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Name Using Lights to Create Shadows for Animated Layers in After Effects

File Type video

Size 840.50MB

UpdateDate 2024-6-11

hash *****8CD84E77E09C7DA5492E8085BF49B0CDEE

Hot 1

Files 8. Adding a Camera and a Null Object .flv | 111.15MB 9. Adding the lens flare .flv | 106.07MB 11. Preparing our Composition to create atmospheric distortion .flv | 101.54MB 12. Setting up the light for the atmospheric distortion .flv | 83.57MB 5. Duplicating the Precomp of trees to create the forest .flv | 67.36MB 4. Creating a Composition of trees with the sky and ground .flv | 66.49MB 14. Adding our final lens effects.flv | 66.44MB 7. Turning on the Light and Material Options for our layers .flv | 55.49MB | 51.87MB 10. Adding Depth of Field.flv | 33.91MB 3. Setting up the 3D shadow for the trees .flv | 31.68MB 13. Using the pre-rendered sequence for atmospheric distortion.flv | 25.42MB 2. Creating the sky and ground .flv | 16.97MB 6. Adding the Light .flv | 12.81MB 1. Introduction and Project Overview .flv | 9.71MB


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