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Name Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), 4th Edition

File Type video

Size 2.53GB

UpdateDate 2025-3-4

hash *****39B6CA236C782C73BD350FE5E8709E82F8

Hot 1

Files Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 4 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/007. 4.6 Understanding Cluster High Availability Options.mp4 | 67.01MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/001. Module Introduction.mp4 | 2.87MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 1 Understanding Kubernetes Architecture/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 2.09MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 1 Understanding Kubernetes Architecture/002. 1.1 Vanilla Kubernetes and the Ecosystem.mp4 | 11.73MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 1 Understanding Kubernetes Architecture/003. 1.2 Running Kubernetes in Cloud or on Premises.mp4 | 2.86MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 1 Understanding Kubernetes Architecture/004. 1.3 Kubernetes Distributions.mp4 | 5.06MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 1 Understanding Kubernetes Architecture/005. 1.4 Kubernetes Node Roles.mp4 | 23.03MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 4.11MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/002. 2.1 Understanding Cluster Node Requirements.mp4 | 11.98MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/003. 2.2 Provisioning an Infrastructure for Hosting Kubernetes.mp4 | 5.67MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/004. 2.3 Installation Procedure Overview.mp4 | 4.12MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/005. 2.4 Configuring Linux Kernel Settings for Kubernetes Networking.mp4 | 8.20MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/006. 2.5 Installing CRI and Tools.mp4 | 20.17MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/007. 2.6 Using kubeadm init.mp4 | 24.29MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/008. 2.7 Configuring the Kubernetes Client.mp4 | 34.02MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/009. 2.8 Setting up Node Networking.mp4 | 21.10MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/010. 2.9 Adding Nodes to the Cluster.mp4 | 12.18MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/011. 2.10 Using kubeadm init with a Configuration File.mp4 | 13.33MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/012. Lesson 2 Lab Building a Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 | 1.73MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 2 Creating a Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm/013. Lesson 2 Lab Solution Building a Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 | 30.98MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 3 Managing Kubernetes Clusters/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 2.71MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 3 Managing Kubernetes Clusters/002. 3.1 Analyzing Cluster Nodes.mp4 | 24.07MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 3 Managing Kubernetes Clusters/003. 3.2 Using crictl to Manage Node Containers.mp4 | 17.95MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 3 Managing Kubernetes Clusters/004. 3.3 Running Static Pods.mp4 | 13.86MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 3 Managing Kubernetes Clusters/005. 3.4 Managing Node State.mp4 | 18.77MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 3 Managing Kubernetes Clusters/006. 3.5 Managing Node Services.mp4 | 16.72MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 3 Managing Kubernetes Clusters/007. Lesson 3 Lab Running Static Pods.mp4 | 1.26MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 3 Managing Kubernetes Clusters/008. Lesson 3 Lab Solution Running Static Pods.mp4 | 4.02MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 4 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 4.08MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 4 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/002. 4.1 Using Metrics Server to Monitor Node and Pod Performance.mp4 | 27.07MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 4 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/003. 4.2 Backing up the Etcd.mp4 | 42.78MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 4 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/004. 4.3 Restoring the Etcd.mp4 | 27.85MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 4 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/005. 4.4 Performing Cluster Node Upgrades.mp4 | 65.81MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 4 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/006. 4.5 Performing Cluster Worker Upgrades.mp4 | 30.40MB Introduction/001. Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Introduction.mp4 | 19.95MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 4 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/008. 4.7 Setting up a Highly Available Kubernetes Cluster.mp4 | 38.29MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 4 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/009. Lesson 4 Lab Etcd Backup and Restore.mp4 | 1.33MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 4 Performing Node Maintenance Tasks/010. Lesson 4 Lab Solution Etcd Backup and Restore.mp4 | 22.40MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 5 Managing Security Settings/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 3.76MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 5 Managing Security Settings/002. 5.1 Understanding API Access.mp4 | 22.80MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 5 Managing Security Settings/003. 5.2 Managing Security Context.mp4 | 18.18MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 5 Managing Security Settings/004. 5.3 Users, ServiceAccounts, and API Access.mp4 | 6.13MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 5 Managing Security Settings/005. 5.4 Understanding Role Based Access Control (RBAC).mp4 | 13.10MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 5 Managing Security Settings/006. 5.5 Setting up RBAC for ServiceAccounts.mp4 | 43.25MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 5 Managing Security Settings/007. 5.6 ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings.mp4 | 7.50MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 5 Managing Security Settings/008. 5.7 Setting up RBAC for Users.mp4 | 52.77MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 5 Managing Security Settings/009. Lesson 5 Lab Managing Security.mp4 | 1.13MB Module 1 Cluster Architecture, Installation, and Configuration/Lesson 5 Managing Security Settings/010. Lesson 5 Lab Solution Managing Security.mp4 | 7.12MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/001. Module Introduction.mp4 | 2.11MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 2.91MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/002. 6.1 Using Deployments.mp4 | 14.95MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/003. 6.2 Running Agents with DaemonSets.mp4 | 10.16MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/004. 6.3 Using StatefulSets.mp4 | 22.54MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/005. 6.4 The Case for Running Individual Pods.mp4 | 3.65MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/006. 6.5 Managing Pod Initialization.mp4 | 14.92MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/007. 6.6 Scaling Applications.mp4 | 12.29MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/008. 6.7 Configuring Autoscaling.mp4 | 24.97MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/009. 6.8 Using Sidecar Containers for Application Logging.mp4 | 37.47MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/010. Lesson 6 Lab Running a DaemonSet.mp4 | 1.14MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 6 Deploying Kubernetes Applications/011. Lesson 6 Lab Solution Running a DaemonSet.mp4 | 4.88MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 7 Using Templating Tools/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 1.97MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 7 Using Templating Tools/002. 7.1 Running Applications from YAML Files.mp4 | 3.54MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 7 Using Templating Tools/003. 7.2 The Helm Package Manager.mp4 | 47.78MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 7 Using Templating Tools/004. 7.3 Creating a Template from a Helm Chart.mp4 | 19.03MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 7 Using Templating Tools/005. 7.4 Managing Applications with Helm.mp4 | 22.29MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 7 Using Templating Tools/006. 7.5 Using Kustomize.mp4 | 18.45MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 7 Using Templating Tools/007. Lesson 7 Lab Managing Applications with Helm.mp4 | 893.83KB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 7 Using Templating Tools/008. Lesson 7 Lab Solution Managing Applications with Helm.mp4 | 20.80MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 3.68MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/002. 8.1 Exploring the Scheduling Process.mp4 | 12.85MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/003. 8.2 Setting Node Preferences.mp4 | 13.04MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/004. 8.3 Managing Affinity and anti-Affinity Rules.mp4 | 44.99MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/005. 8.4 Managing Taints and Tolerations.mp4 | 31.73MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/006. 8.5 Configuring Resource Limits and Requests.mp4 | 7.59MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/007. 8.6 Setting Namespace Quota.mp4 | 24.59MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/008. 8.7 Configuring LimitRange.mp4 | 12.98MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/009. 8.8 Configuring Pod Priorities.mp4 | 18.89MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/010. Lesson 8 Lab Configuring Taints.mp4 | 2.42MB Module 2 Workloads and Scheduling/Lesson 8 Managing Scheduling/011. Lesson 8 Lab Solution Configuring Taints.mp4 | 14.34MB Module 3 Services and Networking/001. Module Introduction.mp4 | 1.45MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 3.84MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/002. 9.1 Exploring Kubernetes Networking.mp4 | 42.72MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/003. 9.2 Understanding Network Plugins.mp4 | 15.58MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/004. 9.3 Using Services to Access Applications.mp4 | 16.32MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/005. 9.4 Running an Ingress Controller.mp4 | 45.33MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/006. 9.5 Configuring Ingress.mp4 | 30.52MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/007. 9.6 Using Port Forwarding for Direct Application Access.mp4 | 10.51MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/008. 9.7 Understanding Gateway API.mp4 | 12.37MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/009. 9.8 Configuring Gateway API.mp4 | 23.95MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/010. 9.9 Using Gateway API to Provide Access to Applications.mp4 | 32.78MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/011. 9.10 Configuring Gateway API for TLS Access.mp4 | 33.51MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/012. Lesson 9 Lab Managing Networking.mp4 | 1.42MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 9 Managing Application Access/013. Lesson 9 Lab Solution Managing Networking.mp4 | 13.66MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 10 Networking/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 3.02MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 10 Networking/002. 10.1 Managing the CNI and Network Plugins.mp4 | 16.50MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 10 Networking/003. 10.2 Understanding Service Auto Registration and Kubernetes DNS.mp4 | 25.12MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 10 Networking/004. 10.3 Using NetworkPolicies to Manage Traffic Between Pods.mp4 | 23.72MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 10 Networking/005. 10.4 Configuring NetworkPolicies to Manage Traffic Between Namespaces.mp4 | 36.81MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 10 Networking/006. 10.5 Managing CoreDNS.mp4 | 2.65MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 10 Networking/007. Lesson 10 Lab Using NetworkPolicies.mp4 | 3.16MB Module 3 Services and Networking/Lesson 10 Networking/008. Lesson 10 Lab Solution Using NetworkPolicies.mp4 | 18.02MB Module 4 Storage/001. Module Introduction.mp4 | 1.95MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 11 Managing Storage/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 2.95MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 11 Managing Storage/002. 11.1 Understanding Kubernetes Storage Options.mp4 | 18.59MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 11 Managing Storage/003. 11.2 Accessing Storage Through Pod Volumes.mp4 | 11.70MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 11 Managing Storage/004. 11.3 Configuring PersistentVolume (PV) Storage.mp4 | 15.09MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 11 Managing Storage/005. 11.4 Configuring PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC).mp4 | 10.04MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 11 Managing Storage/006. 11.5 Configuring Pod Storage with PVs and PVCs.mp4 | 11.24MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 11 Managing Storage/007. 11.6 Using Volume Reclaim Policies.mp4 | 5.39MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 11 Managing Storage/008. 11.7 Using ConfigMaps and Secrets as Volumes.mp4 | 24.32MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 11 Managing Storage/009. Lesson 11 Lab Setting up Storage.mp4 | 2.59MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 11 Managing Storage/010. Lesson 11 Lab Solution Setting up Storage.mp4 | 31.35MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 12 Auto-provisioning Storage/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 2.33MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 12 Auto-provisioning Storage/002. 12.1 Using StorageClass.mp4 | 8.53MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 12 Auto-provisioning Storage/003. 12.2 Understanding Storage Provisioners.mp4 | 9.20MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 12 Auto-provisioning Storage/004. 12.3 Setting up an NFS Storage Provisioner.mp4 | 43.99MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 12 Auto-provisioning Storage/005. Lesson 12 Lab Using the Hostpath Storage Provisioner.mp4 | 2.94MB Module 4 Storage/Lesson 12 Auto-provisioning Storage/006. Lesson 12 Lab Solution Using the Hostpath Storage Provisioner.mp4 | 20.38MB Module 5 Troubleshooting/001. Module Introduction.mp4 | 1.16MB Module 5 Troubleshooting/Lesson 13 Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 2.32MB Module 5 Troubleshooting/Lesson 13 Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting/002. 13.1 Monitoring Kubernetes Resources.mp4 | 4.85MB Module 5 Troubleshooting/Lesson 13 Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting/003. 13.2 Understanding the Troubleshooting Flow.mp4 | 29.62MB Module 5 Troubleshooting/Lesson 13 Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting/004. 13.3 Troubleshooting Kubernetes Applications.mp4 | 8.38MB Module 5 Troubleshooting/Lesson 13 Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting/005. 13.4 Troubleshooting Cluster Nodes.mp4 | 37.77MB Module 5 Troubleshooting/Lesson 13 Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting/006. 13.5 Fixing Application Access Problems.mp4 | 16.19MB Module 5 Troubleshooting/Lesson 13 Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting/007. Lesson 13 Lab Troubleshooting Nodes.mp4 | 868.31KB Module 5 Troubleshooting/Lesson 13 Logging, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting/008. Lesson 13 Lab Solution Troubleshooting Nodes.mp4 | 10.20MB Module 6 Sample Exams/001. Module Introduction.mp4 | 2.51MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 14 Sample Exam Instructions/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 1.85MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 14 Sample Exam Instructions/002. 14.1 Preparing an Environment for the Sample Exams.mp4 | 6.43MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 14 Sample Exam Instructions/003. 14.2 Working Through the Sample Exams.mp4 | 3.00MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 14 Sample Exam Instructions/004. 14.3 Using the Exam-grade Script.mp4 | 2.62MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 3.25MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/002. 15.1 Questions Overview.mp4 | 14.82MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/003. 15.2 Configuring a HA Cluster.mp4 | 58.33MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/004. 15.3 Scheduling a Pod.mp4 | 20.54MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/005. 15.4 Managing Application Initialization.mp4 | 12.28MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/006. 15.5 Setting up Persistent Storage.mp4 | 9.25MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/007. 15.6 Configuring Application Access.mp4 | 12.49MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/008. 15.7 Securing Network Traffic.mp4 | 36.77MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/009. 15.8 Setting up Quota.mp4 | 26.38MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/010. 15.9 Creating a Static Pod.mp4 | 7.19MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/011. 15.10 Troubleshooting Node Services.mp4 | 6.59MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/012. 15.11 Configuring Cluster Access.mp4 | 17.87MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 15 CKA Sample Exam 1/013. 15.12 Configuring Taints and Tolerations.mp4 | 24.86MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/001. Learning objectives.mp4 | 2.22MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/002. 16.1 Questions Overview.mp4 | 17.99MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/003. 16.2 Creating a Cluster.mp4 | 19.44MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/004. 16.3 Performing a Control Node Upgrade.mp4 | 31.69MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/005. 16.4 Configuring Application Logging.mp4 | 35.00MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/006. 16.5 Managing PersistentVolumeClaims.mp4 | 42.68MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/007. 16.6 Investigating Pod Logs.mp4 | 7.39MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/008. 16.7 Analyzing Performance.mp4 | 16.69MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/009. 16.8 Managing Application Scheduling.mp4 | 13.40MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/010. 16.9 Configuring Ingress.mp4 | 14.46MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/011. 16.10 Preparing for Node Maintenance.mp4 | 7.98MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/012. 16.11 Scaling Applications.mp4 | 6.22MB Module 6 Sample Exams/Lesson 16 CKA Sample Exam 2/013. 16.12 Etcd Backup and Restore.mp4 | 24.41MB Summary/001. 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