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Name Cymatics - Helix Essential Expansion

File Type other

Size 45.83MB

UpdateDate 2024-11-4

hash *****CFBEBD41A5A456F75EA94B26B61CE95484

Hot 9

Files Icon_ | 0B PLUCK - Tripwire.fxp | 2.21KB LEAD - Galatic.fxp | 2.23KB BASS - Deep N Low.fxp | 2.25KB PLUCK - Dilly Dally.fxp | 2.32KB ARP - Sweep Away.fxp | 2.40KB PAD - Starlight.fxp | 2.41KB PLUCK - One Finger.fxp | 2.44KB CHORD - Droopy.fxp | 2.47KB CHORD - Beach Cruiser.fxp | 2.49KB PLUCK - Flower Pickin.fxp | 2.50KB PLUCK - Doorbell.fxp | 2.60KB LEAD - Bioluminscent .fxp | 3.01KB CHORD - Chillax.fxp | 4.78KB BASS - All Alone.fxp | 4.79KB ARP - My First Console.fxp | 4.85KB CHORD - Phase.fxp | 4.98KB CHORD - Pulse.fxp | 5.04KB BASS - Campfire.fxp | 5.04KB PLUCK - Golden Reserve.fxp | 5.06KB CHORD - Beauty Full.fxp | 5.07KB LEAD - Snake Charmer.fxp | 5.15KB CHORD - Cleanest Saw.fxp | 5.46KB PLUCK - Oddworld.fxp | 5.62KB PAD - Guardian Angel.fxp | 5.68KB CHORD - Moving Off.fxp | 5.80KB FX - Percussion Loop.fxp | 5.89KB .DS_Store | 6.00KB BASS - McFatty Pluck.fxp | 9.67KB CHORD - Angelic.fxp | 9.75KB CHORD - Wobbling Saws.fxp | 9.77KB CHORD - Kangaroo Kords.fxp | 9.89KB PAD - Floating Glacier.fxp | 9.91KB CHORD - Phased Out.fxp | 10.37KB CHORD - Triple Threat.fxp | 11.44KB CHORD - Lagoon.fxp | 12.30KB SEQ - From Paradise with Love.fxp | 12.52KB SEQ - Wobbly.fxp | 14.69KB KEYS - Void.fxp | 19.05KB SEQ - Pumpin.fxp | 19.75KB LEAD - Window Shop.fxp | 27.10KB SEQ - The Fairlight I.fxp | 27.41KB LEAD - Phat Camel.fxp | 29.42KB CHORD - Gallop.fxp | 34.18KB LEAD - Paw Print.fxp | 34.76KB LEAD - Opal.fxp | 61.57KB LEAD - Filthy Saw.fxp | 68.52KB SEQ - Power Flower.fxp | 69.14KB LEAD - Spicy Tuna.fxp | 72.80KB CHORD - Cutoff His Head.fxp | 126.02KB PLUCK - Trifle.fxp | 146.64KB PLUCK - Mari Pluck.fxp | 151.61KB STAB - Downward.fxp | 255.36KB PLUCK - I'm Sweet Enough.fxp | 370.41KB SEQ - Mello Vibes.fxp | 546.24KB CHORD - Infinite.fxp | 579.49KB PLUCK - Laid Back.fxp | 654.08KB PAD - Lotus.fxp | 759.05KB PLUCK - Pigeon.fxp | 840.88KB KEYS - Resonator.fxp | 1022.52KB SEQ - Guidepost.fxp | 1.05MB ARP - Fondness.fxp | 1.10MB SEQ - The Fairlight II.fxp | 1.11MB PLUCK - Woodchuck Chuck.fxp | 1.15MB PAD - Backstage.fxp | 1.19MB SEQ - Juicy Analog.fxp | 1.26MB SEQ - Chord Rider.fxp | 1.48MB LEAD - Minor Contributor.fxp | 1.58MB BASS - Secret Weapon.fxp | 1.58MB SEQ - Long Walk.fxp | 1.59MB KEYS - Chopsticks.fxp | 1.64MB SEQ - Bacchus.fxp | 1.65MB PAD - Kingdom in Heaven.fxp | 1.82MB LEAD - Sine Best Friend.fxp | 1.82MB LEAD - Kingdom Hearts.fxp | 1.84MB PLUCK - Space Duck.fxp | 1.85MB LEAD - Recorder.fxp | 1.85MB ARP - Major Voyager.fxp | 1.86MB PLUCK - AC Guitar Lick.fxp | 2.06MB SEQ - Futurism.fxp | 2.40MB PAD - Deep Sea Diver.fxp | 3.36MB PLUCK - Crystal Cave.fxp | 4.60MB


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