Name Painting Workflows in Mudbox
File Type package
Size 1.10GB
UpdateDate 2024-8-14
hash *****63A9260BE5497822B830B86929F74AC91D
Hot 11
Files project_files.rar | 274.15MB 09. Painting multiple channels.f4v | 98.97MB 03. Using the Paint Brush.f4v | 83.50MB 02. Setting up paint layers.f4v | 76.73MB 12. Using the Projection tool.f4v | 73.39MB 13. Blending paint layers.f4v | 67.29MB 04. Choosing colors.f4v | 60.56MB 15. Painting with Ptex.f4v | 57.87MB 14. Using Photoshop with Mudbox.f4v | 56.58MB 10. The Airbrush and Pencil tools.f4v | 55.69MB 05. The Blur, Dodge, and Burn tools.f4v | 53.97MB 07. The Hue and Hue Shift tools.f4v | 46.79MB 11. The Clone and Dry Brush tools.f4v | 41.46MB 06. The Contrast, Sponge, and Invert tools.f4v | 38.94MB 08. Adjusting paint layers.f4v | 36.86MB 01. Introduction and project overview.f4v | 7.99MB