Name Keiji Haino
File Type music
Size 7.24GB
UpdateDate 2025-3-13
hash *****9E277DA5636993A1EC0F8789DCFDBDCA4C
Hot 1
Files 1981 - Watashi Dake/13. Sasageru.mp3 | 66.25MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/02. Yurusarezaru Monotachi.mp3 | 12.97MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/01. Ore No Arika.mp3 | 12.36MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/09. Kuzurete Yuku.mp3 | 10.06MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/11. Waraitai No Ni.mp3 | 9.99MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/08. Tsuki Nukete Mo.mp3 | 9.74MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/10. Koko Made Kite Miro.mp3 | 8.85MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/12. Kaeritai.mp3 | 7.35MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/03. Yomigaeru.mp3 | 7.07MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/06. Umaku Dekinai.mp3 | 7.05MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/04. Rowa Ni Sasero.mp3 | 6.45MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/05. Owari Ni Sasero.mp3 | 6.00MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/07. Motto Motto Motto.mp3 | 4.58MB 1981 - Watashi Dake/cover.jpeg | 85.45KB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume One/04. Summertime.mp3 | 15.31MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume One/05. You Too Can Be A Star.mp3 | 10.16MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume One/01. The Sea.mp3 | 9.96MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume One/02. Bang.mp3 | 7.55MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume One/03. It's So Good~What A Terrible Song.mp3 | 5.73MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume One/cover.jpeg | 54.89KB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume Two/03. Untitled.mp3 | 10.93MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume Two/05. Untitled.mp3 | 10.20MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume Two/01. Untitled.mp3 | 7.99MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume Two/04. Untitled.mp3 | 7.92MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume Two/02. Untitled.mp3 | 7.77MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume Two/06. Untitled.mp3 | 7.40MB 1990 - Live In The First Year Of The Heisei, Volume Two/cover.jpeg | 55.11KB 1990 - Nijiumu/01. Nijiumu.mp3 | 122.94MB 1990 - Nijiumu/cover.jpeg | 50.44KB 1992 - Affection/01. Affection.mp3 | 132.96MB 1992 - Affection/cover.jpeg | 41.50KB 1993 - Execration That Accept To Acknowledge/01. Execration That Accept To Acknowledge.mp3 | 95.43MB 1993 - Execration That Accept To Acknowledge/cover.jpeg | 61.30KB 1993 - Milky Way/01. Milky Way.mp3 | 54.60MB 1993 - Milky Way/cover.jpeg | 47.06KB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/10. The Curse That Accepted Affirmation & Good Night.mp3 | 23.06MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/02. What Stalking Fate!.mp3 | 16.98MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/03. My Only Friend.mp3 | 15.34MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/04. The Born One.mp3 | 13.69MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/08. You Who Will In No Way I Who Can In No Way.mp3 | 13.40MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/07. Become One.mp3 | 9.07MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/11. Affection.mp3 | 8.84MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/05. Second Blackness.mp3 | 8.11MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/01. First Blackness.mp3 | 7.57MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/09. Third Blackness.mp3 | 7.40MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/06. Not Beginning.mp3 | 6.57MB 1994 - A Challenge To Fate/cover.jpeg | 31.97KB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/covers/R-719454-1166572522.jpeg | 151.04KB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/covers/R-719454-1151537467.jpeg | 109.92KB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/07. In Between.mp3 | 20.24MB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/08. Different.mp3 | 10.69MB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/06. The Active Voice Revealed.mp3 | 9.17MB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/09. Even One.mp3 | 8.88MB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/10. As It Is Now.mp3 | 7.68MB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/02. Beginning And End, Interwoven.mp3 | 7.26MB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/04. My Friend.mp3 | 5.80MB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/03. Surrounded By You.mp3 | 5.66MB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/05. Secretly.mp3 | 5.20MB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/11. To Excess.mp3 | 5.10MB 1994 - Beginning And End, Interwoven/01. Caught.mp3 | 2.28MB 1994 - Guitar Works I-VIII/05. V.mp3 | 1.78MB 1994 - Guitar Works I-VIII/02. II.mp3 | 1.69MB 1994 - Guitar Works I-VIII/01. I.mp3 | 1.68MB 1994 - Guitar Works I-VIII/06. VI.mp3 | 1.43MB 1994 - Guitar Works I-VIII/07. VII.mp3 | 1.37MB 1994 - Guitar Works I-VIII/04. IV.mp3 | 1.35MB 1994 - Guitar Works I-VIII/08. VIII.mp3 | 774.13KB 1994 - Guitar Works I-VIII/03. III.mp3 | 716.13KB 1994 - Guitar Works I-VIII/cover.jpeg | 49.99KB 1994 - Two Strings Will Do It/03. Koka.mp3 | 15.03MB 1994 - Two Strings Will Do It/01. On Politic & Economy.mp3 | 11.69MB 1994 - Two Strings Will Do It/02. Two Strings Will Do It.mp3 | 9.93MB 1994 - Two Strings Will Do It/04. Death Of Rationalism.mp3 | 7.66MB 1994 - Two Strings Will Do It/cover.jpeg | 14.78KB 1995 - Live At Downtown Music Gallery, New York City, August 1, 1992/covers/back.jpeg | 153.33KB 1995 - Live At Downtown Music Gallery, New York City, August 1, 1992/covers/cover.jpeg | 106.80KB 1995 - Live At Downtown Music Gallery, New York City, August 1, 1992/01. Live At Downtown Music Gallery, New York City, August 1, 1992.mp3 | 56.31MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 1 - Concert From The Genyasai Festival/01. Hell Of Screams.mp3 | 40.50MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 1 - Concert From The Genyasai Festival/02. The Lost Judgement.mp3 | 39.99MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/05. Glittered Solitude Fades From Memory.mp3 | 17.17MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/11. The Secret Pact Between Beauty-Awareness And The Gods Of The Underworld.mp3 | 14.83MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/02. Blushes Of The Holy Beast.mp3 | 11.19MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/10. When I Visited My Home, The Land Where A Gray Sun Rises.mp3 | 7.62MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/03. Dimming, The Time And Scent Where Once You Were.mp3 | 7.05MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/06. When Glittered Solitude Still Preserved The Connectedness.mp3 | 5.19MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/12. Further, Further Into The Twilight.mp3 | 3.35MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/09. The Remnants Of A Tribe Called ''Tenderness Overflowed''.mp3 | 2.88MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/01. The Seventh Heart Projected.mp3 | 2.17MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/08. Are You The One The One Who Can Console Skepticism Stained This Deep.mp3 | 1.99MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/07. Even Now My Being Attempts To Vanish.mp3 | 1.62MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 2 - Suite Reverberation - The Third Heart/04. From Whence This Melancholy Word.mp3 | 1.08MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 3 - Suite Reverberation - Forest Of Spirits/04. 4th Movement- The Reverberation That Attempts To Take Back All Energy Into Itself.mp3 | 44.79MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 3 - Suite Reverberation - Forest Of Spirits/01. 1st Movement- The Reverberation That Pursues Its Own Growing Sparse Memories.mp3 | 33.11MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 3 - Suite Reverberation - Forest Of Spirits/02. 2nd Movement- The Reverberation That Becomes Aware Of Colours In This World.mp3 | 23.93MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 3 - Suite Reverberation - Forest Of Spirits/03. 3rd Movement- The Reverberation That Wishes To Blur In Water.mp3 | 9.30MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 4 - Untitled/03. In A Room Where I Am Showered With Honoring Insults.mp3 | 42.52MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 4 - Untitled/04. All There Is Is Now - Being Here - He Lives - Everyone The Same.mp3 | 23.78MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 4 - Untitled/01. The Decisive Battle Between That Called ''Futility'' And The Understanding That ''1x1=''.mp3 | 20.83MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/CD 4 - Untitled/02. A Drop Of Nerves Falls.mp3 | 11.45MB 1995 - Soul's True Love/cover.jpeg | 131.65KB 1995 - Tenshi No Gijinka/02. Untitled.mp3 | 26.52MB 1995 - Tenshi No Gijinka/08. Untitled.mp3 | 21.68MB 1995 - Tenshi No Gijinka/05. Untitled.mp3 | 21.64MB 1995 - Tenshi No Gijinka/04. Untitled.mp3 | 12.74MB 1995 - Tenshi No Gijinka/01. Untitled.mp3 | 10.42MB 1995 - Tenshi No Gijinka/09. Untitled.mp3 | 10.05MB 1995 - Tenshi No Gijinka/07. Untitled.mp3 | 10.04MB 1995 - Tenshi No Gijinka/06. Untitled.mp3 | 8.71MB 1995 - Tenshi No Gijinka/03. Untitled.mp3 | 5.57MB 1995 - Tenshi No Gijinka/cover.jpeg | 42.22KB 1995 - The 21st Century Hard-Y-Guide-Y Man/04. Untitled.mp3 | 39.46MB 1995 - The 21st Century Hard-Y-Guide-Y Man/03. Untitled.mp3 | 25.43MB 1995 - The 21st Century Hard-Y-Guide-Y Man/01. Untitled.mp3 | 25.31MB 1995 - The 21st Century Hard-Y-Guide-Y Man/02. Untitled.mp3 | 10.36MB 1995 - The 21st Century Hard-Y-Guide-Y Man/cover.jpeg | 66.61KB 1996 - Etchings In The Air/02. Etchings In The Air.mp3 | 19.52MB 1996 - Etchings In The Air/03. Back To The Earth.mp3 | 15.40MB 1996 - Etchings In The Air/01. Readings In The Net.mp3 | 12.25MB 1996 - Etchings In The Air/04. Like A Light.mp3 | 3.96MB 1996 - Etchings In The Air/05. Key Finder.mp3 | 3.67MB 1996 - Etchings In The Air/cover.jpeg | 7.27KB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/02. Untitled.mp3 | 23.48MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/11. Untitled.mp3 | 14.55MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/04. Untitled.mp3 | 14.38MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/10. Untitled.mp3 | 13.21MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/08. Untitled.mp3 | 12.60MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/05. Untitled.mp3 | 12.12MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/09. Untitled.mp3 | 11.05MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/06. Untitled.mp3 | 9.28MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/03. Untitled.mp3 | 9.24MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/07. Untitled.mp3 | 7.50MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/01. Untitled.mp3 | 1.93MB 1996 - Evolving Blush Or Driving Original Sin/cover.jpeg | 9.53KB 1996 - Fantasy World/04. Tsu・Garu-1.mp3 | 27.19MB 1996 - Fantasy World/02. Untitled.mp3 | 18.98MB 1996 - Fantasy World/05. Tsu・Garu-2.mp3 | 18.22MB 1996 - Fantasy World/03. Untitled.mp3 | 12.32MB 1996 - Fantasy World/01. Untitled.mp3 | 10.33MB 1996 - Fantasy World/cover.jpg | 28.53KB 1996 - Saying I Love You, I Continue To Curse Myself/01. Untitled.mp3 | 100.00MB 1996 - Saying I Love You, I Continue To Curse Myself/02. Untitled.mp3 | 41.18MB 1996 - Saying I Love You, I Continue To Curse Myself/cover.jpeg | 67.39KB 1996 - The Book Of ''Eternity Set Aflame''/03. Eternity Set Aflame III.mp3 | 72.47MB 1996 - The Book Of ''Eternity Set Aflame''/01. Eternity Set Aflame I.mp3 | 34.29MB 1996 - The Book Of ''Eternity Set Aflame''/02. Eternity Set Aflame II.mp3 | 22.08MB 1996 - The Book Of ''Eternity Set Aflame''/cover.jpeg | 57.27KB 1997 - Drawing Close, Attuning - The Respective Signs Of Order And Chaos/07. Unititled.mp3 | 69.72MB 1997 - Drawing Close, Attuning - The Respective Signs Of Order And Chaos/06. Unititled.mp3 | 59.56MB 1997 - Drawing Close, Attuning - The Respective Signs Of Order And Chaos/05. Unititled.mp3 | 22.14MB 1997 - Drawing Close, Attuning - The Respective Signs Of Order And Chaos/04. Unititled.mp3 | 9.07MB 1997 - Drawing Close, Attuning - The Respective Signs Of Order And Chaos/02. Unititled.mp3 | 5.15MB 1997 - Drawing Close, Attuning - The Respective Signs Of Order And Chaos/03. Unititled.mp3 | 4.10MB 1997 - Drawing Close, Attuning - The Respective Signs Of Order And Chaos/01. Unititled.mp3 | 3.00MB 1997 - Drawing Close, Attuning - The Respective Signs Of Order And Chaos/cover.jpeg | 35.43KB 1997 - Keeping On Breathing/covers/R-1232302-1202466909.jpeg | 161.71KB 1997 - Keeping On Breathing/covers/R-1232302-1253612120.jpeg | 52.50KB 1997 - Keeping On Breathing/04. Wafting.mp3 | 18.59MB 1997 - Keeping On Breathing/06. A Code.mp3 | 14.88MB 1997 - Keeping On Breathing/01. Where Is It.mp3 | 14.82MB 1997 - Keeping On Breathing/02. My Shadow.mp3 | 14.76MB 1997 - Keeping On Breathing/07. You.mp3 | 6.83MB 1997 - Keeping On Breathing/03. There.mp3 | 5.08MB 1997 - Keeping On Breathing/05. Here.mp3 | 3.68MB 1997 - Shruti Box/covers/R-845472-1208859811.jpg | 234.80KB 1997 - Shruti Box/covers/R-845472-1164756976.jpg | 10.01KB 1997 - Shruti Box/01. Sruthi Box.mp3 | 17.50MB 1997 - So, Black Is Myself/01. So, Black Is Myself.mp3 | 92.72MB 1997 - So, Black Is Myself/cover.jpeg | 66.05KB 1997 - Vol. 2/01. Taken From Soundcheck.mp3 | 35.47MB 1997 - Vol. 2/02. Taken From Performance.mp3 | 28.38MB 1997 - Vol. 2/cover.jpeg | 196.43KB 1998 - An Unclear Trial - More Than This/03. Never Did I Imagine That There Exists An Eight-Layered Handicap.mp3 | 70.97MB 1998 - An Unclear Trial - More Than This/05. Rolling On The Time And Tide, Spreading The Colour Of Red.mp3 | 34.16MB 1998 - An Unclear Trial - More Than This/04. A Clear Consciousness That Can Only Lay The Will To ''STOP''.mp3 | 15.75MB 1998 - An Unclear Trial - More Than This/01. An 83 2&9 Time That Was Carried Out Here.mp3 | 7.40MB 1998 - An Unclear Trial - More Than This/02. An Unity With A Hole That May Come In In A Blinking Moment.mp3 | 4.22MB 1998 - An Unclear Trial - More Than This/cover.jpeg | 91.91KB 1998 - Black Implication Flooding/01. A Rise, A Moment Before Something Unexpected Is On The Verge Of Starting.mp3 | 35.25MB 1998 - Black Implication Flooding/09. The Person Who.mp3 | 28.74MB 1998 - Black Implication Flooding/06. Offer It All Up, Our Madness That Will Be Crushed On This Land.mp3 | 26.83MB 1998 - Black Implication Flooding/08. Don't Be Cheated By The Oozing Slit.mp3 | 25.47MB 1998 - Black Implication Flooding/05. It Should Be Watched, Not To Fail To Notice These Flashes Of An Accusation From Inside.mp3 | 22.83MB 1998 - Black Implication Flooding/07. From The Distance.mp3 | 14.78MB 1998 - Black Implication Flooding/04. The Decision Of A Dream Which Will Never Be Completely Red.mp3 | 5.03MB 1998 - Black Implication Flooding/03. Wonder What Colour Would Be Suitable For The Dwelling.mp3 | 4.19MB 1998 - Black Implication Flooding/02. Not Knowing If It Will Be Agony Or Comfort For Us.mp3 | 3.38MB 1998 - Black Implication Flooding/cover.jpg | 15.37KB 1998 - Even Now, Still I Think/01. Even Now, Still I Think.mp3 | 166.02MB 1998 - Even Now, Still I Think/cover.jpeg | 58.09KB 1999 - Y/06. 4.mp3 | 28.10MB 1999 - Y/01. 1a.mp3 | 13.41MB 1999 - Y/04. 3a.mp3 | 12.99MB 1999 - Y/05. 3b.mp3 | 11.98MB 1999 - Y/02. 1b.mp3 | 9.95MB 1999 - Y/03. 2.mp3 | 8.25MB 1999 - Y/cover.jpeg | 62.67KB 2000 - Fushigi Na Kao/07. Trick Dance.mp3 | 14.06MB 2000 - Fushigi Na Kao/04. Body & Heart.mp3 | 13.34MB 2000 - Fushigi Na Kao/02. Untitled.mp3 | 9.99MB 2000 - Fushigi Na Kao/03. River Runs Quietly.mp3 | 9.63MB 2000 - Fushigi Na Kao/01. A Calm Before A Storm.mp3 | 9.42MB 2000 - Fushigi Na Kao/06. Untitled.mp3 | 5.94MB 2000 - Fushigi Na Kao/05. The Third Eye.mp3 | 3.90MB 2000 - Fushigi Na Kao/cover.jpeg | 84.94KB 2000 - Shadows/01. Shadows Part 1.mp3 | 34.88MB 2000 - Shadows/03. Shadows Part 3.mp3 | 17.18MB 2000 - Shadows/04. A Silhouette.mp3 | 12.76MB 2000 - Shadows/02. Shadows Part 2.mp3 | 9.99MB 2000 - Shadows/05. Encore.mp3 | 2.63MB 2000 - Shadows/cover.jpeg | 32.62KB 2000 - Songs/16. Massugu Tte Kore De Ii No.mp3 | 12.30MB 2000 - Songs/03. Aru Kanashika No Juni.mp3 | 10.75MB 2000 - Songs/13. Fukuzatsu To Iu Zurusa.mp3 | 9.91MB 2000 - Songs/12. Ichi O Tashikamete Kara.mp3 | 9.55MB 2000 - Songs/11. Kotaerarenai Hazu Na No Ni.mp3 | 9.51MB 2000 - Songs/02. 25 No Seimeitai.mp3 | 6.26MB 2000 - Songs/15. Kikiakasarerarenai Koto.mp3 | 5.63MB 2000 - Songs/01. Yume Ga Ichiban Muchi.mp3 | 5.31MB 2000 - Songs/14. Tsumasaki Kara No Keikoku.mp3 | 5.27MB 2000 - Songs/06. Boka Ga Nejirekireru To Ai.mp3 | 4.98MB 2000 - Songs/07. Zureteyuku No Ha Watashi, Soretomo Ima.mp3 | 4.48MB 2000 - Songs/09. Egatai Kanashimi O Te Ni Ireta.mp3 | 3.27MB 2000 - Songs/05. Zen'i No Yokubo.mp3 | 2.87MB 2000 - Songs/10. Chotto Burusu Ni Aisatsu.mp3 | 2.75MB 2000 - Songs/08. Ten To Tomo Ni Ishoni Itagaru Shugo.mp3 | 2.08MB 2000 - Songs/04. 2 To Mugen No Torihiki.mp3 | 2.02MB 2000 - Songs/cover.jpeg | 19.20KB 2000 - You Should Draw Out The Billion And First Prayer/03. Becoming Visible... This Joy Of Being Able To Touch The End Of Everything.mp3 | 20.34MB 2000 - You Should Draw Out The Billion And First Prayer/02. Where Is This Incomparable Sensation Of Falling Acknowledged To '''Exist''.mp3 | 17.44MB 2000 - You Should Draw Out The Billion And First Prayer/07. If A Billion Curses Already Exist, You Should Draw Out The Billion And First Prayer.mp3 | 13.96MB 2000 - You Should Draw Out The Billion And First Prayer/05. In Spite Of It Having Been Laid, All For The Sake Of All.mp3 | 8.90MB 2000 - You Should Draw Out The Billion And First Prayer/04. Questioning The Wisdom Of Your Standards In So Wishing To Be Brainwashed.mp3 | 4.99MB 2000 - You Should Draw Out The Billion And First Prayer/01. Is This Trick Perhaps A Warning I Myself Made To Be Conceived.mp3 | 3.52MB 2000 - You Should Draw Out The Billion And First Prayer/06. Because, Because, Because, You Still Don't See The Difference!.mp3 | 2.13MB 2000 - You Should Draw Out The Billion And First Prayer/cover.jpeg | 27.82KB 2001 - Abandon All Words At A Stroke, So That Prayer Can Come Spilling Out/01. Whereto Can I Cast Away This Fragrant Echo Called The End.mp3 | 109.15MB 2001 - Abandon All Words At A Stroke, So That Prayer Can Come Spilling Out/02. I Have Decided To Tear You To Pieces.mp3 | 101.41MB 2001 - Abandon All Words At A Stroke, So That Prayer Can Come Spilling Out/cover.jpeg | 58.86KB 2002 - I Said, This Is The Son Of Nihilism/01. I Said, This Is The Son Of Nihilism.mp3 | 135.95MB 2002 - I Said, This Is The Son Of Nihilism/cover.jpg | 24.57KB 2002 - To Start With, Let's Remove The Colour/06. How Did You Know Mistaken.mp3 | 67.94MB 2002 - To Start With, Let's Remove The Colour/02. What To Do. Moving Apart. Drawing Near The Closer You Get The More You Become Someone Else.mp3 | 24.31MB 2002 - To Start With, Let's Remove The Colour/07. Now, Which There Has To Be Somewhere To Come Back To.mp3 | 21.98MB 2002 - To Start With, Let's Remove The Colour/03. Another.mp3 | 12.75MB 2002 - To Start With, Let's Remove The Colour/05. Will It Fall.mp3 | 11.50MB 2002 - To Start With, Let's Remove The Colour/08. What Shall We Remove Next.mp3 | 7.42MB 2002 - To Start With, Let's Remove The Colour/01. To Start With, Let's Remove The Colour.mp3 | 4.50MB 2002 - To Start With, Let's Remove The Colour/04. Sad Secret Song (Aihiyo) = Blues.mp3 | 4.23MB 2002 - To Start With, Let's Remove The Colour/cover.jpg | 4.92KB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/11. At The Instant When One Thinks To Oneself ''No Way'', What Percent Is Nostalgia.mp3 | 28.17MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/03. At The Instant Of Saying ''The Fourth''.mp3 | 17.59MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/02. Decision After Gentle Use.mp3 | 15.37MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/07. Making The Excuse That ''Of Course It Is All For You''.mp3 | 14.31MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/06. Especially Since The Result Reads That LHNZ Should Have Been Completed.mp3 | 12.08MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/09. Those Points Of Difference With Forthrightness Which Oft Come To Mind When Recollecting.mp3 | 11.06MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/04. Signs Of Gratitude For 5Hz.mp3 | 10.95MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/12. This Vanishing Method Of Grieving.mp3 | 10.76MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/10. That Atmosphere When Discrimination Is Accepted.mp3 | 10.25MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/05. A Droplet That Enervates The Point Of Connection.mp3 | 6.78MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/01. That Which Is Prepared Is A Psychiatrist's Frenzy.mp3 | 5.06MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/08. A Voiceprint That Longs To Display Evidence That It Is Over.mp3 | 4.70MB 2002 - Until Water Grasps Flame/cover.jpeg | 17.30KB 2003 - C'est Parfait Endoctrine Tu Tombes La Tete La Premiere/01. ''C'est Parfait''.mp3 | 102.30MB 2003 - C'est Parfait Endoctrine Tu Tombes La Tete La Premiere/cover.jpg | 12.79KB 2003 - Hikari Yami Uchitokeaishi Konohibiki/02. Untitled.mp3 | 42.99MB 2003 - Hikari Yami Uchitokeaishi Konohibiki/03. Untitled.mp3 | 30.56MB 2003 - Hikari Yami Uchitokeaishi Konohibiki/01. Untitled.mp3 | 23.30MB 2003 - Hikari Yami Uchitokeaishi Konohibiki/cover.jpeg | 14.03KB 2003 - Koko/01. Koko.mp3 | 41.04MB 2003 - Koko/cover.jpeg | 12.94KB 2004 - Black Blues (Soft Version)/covers/1 - front.png | 5.15MB 2004 - Black Blues (Soft Version)/covers/2 - back.png | 4.92MB 2004 - Black Blues (Soft Version)/covers/3 - disc.png | 2.48MB 2004 - Black Blues (Soft Version)/06. See That My Grave Is Kept Clean.mp3 | 33.22MB 2004 - Black Blues (Soft Version)/02. Black Eyes.mp3 | 30.17MB 2004 - Black Blues (Soft Version)/05. Drifting.mp3 | 27.48MB 2004 - Black Blues (Soft Version)/01. Black Petal.mp3 | 15.92MB 2004 - Black Blues (Soft Version)/04. I Don't Want To Know.mp3 | 15.32MB 2004 - Black Blues (Soft Version)/03. Town In Black Fog.mp3 | 14.92MB 2004 - Black Blues (Violent Version)/05. Drifting.mp3 | 30.49MB 2004 - Black Blues (Violent Version)/03. Town In Black Fog.mp3 | 24.92MB 2004 - Black Blues (Violent Version)/06. See That My Grave Is Kept Clean.mp3 | 22.62MB 2004 - Black Blues (Violent Version)/02. Black Eyes.mp3 | 21.49MB 2004 - Black Blues (Violent Version)/01. Black Petal.mp3 | 13.01MB 2004 - Black Blues (Violent Version)/04. I Don't Want To Know.mp3 | 10.00MB 2004 - Black Blues (Violent Version)/cover.jpg | 12.95KB 2004 - Live At Cafe Independants Friday 23.January.2004/07. Untitled.mp3 | 15.34MB 2004 - Live At Cafe Independants Friday 23.January.2004/04. Untitled.mp3 | 9.16MB 2004 - Live At Cafe Independants Friday 23.January.2004/01. Untitled.mp3 | 7.35MB 2004 - Live At Cafe Independants Friday 23.January.2004/08. Untitled.mp3 | 7.30MB 2004 - Live At Cafe Independants Friday 23.January.2004/02. Untitled.mp3 | 6.61MB 2004 - Live At Cafe Independants Friday 23.January.2004/06. Untitled.mp3 | 5.90MB 2004 - Live At Cafe Independants Friday 23.January.2004/05. Untitled.mp3 | 5.25MB 2004 - Live At Cafe Independants Friday 23.January.2004/03. Untitled.mp3 | 3.80MB 2004 - Next, Let's Try Changing The Shape/06. Look, Darkness And Light Both Begin To Copy Each Other.mp3 | 33.33MB 2004 - Next, Let's Try Changing The Shape/02. If All Were ''If''.mp3 | 15.51MB 2004 - Next, Let's Try Changing The Shape/03. Surely Here Too There Is Something.mp3 | 14.28MB 2004 - Next, Let's Try Changing The Shape/04. A Secret.mp3 | 10.00MB 2004 - Next, Let's Try Changing The Shape/01. Next, Let's Try Changing The Shape.mp3 | 8.80MB 2004 - Next, Let's Try Changing The Shape/05. Is This Guidance Itself Some Kind Of Trap.mp3 | 7.75MB 2004 - Next, Let's Try Changing The Shape/cover.jpeg | 13.36KB 2004 - Tayutayuto Tadayoitamae Kono Furue/05. Untitled.mp3 | 14.76MB 2004 - Tayutayuto Tadayoitamae Kono Furue/03. Untitled.mp3 | 12.11MB 2004 - Tayutayuto Tadayoitamae Kono Furue/02. Untitled.mp3 | 12.05MB 2004 - Tayutayuto Tadayoitamae Kono Furue/07. Untitled.mp3 | 9.80MB 2004 - Tayutayuto Tadayoitamae Kono Furue/06. Untitled.mp3 | 8.92MB 2004 - Tayutayuto Tadayoitamae Kono Furue/04. Untitled.mp3 | 7.26MB 2004 - Tayutayuto Tadayoitamae Kono Furue/01. 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A Warning, Then A Request No. 9.mp3 | 7.39MB 2005 - Global Ancient Atmosphere/05. A Warning, Then A Request No. 5.mp3 | 6.04MB 2005 - Uchu Ni Karami Tsuiteiru Waga Itami/covers/R-719467-1274651728.jpeg | 172.65KB 2005 - Uchu Ni Karami Tsuiteiru Waga Itami/covers/R-719467-1274651720.jpeg | 159.18KB 2005 - Uchu Ni Karami Tsuiteiru Waga Itami/04. Untitled.mp3 | 51.98MB 2005 - Uchu Ni Karami Tsuiteiru Waga Itami/02. Untitled.mp3 | 25.00MB 2005 - Uchu Ni Karami Tsuiteiru Waga Itami/03. Untitled.mp3 | 19.25MB 2005 - Uchu Ni Karami Tsuiteiru Waga Itami/01. Untitled.mp3 | 16.37MB 2006 - Animamima/02. Untitled.mp3 | 117.19MB 2006 - Animamima/01. Untitled.mp3 | 106.78MB 2006 - Animamima/cover.jpeg | 24.20KB 2006 - Mamono/06. Untitled.mp3 | 50.28MB 2006 - Mamono/07. Untitled.mp3 | 36.43MB 2006 - Mamono/01. Untitled.mp3 | 23.20MB 2006 - Mamono/05. Untitled.mp3 | 13.16MB 2006 - Mamono/03. Untitled.mp3 | 12.52MB 2006 - Mamono/02. Untitled.mp3 | 10.38MB 2006 - Mamono/04. Untitled.mp3 | 9.31MB 2006 - Mamono/cover.jpeg | 46.07KB 2006 - New Rap/covers/Untitled-Scanned-07.jpg | 1.89MB 2006 - New Rap/covers/00-haino_keiji_and_yoshida_tatsuya--new_rap-.tzadik.-2006-booklet_inside.jpg | 1.49MB 2006 - New Rap/covers/Untitled-Scanned-01.jpg | 1.21MB 2006 - New Rap/covers/Untitled-Scanned-04.jpg | 1.19MB 2006 - New Rap/covers/00-haino_keiji_and_yoshida_tatsuya--new_rap-.tzadik.-2006-back.jpg | 975.92KB 2006 - New Rap/covers/Untitled-Scanned-06.jpg | 850.72KB 2006 - New Rap/covers/00-haino_keiji_and_yoshida_tatsuya--new_rap-.tzadik.-2006-front.jpg | 836.27KB 2006 - New Rap/covers/00-haino_keiji_and_yoshida_tatsuya--new_rap-.tzadik.-2006-disc.jpg | 719.83KB 2006 - New Rap/covers/Untitled-Scanned-08.jpg | 687.26KB 2006 - New Rap/covers/00-haino_keiji_and_yoshida_tatsuya--new_rap-.tzadik.-2006-obi.jpg | 472.95KB 2006 - New Rap/covers/Untitled-Scanned-03.jpg | 367.92KB 2006 - New Rap/covers/Untitled-Scanned-05.jpg | 359.13KB 2006 - New Rap/05. West 48th Street.mp3 | 24.61MB 2006 - New Rap/09. Canal Street.mp3 | 20.81MB 2006 - New Rap/08. Chinatown.mp3 | 13.06MB 2006 - New Rap/03. Tompkins Square.mp3 | 11.76MB 2006 - New Rap/07. East Village.mp3 | 10.17MB 2006 - New Rap/01. Houston Street.mp3 | 9.40MB 2006 - New Rap/02. West Broadway.mp3 | 8.35MB 2006 - New Rap/06. Avenue D.mp3 | 6.47MB 2006 - New Rap/04. Lower East Side.mp3 | 5.59MB 2006 - Reveal'd To None As Yet/covers/R-656597-1162198400.jpeg | 24.37KB 2006 - Reveal'd To None As Yet/covers/R-656597-1253627732.jpeg | 13.05KB 2006 - Reveal'd To None As Yet/covers/R-656597-1253627692.jpeg | 13.05KB 2006 - Reveal'd To None As Yet/01. A Temporary Freezing Of The Time Axis That Turns At The End Of This Profound Now.mp3 | 124.65MB 2006 - Reveal'd To None As Yet/02. That, Which While Enfolding This Now And Present Perfume, Speaks.mp3 | 107.41MB 2007 - Cosmic Debris Volume III/covers/R-1170776-1254516853.jpeg | 122.80KB 2007 - Cosmic Debris Volume III/covers/R-1170776-1254516834.jpeg | 108.39KB 2007 - Cosmic Debris Volume III/covers/R-1170776-1254516824.jpeg | 106.77KB 2007 - Cosmic Debris Volume III/covers/R-1170776-1254516872.jpeg | 87.95KB 2007 - Cosmic Debris Volume III/covers/R-1170776-1254516864.jpeg | 85.49KB 2007 - Cosmic Debris Volume III/02. My Cat Is An Alien - Everything Crashes Like Cosmic Debris.mp3 | 51.21MB 2007 - Cosmic Debris Volume III/01. Keiji Haino - Whither Goes It.mp3 | 49.64MB 2008 - Electronics/03. Sinfonia.mp3 | 56.92MB 2008 - Electronics/02. Aria II.mp3 | 30.48MB 2008 - Electronics/01. Aria I.mp3 | 23.27MB 2008 - Electronics/04. Bonus - Drum Duo.mp3 | 19.70MB 2008 - Electronics/cover.jpeg | 220.69KB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/02. Ryufoispjekkossd.mp3 | 13.06MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/15. Mkdoijadihffo.mp3 | 10.65MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/03. Wacqdhiepdhii.mp3 | 9.27MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/07. Lokskooidgiifj.mp3 | 8.62MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/05. Tyusijuffuchio.mp3 | 8.17MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/13. Hgasdeyohweijk.mp3 | 7.88MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/09. Xhuddggoipps.mp3 | 7.47MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/12. Lakdddffkouwwe.mp3 | 7.40MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/08. Jaiduioqofjomb.mp3 | 7.02MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/04. Vjndoiphllkaudo.mp3 | 6.57MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/10. Biufjioodjasdk.mp3 | 6.29MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/14. Chizdaafgeiiuuh.mp3 | 5.93MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/11. Mdjofollswufph.mp3 | 5.67MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/06. Podsjigpormg.mp3 | 5.02MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/16. Ihrfasudhasdd.mp3 | 3.90MB 2008 - Hauenfiomiume/01. 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Song1.mp3 | 2.23MB 2008 - The Plot To Disappear From This Person/03. Untitled.mp3 | 44.13MB 2008 - The Plot To Disappear From This Person/02. Untitled.mp3 | 29.44MB 2008 - The Plot To Disappear From This Person/01. Untitled.mp3 | 22.66MB 2008 - The Plot To Disappear From This Person/05. Untitled.mp3 | 18.37MB 2008 - The Plot To Disappear From This Person/04. Untitled.mp3 | 16.39MB 2008 - The Plot To Disappear From This Person/cover.jpeg | 185.47KB 2008 - Uhrfasudhasdd/covers/Untitled-Scanned-16.jpg | 1.35MB 2008 - Uhrfasudhasdd/covers/Untitled-Scanned-12.jpg | 1.32MB 2008 - Uhrfasudhasdd/covers/Untitled-Scanned-18.jpg | 1.25MB 2008 - Uhrfasudhasdd/covers/Untitled-Scanned-13.jpg | 931.30KB 2008 - Uhrfasudhasdd/covers/Untitled-Scanned-19.jpg | 860.96KB 2008 - Uhrfasudhasdd/covers/Untitled-Scanned-17.jpg | 722.58KB 2008 - Uhrfasudhasdd/covers/Untitled-Scanned-15.jpg | 388.70KB 2008 - Uhrfasudhasdd/covers/Untitled-Scanned-14.jpg | 388.40KB 2008 - Uhrfasudhasdd/01. 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Untitled.mp3 | 32.27MB 2009 - Arufabetto Ga Kiete Shimaimasu Yo Ni/07. Untitled.mp3 | 23.96MB 2009 - Arufabetto Ga Kiete Shimaimasu Yo Ni/04. Untitled.mp3 | 15.81MB 2009 - Arufabetto Ga Kiete Shimaimasu Yo Ni/02. Untitled.mp3 | 15.71MB 2009 - Arufabetto Ga Kiete Shimaimasu Yo Ni/06. Untitled.mp3 | 10.85MB 2009 - Arufabetto Ga Kiete Shimaimasu Yo Ni/08. Untitled.mp3 | 8.65MB 2009 - Arufabetto Ga Kiete Shimaimasu Yo Ni/01. Untitled.mp3 | 6.03MB 2009 - Arufabetto Ga Kiete Shimaimasu Yo Ni/cover.jpeg | 285.31KB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/covers/R-1841063-1247345454.jpeg | 93.29KB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/covers/R-1841063-1247345461.jpeg | 87.35KB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/06. Untitled.mp3 | 24.52MB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/03. Untitled.mp3 | 21.70MB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/02. Untitled.mp3 | 20.32MB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/10. Untitled.mp3 | 19.02MB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/05. Untitled.mp3 | 18.95MB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/07. Untitled.mp3 | 18.89MB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/08. Untitled.mp3 | 14.11MB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/09. Untitled.mp3 | 14.06MB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/01. Untitled.mp3 | 12.99MB 2009 - Shall I Download A Blackhole And Offer It To You/04. Untitled.mp3 | 12.86MB 2010 - In The Studio/covers/R-2364028-1283820733.jpeg | 62.40KB 2010 - In The Studio/covers/R-2364028-1283820725.jpeg | 54.65KB 2010 - In The Studio/09. I Have Embedded It Approximately 2 Minutes And 7 Seconds Into The 4th Song, In Order To Return Here Whenever I Wish.mp3 | 20.75MB 2010 - In The Studio/03. Imperious Doppelganger Of Tears, Playing Catch With Objectivity That Evades Ultimate Responsibility.mp3 | 16.55MB 2010 - In The Studio/07. In The Hollow Created Between The Eyebrows, What Offering Would Be Most Appropriate.mp3 | 16.20MB 2010 - In The Studio/10. Perhaps There Is No Need To Return.mp3 | 16.00MB 2010 - In The Studio/01. So Many Things I Still Have Yet To Say.mp3 | 15.05MB 2010 - In The Studio/11. Preparation Is Unnecessary From This Point On…, Leave Me Alone Some Time.mp3 | 14.22MB 2010 - In The Studio/06. As Far As The Left Goes, It Is Starting To Look Red. What About The Right, I Wonder What Colour It Will Be.mp3 | 11.50MB 2010 - In The Studio/05. This Trembling, No Longer Seems To Be The Axis At The Centre.mp3 | 11.49MB 2010 - In The Studio/08. ''Without Doubt'', An Attestation Written From That Time, Will No Longer Have Effect, Because The Wound Has Widened So Much.mp3 | 9.96MB 2010 - In The Studio/04. I Wonder If We Have Become Wiser Than Gods By Making Worse What Already Is.mp3 | 5.91MB 2010 - In The Studio/02. If I Could Incarnate This Feeling Would You Consider It A Creation.mp3 | 2.97MB 2010 - Tima Formosa/covers/cover.jpg | 74.81KB 2010 - Tima Formosa/covers/back.jpeg | 71.34KB 2010 - Tima Formosa/03. Tima Formosa 3.mp3 | 71.50MB 2010 - Tima Formosa/01. Tima Formosa 1.mp3 | 56.63MB 2010 - Tima Formosa/02. Tima Formosa 2.mp3 | 8.58MB 2011 - In A Flash Everything Comes Together As One There Is No Need For A Subject/01. In A Flash Everything Comes Together As One There Is No Need For A Subject.mp3 | 43.77MB 2011 - In A Flash Everything Comes Together As One There Is No Need For A Subject/03. Blues For Putting A Fuzz Beforehand.mp3 | 42.19MB 2011 - In A Flash Everything Comes Together As One There Is No Need For A Subject/04. Once Again You Are Reading It Wrong What Is Written Is To Live.mp3 | 37.78MB 2011 - In A Flash Everything Comes Together As One There Is No Need For A Subject/02. The Time I Was Given And The Time You Were Given And Their Differences.mp3 | 37.35MB 2011 - In A Flash Everything Comes Together As One There Is No Need For A Subject/cover.jpeg | 145.01KB 2011 - Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime/covers/R-2918353-1307269321.jpeg | 50.97KB 2011 - Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime/covers/R-2918353-1307269354.jpeg | 25.43KB 2011 - Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime/06. Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime 6.mp3 | 86.04MB 2011 - Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime/02. Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime 2.mp3 | 31.57MB 2011 - Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime/05. Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime 5.mp3 | 17.89MB 2011 - Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime/04. Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime 4.mp3 | 10.33MB 2011 - Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime/01. Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime 1.mp3 | 9.86MB 2011 - Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime/03. Un Autre Chemin Vers L'Ultime 3.mp3 | 8.84MB