Name umineko
File Type other
Size 9.30GB
UpdateDate 2024-12-7
hash *****F140A98B9964A4863A947A7E522F24F220
Hot 1
Files [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/arc6.nsa | 1.44GB arc.nsa | 1015.75MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/arc2.nsa | 892.26MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/arc3.nsa | 868.48MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/arc4.nsa | 713.53MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/arc5.nsa | 672.67MB arc1.nsa | 670.55MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/movie/umineko_op.mpg | 350.23MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/movie/umineko_op5.mpg | 299.49MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/movie/umineko_op7.mpg | 278.02MB [Umineko USO DA!!]/arc.nsa | 119.37MB movie/umineko_op5.mpg | 104.12MB movie/umineko_op7.mpg | 96.05MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/arc.nsa | 68.09MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/arc1.nsa | 42.87MB [Umineko USO DA!!]/extra.rar | 16.65MB SE/clock_grand_fathers3.wav | 15.84MB BGM4/lastendconductor.ogg | 15.44MB BGM/dreamenddischarger.ogg | 13.83MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/nscript.dat | 13.79MB BGM/death(from stupefaction).ogg | 12.07MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM4/lastendconductor.ogg | 11.86MB ME/街の交通の音2.WAV | 11.39MB BGM2/0f_liberatedliberater.ogg | 11.05MB nscript.dat | 10.91MB BGM0/worldenddominator.ogg | 10.77MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/credits.mp3 | 10.76MB BGM/shika_long.ogg | 10.67MB BGM3/0h_executioner_m.ogg | 10.58MB BGM3/26_le4-octobre_mst.ogg | 10.54MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/dreamenddischarger.ogg | 10.43MB BGM/sirabe_oche.ogg | 10.00MB BGM0/rahu_goldenslaughterer.ogg | 9.91MB BGM/psy-chorus.ogg | 9.56MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/0e_resurrectedreplayer.ogg | 9.47MB BGM3/19_bore-ral_mst.ogg | 9.35MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/shika_long.ogg | 9.06MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/u2_黒のリリアナ.ogg | 9.01MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/u2_黒のリリヂナ.ogg | 9.01MB BGM0/26_dive to emergency.ogg | 8.91MB BGM/miragecoordinator.ogg | 8.90MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM3/26_le4-octobre_mst.ogg | 8.90MB BGM3/01_なまえのないうた(inst).ogg | 8.81MB BGM3/24_7-weights_mst.ogg | 8.81MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/worldenddominator.ogg | 8.77MB BGM/Dread of the grave -More fear-.ogg | 8.77MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/death(from stupefaction).ogg | 8.62MB ME/Rain4_Long.WAV | 8.46MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/0f_liberatedliberater.ogg | 8.41MB BGM4/More_fear.ogg | 8.23MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/sirabe_oche.ogg | 8.18MB BGM/エンドレスナイン(リズム付き).ogg | 8.10MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM3/0h_executioner_m.ogg | 8.00MB BGM/u2_黒のリリアナ.ogg | 7.98MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/psy-chorus.ogg | 7.92MB BGM/継接キメラ.ogg | 7.86MB BGM2/dai_009(hope B&D).ogg | 7.85MB ME/電車内3.WAV | 7.84MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/miragecoordinator.ogg | 7.81MB BGM/黄金の影修正版(ラック眼力).ogg | 7.81MB BGM3/金色の嘲笑.ogg | 7.81MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM3/19_bore-ral_mst.ogg | 7.42MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/rahu_goldenslaughterer.ogg | 7.38MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM3/24_7-weights_mst.ogg | 7.35MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/継接キメラ.ogg | 7.30MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/継接ネメラ.ogg | 7.30MB BGM2/B_o_n_w_inst.ogg | 7.25MB BGM/Justice.ogg | 7.23MB ME/不思議時計.wav | 7.07MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM4/More_fear.ogg | 7.06MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/Dread of the grave -More fear-.ogg | 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she-end_mst.ogg | 5.62MB BGM/where-02.ogg | 5.61MB sys_se/clock_grand_fathers2.wav | 5.61MB BGM3/lg_Golden Nocturne(inst).ogg | 5.57MB SE/拍手_bk.wav | 5.55MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM4/en-counse_mst.ogg | 5.54MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/喰那.ogg | 5.50MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM3/15 ballde-continuer_mst.ogg | 5.49MB BGM3/27_fall.ogg | 5.49MB BGM0/mortal stampede.ogg | 5.48MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM3/黄泉津比良坂Corruption.ogg | 5.46MB ME/時計フランジャー3.wav | 5.40MB ME/時計ループL4.WAV | 5.40MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM4/the_end_of_the_world_inst_mst.ogg | 5.31MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/gc-30.ogg | 5.31MB ME/ボイラー室.wav | 5.30MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM3/22_reflection-call_mst.ogg | 5.30MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM3/namaenonaiuta_Ver2_oche_mst.ogg 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BGM/Tomorrow(調整).ogg | 4.28MB BGM0/痕音.ogg | 4.26MB BGM0/u2_nighteyes.ogg | 4.24MB BGM0/wingless.ogg | 4.21MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/where-02.ogg | 4.18MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/hello your dream.ogg | 4.18MB BGM4/ぬいぐるみ.ogg | 4.17MB BGM/far.ogg | 4.16MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/dai_015(ALIVE_4m).ogg | 4.14MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/孤独な深海魚.ogg | 4.07MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/孤独な深劃魚.ogg | 4.07MB BGM2/LoveExamination.ogg | 4.06MB BGM/犯行の予告状読み上げ(ラック眼力).ogg | 4.02MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/07_voiceless.ogg | 4.01MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/rhythm-changer.ogg | 4.00MB BGM/one.ogg | 4.00MB BGM/hope(Ver1.00).ogg | 3.98MB BGM/約束(ボーカル).ogg | 3.95MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/03_play.ogg | 3.95MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of 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v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/笑み亡きソワレ.ogg | 3.71MB BGM/Haruka.ogg | 3.70MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/犯行の・告状読み上げ(ラッハ眼力).ogg | 3.69MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/犯行の予告状読み上げ(ラック眼力).ogg | 3.69MB ME/A3_02012.WAV | 3.69MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM4/ぬいぐるみ.ogg | 3.69MB BGM3/なまえのないうた_EDsize.ogg | 3.66MB ME/洞窟の水滴.wav | 3.65MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/lg_usan_uta_full.ogg | 3.61MB BGM/Future.ogg | 3.60MB BGM0/神秘の森.ogg | 3.60MB BGM/螺旋_Choir.ogg | 3.59MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/dai_002.ogg | 3.56MB BGM2/dai_008(thanks for all people).ogg | 3.55MB BGM0/Surrounding.ogg | 3.54MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/u2_nighteyes.ogg | 3.54MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/ひだまり.ogg | 3.53MB ME/がや0.wav | 3.52MB BGM3/far(flat).ogg | 3.50MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/default.ttf | 3.50MB [Umineko USO DA!!]/default.ttf | 3.50MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/slowmotion.ogg | 3.49MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/rog-limitation_mst.ogg | 3.48MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/dai_010(Rebirth).ogg | 3.47MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/生まれてきてくれてありがとう.ogg | 3.44MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/prison.ogg | 3.42MB BGM4/Byakumu_short.ogg | 3.39MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/LoveExamination.ogg | 3.37MB ME/嵐_フランジャー.wav | 3.37MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/螺旋_Choir.ogg | 3.35MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/Haruka.ogg | 3.34MB BGM/隣死 mu.ogg | 3.33MB BGM2/dai_006(engage of marionette).ogg | 3.32MB BGM/絵画の魔女.ogg | 3.31MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/Requiem.ogg | 3.28MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/maria_utanasi_mx.ogg | 3.28MB BGM4/飛翔.ogg | 3.25MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/11a_worldend.ogg | 3.24MB BGM0/M4.ogg | 3.21MB BGM2/Look.ogg | 3.21MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/11b_worldend_solo.ogg | 3.21MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/Closed My Heart.ogg | 3.17MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/hope(Ver1.00).ogg | 3.17MB sys_se/柱時計の鐘.WAV | 3.15MB SE/07_se_umi.wav | 3.13MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/lg_bonw_m_size.ogg | 3.13MB BGM2/dai_001(blue).ogg | 3.12MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM3/なまえのないうた_EDsize.ogg | 3.11MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/Future.ogg | 3.09MB BGM2/lg_ep6_org2.ogg | 3.08MB BGM/命のパン.ogg | 3.08MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM4/Byakumu_short.ogg | 3.05MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and 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2.88MB BGM/夏の扉.ogg | 2.86MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/神秘の森.ogg | 2.83MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/神秘の靭.ogg | 2.83MB BGM0/ロウソクたちが踊る.ogg | 2.83MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/煉沙回廊mu.ogg | 2.82MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/煉沙回詫mu.ogg | 2.82MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/dai_006(engage of marionette).ogg | 2.82MB BGM/dir.ogg | 2.80MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/命のパン.ogg | 2.79MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/Look.ogg | 2.75MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/happiness of marionette.ogg | 2.75MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/ロウソクたちが踊る.ogg | 2.75MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/ロテ・ハたちが踊る.ogg | 2.75MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/Surrounding.ogg | 2.75MB BGM/mother.ogg | 2.73MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/Aci-L.ogg | 2.73MB SE/02se_umi.wav | 2.72MB sys_se/da_kane.wav | 2.71MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/Answer.ogg | 2.70MB BGM2/Loreley.ogg | 2.65MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/dai_001(blue).ogg | 2.64MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/M4.ogg | 2.64MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/lg_ep6_org2.ogg | 2.62MB BGM2/setsuna.ogg | 2.62MB BGM/minute darkness.ogg | 2.61MB BGM/hikari.ogg | 2.59MB BGM0/問い詰め.ogg | 2.59MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/mother.ogg | 2.58MB ME/A3_05051.WAV | 2.58MB SE/03se_umi.wav | 2.54MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/久遠.ogg | 2.54MB BGM/happiness of marionette_omake.ogg | 2.52MB BGM0/soul of soul.ogg | 2.52MB ME/壊れ風.wav | 2.51MB BGM/名探偵は知っている.ogg | 2.51MB ME/A3_05045.WAV | 2.49MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and 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Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/名稚偵は知っている.ogg | 2.23MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/名探偵は知っている.ogg | 2.23MB BGM0/Answer.ogg | 2.21MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/Loreley.ogg | 2.21MB BGM/誘い.ogg | 2.16MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/dir.ogg | 2.13MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/02_stupefaction.ogg | 2.11MB BGM/オルガン小曲_第6億番_ハ短調.ogg | 2.10MB BGM/HANE.ogg | 2.09MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/minute darkness.ogg | 2.07MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/くるり.ogg | 2.05MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/問い詰め.ogg | 1.99MB SE/bell1.wav | 1.97MB SE/学園ベル.wav | 1.97MB BGM2/eb.ogg | 1.95MB [Umineko USO DA!!]/Witches & Woodlands 3.5.exe | 1.90MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/Umineko no Naku Koro ni EP8.exe | 1.90MB SE/B4.wav | 1.90MB BGM/Tubasa(short ver hope).ogg | 1.89MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/599 million ruins.ogg | 1.84MB BGM4/うみねこのなく頃に.ogg | 1.81MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/オルガン小曲_第6億番_ハ短調.ogg | 1.81MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/ナルヌン小曲_第6億番_ハ築調.ogg | 1.81MB BGM3/人形劇.ogg | 1.80MB BGM/白い影.ogg | 1.78MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/HANE.ogg | 1.72MB [Umineko USO DA!!]/nscript.dat | 1.70MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/誘い.ogg | 1.68MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/蓉い.ogg | 1.68MB SE/clash.wav | 1.67MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/Tubasa(short ver hope).ogg | 1.65MB BGM0/暗闇の刻.ogg | 1.65MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM4/うみねこのなく頃に.ogg | 1.64MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM3/人形劇.ogg | 1.61MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM2/eb.ogg | 1.61MB BGM/オルガン小曲_第2億番_ハ短調.ogg | 1.61MB sys_se/clock_ticking.wav | 1.60MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/白い影.ogg | 1.52MB SE/A5_14445.WAV | 1.45MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/ナルヌン小曲_第2億番_ハ築調.ogg | 1.44MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/オルガン小曲_第2億番_ハ短調.ogg | 1.44MB BGM/mind_2.ogg | 1.43MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM0/暗闇の刻.ogg | 1.41MB SE/05_se_umi.wav | 1.39MB ME/A5_14446.wav | 1.35MB SE/horror.wav | 1.29MB SE/落雷3.wav | 1.25MB SE/拍手.wav | 1.21MB [UmiTweak Chiru v1.0] Nocturne of Truth and Illusions/BGM/mind_2.ogg | 1.16MB SE/A1_21333.WAV | 1.16MB SE/テレポート1.wav | 1.15MB SE/重い衝撃音2.wav | 1.13MB SE/車の急停車.wav | 1.09MB SE/SE4.WAV | 1.03MB SE/喝采1.wav | 900.84KB ME/A1_03052.WAV | 896.04KB SE/迫る弾幕.wav | 881.12KB SE/04_se_umi.wav | 871.04KB SE/重い衝撃音1.wav | 865.11KB SE/オートロック5.wav | 836.04KB SE/A5_06196.WAV | 796.59KB ME/STORM2.WAV | 747.76KB SE/バリア展開_03.wav | 689.11KB SE/バリア展開_02.wav | 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