Name Lynda - PowerPoint 2016 Tips and Tricks by Jess Stratton
File Type video
Size 202.85MB
UpdateDate 2025-2-18
hash *****411B4AF3576D3187007330C04F5D106346
Hot 35
Files 0. Introduction/1 - Welcome.mp4 | 4.43MB 0. Introduction/2 - What you should know before watching this course.mp4 | 2.48MB 1. Customize PowerPoint/1 - Add often-used tools to the Ribbon.mp4 | 11.39MB 1. Customize PowerPoint/2 - Change the save location and add Google Drive.mp4 | 7.12MB 1. Customize PowerPoint/3 - Customize the view.mp4 | 5.98MB 2. Create and Edit Great Content/1 - Remove the background from pictures.mp4 | 9.71MB 2. Create and Edit Great Content/2 - Use the Eyedropper tool to match colors.mp4 | 10.80MB 2. Create and Edit Great Content/3 - Create custom icons using shapes.mp4 | 12.41MB 2. Create and Edit Great Content/4 - Use the language tools.mp4 | 3.10MB 2. Create and Edit Great Content/5 - Copy and paste formatting.mp4 | 3.50MB 2. Create and Edit Great Content/6 - Use PowerPoint to create social media posts.mp4 | 16.91MB 3. Work with Existing Content/1 - Organize slides into sections.mp4 | 10.73MB 3. Work with Existing Content/2 - Use Outline view to quickly build slides from Microsoft Word.mp4 | 10.59MB 3. Work with Existing Content/3 - Create your own layouts with slide masters.mp4 | 12.16MB 3. Work with Existing Content/4 - Add footers to the bottom of every slide.mp4 | 5.30MB 3. Work with Existing Content/5 - Align and size photos perfectly.mp4 | 6.57MB 3. Work with Existing Content/6 - Use the Morph tool for seamless animation.mp4 | 12.73MB 4. Prepare for Your Presentation/1 - Create handouts.mp4 | 4.93MB 4. Prepare for Your Presentation/2 - Reherse a presentation and add speaker notes.mp4 | 5.87MB 4. Prepare for Your Presentation/3 - Use Presenter view and add annotations.mp4 | 9.12MB 5. Work with Excel Data in PowerPoint/1 - Copy and embed charts onto a slide.mp4 | 11.92MB 5. Work with Excel Data in PowerPoint/2 - Copy a selection of cells onto a slide.mp4 | 8.75MB 5. Work with Excel Data in PowerPoint/3 - Embed an entire spreadsheet as an object.mp4 | 8.50MB 5. Work with Excel Data in PowerPoint/4 - Dynamically update text on a slide from Excel.mp4 | 6.58MB 6. Conclusion/1 - Goodbye.mp4 | 1.28MB