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Name Mastering Postgres - The most comprehensive course on PostgreSQL Feb 2025

File Type video

Size 7.56GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-11

hash *****05A13F1CBBA5F2CC3850B03B473D0C9E18

Hot 457

Files 0118. Bootstrapping an email service provider with Jesse Hanley.mp4 | 1.06GB 0002. Overview of course structure.mp4 | 17.73MB 0003. Postgres vs everyone.mp4 | 14.85MB 0004. The psql CLI.mp4 | 9.56MB 0005. Introduction to schema.mp4 | 41.93MB 0006. Integers.mp4 | 27.74MB 0007. Numeric.mp4 | 33.77MB 0008. Floating point.mp4 | 26.30MB 0009. Storing money.mp4 | 22.72MB 0010. NaNs and infinity.mp4 | 9.23MB 0011. Casting types.mp4 | 13.65MB 0012. Characters types.mp4 | 28.66MB 0013. Check constrai.mp4 | 36.29MB 0014. Domain types.mp4 | 30.16MB 0015. Chars and collations.mp4 | 23.54MB 0016. Binary data.mp4 | 35.39MB 0017. UUIDs.mp4 | 21.76MB 0018. Boolean.mp4 | 11.41MB 0019. Enums.mp4 | 46.05MB 0020. Timestamps.mp4 | 43.65MB 0021. Timezones.mp4 | 48.65MB 0022. Dates and times.mp4 | 30.08MB 0023. Intervals.mp4 | 20.98MB 0024. Serial type.mp4 | 40.13MB 0025. Sequences.mp4 | 11.82MB 0026. Identity.mp4 | 82.09MB 0027. Network and mac addresses.mp4 | 15.95MB 0028. JSON.mp4 | 44.70MB 0029. Arrays.mp4 | 27.34MB 0030. Generated columns.mp4 | 34.03MB 0031. Text search types.mp4 | 23.03MB 0032. Bit string.mp4 | 22.35MB 0033. Ranges.mp4 | 52.51MB 0034. Composite types.mp4 | 15.82MB 0035. Nulls.mp4 | 21.33MB 0036. Unique constrai.mp4 | 17.16MB 0037. Exclusion constrai.mp4 | 21.83MB 0038. Foreign key constrai.mp4 | 49.12MB 0039. Introduction to indexes.mp4 | 39.34MB 0040. Heaps and CTIDs.mp4 | 21.89MB 0041. B Tree overview.mp4 | 22.81MB 0042. Primary keys vs secondary indexes.mp4 | 19.90MB 0043. Primary key types.mp4 | 53.36MB 0044. Where to add indexes.mp4 | 36.85MB 0045. Index selectivity.mp4 | 40.30MB 0046. Composite indexes.mp4 | 43.76MB 0047. Composite range.mp4 | 19.53MB 0048. Combining multiple indexes.mp4 | 19.85MB 0049. Covering indexes.mp4 | 47.13MB 0050. Partial indexes.mp4 | 29.78MB 0051. Index ordering.mp4 | 12.07MB 0052. Ordering nulls in indexes.mp4 | 8.99MB 0053. Functional indexes.mp4 | 21.15MB 0054. Duplicate indexes.mp4 | 10.21MB 0055. Hash indexes.mp4 | 22.85MB 0056. Naming indexes.mp4 | 6.92MB 0057. Introduction to explain.mp4 | 8.93MB 0058. Explain structure.mp4 | 18.42MB 0059. Scan nodes.mp4 | 50.80MB 0060. Co and rows.mp4 | 24.05MB 0061. Explain analyze.mp4 | 10.27MB 0062. Introduction to queries.mp4 | 10.07MB 0063. Inner joins.mp4 | 25.33MB 0064. Outer joins.mp4 | 24.40MB 0065. Subqueries.mp4 | 28.05MB 0066. Lateral joins.mp4 | 22.71MB 0067. ROWS FROM.mp4 | 12.12MB 0068. Filling gaps in sequences.mp4 | 19.80MB 0069. Subquery elimination.mp4 | 46.64MB 0070. Combining queries.mp4 | 25.94MB 0071. Set generating functions.mp4 | 20.45MB 0072. Indexing joins.mp4 | 16.34MB 0073. Introduction to advanced SQL.mp4 | 10.57MB 0074. Cross joins.mp4 | 18.61MB 0075. Grouping.mp4 | 35.88MB 0076. Grouping s rollups cubes.mp4 | 24.74MB 0077. Window functions.mp4 | 76.05MB 0078. CTEs.mp4 | 35.22MB 0079. CTEs with window functions.mp4 | 43.06MB 0080. Recursive CTE.mp4 | 21.36MB 0081. Hierarchical recursive CTE.mp4 | 21.97MB 0082. Handling nulls.mp4 | 21.07MB 0083. Row value syntax.mp4 | 40.18MB 0084. Views.mp4 | 28.30MB 0085. Materialized views.mp4 | 41.91MB 0086. Removing duplicate rows.mp4 | 15.35MB 0087. Upsert.mp4 | 30.32MB 0088. Returning keyword.mp4 | 10.51MB 0089. COALESCE generated column.mp4 | 16.58MB 0090. Introduction to full text search.mp4 | 17.31MB 0091. Searching with LIKE.mp4 | 8.35MB 0092. Vectors queries and ranks.mp4 | 27.33MB 0093. Websearch.mp4 | 27.47MB 0094. Ranking.mp4 | 51.01MB 0095. Indexing full text search.mp4 | 20.12MB 0096. Highlighting.mp4 | 16.97MB 0097. Intro to JSON.mp4 | 38.63MB 0098. JSON vs JSONB.mp4 | 52.45MB 0099. Validating JSON.mp4 | 25.21MB 0100. Creating JSON objects arrays.mp4 | 40.96MB 0101. JSON extraction.mp4 | 43.58MB 0102. JSON containment.mp4 | 16.46MB 0103. JSON existence.mp4 | 15.05MB 0104. JSON recordset.mp4 | 44.73MB 0105. Updating JSON.mp4 | 53.63MB 0106. Indexing JSON parts.mp4 | 56.77MB 0107. GIN index.mp4 | 50.68MB 0108. Intro to pgvector.mp4 | 26.88MB 0109. Vector embedding columns.mp4 | 42.41MB 0110. Find related articles.mp4 | 55.34MB 0111. Upsert vector embedding.mp4 | 15.71MB 0112. Semantic search.mp4 | 37.02MB 0113. Other operators.mp4 | 24.05MB 0114. Vector indexes.mp4 | 39.41MB 0115. Thank you.mp4 | 19.55MB 0116. Heroku s glory days Postgres vs the world with Craig Kerstiens.mp4 | 912.84MB 0117. Creating a Postgres platform with Monica Tudor from Xata io.mp4 | 1003.63MB 0001. Introduction to the course.mp4 | 15.18MB code/code | 726.95MB code/mp_demo_data/mp_demo_data | 726.95MB


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