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Name Automation-with-Ansible-Playbooks

File Type video

Size 7.85GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-25

hash *****BE8C1719A38B291B2C638B90C5D236CD45

Hot 4

Files 01 - Preview of the course - Automation using Ansible - Step by Step.mp4 | 12.86MB .____padding_file/0 | 1.14MB 02 - Introduction - Story before Ansible or Any other configuration Management tools.mp4 | 30.40MB .____padding_file/1 | 1.60MB 03 - Ansible Architecture.mp4 | 31.10MB .____padding_file/2 | 916.59KB 04 - Ansible Installation and Configuration Part-1 (Installation).mp4 | 47.26MB .____padding_file/3 | 759.94KB 05 - Ansible Installation and Configuration Part-2 (Configuration).mp4 | 191.46MB .____padding_file/4 | 549.55KB 06 - Ansible Directory Structures.mp4 | 61.36MB .____padding_file/5 | 660.02KB 07 - How to disable host key checking.mp4 | 170.62MB .____padding_file/6 | 1.38MB 08 - Inventory file with Groups and Group of Groups.mp4 | 52.83MB .____padding_file/7 | 1.17MB 09 - Different locations of ansible.cfg file with priority.mp4 | 32.77MB .____padding_file/8 | 1.23MB 10 - Review on Ansible Architecture.mp4 | 19.69MB .____padding_file/9 | 319.48KB 11 - Installing Ansible Engine on RHEL 8.mp4 | 568.22MB .____padding_file/10 | 1.78MB 12 - Introduction to Ad-hoc commands _ Basic syntax for Ansible Ad-hoc commands.mp4 | 472.64MB .____padding_file/11 | 1.36MB 13 - How Ansible Works (Executing Ad-hoc commands or Playbooks).mp4 | 63.76MB .____padding_file/12 | 248.87KB 14 - Transfer a file from Ansible Engine to Nodes using copy module.mp4 | 87.93MB .____padding_file/13 | 72.58KB 15 - Download a file from Ansible Managed Nodes to Ansible Engine.mp4 | 51.53MB .____padding_file/14 | 479.45KB 16 - Create or Delete a file or directory on Managed Nodes.mp4 | 75.96MB .____padding_file/15 | 40.51KB 17 - List of different modules to work with files.mp4 | 10.07MB .____padding_file/16 | 1.93MB 18 - Install a package like git, httpd, mysql, git on Linux Systems using yum module.mp4 | 53.88MB .____padding_file/17 | 119.60KB 19 - Command Module.mp4 | 21.69MB .____padding_file/18 | 313.61KB 20 - Introduction to Ansible Facts.mp4 | 43.36MB .____padding_file/19 | 658.81KB 21 - How to create and work with custom facts.mp4 | 219.89MB .____padding_file/22 | 110.49KB 22 - Inventory Types and Working with AWS EC2 Dynamic Inventory Script.mp4 | 729.69MB .____padding_file/23 | 318.30KB 23 - Simple Custom Dynamic Inventory Script creation.mp4 | 298.98MB .____padding_file/24 | 1.02MB 24 - Working with managed nodes using raw module.mp4 | 27.55MB .____padding_file/25 | 458.52KB 25 - Working with Managed Nodes using a Password _ Password Authentication.mp4 | 86.37MB .____padding_file/26 | 1.63MB 26 - Executing Ansible tasks with default and different users on Managed Nodes.mp4 | 40.42MB .____padding_file/27 | 1.58MB 27 - Basic introduction to Ansible variables.mp4 | 60.09MB .____padding_file/28 | 1.91MB 28 - Introduction to Playbooks with task and play concepts.mp4 | 63.02MB .____padding_file/29 | 1007.92KB 29 - Writing Simple Playbooks for basic understanding.mp4 | 109.92MB .____padding_file/30 | 84.48KB 30 - Basic Key Points to run Ansible Playbooks.mp4 | 85.92MB .____padding_file/31 | 78.13KB 31 - Print any message (ex - welcome to Playbooks) using playbook.mp4 | 61.77MB .____padding_file/32 | 239.85KB 32 - Variable and data types.mp4 | 49.15MB .____padding_file/33 | 872.77KB 33 - Data Structures_ Data Collections.mp4 | 39.44MB .____padding_file/34 | 572.92KB 34 - Simple playbook to understand the usage of register and set_fact.mp4 | 75.31MB .____padding_file/35 | 707.92KB 35 - How to read a variable and print using ansible playbook.mp4 | 23.89MB .____padding_file/36 | 109.45KB 36 - How to read a variable from yaml_json file.mp4 | 15.20MB .____padding_file/37 | 814.15KB 37 - Working with command line arguments.mp4 | 54.17MB .____padding_file/38 | 1.83MB 38 - Working with Gather facts variables or setup module variables.mp4 | 75.62MB .____padding_file/39 | 391.78KB 39 - Working with inventory_hostname and hostvars variables.mp4 | 25.88MB .____padding_file/40 | 122.99KB 40 - Installing and using Visual Studio Code Editor for Ansible Playbooks.mp4 | 43.84MB .____padding_file/41 | 160.47KB 41 - Arithmetic operators on numbers.mp4 | 32.21MB .____padding_file/42 | 1.79MB 42 - Simple practice on Arithmetic Operators.mp4 | 54.16MB .____padding_file/43 | 1.84MB 43 - Filters and Methods of Ansible Playbooks.mp4 | 277.82MB .____padding_file/44 | 187.85KB 44 - Comparison operators.mp4 | 23.70MB .____padding_file/45 | 302.21KB 45 - Membership operators and Test Operators.mp4 | 92.23MB .____padding_file/46 | 1.77MB 46 - Logical operators.mp4 | 48.74MB .____padding_file/47 | 1.26MB 47 - Settings for Ubuntu server to consider it as a Managed Node.mp4 | 45.68MB .____padding_file/48 | 324.46KB 48 - How to use when conditional statement (Explanation with simple playbook).mp4 | 92.99MB .____padding_file/49 | 1.01MB 49 - Inline conditional statement.mp4 | 32.51MB .____padding_file/50 | 1.49MB 50 - Basic usage of Handlers.mp4 | 46.92MB .____padding_file/51 | 1.08MB 51 - Introduction to loops.mp4 | 52.79MB .____padding_file/52 | 1.21MB 52 - Working with tags and skip tags.mp4 | 54.40MB .____padding_file/53 | 1.60MB 53 - Error Handling part 1.mp4 | 43.96MB .____padding_file/54 | 39.55KB 54 - Error Handling with block and rescue part 2.mp4 | 93.80MB .____padding_file/55 | 209.66KB 55 - Reusable tasks with import and include.mp4 | 80.31MB .____padding_file/56 | 1.69MB 56 - Usage of local_action and delegate_to.mp4 | 95.99MB .____padding_file/57 | 14.15KB 57 - Java and Tomcat installation and configuration using template module.mp4 | 172.56MB .____padding_file/58 | 1.44MB 58 - Introduction to template module with variables.mp4 | 33.96MB .____padding_file/59 | 41.88KB 59 - Template variables, conditional statements and loops.mp4 | 58.95MB .____padding_file/60 | 1.05MB 60 - Ansible Environment setup for AWS Provisioning.mp4 | 65.89MB .____padding_file/61 | 111.83KB 61 - Launch EC2 Instances with multiple security groups and Tags.mp4 | 391.61MB .____padding_file/62 | 396.31KB 62 - Simple playbooks to start stop and terminate ec2 instances.mp4 | 233.33MB .____padding_file/63 | 687.78KB 63 - Single playbook to start stop and terminate Instance.mp4 | 224.06MB .____padding_file/64 | 1.94MB 64 - EC2 Tags help to start, stop and terminate instances.mp4 | 578.52MB .____padding_file/65 | 1.48MB 65 - Cleanup Tag-less EC2 Instances using Playbooks.mp4 | 314.40MB .____padding_file/66 | 1.60MB 66 - Generate CSV Reports using ansible Playbooks for ec2 Instances.mp4 | 326.77MB .____padding_file/67 | 1.23MB 67 - Ansible-Vault.mp4 | 53.08MB .____padding_file/68 | 945.64KB 68 - Converting a playbook into to Ansible Roles.mp4 | 65.40MB .____padding_file/69 | 617.45KB | 22.57KB .____padding_file/70 | 1.98MB Automation-with-Ansible-Playbooks_meta.sqlite | 176.00KB .____padding_file/71 | 1.83MB Automation-with-Ansible-Playbooks_meta.xml | 717B .____padding_file/21 | 2.00MB __ia_thumb.jpg | 5.97KB .____padding_file/72 | 1.99MB


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