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Name Tom Butler-Bowdon - 50 Philosophy Classics

File Type music

Size 384.48MB

UpdateDate 2024-9-15

hash *****3193C32D68E0E01413E1D003F890409B5E

Hot 99

Files 00. Introduction.mp3 | 19.43MB 01. Hannah Arendt - The Human Condition (1958).mp3 | 7.42MB 02. Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics (4th century BC).mp3 | 7.19MB 03. A.J. Ayer - Language, Truth and Logic (1936).mp3 | 4.90MB 04. Julian Baggini - The Ego Trick (2011).mp3 | 6.38MB 05. Jean Baudrillard - Simulacra and Simulation (1981).mp3 | 7.93MB 06. Simone de Beauvoir - The Second Sex (1949).mp3 | 7.45MB 07. Jeremy Bentham - Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789).mp3 | 6.79MB 08. Henri Bergson - Creative Evolution (1907).mp3 | 7.55MB 09. David Bohm - Wholeness and the Implicate Order (1980).mp3 | 7.85MB 10. Noam Chomsky - Understanding Power (2002).mp3 | 7.73MB 11. Cicero - On Duties (44 BC).mp3 | 7.72MB 12. Confucius - Analects (5th century BC).mp3 | 7.09MB 13. René Descartes - Meditations on First Philosophy (1641).mp3 | 6.84MB 14. Ralph Waldo Emerson - Fate (1860).mp3 | 7.43MB 15. Epicurus - Letters (3rd century BC).mp3 | 5.87MB 16. Michel Foucault - The Order of Things (1966).mp3 | 7.12MB 17. Harry Frankfurt - On Bullshit (2005).mp3 | 4.75MB 18. Sam Harris - Free Will (2012).mp3 | 4.68MB 19. G.W.F. Hegel - Phenomenology of Spirit (1807).mp3 | 10.46MB 20. Martin Heidegger - Being and Time (1927).mp3 | 7.97MB 21. Heraclitus - Fragments (6th century AD).mp3 | 4.54MB 22. David Hume - An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (1748).mp3 | 7.53MB 23. William James - Pragmatism (1907).mp3 | 6.93MB 24. Daniel Kahneman - Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011).mp3 | 9.93MB 25. Immanuel Kant - Critique of Pure Reason (1781).mp3 | 7.74MB 26. Søren Kierkegaard - Fear and Trembling (1843).mp3 | 4.89MB 27. Saul Kripke - Naming and Necessity (1972).mp3 | 6.55MB 28. Thomas Kuhn - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962).mp3 | 7.14MB 29. Gottfried Leibniz - Theodicy (1710).mp3 | 7.06MB 30. John Locke - Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1689).mp3 | 7.75MB 31. Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince (1513).mp3 | 7.71MB 32. Marshall McLuhan - The Medium Is the Massage (1967).mp3 | 7.14MB 33. John Stuart Mill - On Liberty (1859).mp3 | 7.38MB 34. Michel de Montaigne - Essays (1580).mp3 | 8.23MB 35. Iris Murdoch - The Sovereignty of Good (1970).mp3 | 7.07MB 36. Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil (1886).mp3 | 7.69MB 37. Blaise Pascal - Pensées (1660).mp3 | 6.99MB 38. Plato - The Republic (4th century BC).mp3 | 7.80MB 39. Karl Popper - The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1934).mp3 | 5.52MB 40. John Rawls - A Theory of Justice (1971).mp3 | 6.99MB 41. Jean-Jacques Rousseau - The Social Contract (1762).mp3 | 6.92MB 42. Bertrand Russell - The Conquest of Happiness (1930).mp3 | 7.06MB 43. Michael Sandel - Justice (2009).mp3 | 8.14MB 44. Jean-Paul Sartre - Being and Nothingness (1943).mp3 | 10.14MB 45. Arthur Schopenhauer - The World as Will and Representation (1818).mp3 | 7.84MB 46. Peter Singer - The Life You Can Save (2009).mp3 | 7.82MB 47. Baruch Spinoza - Ethics (1677).mp3 | 10.22MB 48. Nassim Nicholas Taleb - The Black Swan (2007).mp3 | 7.54MB 49. Ludwig Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations (1953).mp3 | 7.45MB 50. Slavoj Žižek - Living in the End Times (2010).mp3 | 8.14MB Tom Butler-Bowdon - 50 Philosophy Classics.jpg | 104.24KB


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