Name Play by Play - Visual Studio Code Can Do That
File Type video
Size 478.33MB
UpdateDate 2025-3-16
hash *****69F29AA5186A5F3F7E0096206C0D675C72
Hot 1
Files 05. Containers and Deployment/05_03-Database Extensions Mongo DB and Azure CosmosDB.mp4 | 46.21MB 02. Customizing VS Code/02_01-Introducing VS Code.mp4 | 14.14MB 02. Customizing VS Code/02_02-Installing VS Code.mp4 | 7.76MB 02. Customizing VS Code/02_03-Customizing Your Visual Theme.mp4 | 13.78MB 02. Customizing VS Code/02_04-Customizing Your Icon Theme.mp4 | 27.91MB 02. Customizing VS Code/02_05-Customizing Font Ligatures.mp4 | 18.78MB 02. Customizing VS Code/02_06-Synchronizing Customized Settings.mp4 | 24.63MB 03. Maximizing Productivity/03_01-Enabling Autosave.mp4 | 8.93MB 03. Maximizing Productivity/03_02-Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts and Key Maps.mp4 | 23.96MB 03. Maximizing Productivity/03_03-Emmet for HTML Files.mp4 | 12.42MB 03. Maximizing Productivity/03_04-Enabling Emmet for Other Types of Web Files.mp4 | 15.34MB 03. Maximizing Productivity/03_05-Modifying Images with Emmet.mp4 | 4.67MB 03. Maximizing Productivity/03_06-Extensions for Lighting up Angular, Vue, and React.mp4 | 24.03MB 03. Maximizing Productivity/03_07-Publishing Extension Packs.mp4 | 14.17MB 04. Code Checking and Debugging/04_01-Trying out the Interactive Playground.mp4 | 15.49MB 04. Code Checking and Debugging/04_02-Using the Common Keyboard Shortcuts.mp4 | 13.10MB 04. Code Checking and Debugging/04_03-Finding References and Symbols.mp4 | 13.96MB 04. Code Checking and Debugging/04_04-Efficiencies with Keyboard Shortcuts.mp4 | 25.78MB 04. Code Checking and Debugging/04_05-Favorite Productivity Shortcuts.mp4 | 32.10MB 04. Code Checking and Debugging/04_06-Formatting Code with the Prettier Extension.mp4 | 20.52MB 04. Code Checking and Debugging/04_07-Verifying Code Correctness with ESLint.mp4 | 31.22MB 05. Containers and Deployment/05_01-Checking JavaScript with the TypeScript Compiler.mp4 | 23.44MB 05. Containers and Deployment/05_02-Debugging and Launch Configurations.mp4 | 27.33MB 01. Course Overveiw/01_01-Course Overview.mp4 | 4.28MB 06. Next Steps/06_01-Resources for Learning More VS Code.mp4 | 14.39MB