Name [CGCircuit] Realistic Character Props [ENG]
File Type package
Size 34.55GB
UpdateDate 2025-3-20
hash *****4CB156EF5F3789B140879DE214C8811C32
Hot 2
Files 01 Block out Belts And Laces/08 Laces.mp4 | 319.12MB 01 Block out Belts And Laces/06 Dynamics.mp4 | 301.79MB 01 Block out Belts And Laces/02 Extract method.mp4 | 282.35MB 01 Block out Belts And Laces/03 Topology method.mp4 | 181.08MB 01 Block out Belts And Laces/04 Zremesher.mp4 | 175.23MB 01 Block out Belts And Laces/05 Body belt blockout.mp4 | 144.95MB 01 Block out Belts And Laces/07 import tatto texture.mp4 | 48.23MB 01 Block out Belts And Laces/01 Preparing File.mp4 | 43.81MB 02 Blocking out Neckless And Braclets/10 Neckless With micropoly.mp4 | 282.41MB 02 Blocking out Neckless And Braclets/09 Coin Neckless.mp4 | 260.05MB 02 Blocking out Neckless And Braclets/12 insert mesh brush.mp4 | 254.86MB 02 Blocking out Neckless And Braclets/11 Neckless with Zremesher.mp4 | 153.63MB 02 Blocking out Neckless And Braclets/15 Braclets and earing blockout.mp4 | 101.96MB 02 Blocking out Neckless And Braclets/13 shark teeth blockout.mp4 | 85.35MB 02 Blocking out Neckless And Braclets/14 fixing symmetry bug.mp4 | 63.35MB 02 Blocking out Neckless And Braclets/16 Braclets timelaps.mp4 | 46.06MB 03 Block out knife and axe/20 block out handle.mp4 | 160.76MB 03 Block out knife and axe/21 block out knife guard.mp4 | 135.39MB 03 Block out knife and axe/26 Axe block out.mp4 | 132.71MB 03 Block out knife and axe/29 Wrapping the block out.mp4 | 112.00MB 03 Block out knife and axe/25 Postioning the knife.mp4 | 110.39MB 03 Block out knife and axe/28 Buckles timelaps.mp4 | 100.92MB 03 Block out knife and axe/24 blade cover 2.mp4 | 89.43MB 03 Block out knife and axe/19 Marking menus and image plane.mp4 | 89.05MB 03 Block out knife and axe/22 block out blade.mp4 | 61.07MB 03 Block out knife and axe/27 Axe block out timelaps.mp4 | 53.83MB 03 Block out knife and axe/23 blade cover.mp4 | 39.20MB 03 Block out knife and axe/17 Set up maya project.mp4 | 17.03MB 03 Block out knife and axe/18 Photoshop timelaps.mp4 | 4.22MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/37 Side Stiches.mp4 | 197.46MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/32 Leather handle.mp4 | 163.24MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/33 handle tip.mp4 | 121.01MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/31 Handle.mp4 | 90.75MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/43 axe head and handle timelaps.mp4 | 87.85MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/40 knife guard timelaps.mp4 | 75.06MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/34 Twist.mp4 | 74.17MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/47 Axe wrap up.mp4 | 66.65MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/42 knife wrap up and axe intro .mp4 | 46.12MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/45 Leather timelaps.mp4 | 43.37MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/35 blade cover.mp4 | 42.19MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/30 Knife polishng intro.mp4 | 40.85MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/44 Leather quad draw.mp4 | 28.00MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/39 upper cover blade timelaps.mp4 | 26.88MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/38 Center Stiches timelaps.mp4 | 23.76MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/46 Leather timelaps sculpt tool.mp4 | 18.69MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/41 handle stiches timelaps.mp4 | 15.13MB 04 Polishing knife and axe/36 blade cover timelaps.mp4 | 14.99MB 05 Polishing Braclets/54 Metal bracelets.mp4 | 225.14MB 05 Polishing Braclets/50 Support edges and bevels.mp4 | 161.38MB 05 Polishing Braclets/49 Leather braclete.mp4 | 115.94MB 05 Polishing Braclets/53 shells timelaps.mp4 | 83.51MB 05 Polishing Braclets/48 Leather braclets intro.mp4 | 44.13MB 05 Polishing Braclets/52 Stiches timelaps.mp4 | 40.85MB 05 Polishing Braclets/55 Instance meshes.mp4 | 29.16MB 05 Polishing Braclets/56 Barcelets postion timelaps.mp4 | 25.34MB 05 Polishing Braclets/51 Stiches.mp4 | 13.98MB 06 Polishing Neckless/72 Coin neckless timelaps.mp4 | 272.12MB 06 Polishing Neckless/67 Mash.mp4 | 178.06MB 06 Polishing Neckless/60 Neckless Micropoly.mp4 | 171.06MB 06 Polishing Neckless/59 Uvs.mp4 | 87.31MB 06 Polishing Neckless/61 Neckless rope.mp4 | 86.69MB 06 Polishing Neckless/73 Adjusting big neckless.mp4 | 72.96MB 06 Polishing Neckless/63 Neckless rope in maya.mp4 | 66.45MB 06 Polishing Neckless/70 teeth retopo timelaps.mp4 | 58.55MB 06 Polishing Neckless/65 Curve in maya.mp4 | 55.82MB 06 Polishing Neckless/57 Neckless intro.mp4 | 49.53MB 06 Polishing Neckless/71 small teeth timelaps.mp4 | 46.78MB 06 Polishing Neckless/62 Wrapping up thin neckless.mp4 | 45.81MB 06 Polishing Neckless/64 Big neckless units timelaps.mp4 | 34.98MB 06 Polishing Neckless/68 Big neckless rope.mp4 | 18.38MB 06 Polishing Neckless/69 shark teeth intro.mp4 | 16.77MB 06 Polishing Neckless/66 Curve timelaps.mp4 | 14.23MB 06 Polishing Neckless/58 Neckless perls timelaps.mp4 | 10.56MB 07 Polishing Belt/78 outer belt timelaps.mp4 | 160.60MB 07 Polishing Belt/75 body belts timelaps.mp4 | 153.44MB 07 Polishing Belt/77 Inner belt timelaps.mp4 | 145.44MB 07 Polishing Belt/76 body belts timelaps 2.mp4 | 106.54MB 07 Polishing Belt/80 Bukle timelaps.mp4 | 79.83MB 07 Polishing Belt/79 body belt bukle timelaps.mp4 | 77.80MB 07 Polishing Belt/74 Body belt intro.mp4 | 74.72MB 07 Polishing Belt/82 knife support timelaps.mp4 | 57.30MB 07 Polishing Belt/81 Adjusting axe and knife postion timelaps.mp4 | 44.15MB 07 Polishing Belt/83 Laces timelaps.mp4 | 29.10MB 08 Adjusting Meshes/84 Lattice tool.mp4 | 333.38MB 08 Adjusting Meshes/85 Adjust coin neckless.mp4 | 132.73MB 08 Adjusting Meshes/89 Cleanup.mp4 | 70.81MB 08 Adjusting Meshes/87 Paint effects to polygones.mp4 | 69.34MB 08 Adjusting Meshes/88 Editing big neckless.mp4 | 50.80MB 08 Adjusting Meshes/86 Adjusting curve timelaps.mp4 | 49.90MB 08 Adjusting Meshes/90 Fixing topo timelaps.mp4 | 49.62MB 08 Adjusting Meshes/91 Polishing earings timelaps.mp4 | 48.88MB 09 Uvs/116 Udim plan timelaps.mp4 | 425.54MB 09 Uvs/115 Udim plan.mp4 | 256.79MB 09 Uvs/107 Transfer UVs.mp4 | 238.28MB 09 Uvs/93 UV toolkit.mp4 | 221.70MB 09 Uvs/113 Technic for rope uv.mp4 | 218.61MB 09 Uvs/102 Belt timelaps.mp4 | 175.16MB 09 Uvs/117 UVs Wrap up.mp4 | 173.16MB 09 Uvs/104 Knife UV timelaps.mp4 | 151.57MB 09 Uvs/110 Solving neckless bug.mp4 | 141.60MB 09 Uvs/108 Leather bracletes timelaps.mp4 | 132.40MB 09 Uvs/94 Buckle.mp4 | 130.73MB 09 Uvs/96 Shark teeth.mp4 | 124.17MB 09 Uvs/101 Straighten complex geo.mp4 | 115.76MB 09 Uvs/114 Orgonizing uvs timelaps.mp4 | 96.66MB 09 Uvs/92 Uv intro.mp4 | 95.62MB 09 Uvs/109 Neckless timelaps.mp4 | 90.28MB 09 Uvs/103 Body belt timelaps.mp4 | 81.89MB 09 Uvs/99 Straighten Uvs.mp4 | 80.76MB 09 Uvs/106 Axe uv timelaps.mp4 | 80.39MB 09 Uvs/112 Coin neckless timelaps.mp4 | 73.56MB 09 Uvs/98 Belt edges.mp4 | 68.61MB 09 Uvs/111 Neckless timelaps 2.mp4 | 66.27MB 09 Uvs/97 Belt intro.mp4 | 33.66MB 09 Uvs/95 uv checker.mp4 | 25.91MB 09 Uvs/105 Earing UV timelaps.mp4 | 18.50MB 09 Uvs/100 Belt timelaps.mp4 | 7.42MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/126 Belt timelaps.mp4 | 252.87MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/136 Miroring.mp4 | 224.75MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/119 Subdivision issue.mp4 | 220.18MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/135 Leather braclete timelaps.mp4 | 206.25MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/134 Shark teeth sculpt timelaps.mp4 | 188.58MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/122 Surface noise.mp4 | 165.72MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/120 body belt.mp4 | 145.74MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/127 Body belt edge.mp4 | 145.70MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/123 Blend layers.mp4 | 132.82MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/133 Sculpting big neckless timelaps.mp4 | 126.57MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/129 Morph target.mp4 | 117.21MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/125 Manual sculpting timelaps.mp4 | 109.59MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/124 Manual Sculpt.mp4 | 92.76MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/121 body belt timelaps.mp4 | 80.05MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/130 Big neckless variation.mp4 | 78.10MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/118 Intro.mp4 | 66.05MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/138 Bracelettes timelaps.mp4 | 65.56MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/137 Leather bracelte right timelaps.mp4 | 61.75MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/128 belt edge timelaps.mp4 | 59.87MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/132 Sculpting big neckless intro.mp4 | 43.13MB 10 Zbrush Sculpting/131 Big neckless variation timelaps.mp4 | 28.76MB 11 Axe Sculpting/142 Projecting Details.mp4 | 130.98MB 11 Axe Sculpting/147 Axe head.mp4 | 126.69MB 11 Axe Sculpting/146 Lether timelaps.mp4 | 87.61MB 11 Axe Sculpting/143 Fixing seams.mp4 | 82.36MB 11 Axe Sculpting/141 Axe handle.mp4 | 81.08MB 11 Axe Sculpting/148 Axe head timelaps.mp4 | 58.69MB 11 Axe Sculpting/140 Setting up axe file.mp4 | 53.89MB 11 Axe Sculpting/144 Axe handle timelaps.mp4 | 44.43MB 11 Axe Sculpting/139 Axe intro.mp4 | 40.83MB 11 Axe Sculpting/145 Leather intro.mp4 | 22.75MB 12 Substance Painter block out/157 Material block out.mp4 | 208.07MB 12 Substance Painter block out/162 blockout neckless timelaps.mp4 | 186.81MB 12 Substance Painter block out/149 Planning.mp4 | 146.67MB 12 Substance Painter block out/159 Custom metal material.mp4 | 106.12MB 12 Substance Painter block out/161 blockout timelaps.mp4 | 103.23MB 12 Substance Painter block out/150 Material grouping.mp4 | 97.75MB 12 Substance Painter block out/154 Baking leather elemnt.mp4 | 93.57MB 12 Substance Painter block out/158 Block out axe.mp4 | 87.31MB 12 Substance Painter block out/152 Substance file.mp4 | 82.52MB 12 Substance Painter block out/153 Preparing meshes to bake.mp4 | 75.52MB 12 Substance Painter block out/155 baking leather elemnts part 2.mp4 | 71.00MB 12 Substance Painter block out/163 block out wrap up.mp4 | 49.94MB 12 Substance Painter block out/160 Adobe substance 3d assets.mp4 | 35.99MB 12 Substance Painter block out/156 Baking Config.mp4 | 24.72MB 12 Substance Painter block out/151 Material grouping timelaps.mp4 | 14.93MB 13 Axe Texturing/167 Wooden handle.mp4 | 141.32MB 13 Axe Texturing/168 Axe head.mp4 | 115.07MB 13 Axe Texturing/170 Wood timelaps.mp4 | 85.42MB 13 Axe Texturing/166 Axe Intro.mp4 | 82.49MB 13 Axe Texturing/171 Axe head timelaps.mp4 | 82.14MB 13 Axe Texturing/172 Leather timelaps.mp4 | 69.77MB 13 Axe Texturing/173 Exporting maps.mp4 | 66.62MB 13 Axe Texturing/169 Leather and dirt.mp4 | 63.36MB 13 Axe Texturing/165 Reapplaying materials.mp4 | 52.58MB 13 Axe Texturing/164 Setting up axe file.mp4 | 29.57MB 13 Axe Texturing/174 Dirt and dust timelaps.mp4 | 23.66MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/185 Detailed description 3d alpha placment.mp4 | 177.46MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/184 Detailed descrition belt.mp4 | 125.81MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/178 Buckle timelaps.mp4 | 120.02MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/182 Body belt timelaps.mp4 | 114.79MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/180 Ropes timelaps.mp4 | 111.83MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/186 Braceletes timelaps.mp4 | 94.48MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/181 Belt timelaps.mp4 | 71.94MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/177 Leather intro.mp4 | 59.40MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/187 Braceletes description.mp4 | 56.73MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/183 Dirt and scratches timelaps.mp4 | 55.97MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/179 Buckle stains timelaps.mp4 | 53.59MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/176 Baking Parameters.mp4 | 40.08MB 14 Leather and Bracletes Texturing/175 Setting up leather file.mp4 | 19.92MB 15 Neckless and Knife Texturing/193 Neckless stones 2 timelaps.mp4 | 256.15MB 15 Neckless and Knife Texturing/195 small neckless timelaps.mp4 | 167.15MB 15 Neckless and Knife Texturing/197 Knife timelaps.mp4 | 89.95MB 15 Neckless and Knife Texturing/194 Coin neckless timelaps.mp4 | 72.98MB 15 Neckless and Knife Texturing/191 Special masking.mp4 | 67.27MB 15 Neckless and Knife Texturing/188 intro neckless.mp4 | 59.86MB 15 Neckless and Knife Texturing/190 Remasking timelaps.mp4 | 46.24MB 15 Neckless and Knife Texturing/196 Earing timelaps.mp4 | 37.86MB 15 Neckless and Knife Texturing/192 Projecting textures timelaps.mp4 | 37.83MB 15 Neckless and Knife Texturing/189 Applaying base and mask issue.mp4 | 24.91MB 16 Exporting and Conclusion/198 Exporting Textures.mp4 | 124.57MB 16 Exporting and Conclusion/199 Conclussion.mp4 | 46.22MB Exercise Files.rar | 15.23GB