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Name Blender Essential From Beginner to 3D Masterclass

File Type video

Size 3.05GB

UpdateDate 2025-2-18

hash *****3C37E493CB72DC4D492EAEF08E6F1FA49F

Hot 421

Files 1. Introduction.mp4 | 25.37MB 10. Class Project 1.mp4 | 91.49MB 11. Class Project 2.mp4 | 125.94MB 2. Basic navigation & adjustmentss.mp4 | 395.08MB 3. Interface, workspace & Default startup.mp4 | 442.51MB 4. Creating 3d model part 1.mp4 | 270.21MB 5. 3d MODELING PART 2.mp4 | 519.40MB 6. Environment Modeling_1.mp4 | 352.92MB 7. Making fences and bevels.mp4 | 372.26MB 8. Making clouds.mp4 | 246.42MB 9. How to model trees.mp4 | 282.48MB


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