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Name [Udemy] VLAN on MikroTik with LABS (RouterOS & SwOS) (2020) [EN]

File Type video

Size 2.48GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-6

hash *****A1142E281390380799096D632D679F5F54

Hot 195

Files 4. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik Cloud Smart Switch (CSS) using SwOS/2. VLAN’s on CSS Switches using SwitchOS.mp4 | 292.05MB 1. What is Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)/1. Introduction - What is VLAN.vtt | 1.34KB 1. What is Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)/2. Why we need VLAN's in our network and how VLAN's work.mp4 | 244.58MB 1. What is Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)/2. Why we need VLAN's in our network and how VLAN's work.vtt | 20.83KB 1. What is Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)/3. Why we need VLAN's in our network and how VLAN's work - Part 2.mp4 | 225.91MB 1. What is Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)/3. Why we need VLAN's in our network and how VLAN's work - Part 2.vtt | 20.02KB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/1. Introduction - VLANs on RouterBoards (RouterOS).mp4 | 24.17MB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/1. Introduction - VLANs on RouterBoards (RouterOS).vtt | 1.50KB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/2. Configuring VLAN's with DHCP - Part 1.mp4 | 262.31MB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/2. Configuring VLAN's with DHCP - Part 1.vtt | 20.40KB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/3. Configuring VLAN's with DHCP - Part 2.mp4 | 186.16MB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/3. Configuring VLAN's with DHCP - Part 2.vtt | 13.42KB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/4. VLAN's using the Switch Chip.mp4 | 277.90MB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/4. VLAN's using the Switch Chip.vtt | 23.92KB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/5. VLAN's without using the Switch Chip.mp4 | 162.97MB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/5. VLAN's without using the Switch Chip.vtt | 13.28KB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/6. Q-in-Q implementation.mp4 | 252.59MB 2. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik RouterBoard products/6. Q-in-Q implementation.vtt | 19.77KB 3. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik Cloud Router Switch (CRS)/1. Introduction - VLANs on MikroTik CRS Switches.mp4 | 45.97MB 3. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik Cloud Router Switch (CRS)/1. Introduction - VLANs on MikroTik CRS Switches.vtt | 2.60KB 3. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik Cloud Router Switch (CRS)/2. Configuring VLANs on MikroTik Cloud Router Switch (CRS).mp4 | 263.66MB 3. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik Cloud Router Switch (CRS)/2. Configuring VLANs on MikroTik Cloud Router Switch (CRS).vtt | 22.41KB 3. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik Cloud Router Switch (CRS)/3. Configuring Management VLAN on MikroTik Cloud Router Switch (CRS).mp4 | 257.34MB 3. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik Cloud Router Switch (CRS)/3. Configuring Management VLAN on MikroTik Cloud Router Switch (CRS).vtt | 21.38KB 4. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik Cloud Smart Switch (CSS) using SwOS/1. Introduction - VLANs on MikroTik SwOS.mp4 | 23.32MB 4. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik Cloud Smart Switch (CSS) using SwOS/1. Introduction - VLANs on MikroTik SwOS.vtt | 1.39KB 1. What is Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)/1. Introduction - What is VLAN.mp4 | 24.01MB 4. Configuring VLAN's on MikroTik Cloud Smart Switch (CSS) using SwOS/2. VLAN’s on CSS Switches using SwitchOS.vtt | 22.91KB


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