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Name Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers

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Size 7.51GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-21

hash *****BBF3C5FDC01FD36355FB267ECDD54B8FB1

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Files [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/01 - Chapter 1 - Introduction/001 Introduction.mp4 | 124.41MB | 63B [TGx]Downloaded from .txt | 585B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/30 - Module 4 - Connecting to a REST back end/001 | 541.08KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/01 - Chapter 1 - Introduction/002 Changes in Angular 10.html | 779B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/37 - Chapter 33 - Pre-fecthing data/003 Pre-fectching data with navigation and a | 25.18KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/02 - Module 1 - Creating a simple angular app/001 Course Files.html | 66B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/001 Fixing a lifecycle | 24.75KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/10 - Chapter 9 - Component interaction - property binding/001 Setting up the | 7.41KB .pad/0 | 57B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/008 Configuring Spring to use bearer authentication part 1.mp4 | 112.76MB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/007 Mocking | 21.51KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/008 Exercise 5 - Solution walktrough part | 21.34KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/35 - Chapter 31 - POSTing and PUTting data/004 Exercise 3 - Solution | 21.08KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/03 - Chapter 2 - What is Angular/004 How to get support while you're taking this | 2.83KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/36 - Chapter 32 - DELETEing data and completing the case study/004 Exercise 4 - Solution | 21.02KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/001 The software needed to build with | 2.75KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/006 Using routing for | 20.17KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/002 Installing | 1.43KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/37 - Chapter 33 - Pre-fecthing data/004 Using a | 19.73KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/31 - Chapter 27 - Setting up environments/003 Creating our own | 18.57KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/27 - Chapter 24 - Reactive forms/004 Programatically adding | 18.30KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/35 - Chapter 31 - POSTing and PUTting data/001 Sending data via | 18.00KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/005 Angular 10 changes.html | 1.31KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/002 Implementing the delete | 17.81KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/005 Securing the cookie and getting the user's | 17.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/27 - Chapter 24 - Reactive forms/002 Creating a reactive | 17.29KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/006 Optional calling a rest endpoint | 2.27KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/007 Angular 10 changes.html | 377B .pad/1 | 7B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/36 - Chapter 32 - DELETEing data and completing the case study/004 Exercise 4 - Solution walkthrough.mp4 | 109.29MB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/38 - Module 5 - Security and Deployment/001 | 481.58KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/004 Generating a | 16.92KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/28 - Chapter 25 - Going further with Reactive Forms/003 Validation messages and controlling the submit | 16.87KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/004 Binding a | 16.62KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/21 - Chapter 18 - Using external Resources/003 Installing Bootstrap using | 16.55KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/005 Exercise 4 - Solution | 16.37KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/004 Constructors and | 16.30KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/40 - Chapter 35 - Authenticating users via REST (basic authentication)/002 Implementing Basic Authentication in | 16.28KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/010 Exercise 1 - Solution walkthrough part | 16.21KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/005 Working with | 16.04KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/001 The need for the observer design | 15.64KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/001 Initiating the call to a rest | 15.30KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/005 Creating a sub-component | 15.28KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/26 - Chapter 23 - Template form validation/005 Exercise 3 - Solution | 14.76KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/006 Finishing the | 14.67KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/002 Setting up navigation to show a | 14.57KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/11 - Chapter 10 - Component interaction - event binding/003 Triggering an | 4.30KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/12 - Module 2 - Introduction to Typescript/001 Course files.html | 66B .pad/2 | 11B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/008 Exercise 5 - Solution walktrough part 2.mp4 | 103.03MB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/12 - Module 2 - Introduction to Typescript/001 | 939.08KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/32 - Chapter 28 - Creating the REST API/005 Adjusting the User | 14.44KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/007 Pre-processing complex | 14.34KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/008 Exercise 2 - solution | 14.27KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/40 - Chapter 35 - Authenticating users via REST (basic authentication)/004 Implementing Basic Authentication in | 14.13KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/20 - Module 3 - Building a real site/001 Course files.html | 66B .pad/3 | 14B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/007 Mocking services.mp4 | 102.49MB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/006 Testing components with service | 13.64KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/26 - Chapter 23 - Template form validation/001 Dynamic classes applied to form | 13.55KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/007 Exercise 5 - Solution walktrough part | 13.55KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/39 - Chapter 34 - Login and Route Guards/004 Implementing a Route | 13.43KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/008 Configuring Spring to use bearer authentication part | 13.32KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/08 - Chapter 7 - Simple event binding/001 Angular 10 changes.html | 935B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/27 - Chapter 24 - Reactive forms/001 Setting up navigation to show a | 13.22KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/07 - Chapter 6 - Template Expressions/001 An overview of the Component Class | 13.21KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/40 - Chapter 35 - Authenticating users via REST (basic authentication)/005 Configuring CORS for basic | 13.04KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/003 Triggering an event, and creating an | 12.92KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/009 Configuring Spring to use bearer authentication part | 12.53KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/32 - Chapter 28 - Creating the REST API/004 Exercise 1 - solution | 12.48KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/37 - Chapter 33 - Pre-fecthing data/001 Setting up the edit booking | 12.35KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/011 Testing validation of the | 12.32KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/09 - Chapter 8 - Component interaction - reading properties/002 Angular 10 changes.html | 185B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/11 - Chapter 10 - Component interaction - event binding/002 Creating an event | 12.27KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/007 Angular doesn't assemble the | 12.23KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/004 Using the cookie for | 12.09KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/24 - Chapter 21 - Using Observables for data/001 Why we should use observables with | 11.99KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/10 - Chapter 9 - Component interaction - property binding/002 Accessing properties from | 11.89KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/32 - Chapter 28 - Creating the REST API/001 Creating a rest | 11.84KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/31 - Chapter 27 - Setting up environments/001 Creating environment | 11.77KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/08 - Chapter 7 - Simple event binding/002 Event | 11.76KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/22 - Chapter 19 - Routing/004 Making links work with | 11.75KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/003 Creating the data | 11.66KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/002 What are | 11.64KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/002 Similarities to Java and the impact of | 11.61KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/002 Creating a | 11.58KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/36 - Chapter 32 - DELETEing data and completing the case study/002 Completing the users | 11.46KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/004 Manipulating the REST return data | 11.45KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/22 - Chapter 19 - Routing/002 Setting up basic | 11.12KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/28 - Chapter 25 - Going further with Reactive Forms/001 Using the | 11.12KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/007 Exercise 2 - solution | 10.94KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/009 Responding to the calendar click | 10.92KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/42 - Chapter 37 - Implementing JWT Authentication in Angular/004 Finding out the user's | 10.91KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/09 - Chapter 8 - Component interaction - reading properties/003 Accessing properties of a child | 10.80KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/39 - Chapter 34 - Login and Route Guards/005 Redirecting with route | 10.60KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/21 - Chapter 18 - Using external Resources/002 Using Bootstrap in our | 10.52KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/10 - Chapter 9 - Component interaction - property binding/003 The @Input | 10.42KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/003 Configuring CORS in | 10.25KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/003 Preparing Spring Boot for | 10.21KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/003 Sending a cookie from | 10.20KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/004 Declaring | 10.18KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/36 - Chapter 32 - DELETEing data and completing the case study/001 Implementing | 9.93KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/004 Testing Angular with a hello world | 9.89KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/004 Retrying when an error | 9.84KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/001 How template driven forms | 1.86KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/30 - Module 4 - Connecting to a REST back end/001 Code files.html | 66B .pad/4 | 43B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/37 - Chapter 33 - Pre-fecthing data/003 Pre-fectching data with navigation and a service.mp4 | 102.17MB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/004 Dealing with errors and the complete | 9.82KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/001 Why JWTs are a good | 9.82KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/21 - Chapter 18 - Using external Resources/001 Introducing the case | 9.72KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/001 The risks of storing a | 9.68KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/004 Binding data to a view and looping with | 9.52KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/001 Creating a Unit | 9.50KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/002 Creating | 9.42KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/004 Fixing the app component | 9.41KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/008 How to open a project from the sample | 9.29KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/003 Displaying data with | 9.25KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/003 Investigating REST | 9.23KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/22 - Chapter 19 - Routing/003 Creating a 404 | 9.19KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/22 - Chapter 19 - Routing/005 Using a separate routing | 9.14KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/11 - Chapter 10 - Component interaction - event binding/001 Why we need custom | 9.02KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/002 Creating a | 8.96KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/005 Pre-processing the REST return | 8.94KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/005 Generating the Payload | 8.82KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/31 - Chapter 27 - Setting up environments/004 Selecting an environment to | 8.71KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/15 - Chapter 13 - Enums/003 Angular 10 changes.html | 958B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/006 Loops and | 8.69KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/18 - Chapter 16 - Debugging in Angular/003 Debugging with | 8.59KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/18 - Chapter 16 - Debugging in Angular/002 Debugging with Visual Studio | 8.52KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/001 Dealing with slow REST | 8.50KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/26 - Chapter 23 - Template form validation/002 Validation messages and controlling the submit | 8.48KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/03 - Chapter 2 - What is Angular/001 How angular sites differ from traditional web | 8.42KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/15 - Chapter 13 - Enums/005 Retrieving a label from its | 8.34KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/35 - Chapter 31 - POSTing and PUTting data/002 Customising data with Javascript | 8.31KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/003 Angular 10 changes.html | 575B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/003 Creating a | 8.24KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/15 - Chapter 13 - Enums/002 Looping through an | 8.21KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/11 - Chapter 10 - Component interaction - event binding/005 Revisiting ngIf and | 8.20KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/005 Exercise 1 - dependency | 2.20KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/008 Object | 8.18KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/002 Introducing the pattern and creating an | 8.09KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/003 Creating the component with the CLI | 8.06KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/01 - Chapter 1 - Introduction/001 | 8.05KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/008 Installing and configuring Visual Studio | 7.98KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/09 - Chapter 8 - Component interaction - reading properties/001 Using the hidden HTML | 7.92KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/006 Testing the | 7.91KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/002 Cross Original Resource Sharing (CORS) | 7.78KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/26 - Chapter 23 - Template form validation/003 Custom validation | 7.70KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/005 Saving the form | 7.50KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/009 Exercise 1 - Solution walkthrough part | 7.50KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/09 - Chapter 8 - Component interaction - reading properties/004 The ngIf structural | 7.49KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/006 How angular can construct a | 7.33KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/004 Exercise 4 - Displaying the calendar | 7.29KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/07 - Chapter 6 - Template Expressions/003 Template expressions are | 7.25KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/40 - Chapter 35 - Authenticating users via REST (basic authentication)/001 The concept of Basic | 7.09KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/42 - Chapter 37 - Implementing JWT Authentication in Angular/002 Sending the Bearer Authorization | 7.06KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/18 - Chapter 16 - Debugging in Angular/001 Introduction to | 1.76KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/03 - Chapter 2 - What is Angular/003 What an angular application looks | 7.04KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/37 - Chapter 33 - Pre-fecthing data/002 The concept of pre-fectching | 6.93KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/005 Surviving a page | 6.75KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/002 Running a single | 6.74KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/39 - Chapter 34 - Login and Route Guards/003 Implementing the AuthService and Login | 6.69KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/22 - Chapter 19 - Routing/001 Preparing the | 6.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/006 Surviving the | 6.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/007 Using the XMLHttpRequest | 6.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/42 - Chapter 37 - Implementing JWT Authentication in Angular/003 Dealing with the 403 response | 6.47KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/005 The 4 component | 6.44KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/003 Data types and | 6.38KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/27 - Chapter 24 - Reactive forms/003 Setting and reading form control | 6.37KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/002 Catching REST | 6.28KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/42 - Chapter 37 - Implementing JWT Authentication in Angular/001 Storing the JWT received from the | 6.17KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/005 Testing | 6.24KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/001 The concepts of Data, Models and | 6.05KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/007 Validating a | 6.02KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/35 - Chapter 31 - POSTing and PUTting data/005 Bug | 5.94KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/003 Class | 5.86KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/44 - 39 - Building and Deploying/001 Compiling an Angular | 5.84KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/44 - 39 - Building and Deploying/003 Deploying an Angular | 5.80KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/15 - Chapter 13 - Enums/004 Enums with | 5.78KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/28 - Chapter 25 - Going further with Reactive Forms/002 Implementing | 5.57KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/07 - Chapter 6 - Template Expressions/002 Template | 5.47KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/001 Understanding Javascript | 5.42KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/004 Dependency | 5.41KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/08 - Chapter 7 - Simple event binding/003 Exercise 2 - event | 5.38KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/010 Configuring Spring to use bearer authentication part | 5.19KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/21 - Chapter 18 - Using external Resources/004 Exercise 1 - Referencing CSS and Javascript | 5.33KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/006 Some hints for debugging | 5.08KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/26 - Chapter 23 - Template form validation/004 Exercise 3 - Implementing custom | 5.05KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/005 Unsubscribing an | 5.03KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/32 - Chapter 28 - Creating the REST API/002 Testing rest | 5.00KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/001 An overview of our first example | 4.93KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/03 - Chapter 2 - What is Angular/002 How angular can create a fast, responsive user | 4.90KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/39 - Chapter 34 - Login and Route Guards/001 Introduction to | 4.89KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/15 - Chapter 13 - Enums/001 Creating an | 4.80KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/007 Exercise 2 - Solution | 4.75KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/002 Running the | 4.69KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/007 Configuring the Intellij Idea | 4.69KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/11 - Chapter 10 - Component interaction - event binding/004 Sending data with | 4.64KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/001 Creating a new | 4.54KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/004 Component | 4.52KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/005 String | 4.51KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/006 Exercise 1 - solution | 4.26KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/39 - Chapter 34 - Login and Route Guards/002 An overview of the login | 4.13KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/006 Exercise 1 - solution | 4.04KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/006 Running the hello world | 4.03KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/003 Test evaluation | 4.01KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/003 index.html and | 3.91KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/36 - Chapter 32 - DELETEing data and completing the case study/005 Getting a confirmation before | 3.84KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/001 What is a | 3.78KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/002 Setting up a JWT | 3.68KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/31 - Chapter 27 - Setting up environments/002 How environments | 3.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/004 Editing the Component's HTML and making it | 3.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/005 Exercise 1 - creating | 3.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/003 Installing the Angular | 3.58KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/08 - Chapter 7 - Simple event binding/004 Exercise 2 - solution | 3.48KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/006 Exercise 2 - observer design | 3.45KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/40 - Chapter 35 - Authenticating users via REST (basic authentication)/003 Testing basic | 3.45KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/35 - Chapter 31 - POSTing and PUTting data/003 Exercise 3 - Post and putting | 3.43KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/002 What is a | 3.40KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/36 - Chapter 32 - DELETEing data and completing the case study/003 Exercise 4 - Implementing REST from | 3.20KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/007 Exercise 2 - Creating models, data and | 3.17KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/001 Module | 3.01KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/008 Exercise 1 - Finishing the | 2.98KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/32 - Chapter 28 - Creating the REST API/003 Exercise 1 - creating rest | 2.76KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/44 - 39 - Building and Deploying/002 A note about using Git with | 2.73KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/006 Exercise 5 - Create the add, edit and delete | 2.66KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/37 - Chapter 33 - Pre-fecthing data/005 Module | 2.04KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/006 Exercise 2 - Dealing with slow and unavailable | 1.73KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/44 - 39 - Building and Deploying/004 Bonus lecture.html | 406B [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/38 - Module 5 - Security and Deployment/001 Code files.html | 66B .pad/5 | 112.89KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/40 - Chapter 35 - Authenticating users via REST (basic authentication)/002 Implementing Basic Authentication in Spring.mp4 | 101.58MB .pad/6 | 429.55KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/004 Generating a JWT.mp4 | 95.85MB .pad/7 | 156.26KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/32 - Chapter 28 - Creating the REST API/005 Adjusting the User object.mp4 | 93.76MB .pad/8 | 249.43KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/005 Securing the cookie and getting the user's role.mp4 | 91.61MB .pad/9 | 396.26KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/32 - Chapter 28 - Creating the REST API/004 Exercise 1 - solution walkthrough.mp4 | 91.28MB .pad/10 | 736.75KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/001 Fixing a lifecycle bug.mp4 | 90.85MB .pad/11 | 157.48KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/35 - Chapter 31 - POSTing and PUTting data/004 Exercise 3 - Solution walkthrough.mp4 | 89.91MB .pad/12 | 91.17KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/011 Testing validation of the JWT.mp4 | 81.21MB .pad/13 | 805.09KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/37 - Chapter 33 - Pre-fecthing data/004 Using a resolver.mp4 | 78.09MB .pad/14 | 929.71KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/010 Exercise 1 - Solution walkthrough part 2.mp4 | 77.80MB .pad/15 | 205.84KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/009 Configuring Spring to use bearer authentication part 2.mp4 | 76.02MB .pad/16 | 999.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/27 - Chapter 24 - Reactive forms/004 Programatically adding controls.mp4 | 75.75MB .pad/17 | 253.36KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/003 Configuring CORS in Spring.mp4 | 75.26MB .pad/18 | 753.79KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/001 The need for the observer design pattern.mp4 | 73.63MB .pad/19 | 376.65KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/32 - Chapter 28 - Creating the REST API/001 Creating a rest method.mp4 | 73.47MB .pad/20 | 543.97KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/35 - Chapter 31 - POSTing and PUTting data/001 Sending data via REST.mp4 | 72.57MB .pad/21 | 444.10KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/006 Using routing for sub-components.mp4 | 69.69MB .pad/22 | 314.38KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/003 Preparing Spring Boot for JWTs.mp4 | 69.18MB .pad/23 | 837.86KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/28 - Chapter 25 - Going further with Reactive Forms/003 Validation messages and controlling the submit button.mp4 | 68.79MB .pad/24 | 212.56KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/08 - Chapter 7 - Simple event binding/002 Event binding.mp4 | 66.89MB .pad/25 | 112.60KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/007 Angular doesn't assemble the HTML.mp4 | 66.41MB .pad/26 | 604.97KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/004 Binding a form.mp4 | 66.38MB .pad/27 | 630.25KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/21 - Chapter 18 - Using external Resources/003 Installing Bootstrap using NPM.mp4 | 65.53MB .pad/28 | 485.62KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/40 - Chapter 35 - Authenticating users via REST (basic authentication)/005 Configuring CORS for basic authentication.mp4 | 65.45MB .pad/29 | 564.38KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/005 Exercise 4 - Solution walkthrough.mp4 | 65.28MB .pad/30 | 733.60KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/006 Testing the JWT.mp4 | 65.13MB .pad/31 | 888.33KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/27 - Chapter 24 - Reactive forms/002 Creating a reactive form.mp4 | 65.13MB .pad/32 | 895.11KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/40 - Chapter 35 - Authenticating users via REST (basic authentication)/004 Implementing Basic Authentication in Angular.mp4 | 64.86MB .pad/33 | 145.60KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/003 Sending a cookie from Angular.mp4 | 64.02MB .pad/34 | 1008.31KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/007 Exercise 5 - Solution walktrough part 1.mp4 | 63.22MB .pad/35 | 793.79KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/004 Using the cookie for authentication.mp4 | 62.19MB .pad/36 | 825.04KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/008 Exercise 2 - solution walkthrough.mp4 | 61.75MB .pad/37 | 252.44KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/005 Generating the Payload data.mp4 | 61.73MB .pad/38 | 272.19KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/002 Implementing the delete functions.mp4 | 60.77MB .pad/39 | 239.19KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/006 Testing components with service dependencies.mp4 | 59.10MB .pad/40 | 918.74KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/006 Finishing the form.mp4 | 55.62MB .pad/41 | 393.55KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/37 - Chapter 33 - Pre-fecthing data/001 Setting up the edit booking functionality.mp4 | 55.55MB .pad/42 | 465.92KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/31 - Chapter 27 - Setting up environments/003 Creating our own environments.mp4 | 54.87MB .pad/43 | 134.80KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/26 - Chapter 23 - Template form validation/005 Exercise 3 - Solution walkthrough.mp4 | 54.24MB .pad/44 | 775.62KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/005 Creating a sub-component view.mp4 | 54.04MB .pad/45 | 985.91KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/07 - Chapter 6 - Template Expressions/001 An overview of the Component Class structure.mp4 | 53.44MB .pad/46 | 573.09KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/007 Pre-processing complex data.mp4 | 53.25MB .pad/47 | 766.38KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/005 Working with Arrays.mp4 | 53.06MB .pad/48 | 966.09KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/007 Validating a JWT.mp4 | 52.63MB .pad/49 | 378.28KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/002 Setting up navigation to show a form.mp4 | 52.49MB .pad/50 | 525.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/27 - Chapter 24 - Reactive forms/001 Setting up navigation to show a form.mp4 | 51.46MB .pad/51 | 548.16KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/36 - Chapter 32 - DELETEing data and completing the case study/002 Completing the users component.mp4 | 50.56MB .pad/52 | 454.76KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/004 Manipulating the REST return data type.mp4 | 50.35MB .pad/53 | 661.53KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/002 What are JWTs.mp4 | 49.83MB .pad/54 | 174.27KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/004 Fixing the app component tests.mp4 | 49.73MB .pad/55 | 273.85KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/004 Constructors and methods.mp4 | 49.71MB .pad/56 | 292.40KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/009 Responding to the calendar click event.mp4 | 49.70MB .pad/57 | 303.53KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/001 Initiating the call to a rest endpoint.mp4 | 49.57MB .pad/58 | 445.15KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/22 - Chapter 19 - Routing/004 Making links work with routing.mp4 | 49.45MB .pad/59 | 568.08KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/21 - Chapter 18 - Using external Resources/001 Introducing the case study.mp4 | 49.37MB .pad/60 | 648.39KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/003 Investigating REST errors.mp4 | 48.08MB .pad/61 | 945.70KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/26 - Chapter 23 - Template form validation/001 Dynamic classes applied to form elements.mp4 | 44.33MB .pad/62 | 688.81KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/42 - Chapter 37 - Implementing JWT Authentication in Angular/004 Finding out the user's role.mp4 | 43.89MB .pad/63 | 107.93KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/11 - Chapter 10 - Component interaction - event binding/002 Creating an event emitter.mp4 | 43.87MB .pad/64 | 137.32KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/10 - Chapter 9 - Component interaction - property binding/002 Accessing properties from code.mp4 | 43.80MB .pad/65 | 201.50KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/39 - Chapter 34 - Login and Route Guards/005 Redirecting with route guards.mp4 | 42.47MB .pad/66 | 546.69KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/24 - Chapter 21 - Using Observables for data/001 Why we should use observables with data.mp4 | 42.22MB .pad/67 | 796.66KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/21 - Chapter 18 - Using external Resources/002 Using Bootstrap in our project.mp4 | 42.11MB .pad/68 | 915.66KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/31 - Chapter 27 - Setting up environments/001 Creating environment variables.mp4 | 41.64MB .pad/69 | 364.18KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/11 - Chapter 10 - Component interaction - event binding/005 Revisiting ngIf and hidden.mp4 | 41.62MB .pad/70 | 384.76KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/18 - Chapter 16 - Debugging in Angular/002 Debugging with Visual Studio Code.mp4 | 41.42MB .pad/71 | 597.27KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/39 - Chapter 34 - Login and Route Guards/004 Implementing a Route Guard.mp4 | 40.35MB .pad/72 | 667.54KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/007 Exercise 2 - solution walkthrough.mp4 | 39.95MB .pad/73 | 52.31KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/28 - Chapter 25 - Going further with Reactive Forms/001 Using the FormBuilder.mp4 | 39.90MB .pad/74 | 101.40KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/18 - Chapter 16 - Debugging in Angular/003 Debugging with IntelliJ.mp4 | 39.50MB .pad/75 | 512.54KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/002 Creating a service.mp4 | 38.77MB .pad/76 | 232.02KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/07 - Chapter 6 - Template Expressions/003 Template expressions are dynamic.mp4 | 38.58MB .pad/77 | 425.31KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/009 Exercise 1 - Solution walkthrough part 1.mp4 | 38.25MB .pad/78 | 763.50KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/36 - Chapter 32 - DELETEing data and completing the case study/001 Implementing DELETE.mp4 | 38.13MB .pad/79 | 891.72KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/003 Triggering an event, and creating an observer.mp4 | 37.95MB .pad/80 | 56.31KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/22 - Chapter 19 - Routing/002 Setting up basic routing.mp4 | 37.76MB .pad/81 | 244.13KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/004 Retrying when an error occurs.mp4 | 37.69MB .pad/82 | 318.52KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/003 Creating the data service.mp4 | 37.48MB .pad/83 | 536.33KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/35 - Chapter 31 - POSTing and PUTting data/002 Customising data with Javascript objects.mp4 | 37.36MB .pad/84 | 659.09KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/09 - Chapter 8 - Component interaction - reading properties/003 Accessing properties of a child component.mp4 | 36.63MB .pad/85 | 378.38KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/001 Creating a Unit Test.mp4 | 36.07MB .pad/86 | 948.52KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/004 Dealing with errors and the complete event.mp4 | 35.88MB .pad/87 | 119.84KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/22 - Chapter 19 - Routing/003 Creating a 404 page.mp4 | 35.47MB .pad/88 | 544.99KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/09 - Chapter 8 - Component interaction - reading properties/001 Using the hidden HTML attribute.mp4 | 34.83MB .pad/89 | 178.95KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/003 Creating a form.mp4 | 34.78MB .pad/90 | 228.54KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/001 Dealing with slow REST responses.mp4 | 33.69MB .pad/91 | 318.53KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/31 - Chapter 27 - Setting up environments/004 Selecting an environment to serve.mp4 | 33.66MB .pad/92 | 350.66KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/26 - Chapter 23 - Template form validation/002 Validation messages and controlling the submit button.mp4 | 33.63MB .pad/93 | 375.56KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/005 Pre-processing the REST return data.mp4 | 33.21MB .pad/94 | 804.95KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/002 Creating a model.mp4 | 33.04MB .pad/95 | 984.69KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/005 Testing behaviour.mp4 | 32.94MB .pad/96 | 57.38KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/10 - Chapter 9 - Component interaction - property binding/003 The @Input Decorator.mp4 | 32.24MB .pad/97 | 777.17KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/42 - Chapter 37 - Implementing JWT Authentication in Angular/003 Dealing with the 403 response code.mp4 | 32.07MB .pad/98 | 952.39KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/006 Loops and conditions.mp4 | 31.73MB .pad/99 | 277.38KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/003 Displaying data with pipes.mp4 | 31.64MB .pad/100 | 368.83KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/002 Setting up a JWT Cookie.mp4 | 31.17MB .pad/101 | 850.62KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/002 Cross Original Resource Sharing (CORS).mp4 | 30.98MB .pad/102 | 20.40KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/002 Similarities to Java and the impact of TSLint.mp4 | 30.38MB .pad/103 | 632.60KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/004 Declaring variables.mp4 | 29.96MB .pad/104 | 45.27KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/15 - Chapter 13 - Enums/005 Retrieving a label from its value.mp4 | 29.75MB .pad/105 | 257.48KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/22 - Chapter 19 - Routing/005 Using a separate routing file.mp4 | 29.40MB .pad/106 | 614.58KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/005 Saving the form data.mp4 | 29.36MB .pad/107 | 657.51KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/42 - Chapter 37 - Implementing JWT Authentication in Angular/001 Storing the JWT received from the server.mp4 | 28.50MB .pad/108 | 512.96KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/42 - Chapter 37 - Implementing JWT Authentication in Angular/002 Sending the Bearer Authorization header.mp4 | 28.06MB .pad/109 | 962.65KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/007 Using the XMLHttpRequest header.mp4 | 27.70MB .pad/110 | 302.11KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/15 - Chapter 13 - Enums/002 Looping through an enum.mp4 | 27.68MB .pad/111 | 323.24KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/002 Creating classes.mp4 | 27.66MB .pad/112 | 347.57KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/26 - Chapter 23 - Template form validation/003 Custom validation rules.mp4 | 27.64MB .pad/113 | 373.10KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/21 - Chapter 18 - Using external Resources/004 Exercise 1 - Referencing CSS and Javascript files.mp4 | 27.51MB .pad/114 | 500.62KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/002 Running a single test.mp4 | 26.69MB .pad/115 | 321.19KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/008 Object equality.mp4 | 26.50MB .pad/116 | 513.00KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/03 - Chapter 2 - What is Angular/001 How angular sites differ from traditional web technologies.mp4 | 26.21MB .pad/117 | 808.26KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/09 - Chapter 8 - Component interaction - reading properties/004 The ngIf structural directive.mp4 | 26.01MB .pad/118 | 1013.30KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/39 - Chapter 34 - Login and Route Guards/003 Implementing the AuthService and Login component.mp4 | 25.76MB .pad/119 | 250.22KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/08 - Chapter 7 - Simple event binding/003 Exercise 2 - event binding.mp4 | 25.31MB .pad/120 | 705.13KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/44 - 39 - Building and Deploying/001 Compiling an Angular project.mp4 | 25.27MB .pad/121 | 745.66KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/10 - Chapter 9 - Component interaction - property binding/001 Setting up the scenario.mp4 | 24.90MB .pad/122 | 98.26KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/005 Surviving a page refresh.mp4 | 24.89MB .pad/123 | 116.38KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/004 Testing Angular with a hello world application.mp4 | 24.72MB .pad/124 | 286.49KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/27 - Chapter 24 - Reactive forms/003 Setting and reading form control values.mp4 | 24.69MB .pad/125 | 317.55KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/004 Binding data to a view and looping with ngFor.mp4 | 24.44MB .pad/126 | 568.53KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/07 - Chapter 6 - Template Expressions/002 Template expressions.mp4 | 24.17MB .pad/127 | 845.73KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/006 Surviving the refresh.mp4 | 23.78MB .pad/128 | 220.87KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/002 Catching REST errors.mp4 | 23.74MB .pad/129 | 263.87KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/004 Dependency Injection.mp4 | 23.65MB .pad/130 | 359.51KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/006 How angular can construct a page.mp4 | 23.65MB .pad/131 | 363.42KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/006 Exercise 1 - solution walkthrough.mp4 | 23.38MB .pad/132 | 636.99KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/35 - Chapter 31 - POSTing and PUTting data/005 Bug fixing.mp4 | 23.16MB .pad/133 | 861.39KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/32 - Chapter 28 - Creating the REST API/002 Testing rest methods.mp4 | 23.05MB .pad/134 | 970.13KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/008 Installing and configuring Visual Studio Code.mp4 | 22.70MB .pad/135 | 305.08KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/010 Configuring Spring to use bearer authentication part 3.mp4 | 22.62MB .pad/136 | 392.40KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/11 - Chapter 10 - Component interaction - event binding/001 Why we need custom events.mp4 | 22.36MB .pad/137 | 659.13KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/008 How to open a project from the sample files.mp4 | 22.32MB .pad/138 | 695.82KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/15 - Chapter 13 - Enums/004 Enums with values.mp4 | 21.84MB .pad/139 | 166.99KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/28 - Chapter 25 - Going further with Reactive Forms/002 Implementing validators.mp4 | 21.59MB .pad/140 | 417.69KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/22 - Chapter 19 - Routing/001 Preparing the application.mp4 | 21.51MB .pad/141 | 504.66KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/007 Exercise 2 - Solution walkthrough.mp4 | 21.05MB .pad/142 | 977.67KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/003 Creating the component with the CLI tool.mp4 | 20.84MB .pad/143 | 160.96KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/002 Introducing the pattern and creating an observable.mp4 | 20.65MB .pad/144 | 355.77KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/001 The risks of storing a JWT.mp4 | 20.36MB .pad/145 | 657.36KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/001 An overview of our first example site.mp4 | 20.21MB .pad/146 | 810.88KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/006 Some hints for debugging classes.mp4 | 19.53MB .pad/147 | 482.81KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/40 - Chapter 35 - Authenticating users via REST (basic authentication)/003 Testing basic authentication.mp4 | 18.89MB .pad/148 | 113.34KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/19 - Chapter 17 - Unit testing/003 Test evaluation methods.mp4 | 18.51MB .pad/149 | 506.54KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/11 - Chapter 10 - Component interaction - event binding/004 Sending data with events.mp4 | 18.00MB .pad/150 | 5.03KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/37 - Chapter 33 - Pre-fecthing data/002 The concept of pre-fectching data.mp4 | 17.64MB .pad/151 | 364.62KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/03 - Chapter 2 - What is Angular/003 What an angular application looks like.mp4 | 17.62MB .pad/152 | 392.58KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/41 - Chapter 36 - Securing the REST API with JWT/001 Why JWTs are a good idea.mp4 | 17.49MB .pad/153 | 520.56KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/001 Understanding Javascript objects.mp4 | 17.39MB .pad/154 | 621.54KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/15 - Chapter 13 - Enums/001 Creating an enum.mp4 | 16.77MB .pad/155 | 233.84KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/003 Class attributes.mp4 | 16.26MB .pad/156 | 754.23KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/11 - Chapter 10 - Component interaction - event binding/003 Triggering an event.mp4 | 16.16MB .pad/157 | 857.78KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/004 Editing the Component's HTML and making it appear.mp4 | 15.83MB .pad/158 | 178.02KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/006 Exercise 1 - solution walkthrough.mp4 | 15.71MB .pad/159 | 299.01KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/005 Unsubscribing an observer.mp4 | 15.29MB .pad/160 | 728.18KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/004 Exercise 4 - Displaying the calendar component.mp4 | 15.21MB .pad/161 | 810.20KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/14 - Chapter 12 - Classes and objects/005 String templates.mp4 | 14.89MB .pad/162 | 115.09KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/18 - Chapter 16 - Debugging in Angular/001 Introduction to Debugging.mp4 | 14.80MB .pad/163 | 209.72KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/005 Exercise 1 - creating components.mp4 | 14.54MB .pad/164 | 466.31KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/39 - Chapter 34 - Login and Route Guards/001 Introduction to security.mp4 | 14.33MB .pad/165 | 681.81KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/005 The 4 component files.mp4 | 14.09MB .pad/166 | 933.41KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/40 - Chapter 35 - Authenticating users via REST (basic authentication)/001 The concept of Basic Authentication.mp4 | 13.90MB .pad/167 | 104.00KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/26 - Chapter 23 - Template form validation/004 Exercise 3 - Implementing custom validation.mp4 | 13.10MB .pad/168 | 925.19KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/36 - Chapter 32 - DELETEing data and completing the case study/005 Getting a confirmation before deleting.mp4 | 13.08MB .pad/169 | 945.89KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/17 - Chapter 15 - The observer design pattern/006 Exercise 2 - observer design pattern.mp4 | 12.94MB .pad/170 | 65.68KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/44 - 39 - Building and Deploying/003 Deploying an Angular project.mp4 | 12.35MB .pad/171 | 664.95KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/004 Component selectors.mp4 | 12.14MB .pad/172 | 878.05KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/002 Running the project.mp4 | 11.94MB .pad/173 | 63.83KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/31 - Chapter 27 - Setting up environments/002 How environments work.mp4 | 11.55MB .pad/174 | 461.77KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/08 - Chapter 7 - Simple event binding/004 Exercise 2 - solution walkthrough.mp4 | 11.47MB .pad/175 | 538.05KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/03 - Chapter 2 - What is Angular/004 How to get support while you're taking this course.mp4 | 11.45MB .pad/176 | 559.71KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/005 Exercise 1 - dependency injection.mp4 | 11.34MB .pad/177 | 671.73KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/006 Running the hello world application.mp4 | 11.29MB .pad/178 | 730.94KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/007 Configuring the Intellij Idea IDE.mp4 | 10.65MB .pad/179 | 354.03KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/001 The software needed to build with Angular.mp4 | 10.27MB .pad/180 | 745.85KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/06 - Chapter 5 - Creating a component/001 Creating a new project.mp4 | 9.87MB .pad/181 | 137.81KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/001 The concepts of Data, Models and Views.mp4 | 9.65MB .pad/182 | 356.06KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/003 index.html and styles.css.mp4 | 9.53MB .pad/183 | 479.70KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/43 - Chapter 38 - Surviving a browser refresh/008 Exercise 1 - Finishing the Application.mp4 | 8.94MB .pad/184 | 59.89KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/44 - 39 - Building and Deploying/002 A note about using Git with Angular.mp4 | 8.45MB .pad/185 | 562.76KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/05 - Chapter 4 - Introducing Angular architecture/002 What is a component.mp4 | 8.18MB .pad/186 | 837.09KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/003 Data types and variables.mp4 | 8.01MB .pad/187 | 1015.59KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/16 - Chapter 14 - Services and dependency injection/001 What is a service.mp4 | 7.62MB .pad/188 | 389.52KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/23 - Chapter 20 - Models and Views/007 Exercise 2 - Creating models, data and views.mp4 | 7.15MB .pad/189 | 873.98KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/003 Installing the Angular CLI.mp4 | 6.76MB .pad/190 | 247.24KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/37 - Chapter 33 - Pre-fecthing data/005 Module summary.mp4 | 6.71MB .pad/191 | 301.71KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/36 - Chapter 32 - DELETEing data and completing the case study/003 Exercise 4 - Implementing REST from Angular.mp4 | 6.53MB .pad/192 | 476.62KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/33 - Chapter 29 - Connecting to a REST endpoint/006 Optional calling a rest endpoint exercise.mp4 | 6.12MB .pad/193 | 898.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/04 - Chapter 3 - Setting up the environment/002 Installing Node.js.mp4 | 5.85MB .pad/194 | 157.95KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/13 - Chapter 11 - Introduction to typescript/001 Module introduction.mp4 | 5.80MB .pad/195 | 206.38KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/35 - Chapter 31 - POSTing and PUTting data/003 Exercise 3 - Post and putting data.mp4 | 5.65MB .pad/196 | 354.12KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/34 - Chapter 30 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections/006 Exercise 2 - Dealing with slow and unavailable connections.mp4 | 5.43MB .pad/197 | 582.71KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/32 - Chapter 28 - Creating the REST API/003 Exercise 1 - creating rest methods.mp4 | 5.37MB .pad/198 | 647.29KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/03 - Chapter 2 - What is Angular/002 How angular can create a fast, responsive user experience.mp4 | 5.33MB .pad/199 | 687.99KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/29 - Chapter 26 - Completing the case study/006 Exercise 5 - Create the add, edit and delete functionality.mp4 | 5.09MB .pad/200 | 930.85KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/39 - Chapter 34 - Login and Route Guards/002 An overview of the login functionality.mp4 | 4.64MB .pad/201 | 367.68KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/25 - Chapter 22 - Template forms/001 How template driven forms work.mp4 | 2.73MB .pad/202 | 280.29KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/20 - Module 3 - Building a real site/001 | 1.55MB .pad/203 | 458.63KB [] - Angular 10 hands on for Java Developers/02 - Module 1 - Creating a simple angular app/001 | 1.09MB


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