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Name 3DMotive - Introduction To Blueprints

File Type package

Size 1.97GB

UpdateDate 2024-6-28

hash *****3E4CCCC1BBE0FD0E5CCD665C0D74F9BF2A

Hot 5

Files 01-Introduction.mp4 | 62.47MB 02-Blueprint Interface.mp4 | 25.86MB 03-Blueprint Classes.mp4 | 50.01MB 04-Toggle Lights in Level Blueprints.mp4 | 221.78MB 05-Moving A Door in Blueprints.mp4 | 224.99MB 06-Creating the Key Pickup.mp4 | 152.33MB 07-Creating the Key HUD.mp4 | 124.17MB 08-Creating the Door Class.mp4 | 342.31MB 09-Finishing Touches.mp4 | 133.23MB Project_Files.rar | 677.11MB


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