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Name [ ] Udemy - Mastering Procurement In Construction - A To Z

File Type video

Size 2.67GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-12

hash *****408BED27A65AC4A42EABCD5E851DC9D258

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Files Get Bonus Downloads Here.url | 183B ~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction Course Outline/1 - Introduction to Construction Procurement.mp4 | 25.28MB ~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction Course Outline/2 - Why is Procurement Significant in Construction.mp4 | 18.18MB ~Get Your Files Here !/1 - Introduction Course Outline/3 - Course Outline.mp4 | 40.15MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Procurement Planning Strategy/10 - Schedule of Procurement Packages.mp4 | 41.93MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Procurement Planning Strategy/11 - Should You SelfPerform or Subcontract Lets Compare Decide.mp4 | 130.89MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Procurement Planning Strategy/12 - Choosing the Right Subcontractor Labor Material Equipment NSC B2B NC.mp4 | 91.27MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Procurement Planning Strategy/13 - Finding Appropriate Contract Type for Procurement.mp4 | 145.10MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Procurement Planning Strategy/4 - Lets Find All the Work Packages in a Project WBS.mp4 | 36.91MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Procurement Planning Strategy/5 - Learn to Create a WBS.mp4 | 48.74MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Procurement Planning Strategy/6 - Types of WBS for Procurement Detailing.mp4 | 39.99MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Procurement Planning Strategy/7 - Budget of Each Work Package for Procurement Baselining.mp4 | 81.77MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Procurement Planning Strategy/8 - Case Study of Procurement Budget False Ceiling Works.mp4 | 30.57MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2 - Procurement Planning Strategy/9 - Excel Sheet for Budget Summary of All Procurement Packages.mp4 | 22.33MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Tendering Bidding for Procurement/14 - Choosing the Best Subcontractors for Our Project Prequalification.mp4 | 99.50MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Tendering Bidding for Procurement/15 - Prequalification Form of Subcontractors Sample.mp4 | 56.92MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Tendering Bidding for Procurement/16 - Preparing the Tender Documents for Procurement.mp4 | 89.95MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Tendering Bidding for Procurement/17 - BOQ Sample for Earthwork Backfilling.mp4 | 29.18MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Tendering Bidding for Procurement/18 - Scope Matrix Sample for Wooden Joineries.mp4 | 29.97MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Tendering Bidding for Procurement/19 - Lets Invite Subcontractors Through Notice Inviting Tender NIT.mp4 | 35.92MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Tendering Bidding for Procurement/20 - Sample NIT for Excavation Works Agency Procurement in Construction.mp4 | 31.86MB ~Get Your Files Here !/3 - Tendering Bidding for Procurement/21 - Resolving Queries of Subcontractors Before Final Bids Pre Bid Meeting.mp4 | 52.51MB ~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Evaluation Negotiation and Contract Award to Subcontractor/22 - Bid Comparative Analysis of Subcontractors for Tile Supply Installation.mp4 | 125.42MB ~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Evaluation Negotiation and Contract Award to Subcontractor/23 - Approval of Subcontractor from Management in Company.mp4 | 37.54MB ~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Evaluation Negotiation and Contract Award to Subcontractor/24 - Case Study for Management Approval Radiology Fluoroscopy Procurement.mp4 | 77.01MB ~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Evaluation Negotiation and Contract Award to Subcontractor/25 - Lets Give Work OrderPurchase OrderService Order to Subcontractor.mp4 | 84.51MB ~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Evaluation Negotiation and Contract Award to Subcontractor/26 - Format of Work Order in Construction Procurement.mp4 | 16.92MB ~Get Your Files Here !/4 - Evaluation Negotiation and Contract Award to Subcontractor/27 - Detailed Procurement Tracker for Work Packages Using Excel Sheet.mp4 | 113.45MB ~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Work Package Execution by Subcontractor at Site/28 - Lets Track Subcontractors Cost Schedule Performance EVM.mp4 | 38.87MB ~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Work Package Execution by Subcontractor at Site/29 - Practical Application of Earned Value Management for Concreting Works.mp4 | 95.44MB ~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Work Package Execution by Subcontractor at Site/30 - Procurement Order Amendments by Subcontractors.mp4 | 49.53MB ~Get Your Files Here !/5 - Work Package Execution by Subcontractor at Site/31 - Case Study of Order Amendment Waterproofing Works.mp4 | 45.15MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Terms Conditions of Payment for Subcontractors/32 - What are Terms of Payment in Procurement.mp4 | 45.21MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Terms Conditions of Payment for Subcontractors/33 - Practical Examples of Terms of Payment in Procurement Contracts.mp4 | 119.28MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Terms Conditions of Payment for Subcontractors/34 - Defects Liability Period DLP for Subcontracted Work.mp4 | 55.06MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Terms Conditions of Payment for Subcontractors/35 - Performance Bank Guarantee PBG Submission by Subcontractors.mp4 | 34.37MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Terms Conditions of Payment for Subcontractors/36 - How Much Money to Retain from Subcontractors RA Bills Security Deposit.mp4 | 47.20MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Terms Conditions of Payment for Subcontractors/37 - Liquidated Damages LD and Bonus in Procurement.mp4 | 43.91MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Terms Conditions of Payment for Subcontractors/38 - Extension of Time EoT in Construction Procurement.mp4 | 61.54MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Terms Conditions of Payment for Subcontractors/39 - Price Variation or Escalation Clause for Volatile Construction Materials.mp4 | 30.36MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6 - Terms Conditions of Payment for Subcontractors/40 - Case Study on Terms of Payment Supply Installation of Wooden Joinery.mp4 | 54.86MB ~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Claims Disputes with Subcontractors in Procurement/41 - What is a Claim in Procurement.mp4 | 22.06MB ~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Claims Disputes with Subcontractors in Procurement/42 - Sources of Claims Scope Changes Delays Performance etc.mp4 | 38.74MB ~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Claims Disputes with Subcontractors in Procurement/43 - Avoiding Claims with Your Subcontractors for Seamless Procurement.mp4 | 21.04MB ~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Claims Disputes with Subcontractors in Procurement/44 - Case Study on Claims A3 Expressway Construction.mp4 | 36.12MB ~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Claims Disputes with Subcontractors in Procurement/45 - What is a Dispute in Procurement.mp4 | 18.52MB ~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Claims Disputes with Subcontractors in Procurement/46 - Dispute Resolution Methods in Construction Procurement.mp4 | 84.83MB ~Get Your Files Here !/7 - Claims Disputes with Subcontractors in Procurement/47 - Case Study on Dispute Resolution Stone Column Installation.mp4 | 86.54MB ~Get Your Files Here !/8 - Closeout of Procurement/48 - Meaning of Closeout Checklist of Closing Procurement with Subcontractors.mp4 | 43.11MB ~Get Your Files Here !/8 - Closeout of Procurement/49 - Key Documents for Closeout Warranties Contract Manuals Permits Approvals.mp4 | 25.77MB ~Get Your Files Here !/Bonus Resources.txt | 386B


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