transformation of Mob Violence in Texas (2022).epub | 9.50MB Rogers - The Darkened Light of Faith. Race, Democracy, and Freedom in Africa in American Political Thought (2023).pdf | 14.42MB Diggs - Race Relations. The Struggle for Equality in America (2019).epub | 15.93MB Hale – In the Pines. A Lynching, a Lie, a Reckoning (2023).epub | 17.82MB McQueeney - A City without Care. 300 Years of Racism, Health Disparities, and Health Care Activism in New Orleans (2023).pdf | 19.36MB Montrie - Whiteness in Plain View. A History of Racial Exclusion in Minnesota (2022).epub | 35.54MB