Name [ ] Udemy - The DBT Bootcamp - Transform your Data using Data Build Tool
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UpdateDate 2025-2-2
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Setting up DBT/1.4 markdowncopy.txt | 431B ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/1.5 Project Brief.pdf | 31.28KB ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/2. Setting up DBT Cloud.mp4 | 8.40MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/2. Setting up DBT | 2.71KB ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/2.1 Course_Notes.pdf | 465.12KB ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/2.3 markdowncopy.txt | 431B ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/2.4 Project Brief.pdf | 31.28KB ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/3. Setting up Snowflake Data Warehouse.mp4 | 88.03MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/3. Setting up Snowflake Data | 19.74KB ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/3.1 Course_Notes.pdf | 465.12KB ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/3.3 markdowncopy.txt | 431B ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/3.4 Project Brief.pdf | 31.28KB ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/4. Setting up Github.mp4 | 21.40MB ~Get Your Files Here !/2. Setting up DBT/4. 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Understanding Modularity and REF Functions in DBT.mp4 | 202.01MB ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Models and Modularity in DBT/2. Understanding Modularity and REF Functions in | 32.34KB ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Models and Modularity in DBT/2.1 Course_Notes.pdf | 465.12KB ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Models and Modularity in DBT/2.2 | 203.90KB ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Models and Modularity in DBT/2.3 markdowncopy.txt | 431B ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Models and Modularity in DBT/2.4 Project Brief.pdf | 31.28KB ~Get Your Files Here !/4. Models and Modularity in DBT/2.5 | 428.31KB ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Working with YML files/1. Working with dbt_project.yml.mp4 | 44.86MB ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Working with YML files/1. Working with | 6.61KB ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Working with YML files/1.1 Course_Notes.pdf | 475.12KB ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Working with YML files/1.2 | 203.90KB ~Get Your Files Here !/5. Working with YML files/1.3 Project Brief.pdf | 31.28KB ~Get Your Files Here !/5. 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Testing and Documentation on DBT/1.5 | 428.31KB ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Testing and Documentation on DBT/2. How to Create Generic Tests in DBT.mp4 | 108.43MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Testing and Documentation on DBT/2. How to Create Generic Tests in | 21.14KB ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Testing and Documentation on DBT/2.1 Course_Notes.pdf | 465.12KB ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Testing and Documentation on DBT/2.2 | 203.90KB ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Testing and Documentation on DBT/2.3 markdowncopy.txt | 431B ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Testing and Documentation on DBT/2.4 Project Brief.pdf | 31.28KB ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Testing and Documentation on DBT/2.5 | 428.31KB ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Testing and Documentation on DBT/3. How to Create Singular Tests in DBT.mp4 | 58.95MB ~Get Your Files Here !/6. Testing and Documentation on DBT/3. How to Create Singular Tests in | 10.33KB ~Get Your Files Here !/6. 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