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Name LiveLessson - Data Science Fundamentals Part 1

File Type video

Size 5.69GB

UpdateDate 2024-6-27

hash *****FADAE8515855F931B4DDDAAF1C9DECBA2E

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Files 01 Data Science Fundamentals Part 1 - Introduction.mp4 | 79.25MB 02 Topics.mp4 | 18.24MB 03 1.1 Welcome to the Course.mp4 | 10.78MB 04 1.2 Why Data Science and Why Now.mp4 | 27.17MB 05 1.3 The Potential of Data Science.mp4 | 105.49MB 06 1.4 Getting Set Up with a Data Science Development Environment.mp4 | 23.28MB 07 1.5 A Python (3) Primer.mp4 | 62.86MB 08 1.6 Python 2 versus Python 3.mp4 | 16.78MB 09 1.7 Test Your Knowledge - Wordbuzz.mp4 | 90.98MB 10 1.8 Wordbuzz - Putting it all Together.mp4 | 46.01MB 11 1.9 Python Review and Resources.mp4 | 29.93MB 12 1.10 Python for Data Science.mp4 | 49.83MB 13 1.11 What‚Äôs to Come.mp4 | 34.87MB 14 Topics.mp4 | 14.35MB 15 2.1 Introduction to the Data Science Process.mp4 | 16.17MB 16 2.2 Defining Your Problem.mp4 | 43.64MB 17 2.3 Acquiring Data.mp4 | 164.44MB 18 2.4 Wrangling Data.mp4 | 120.77MB 19 2.5 Exploring Data.mp4 | 118.36MB 20 2.6 Recommendations through Triangle Closing.mp4 | 71.23MB 21 2.7 Python Development Workflow.mp4 | 53.26MB 22 2.8 Triadic Closure in Python.mp4 | 141.18MB 23 2.9 Challenges of Recommendation Systems.mp4 | 27.22MB 24 2.10 Obtaining an Evaluation Baseline.mp4 | 89.38MB 25 2.11 Inspecting and Evaluating Results.mp4 | 86.98MB 26 2.12 Present and Disseminate.mp4 | 81.30MB 27 2.13 The Data Science Process Applied—Cheaper Beds, Better Breakfasts.mp4 | 14.14MB 28 Topics.mp4 | 18.63MB 29 3.1 The Data Science Mindset.mp4 | 82.87MB 30 3.2 The Data Science Technology Stack.mp4 | 44.04MB 31 3.3 Where to Get Data - Sources and Services.mp4 | 74.23MB 32 3.4 How the Web Works.mp4 | 59.24MB 33 3.5 Making HTTP Requests with Python.mp4 | 81.06MB 34 3.6 Adding Context with Open Data.mp4 | 59.51MB 35 3.7 Parsing Data with Python—JSON and XML.mp4 | 207.52MB 36 3.8 Data and File Formats.mp4 | 48.01MB 37 3.9 Working with APIs.mp4 | 136.67MB 38 3.10 Parametric API Requests with Python.mp4 | 138.26MB 39 3.11 Exploring the Foursquare API.mp4 | 73.58MB 40 3.12 Downloading Foursquare Venues.mp4 | 109.20MB 41 Topics.mp4 | 13.48MB 42 4.1 Introduction to the ETL Pipeline.mp4 | 28.57MB 43 4.2 Data Models—Adding Structure to Data.mp4 | 80.31MB 44 4.3 Building Abstractions—Object Oriented Programming.mp4 | 35.42MB 45 4.4 Creating Classes in Python.mp4 | 56.52MB 46 4.5 Defining Methods and Updating State.mp4 | 83.85MB 47 4.6 Magic Methods, Class Attributes, and Introspection.mp4 | 136.15MB 48 4.7 Exploring and Structuring the Foursquare Response.mp4 | 118.58MB 49 4.8 Data Models Applied—Representing Foursquare Entities with Classes.mp4 | 111.67MB 50 4.9 Modeling Behavior with Methods.mp4 | 81.77MB 51 4.10 Customizing Model Interfaces with Setter Methods and Virtual Attributes.mp4 | 129.41MB 52 4.11 Keeping Things DRY with Inheritance.mp4 | 151.22MB 53 4.12 Object-Oriented Programming Use Cases.mp4 | 70.22MB 54 4.13 The Case for (and against) OOP.mp4 | 51.50MB 55 Topics.mp4 | 14.94MB 56 5.1 Introduction to Databases with SQLite.mp4 | 116.46MB 57 5.2 Inspecting Databases with the SQLite shell.mp4 | 61.96MB 58 5.3 The Database Landscape.mp4 | 62.95MB 59 5.4 What's in a Schema Mapping Data Models to Data Tables.mp4 | 81.03MB 60 5.5 Introduction to Object Relational Mappers.mp4 | 33.26MB 61 5.6 ORMs in Python with peewee.mp4 | 118.00MB 62 5.7 Creating and Querying Records with peewee.mp4 | 139.02MB 63 5.8 End-to-end ETL in Python.mp4 | 47.81MB 64 5.9 Advantages and Disadvantages of ORMs.mp4 | 15.41MB 65 5.10 Extract, Transform, Load—Putting It All Together.mp4 | 30.10MB 66 Topics.mp4 | 15.02MB 67 6.1 Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis.mp4 | 58.87MB 68 6.2 Understanding your Data Quickly with Graphical Tools.mp4 | 116.70MB 69 6.3 Inspecting Databases and Building Schemas with peewee.mp4 | 86.71MB 70 6.4 Data Quality Checks with peewee.mp4 | 112.90MB 71 6.5 Finding Missing Data and Null Values with peewee.mp4 | 59.21MB 72 6.6 Dealing with Missing Data.mp4 | 26.57MB 73 6.7 EDA for Insight—Describing Data.mp4 | 14.69MB 74 6.8 Inspecting Queries and Displaying Results in peewee.mp4 | 65.50MB 75 6.9 Groups and Aggregates with peewee.mp4 | 64.90MB 76 6.10 Ranking and Sorting Venues.mp4 | 115.08MB 77 6.11 SQL Relations and Joins.mp4 | 26.37MB 78 6.12 Joins with peewee.mp4 | 129.30MB 79 6.13 Querying Across Datasets with Joins.mp4 | 170.87MB 80 6.14 Translating peewee to SQL.mp4 | 21.60MB 81 6.15 A Visual Introduction to Joins with SQL.mp4 | 65.87MB 82 Data Science Fundamentals Part 1 - Sunmary.mp4 | 37.87MB


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