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Name Early Greek Philosophy - The Pre-Socratics by John Burnet (1892, 1920)

File Type music

Size 460.09MB

UpdateDate 2024-12-24

hash *****2DEB4643D9610896B16D5570ECAFD83FFB

Hot 164

Files 01. Introduction.mp3 | 34.27MB 02. Chapter I. The Milesian School.mp3 | 42.47MB 03. Chapter II. Science and Religion.mp3 | 52.52MB 04. Chapter III. Herakleitos of Ephesos.mp3 | 50.10MB 05. Chapter IV. Parmenides of Elea.mp3 | 31.19MB 06. Chapter V. Empedokles of Akragas.mp3 | 64.00MB 07. Chapter VI. Anaxagoras of Klazomenai.mp3 | 30.47MB 08. Chapter VII. The Pythagoreans.mp3 | 33.01MB 09. Chapter VIII. The Younger Eleatics.mp3 | 22.78MB 10. Chapter IX. Leukippos of Miletos.mp3 | 22.85MB 11. Chapter X. Eclecticism and Reaction.mp3 | 14.61MB 12. Note on the Sources.mp3 | 9.61MB Early Greek Philosophy by John Burnet (1892, Meridian Books 1965).pdf | 52.08MB Early Greek Philosophy by John Burnet (Ukemi Audiobooks booklet).pdf | 141.83KB


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