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Name semester 1

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Files ACCOUNTING/accounting book.pdf | 37.11MB marketing manager/Marketing_P2.docx | 8.91MB management therory and practice/final project/The Management Function2.pdf | 7.80MB marketing manager/Marketing_P1.docx | 5.19MB marketing manager/5.pptx | 3.18MB MIS/KM.ppt | 2.92MB MIS/database system.ppt | 2.83MB marketing manager/Kotler_MM_13e_Overheads_12.ppt | 2.74MB marketing manager/4.pptx | 2.65MB marketing manager/end term/ch # 4 market info nd research.pptx | 2.63MB MIS/ECommerce_Ch10.ppt | 2.39MB MIS/before mid/Reference_Slides_Week_03-4.ppt | 2.10MB management therory and practice/end term/Chpt_17-_Intro_to_Controlling.ppt | 1.94MB marketing manager/end term/ch # 9new product development.pptx | 1.80MB MIS/before mid/Week_02.pptx | 1.60MB marketing manager/end term/New Product Development and Product Life Cycle Strategies.docx | 1.58MB hrm/performance management.ppt | 1.56MB marketing manager/end term/consumer behaviour ch # 5.ppt | 1.53MB marketing manager/7.ppt | 1.53MB management therory and practice/before mid/Chapter_2-History_of_Mgmt.pptx | 1.50MB hrm/lec # 4/SH-Ch4-12e-March-2014-Job_Analysis.ppt | 1.49MB management therory and practice/end term/imp-Chpt12-Managing_Change_Innovation.ppt | 1.48MB MIS/Bulding_System.ppt | 1.42MB hrm/interviewing.ppt | 1.37MB MIS/ERP.ppt | 1.29MB MIS/before mid/Reference_Week_1_1_.pptx | 1.26MB marketing manager/end term/global marketing.docx | 1.24MB management therory and practice/end term/Ch_9-Org_St_Design.pptx | 1.23MB management therory and practice/before mid/Ch_9-Org_St_Design (1).pptx | 1.23MB management therory and practice/end term/Ch14-Communication.ppt | 1.22MB hrm/lec # 3/Chpt3-Shorter-SHRM-12e-Dessler-Spring-2014.pptx | 1.17MB management therory and practice/before mid/Chpt-6-Managers_as_DM.pptx | 1.14MB hrm/testing and selection.ppt | 1.14MB hrm/che # 6/Chpt6-HRM-April_2013-Testing_selection.ppt | 1.14MB marketing manager/end term/consumer behaviour.docx | 1.14MB management therory and practice/end term/Chpt-6-Managers_as_DM.pptx | 1.13MB MIS/before mid/Week_03-04.ppt | 1.10MB hrm/training and development.ppt | 1.09MB hrm/Shorter-Chapter_5_HR_Plannning_and_Recruiting-Sept_2013..ppt | 1.03MB hrm/lec # 5/Shorter-Chapter_5_HR_Plannning_and_Recruiting-Sept_2013.ppt | 1.03MB MIS/data ware housing.ppt | 1.02MB management therory and practice/before mid/Chpt_3-MTP-Understanding_Mgmt_s_Context.pptx | 1012.66KB management therory and practice/end term/Chpt_16-Managers_as_Leaders.ppt | 962.00KB management therory and practice/before mid/Case-PEST-Applied.pdf | 915.45KB management therory and practice/before mid/Intro_MTP.pptx | 887.54KB hrm/lec # 5/Handout-Ch4-Job_Analysis-Oct-2010.docx | 847.73KB management therory and practice/before mid/Ch7-Foundations_of_Planning.ppt | 835.00KB hrm/lec # 2/Developing_KPI_for_HRM-Spring_2014.ppt | 801.00KB marketing manager/6.ppt | 776.50KB MIS/before mid/Week_01.ppt | 742.00KB hrm/Chpt12-Pay_for_Financial_Incentives-May2014-12e.ppt | 740.50KB hrm/lec # 5/PAQ_Templeate.doc | 673.00KB management therory and practice/before mid/COL-MTP (1).docx | 622.53KB marketing manager/2.pptx | 561.19KB hrm/lec # 1/Chpt1-Spring-2014-short.pptx | 486.98KB MIS/before mid/Intro (1).pptx | 434.01KB management therory and practice/final project/762014croWeek6.pdf | 426.00KB marketing manager/3.pptx | 425.78KB management therory and practice/final project/Final_Project_Outline-MTP (Durraze Khan's conflicted copy 2015-02-16).docx | 362.85KB management therory and practice/final project/Final_Project_Outline-MTP.docx | 360.81KB management therory and practice/final project/Final Report MTP.docx | 360.22KB hrm/final project/final project rough - Project_Guidelines-HRM-MBA_Exe-Spring_2014.doc | 359.00KB management therory and practice/final project/Presentation mtp.pptx | 335.71KB marketing manager/end term/marketing information.docx | 327.15KB management therory and practice/before mid/case-presidents_room-communication.pdf | 259.49KB hrm/lec # 1/Functions_of_HRM-Shorter.pdf | 251.01KB marketing manager/end term/Chapter_19 global marketing.ppt | 220.50KB management therory and practice/final project/eao2005-06.pdf | 216.37KB hrm/che # 6/psychological_tests_2_pgs.pdf | 182.55KB management therory and practice/before mid/Management_Lessons.pdf | 180.97KB marketing manager/1.pptx | 169.60KB hrm/lec # 2/The_Managers_Job_Roles_diagram.docx | 161.81KB hrm/lec # 4/Managing_Human_Capital_for_Strategic_Advantage-Three_Challenges_PDF_document.pdf | 137.69KB hrm/lec # 5/Job_Analysis_Summary.doc | 125.00KB management therory and practice/assignemt/STARATEGY AND STRUCTURE.pptx | 117.83KB hrm/lec # 3/2_Page_Strategic_Plan_Example.pdf | 115.94KB marketing manager/assignment/STARATEGY AND STRUCTURE.pptx | 108.18KB management therory and practice/final project/pm_ch_4.pdf | 106.77KB hrm/lec # 5/JD-Form.doc | 106.00KB marketing manager/marketing-in-less-than-1000-words.pdf | 105.92KB hrm/lec # 3/2_Page_Strategic_Plan.pdf | 96.52KB management therory and practice/assignemt/assignement of organization by group final.docx | 72.28KB hrm/lec # 4/Developing_a_HRM_Strategy-3pg.pdf | 63.03KB management therory and practice/assignemt/mtp asignment.doc | 56.00KB hrm/final project/compensation and bonus.docx | 43.87KB date sheet/Date sheet F14.xls | 42.50KB hrm/assignment/HR Asignment 4.doc | 41.50KB management therory and practice/before mid/Note_on_Communication.pdf | 37.05KB ACCOUNTING/Practice Questions-BRS-CB-Depreciation.docx | 35.97KB hrm/che # 6/Class_Activity-Testing.docx | 35.47KB ACCOUNTING/Share Capital & Liabilities.docx | 34.18KB hrm/assignment/Modern_Industries_Ltd-case_study-Dec_2013.doc | 33.50KB management therory and practice/assignemt/Front Page (Mak Liaqat's conflicted copy 2015-01-21).doc | 32.00KB ACCOUNTING/Practice Questions-Adjusting Entries, Depreciation, Cash Book,Bank Reconciliation Statement.docx | 28.69KB management therory and practice/assignemt/Front Page.doc | 28.50KB management therory and practice/assignemt/Case-Disney-3pgs.pdf | 22.06KB ACCOUNTING/Financial Assets-Cash Management.docx | 20.96KB ACCOUNTING/Financial Ratios.docx | 16.15KB management therory and practice/final project/Organizing.docx | 15.37KB management therory and practice/assignemt/WAC_Requirements-Disney.docx | 14.87KB management therory and practice/before mid/Activity_1-Management.docx | 14.83KB hrm/assignment/Assignment_3-Recruitment_Planning-Testing-Interviewing.docx | 14.51KB marketing manager/assignment/Assign_2-Org_St_and_Design (2).docx | 14.33KB management therory and practice/final project/cover page.docx | 14.16KB management therory and practice/assignemt/Assign_2-Org_St_and_Design (1).docx | 13.63KB marketing manager/Ahmad.docx | 13.01KB hrm/assignment/ans of modern industry.docx | 12.64KB MIS/before mid/Examples_of_DSS_Week02.docx | 11.69KB management therory and practice/before mid/New_Counseling-Hrs-Aly_Raza.docx | 11.51KB ACCOUNTING/Copy of Assignment_05.xlsx | 11.12KB MIS/before mid/MAK-MIS STUDY.docx | 10.83KB


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