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Files (Adv. Chem. 59) Canuto S., Sabin J.R. (eds.) - Combining Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Mechanics-AP (2010).pdf | 8.15MB (Advanced Books Classics) Roman Jackiw - Intermediate Quantum Mechanics_ Third Edition-Westview Press, CRC (1997, 2018).pdf | 7.24MB (Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics -- Vol 28) Franco Strocchi - An Introduction to the Mathematical Structure of Quantum Mechanics_ A Short Course for Mathematicians-World Scientific (2008).pdf | 6.05MB (Advanced Series in Mathmatical Physics) F. Strocchi - An introduction to the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics_ A short course for mathematicians-World Scientific Publishing Company (2005).djvu | 1.26MB (Advanced Texts in Physics) Daniel Bes - Quantum Mechanics_ A Modern and Concise Introductory Course (Advanced Texts in Physics)-Springer (2007).pdf | 7.20MB (Advanced Texts in Physics) Professor Louis Marchildon (auth.) - Quantum Mechanics_ From Basic Principles to Numerical Methods and Applications-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2002).pdf | 18.94MB (Advanced book classics) Bernard D'Espagnat - Conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics-Advanced Book Program, Perseus Books (1999).djvu | 3.56MB (Advanced book classics) Gottfried, Kurt - Quantum Mechanics, Volume 1-Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program (1994).pdf | 31.26MB (Advanced texts in physics 1439-2674) Franz Schwabl, R. Hilton, Angela Lahee - Advanced quantum mechanics-Springer (2005).pdf | 2.76MB (Advanced texts in physics) Jean-Louis Basdevant, Jean Dalibard - Quantum mechanics_ including a CD-ROM by Manuel Joffre-Springer (2002).djvu | 3.25MB (Advanced texts in physics) Jean-Louis Basdevant, Jean Dalibard - The quantum mechanics solver_ how to apply quantum theory to modern physics-Springer (2000).djvu | 1.39MB (Advances in Chemical Physics, vol.93) Prigogine I., Rice S.A. (eds.) - New Methods in Computational Quantum Mechanics-Interscience (1996).djvu | 5.14MB (American Philosophy Series) Michael Epperson - Quantum mechanics and the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead-Fordham University Press (2004).djvu | 1.09MB (Applied Mathematical Sciences 30) Jȩdrzej Śniatycki (auth.) - Geometric Quantization and Quantum Mechanics-Springer-Verlag New York (1980).djvu | 1.38MB (Astronomers' Universe) Gavin Bascom (auth.) - On the Inside of a Marble_ From Quantum Mechanics to the Big Bang-Springer International Publishing (2017).pdf | 1.45MB (Atlantis Studies in Mathematical Physics_ Theory and Applications 1) Gianfausto Dell'Antonio - Lectures on the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics I-Atlantis Press (2015).pdf | 4.57MB (Atlantis Studies in Mathematical Physics_ Theory and Applications 2) Gianfausto Dell'Antonio (auth.) - Lectures on the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics II_ Selected Topics-Atlantis Press (2016).pdf | 3.89MB (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science 184) Cushing, James T._ Fine, Arthur_ Goldstein, Sheldon (eds.) - Bohmian Mechanics and Quantum Theory_ An Appraisal-Springer (1996).djvu | 3.31MB (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, 340) Michael Janas, Michael E. Cuffaro, Michel Janssen - Understanding Quantum Raffles_ Quantum Mechanics on an Informational Approach_ Struct.pdf | 6.08MB (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 181) Evert Jan Post (auth.) - Quantum Reprogramming_ Ensembles and Single Systems_ A Two-Tier Approach to Quantum Mechanics-Springer Netherlands (1995).pdf | 9.18MB (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 184) James T. Cushing (auth.), James T. Cushing, Arthur Fine, Sheldon Goldstein (eds.) - Bohmian Mechanics and Quantum Theory_ An Appraisal-Springer Nether.pdf | 7.72MB (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 188) Michel Bitbol (auth.) - Schrödinger’s Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics-Springer Netherlands (1996).pdf | 11.40MB (CRC series in pure and applied physics) Vishnu S Mathur_ Surendra Singh - Concepts in quantum mechanics-CRC Press (2009).pdf | 7.36MB (Chapman & Hall_CRC monographs and surveys in pure and applied mathematics 116) Bijan Kumar Bagchi - Supersymmetry in Quantum and Classical Mechanics-Chapman & Hall (2001).pdf | 1.63MB (Chapman & Hall_CRC press monographs and research notes in mathematics) Corry, Scott - Symmetry and quantum mechanics-Chapman and Hall_CRC (2016).pdf | 2.91MB (Clarendon Paperbacks) Bas C. van Fraassen - Quantum mechanics_ an empiricist view-Oxford University Press, USA (1991).pdf | 4.01MB (Clarendon Paperbacks) Michael Redhead - Incompleteness, Nonlocality, and Realism_ A Prolegomenon to the Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics-Oxford University Press, USA (1989).djvu | 1.44MB (Classical and Quantum Mechanics) Volodimir Simulik - Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Field Theory of Arbitrary Spin-Nova Science Publishers (2020).pdf | 4.58MB (Classics in Mathematics) Siegfried Flügge - Practical Quantum Mechanics-Springer (1998).djvu | 4.60MB (Classroom Resource Materials) David A. B. Miller - Quantum Mechanics for Scientists and Engineers -Cambridge University Press (2008).pdf | 3.54MB (Complementary Science) Sy M. Blinder - Introduction to quantum mechanics-Academic Press (2004).djvu | 4.56MB (Contemporary Mathematics 160) Niky Kamran, Peter J. Olver (ed.) - Lie Algebras, Cohomology, and New Applications to Quantum Mechanics_ Ams Special Session on Lie Algebras, Cohomology, and New Applica.djvu | 3.37MB (Contemporary Mathematics 307) Weder R., Exner P. (eds.) - Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics-AMS (2002).djvu | 3.02MB (Contemporary Mathematics 447) Francois Germinet, Peter D. Hislop (ed.) - Adventures in Mathematical Physics_ International Conference in Honor of Jean-michel Combes on Transport and Spectral Problems.djvu | 2.40MB (Contemporary Mathematics 476) Carlos Villegas-Blas (ed.) - Fourth Summer School in Analysis and Mathematical Physics_ Topics in Spectral Theory and Quantum Mechanics-Amer Mathematical Society (2008).pdf | 958.12KB (Contemporary Mathematics 563) Primitivo B. Acosta-humanez, Federico Finkel, Niky Kamran, Peter J. Olver - Algebraic Aspects of Darboux Transformations, Quantum Integrable Systems and Supersymmetric Q.pdf | 2.90MB (Contemporary Whitehead Studies 2) Michael Epperson, Elias Zafiris - Foundations of Relational Realism-A topological approach to quantum mechanics and the philosophy of nature-Lexington Books (2013).pdf | 35.91MB (Courant Lecture Notes) Oliver Buhler - A Brief Introduction to Classical, Statistical, and Quantum Mechanics-American Mathematical Society (2006).pdf | 15.43MB (Course on Theoretical Physics, Vol 3) L. D. Landau, E. M. Lifshitz - Quantum mechanics_ non-relativistic theory. Volume 3-Pergamon Pr (1981).djvu | 7.29MB (Critical Realism_ Interventions) Christopher Norris - Quantum Theory and the Flight from Realism_ Philosophical Responses to Quantum Mechanics -Routledge (2000).pdf | 1.11MB (De Gruyter Studies in Mathematical Physics 45) Eugene Stefanovich - Elementary Particle Theory, Volume 1_ Quantum Mechanics-de Gruyter (2018).pdf | 4.88MB (Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 178) Prof. Dr. Siegfried Flügge (auth.) - Practical Quantum Mechanics II-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1971).pdf | 7.09MB (Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der Anwendungsgebiete 214) B. L. van der Waerden - Group theory and quantum mechanics-Springer.djvu | 1.28MB (Documents on Modern Physics) L. Schwartz - Application of distributions to the theory of elementary particles in quantum mechanics-Routledge (1969).djvu | 965.69KB (Dover Books On Physics) H. A. Kramers - Quantum Mechanics-Dover Publications (1964).djvu | 21.72MB (Dover Books on Chemistry) George C. Schatz, Mark A. Ratner - Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry-Dover Publications (2002).djvu | 4.04MB (Dover Books on Mathematics) John David Jackson - Mathematics for Quantum Mechanics_ An Introductory Survey of Operators, Eigenvalues, and Linear Vector Spaces -Dover Publications (2006).djvu | 768.71KB (Dover Books on Mathematics) Mackey G.W. - Mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics_ A lecture-note volume-W.A. Benjamin (1963).djvu | 1.27MB (Dover Books on Mathematics) Thomas F Jordan - Linear Operators for Quantum Mechanics-Dover Publications Inc. (2009).epub | 17.30MB (Dover Books on Physics) B. L. van der Waerden - Sources of Quantum Mechanics-Dover Publications (2007).djvu | 4.48MB (Dover Books on Physics) Shlomo Sternberg - A Mathematical Companion to Quantum Mechanics-Dover (2019).epub | 24.93MB (Dover Books on Physics) Volker Heine - Group theory in quantum mechanics_ an introduction to its present usage-Dover Publications (1960).djvu | 34.76MB (Dover Classics of Science & Mathematics) Paul H. E. Meijer, Edmond Bauer - Group theory_ the application to quantum mechanics-Dover Publications (2004).djvu | 25.80MB (Ems Tracts in Mathematics) Yuri Kondratiev, Yuri Kozitsky, and Michael Rockner Sergio Albeverio - The Statistical Mechanics of Quantum Lattice Systems_ A Path Integral Approach -European Mathematical.pdf | 3.20MB (Encyclopedia of mathematics and its application Section, Mathematics of physics 15) Enrico G. Beltrametti, Gianni Cassinelli - The logic of quantum mechanics-Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program (19.djvu | 2.13MB (Engineering Materials and Processes) Levente Vitos - Computational Quantum Mechanics for Materials Engineers_ The EMTO Method and Applications -Springer (2007).pdf | 2.72MB (Episteme 5) John Archibald Wheeler (auth.), José Leite Lopes, Michel Paty (eds.) - Quantum Mechanics, A Half Century Later_ Papers of a Colloquium on Fifty Years of Quantum Mechanics, Held at the Uni.pdf | 16.96MB (Essential Advanced Physics, 5) Konstantin K. Likharev - Quantum Mechanics_ Lecture Notes-IOP Publishing (2019).pdf | 18.42MB (Essential Advanced Physics, 6) Konstantin K Likharev - Quantum Mechanics_ Problems With Solutions-IOP Publishing (2019).pdf | 14.12MB (Essentials of Physics Series) Dennis Morris - Quantum Mechanics _ An Introduction-Mercury Learning and Information (2017).pdf | 1.30MB (European Studies in Philosophy of Science 10) Florian J. Boge - Quantum Mechanics Between Ontology and Epistemology-Springer International Publishing (2018).pdf | 5.28MB (Feynman Hughes Lectures, vol. 3) Richard Feynman, John T. Neer - Matter-Wave Interaction Continued, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Scattering Theory, Perturbation Theory, Methods & Problems in QE.pdf | 48.16MB (Field Guide) Brian P. Anderson - Field Guide to Quantum Mechanics-Society of Photo Optical (2019).pdf | 6.84MB (Frontiers collection) Avshalom C. Elitzur, Shahar Dolev, Nancy Kolenda - Quo vadis quantum mechanics_-Springer (2005).pdf | 2.85MB (Frontiers in Physics) Kadanoff L.P., Baym G. - Quantum statistical mechanics-W.A. Benjamin, Inc. New York 1962 (1962).djvu | 1.10MB (Frontiers in Physics_ Lecture Note & Reprint Series) A. B._ Krainov, V._ Leggett, Anthony J.(translator) Migdal - Approximation Methods in Quantum Mechanics -W. A. Benjamin, Inc (1969).djvu | 1.51MB (Frontiers in physics) Leo P Kadanoff_ Gordon Baym - Quantum statistical mechanics_ Green's function methods in equilibrium and nonequilibrium problems-New York, W.A. Benjamin (1962).pdf | 5.48MB (Fundamental Sciences_ Physics) Werner O. Amrein - Hilbert Space Methods in Quantum Mechanics-EFPL Press (2009).djvu | 10.25MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics 107) G. N. Afanasiev (auth.), G. N. Afanasiev (eds.) - Topological Effects in Quantum Mechanics-Springer Netherlands (1999).pdf | 12.94MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics 113) Benjamin Fain (auth.) - Irreversibilities in Quantum Mechanics-Springer Netherlands (2002).djvu | 1.44MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics 127) Willem M. de Muynck (auth.) - Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, an Empiricist Approach-Springer Netherlands (2004).djvu | 3.64MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics 180) Lawrence P. Horwitz (auth.) - Relativistic Quantum Mechanics-Springer Netherlands (2015).pdf | 2.59MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics 185) Gerard 't Hooft (auth.) - The Cellular Automaton Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics-Springer International Publishing (2016).pdf | 2.67MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics 205) Josef Janyška, Marco Modugno - An Introduction to Covariant Quantum Mechanics-Springer (2022).pdf | 11.93MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics 41) Walter T. Grandy Jr. (auth.) - Relativistic Quantum Mechanics of Leptons and Fields-Springer Netherlands (1991).pdf | 33.90MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics 71) L. Accardi (auth.), Claudio Garola, Arcangelo Rossi (eds.) - The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics — Historical Analysis and Open Questions_ Lecce, 1993-Springer Ne.pdf | 36.63MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics) Detlef Dürr, Stefan Teufel - Bohmian mechanics_ the physics and mathematics of quantum theory-Springer (2009).pdf | 6.19MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics) Edward Anderson - The Problem of Time_ Quantum Mechanics Versus General Relativity-Springer (2017).pdf | 14.86MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics) Mioara Mugur-Schächter, Alwyn van der Merwe - Quantum Mechanics, Mathematics, Cognition and Action_ Proposals for a Formalized Epistemology (Fundamental Theories of P.pdf | 7.01MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics) Shi-Hai Dong - Factorization Method in Quantum Mechanics (Fundamental Theories of Physics)-Springer (2007).pdf | 2.30MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics) V. Devanathan - Angular Momentum Techniques in Quantum Mechanics-Springer (2002).djvu | 1.57MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics) Volker Dietrich, Klaus Habetha, Gerhard Jank - Factorization method in quantum mechanics-Springer (1998).pdf | 1.52MB (Fundamental Theories of Physics, V. 18) M. Sachs - Quantum mechanics from general relativity-Reidel (1986).djvu | 2.91MB (Graduate Student Series in Physics) I.J.R. Aitchison, A.J.G. Hey - Gauge Theories in Particle Physics_ From Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to QED. Volume I-Taylor & Francis (2002).pdf | 4.34MB (Graduate Student Series in Physics) Masud Chaichian, Rolf Hagedorn - Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics_ From Angular Momentum to Supersymmetry (Graduate Student Series in Physics) -Taylor & Francis (1.pdf | 3.50MB (Graduate Studies in Mathematics 099) Teschl G. - Mathematical methods in quantum mechanics-AMS (2009).pdf | 1.55MB (Graduate Studies in Mathematics) Leon A. Takhtajan - Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians-American Mathematical Society (2008).pdf | 15.60MB (Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics) Kurt Gottfried, Tung-Mow Yan - Quantum mechanics_ fundamentals-Springer (2003).djvu | 5.68MB (Graduate Texts in Physics) Rainer Dick (auth.) - Advanced Quantum Mechanics_ Materials and Photons-Springer-Verlag New York (2012).pdf | 4.94MB (Graduate texts in contemporary physics) K.T. Hecht - Quantum Mechanics-Springer (2000).djvu | 6.28MB (Greiner, Walter__Theoretical Physics) Walter Greiner, Berndt Muller - Quantum mechanics_ Symmetries-Springer (1994).djvu | 6.43MB (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) Bartel L. van der Waerden - Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)-Springer (1974).djvu | 4.44MB (History and Philosophy of Science) Patrick Aidan Heelan, Babette Babich (ed.) - The Observable_ Heisenberg’s Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics-Peter Lang (2015).pdf | 3.37MB (Holden-Day series in physics) Saxon, David S - Elementary quantum mechanics-Holden-Day (1968).pdf | 55.84MB (IOP Expanding Physics) Eugene Oks - Analytical Advances in Quantum and Celestial Mechanics_ Separating Rapid and Slow Subsystems-IOP Publishing (2019).pdf | 8.78MB (IOP Expanding Physics) Phil Attard - Entropy Beyond the Second Law_ Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics for Equilibrium, Non-equilibrium, Classical, and Quantum Systems-IOP Publishing (2018).epub | 3.15MB (IOP Expanding Physics) Phil Attard - Quantum Statistical Mechanics_ Equilibrium and non-equilibrium theory from first principles-IOP Publishing (2016).pdf | 15.48MB (IOP SEries in Nuclear Spectroscopy and Nuclear Structure) Kris Heyde, John Wood - Quantum Mechanics for Nuclear Structure_ An intermediate level view. 2-IOP Publishing (2020).pdf | 13.20MB (In a nutshell) Gerald D. Mahan - Quantum Mechanics in a Nutshell-Princeton University Press (2009).pdf | 2.03MB (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics 1) Martin C. Gutzwiller (auth.) - Chaos in Classical and Quantum Mechanics-Springer-Verlag New York (1990).pdf | 16.43MB (Interdisciplinary Mathematics 6) Robert Hermann - Topics in the Mathematics of Quantum Mechanics-Math Science Press (1973).djvu | 1.29MB (International Pure & Applied Physics Series) L. I. Schiff - Quantum Mechanics (International Pure & Applied Physics Series)-McGraw-Hill Companies (1968).djvu | 6.82MB (International Series In Pure And Applied Physics) Edward U. Condon, Philip M. Morse - Quantum Mechanics-McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. (1929).pdf | 10.43MB (International Series In Pure And Applied Physics) Leonard I. Schiff - Quantum Mechanics-McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. (1955).pdf | 9.96MB (International Series in Natural Philosophy) F. Constantinescu_ E. Magyari - Problems in Quantum Mechanics. 30-Pergamon (1971).pdf | 13.57MB (International Series in Physics) Edward Uhler Condon, Philip M. Morse - Quantum Mechanics -McGraw-Hill (1929).djvu | 4.00MB (International Series in Physics) Edwin C. Kemble - The Fundamental Principles of Quantum Mechanics-McGraw-Hill (1937).djvu | 17.42MB (International series in pure and applied physics) James D. Bjorken, Sidney D. Drell - Relativistic quantum mechanics -McGraw-Hill (1964).djvu | 5.51MB (International series of monographs in natural philosophy 56) Erhard Scheibe - The logical analysis of quantum mechanics-Pergamon Press (1973).djvu | 2.52MB (International series of monographs on physics 88) Stephen L. Adler - Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields-Oxford University Press (1995).djvu | 4.57MB (International series of monographs on physics) P. A. M. Dirac - Principles of Quantum Mechanics, The-Oxford University Press (1978).djvu | 4.86MB (Investigations in Physics) A. R. Edmonds - Angular momentum in quantum mechanics-Princeton University Press (1996).djvu | 2.78MB (J.Bennett) Gennaro Auletta, Giorgio Parisi - Foundations and Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics-World Scientific Pub Co Inc (2000).djvu | 8.15MB (Jones and Bartlett Series in Physics and Astronomy) George Greenstein, Arthur G. Zajonc - The quantum challenge_ modern research on the foundations of quantum mechanics-Jones & Bartlett Publishers (1.pdf | 12.38MB (LN arxiv.1110.5013v5) Coleman S. - Physics 253a_ Relativistic quantum mechanics (2013).pdf | 2.26MB (LNP0029) Hartkamper A., Neumann H. (eds.) - Foundations of quantum mechanics and ordered linear spaces-Springer (1974).djvu | 2.08MB (LNP0032) M. Alexanian, A. Zepeda - Particles, Quantum Fields and Statistical Mechanics-Springer (1975).djvu | 655.66KB (LNP0078) A. Böhm, A. Böhm, J.D. Dollard - The Rigged Hilbert Space and Quantum Mechanics-Springer (1978).djvu | 285.50KB (LNP0140) P. Kramer, M. Saraceno - Geometry of the Time-Dependent Variational Principle in Quantum Mechanics-Springer (1981).djvu | 368.58KB (LNP0159) E. Seiler - Gauge Theories as a Problem of Constructive Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics-Springer (1982).djvu | 857.16KB (Lecture Notes & Supplements in Physics Ser.) Gordon Baym - Lectures on Quantum Mechanics-Westview Press (1974).djvu | 4.74MB (Lecture Notes in Chemistry 24) Hans Primas (auth.) - Chemistry, Quantum Mechanics and Reductionism_ Perspectives in Theoretical Chemistry-Springer Berlin Heidelberg (1981).pdf | 15.90MB (Lecture Notes in Chemistry 53) G. A. Arteca, F. M. Fernández, E. A. Castro (auth.) - Large Order Perturbation Theory and Summation Methods in Quantum Mechanics-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1990.pdf | 12.25MB (Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 121) G. Leitmann (auth.), Austin Blaquiére (eds.) - Modeling and Control of Systems_ in Engineering, Quantum Mechanics, Economics and Biosciences Pro.pdf | 7.72MB (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1148) Mark A. Kon (auth.) - Probability Distributions in Quantum Statistical Mechanics-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1985).djvu | 752.49KB (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1589) Graffi S. (Ed) - Transition to Chaos in Classical and Quantum Mechanics_ Lectures Given at the 3rd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.).djvu | 1.64MB (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) D. J. Simms - Lie groups and quantum mechanics-Springer (1968).djvu | 553.65KB (Lecture Notes in Physics 159) Erhard Seiler (auth.) - Gauge Theories as a Problem of Constructive Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics-Springer Berlin Heidelberg (1982).pdf | 2.39MB (Lecture Notes in Physics 29) A. Hartkämper, H. Neumann (eds.) - Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Ordered Linear Spaces_ Advanced Study Institute Marburg 1973-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (19.pdf | 13.77MB (Lecture Notes in Physics 32) Richard Blankenbecler (auth.), Prof. Dr M. Alexanian, Prof. Dr A. Zepeda (eds.) - Particles, Quantum Fields and Statistical Mechanics_ Proceedings of the 1973 Summer Inst.djvu | 824.71KB (Lecture Notes in Physics 477) N. W. Ashcroft (auth.), Zygmunt Petru, Jerzy Przystawa, Krzysztof Rapcewicz (eds.) - From Quantum Mechanics to Technology_ Proceedings of the XXXIInd Winter School of Th.pdf | 5.22MB (Lecture Notes in Physics 654) Gianni Cassinelli, Ernesto De Vito, Pekka J. Lahti, Alberto Levrero (auth.) - The Theory of Symmetry Actions in Quantum Mechanics_ with an Application to the Galilei Gro.pdf | 1.54MB (Lecture Notes in Physics 734) J. Gonzalo Muga, Rafael Sala Mayato, Iñigo L. Egusquiza (auth.), J.G. Muga, R. Sala Mayato, Í.L. Egusquiza (eds.) - Time in Quantum Mechanics-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heid.djvu | 2.40MB (Lecture Notes in Physics 789) José M. Sánchez-Ron (auth.), Gonzalo Muga, Andreas Ruschhaupt, Adolfo Campo (eds.) - Time in Quantum Mechanics - Vol. 2-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2009).pdf | 8.41MB (Lecture Notes in Physics 893) Francois David (auth.) - The Formalisms of Quantum Mechanics_ An Introduction-Springer International Publishing (2015).pdf | 1.25MB (Lecture Notes in Physics 9) Derek W. Robinson (eds.) - The Thermodynamic Pressure in Quantum Statistical Mechanics-Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (1971).djvu | 1.08MB (Lecture Notes in Physics Vol 40) Y. S. Kim, Marilyn E. Noz - Phase Space Picture of Quantum Mechanics_ Group Theoretical Approach-World Scientific (1991).pdf | 10.07MB (Lecture notes and supplements in physics 16) Werner O. Amrein, etc. - Scattering theory in quantum mechanics_ physical principles and mathematical methods-W. A. Benjamin, Advanced Book Program (1977).djvu | 4.97MB (Lecture notes and supplements in physics _ 16) Werner O. Amrein, etc. - Scattering Theory in Quantum Mechanics-Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Co.,Subs. of Addison Wesley Longman,US (1977).djvu | 9.44MB (Lecture notes in mathematics (Springer-Verlag), 1148) Mark A Kon - Probability distributions in quantum statistical mechanics-Springer-Verlag (1985).pdf | 4.61MB (Lecture notes in physics 654) Gianni Cassinelli, Ernesto De Vito, Pekka J. Lahti, Alberto Levrero (auth.) - The theory of symmetry actions in quantum mechanics_ with an application to the Galilei gro.djvu | 489.24KB (Lecture notes in physics 690) Joachim Asch, Alain Joye (auth.), Joachim Asch, Alain Joye (eds.) - Mathematical physics of quantum mechanics_ selected and refereed lectures from QMath9-Springer-Verlag.djvu | 2.26MB (Lecture notes in physics LNP 477) Zygmunt Petru, Jerzy Przystawa, Krzysztof Rapcewicz - From quantum mechanics to technology_ proceedings of the XXXIInd Winter School of Theoretical Physics, held in .djvu | 2.48MB (Lecture notes in physics m72) J.G. Muga, R. Sala Mayato, I.L. Egusquiza - Time in Quantum Mechanics-Springer (2002).djvu | 2.82MB (Lecture notes in physics, 32) M Alexanian_ Arnulfo Zepeda - Particles, quantum fields and statistical mechanics _ Proceedings of the 1973 Summer Institute in Theoretical Physics held at the Centro de.djvu | 824.79KB (Lecture notes in physics, New series Monographs 72) Muga J.G., Mayato R.S., Egusquiza I.L. - Time in quantum mechanics-Springer (2002).djvu | 2.88MB (Lecture notes in physics., New series m,, Monographs _, m14) Alberto Lerda - Anyons _ quantum mechanics of particles with fractional statistics-Springer-Verlag (1992).djvu | 975.64KB (Lie Groups _ V. 10) Norman Hurt, Robert Hermann - Quantum statistical mechanics and Lie group harmonic analysis-Math Science Pr (1980).pdf | 69.49MB (Mainly 1924-1926) K. Stolzenburg - Collected works. - The emergence of quantum mechanics (mainly 1924-1926). Vol. 05.-North Holland (1984).djvu | 4.08MB (Manchester Physics Series) A. C. Phillips - Introduction to quantum mechanics-Wiley (2003).djvu | 1.43MB (Mathematical Physics Studies 12) L. Boutet de Monvel (auth.), Anne Boutet de Monvel, Petre Dita, Gheorghe Nenciu, Radu Purice (eds.) - Recent Developments in Quantum Mechanics_ Proceedings of the Bra.pdf | 9.82MB (Mathematical Physics Studies 17) D. Ya. Petrina (auth.) - Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Statistical Mechanics_ Continuous Systems-Springer Netherlands (1995).pdf | 15.26MB (Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics 1) D. Bohm (auth.), M. Flato, Z. Maric, A. Milojevic, D. Sternheimer, J. P. Vigier (eds.) - Quantum Mechanics, Determinism, Causality, and Particles_ An I.pdf | 8.50MB (Mathematicians of our time., 10) Norbert Wiener_ Pesi Rustom Masani - Collected works with commentaries. Vol.3. The Hopf-Wiener integral equation, prediction and filtering, quantum mechanics and rela.djvu | 9.82MB (Mathematics Across the Curriculum) Dorothy Wallace, Joseph J. Belbruno - The Bell That Rings Light_ A Primer in Quantum Mechanics and Chemical Bonding, Vol. 1-World Scientific Publishing Company (200.pdf | 11.88MB (Mathematics and Its Applications 451) Steeb, W.-H - Hilbert spaces, wavelets, generalised functions and modern quantum mechanics-Springer Netherlands _ Imprint_ Springer_ Kluwer Academic (1998).djvu | 1.30MB (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 399) Hislop P.D., Sigal I.M. - Semiclassical theory of shape resonances in quantum mechanics-American Mathematical Society (1989).djvu | 960.82KB (Monograph Series on Nonlinear Science and Complexity 7) Vasily E. Tarasov (Eds.) - Quantum Mechanics of Non-Hamiltonian and Dissipative Systems-Elsevier Science (2008).pdf | 2.32MB (Monographs in Natural Philosophy) A.S._ D. Ter Haar, Trans. Davydov - Quantum mechanics-Pergamon Press (1965).djvu | 6.85MB (Monographs in Natural Philosophy) F. Constantinescu, E. Magyari - Problems in Quantum Mechanics -Pergamon Pr (1971).djvu | 2.94MB (Multidisciplinary and Applied Optics) Ramaswamy Jagannathan_ Sameen Ahmed Khan - Quantum Mechanics of Charged Particle Beam Optics_ Understanding Devices from Electron Microscopes to Particle Acceler.pdf | 4.43MB (NATO ASI Series 226) Arthur I. Miller (auth.), Arthur I. Miller (eds.) - Sixty-Two Years of Uncertainty_ Historical, Philosophical, and Physical Inquiries into the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics-Sp.pdf | 14.74MB (NATO ASI Series 230) Samuel A. Werner, Helmut Kaiser (auth.), Jürgen Audretsch, Venzo de Sabbata (eds.) - Quantum Mechanics in Curved Space-Time-Springer US (1990).pdf | 22.23MB (NATO ASI Series 235) G. Zumofen, A. Blumen, J. Klafter (auth.), A. Amann, L. S. Cederbaum, W. Gans (eds.) - Fractals, Quasicrystals, Chaos, Knots and Algebraic Quantum Mechanics-Springer Netherlands .pdf | 13.82MB (Nato Advanced Study Institutes Series 26) James Glimm, Arthur Jaffe (auth.), Maurice Lévy, Pronob Mitter (eds.) - New Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics Cargèse 1976-Sprin (1).pdf | 29.11MB (New Directions in the Philosophy of Science) Tomasz Bigaj - Identity and Indiscernibility in Quantum Mechanics-Palgrave Macmillan (2022).pdf | 5.11MB (No-Nonsense Books) Jakob Schwichtenberg - No-Nonsense Quantum Mechanics_ A Student-Friendly Introduction, Second Edition-No-Nonsense Books (2018).pdf | 2.82MB (North Holland in probability and applied mathematics) Stanley P. Gudder - Stochastic methods in quantum mechanics-Elsevier Science Ltd (1979).djvu | 1.94MB (Notas de matematica 120 North-Holland mathematics studies 147) Palle E.T. Jorgensen (Eds.) - Operators and representation theory_ canonical models for algebras of operators arising in quantum mechani.djvu | 1.72MB (Operator Theory Advances and Applications 108) J. E. Avron, A. Elgart (auth.), Jaroslav Dittrich, Pavel Exner, Miloš Tater (eds.) - Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics_ QMath7 Conference, Pragu.pdf | 10.06MB (Operator Theory_ Advances and Applications 70) M. Sh. Birman (auth.), M. Demuth, P. Exner, H. Neidhardt, V. Zagrebnov (eds.) - Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics_ International Conference in B.pdf | 6.64MB (Oxford Graduate Texts) Efstratios Manousakis - Practical Quantum Mechanics_ Modern Tools and Applications-Oxford University Press (2016).pdf | 3.58MB (Oxford Graduate Texts) Jean Zinn-Justin - Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics-Oxford University Press, USA (2005).pdf | 17.22MB (Oxford Graduate Texts) Oliver Johns - Analytical Mechanics for Relativity and Quantum Mechanics-Oxford University Press (2005).pdf | 2.93MB (Oxford Philosophical Monographs) Christopher G. 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