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Name Phon - Lab Leak Vol. II

File Type music

Size 853.11MB

UpdateDate 2024-11-22

hash *****C5E11105F3ABCC87FF9BA8082B02C1624E

Hot 9

Files Documents/'LAB LEAK VOL. II' - LICENSE AGREEMENT.pdf | 76.11KB Documents/Samples by Phon - FAQ.pdf | 51.78KB Drum Loops/102 Bpm_Soccer_Drum Loop.wav | 2.59MB Drum Loops/102 Bpm_Soccer_Mix 2_Drum Loop.wav | 2.59MB Drum Loops/106 Bpm_Calm it Down_Drum Loop.wav | 2.49MB Drum Loops/106 Bpm_Slow it Down_Drum Loop.wav | 2.49MB Drum Loops/123 Bpm_Bandit_ALT_Drum Loop.wav | 924.71KB Drum Loops/123 Bpm_Bandit_Drum Loop.wav | 1.81MB Drum Loops/123 Bpm_Bandit_Drum Loop_No Snare.wav | 1.81MB Drum Loops/124 Bpm_Assusin_Drum Loop.wav | 4.25MB Drum Loops/124 Bpm_Assusin_Mix 2_Drum Loop.wav | 4.25MB Drum Loops/128 Bpm_INSPECTOR_Drum Loop.wav | 4.12MB Drum Loops/128 Bpm_INSPECTOR_Drum Loop_Lofi.wav | 2.06MB Drum Loops/128 Bpm_INSPECTOR_Drum Loop_No Perc.wav | 2.06MB Drum Loops/128 Bpm_INSPECTOR_Drum Loop_No Snare.wav | 2.06MB Drum Loops/128 Bpm_VINTAGE PLAYER_Drum Loop.wav | 2.06MB Drum Loops/128 Bpm_VINTAGE PLAYER_Drum Loop_No Kick.wav | 2.06MB Drum Loops/128 Bpm_VINTAGE PLAYER_Drum Loop_No Snare.wav | 2.06MB Drum Loops/170 Bpm_Junk_Crush_Drum Loop.wav | 3.10MB Drum Loops/170 Bpm_Junk_Drum Loop.wav | 3.10MB Drum Loops/187 Bpm_Crooked_Drum Loop.wav | 1.41MB Drum Loops/70 Bpm_Builder_Drum Loop Minimal.wav | 3.77MB Drum Loops/70 Bpm_Builder_Drum Loop no perc.wav | 3.77MB Drum Loops/70 Bpm_Builder_Drum Loop.wav | 3.77MB Drum Loops/70 Bpm_Synchronize_Drum Fills.wav | 3.77MB Drum Loops/70 Bpm_Synchronize_Drum Loop no Perc Dry.wav | 3.77MB Drum Loops/70 Bpm_Synchronize_Drum Loop no Perc.wav | 3.77MB Drum Loops/70 Bpm_Synchronize_Drum Loop no Snare.wav | 3.77MB Drum Loops/70 Bpm_Synchronize_Drum Loop.wav | 3.77MB Drum Loops/74 Bpm_Fever_Drum Loop Mix 2.wav | 3.56MB Drum Loops/74 Bpm_Fever_Drum Loop.wav | 3.56MB Drum Loops/74 Bpm_Fever_Kick and Perc.wav | 1.78MB Drum Loops/74 Bpm_Maria_Drum Loop 1.wav | 3.56MB Drum Loops/74 Bpm_Maria_Drum Loop 2 no Perc alt hat.wav | 456.13KB Drum Loops/74 Bpm_Maria_Drum Loop 2 no Perc.wav | 3.56MB Drum Loops/74 Bpm_Maria_Drum Loop 2.wav | 3.56MB Drum Loops/77 Bpm_CAPES_Drum Loop_Lofi.wav | 6.85MB Drum Loops/77 Bpm_CAPES_Drum Loop_Minimal.wav | 3.42MB Drum Loops/77 Bpm_CAPES_Drum Loop_No Hat.wav | 3.42MB Drum Loops/77 Bpm_CAPES_Drum Loop_No Perc_Lofi.wav | 3.42MB Drum Loops/80 Bpm_UNCHAINED_Drum Loop.wav | 3.30MB Drum Loops/80 Bpm_UNCHAINED_Drum Loop_Add Kick.wav | 3.28MB Drum Loops/80 Bpm_UNCHAINED_Drum Loop_Lofi_Basic.wav | 3.28MB Drum Loops/80 Bpm_UNCHAINED_Drum Loop_Lofi_No Backbeat.wav | 3.28MB Drum Loops/81 Bpm_Eyeball_Drum Loop.wav | 6.51MB Drum Loops/81 Bpm_Eyeball_Drum Loop_Lofi.wav | 6.51MB Drum Loops/82 Bpm_Cryptone_Drum Loop Lofi.wav | 6.43MB Drum Loops/82 Bpm_Cryptone_Drum Loop.wav | 6.43MB Drum Loops/82 Bpm_Cryptone_Drum Loop_No Cymbal.wav | 3.22MB Drum Loops/82 Bpm_Cryptone_Lofi_Drum Loop_No Cymbal.wav | 3.22MB Drum Loops/82 Bpm_Darth_Drum Loop.wav | 3.22MB Drum Loops/87 Bpm_Menthol_Drum Loop Open no perc.wav | 3.03MB Drum Loops/87 Bpm_Menthol_Drum Loop Open no Snr.wav | 3.03MB Drum Loops/87 Bpm_Menthol_Drum Loop_Lofi.wav | 6.06MB Drum Loops/89 Bpm_Toxic_Drum Loop Clean.wav | 2.96MB Drum Loops/89 Bpm_Toxic_Drum Loop.wav | 2.96MB Drum Loops/90 Bpm_JOJO_Drum Loop.wav | 2.93MB Drum Loops/90 Bpm_JOJO_Drum Loop_Lofi.wav | 2.93MB Drum Loops/90 Bpm_Substance_Drum Loop.wav | 2.93MB Drum Loops/90 Bpm_Substance_Mix 2_Drum Loop.wav | 2.93MB Drum Loops/98 Bpm_Jung_Drum Loop.wav | 2.69MB Drum Loops/98 Bpm_Jung_Hi_Drum Loop.wav | 2.69MB Drum Loops/99 Bpm_Good Luck_Drum Loop.wav | 2.66MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Assusin_Mix 2_Hat Open.wav | 544.40KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Bandit_Hat.wav | 693.54KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Builder_Hat Open Fast.wav | 180.85KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Builder_Hat Open Slow.wav | 241.12KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Builder_Hat.wav | 120.58KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Builder_Kick n Hat .wav | 241.12KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Calm it Down_Hat Open.wav | 83.87KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Calm it Down_Hat.wav | 83.87KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Calm it Down_Rev Hat.wav | 83.87KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/CAPES_Hat 2 Delay.wav | 876.67KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/CAPES_Hat 2 Delay_Lofi.wav | 876.67KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/CAPES_Hat 3 Delay.wav | 876.67KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/CAPES_Hat 3 Delay_Lofi.wav | 876.67KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/CAPES_Hat Shut.wav | 219.20KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/CAPES_Hat Shut_Lofi.wav | 438.36KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/CAPES_Hat.wav | 137.02KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/CAPES_Hat_Lofi.wav | 438.36KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Cryptone_Hat Shut.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Cryptone_Lofi_Hat Shut.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Darth_Hat 1.wav | 411.63KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Darth_Hat 2.wav | 411.63KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Darth_Hat Shut 1.wav | 411.63KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Darth_Hat Shut 2.wav | 411.63KB Drum n Percussion One 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Shots/Hats/JOJO_Lofi_Hat Open Short.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Jung_Hi_Hat Open.wav | 86.14KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Jung_Hi_Kick n Hat.wav | 86.14KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Jung_Kick n Hat.wav | 172.24KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Junk_Crush_Hat.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Junk_Crush_Rev Hat.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Junk_Hat.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Junk_Rev Hat.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Maria_Hat Shut.wav | 167.25KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Maria_Hat.wav | 113.37KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Menthol_Hat 1.wav | 194.01KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Menthol_Hat 2.wav | 194.01KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Menthol_Hat Open 1.wav | 387.97KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Menthol_Hat Open 2.wav | 194.01KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Menthol_Kick n Hat Shut 2.wav | 387.97KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Hats/Slow it Down_Hat 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Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Cryptone_Kick.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Cryptone_Lofi_Kick.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Cryptone_Ring_Kick Long.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Darth_Kick 1.wav | 411.63KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Darth_Kick 2.wav | 411.63KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Eyeball_Kick.wav | 208.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Eyeball_Lofi_Kick.wav | 833.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Fever_Kick 2.wav | 228.08KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Fever_Kick.wav | 228.08KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Good Luck_Kick 2.wav | 92.18KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Good Luck_Kick.wav | 92.18KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/INSPECTOR_Kick.wav | 131.88KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/JOJO_Kick.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/JOJO_Lofi_Kick.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Jung_Hi_Kick.wav | 43.09KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Jung_Hi_Rev Kick.wav | 86.14KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Jung_Kick.wav | 172.24KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Jung_Rev Kick.wav | 172.24KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Junk_Crush_Kick.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Junk_Crush_Rev Kick.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Junk_Crush_Tiny Kick.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Junk_Kick.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Junk_Rev Kick.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Maria_Kick.wav | 167.25KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Menthol_Kick 1.wav | 387.97KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Menthol_Kick 2.wav | 387.97KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Slow it Down_Kick.wav | 83.87KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Soccer_Kick 2.wav | 661.81KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Soccer_Kick.wav | 661.81KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Soccer_Mix 2_Kick 2.wav | 661.81KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Soccer_Mix 2_Kick.wav | 661.81KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Soccer_Mix 2_Rev Kick.wav | 661.81KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Soccer_Rev Kick.wav | 661.81KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Substance_Kick 2.wav | 93.79KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Substance_Kick.wav | 93.79KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Substance_Mix 2_Kick 2.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Substance_Mix 2_Kick.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Substance_Mix 2_Rev Kick.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Substance_Rev Kick.wav | 93.79KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Synchronize_Kick Dry.wav | 361.65KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Synchronize_Kick Spring.wav | 361.65KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Toxic_Kick Dirt.wav | 94.85KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/Toxic_Kick.wav | 94.85KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/UNCHAINED_Kick.wav | 316.45KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/UNCHAINED_Lofi_Kick.wav | 316.45KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/VINTAGE PLAYER_Kicks.wav | 197.80KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Kicks/VINTAGE PLAYER_Kicks_Hifi.wav | 197.80KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Assusin_Click.wav | 680.49KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Assusin_Mix 2_Click 2.wav | 544.40KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Assusin_Rev Noise.wav | 680.49KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Assusin_Rustle.wav | 680.49KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Builder_Clap.wav | 150.72KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/CAPES_Clap.wav | 109.63KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/CAPES_Clap_Lofi.wav | 876.67KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/CAPES_Clave.wav | 1.71MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/CAPES_Noise Shaker.wav | 876.67KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/CAPES_SideStick.wav | 219.20KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/CAPES_SideStick_Lofi.wav | 657.51KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/CAPES_Vibraslap.wav | 1.71MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Cryptone_Cymbal.wav | 617.42KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Cryptone_Drum Hit.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Cryptone_Lofi_Cymbal.wav | 617.42KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Cryptone_Lofi_Tom.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Cryptone_Tom.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Clave.wav | 625.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Click 2.wav | 208.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Cymbal.wav | 1.02MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Lofi_Clave.wav | 833.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Lofi_Click 2.wav | 833.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Lofi_Cymbal.wav | 833.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Lofi_Snap.wav | 833.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Lofi_Tom 2.wav | 833.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Lofi_Tom.wav | 833.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Snap.wav | 208.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Tom 1.wav | 208.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Eyeball_Tom 2.wav | 208.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Fever_Clap.wav | 456.13KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Fever_Clav.wav | 1.00MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Fever_Shaker.wav | 114.07KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/INSPECTOR_Clap.wav | 197.80KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/INSPECTOR_Retro_Clap.wav | 1.03MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/INSPECTOR_Shake.wav | 197.80KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/JOJO_Creepy Christmas.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/JOJO_Distorted Clap.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/JOJO_Lofi_Clap Rev.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/JOJO_Lofi_Sword Rev.wav | 937.54KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/JOJO_Lofi_Tiny Cymbal.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/JOJO_Reverse.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/JOJO_Ride.wav | 2.20MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/JOJO_Sword Rev.wav | 937.54KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/JOJO_Tiny Cymbal.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Jung_Hi_Tom 1.wav | 43.09KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Jung_Hi_Tom 2.wav | 86.14KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Jung_Tom 1.wav | 172.24KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Jung_Tom 2.wav | 172.24KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Menthol_Click 1.wav | 193.08KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Menthol_Click 2.wav | 174.69KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Synchronize_Clap.wav | 241.12KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Synchronize_Click 1.wav | 482.19KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Synchronize_Click 2.wav | 482.19KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Synchronize_Tom 1.wav | 482.19KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Synchronize_Tom 2.wav | 482.19KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Synchronize_Tom 3.wav | 482.19KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/Synchronize_Tom 4.wav | 482.19KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Clap.wav | 316.45KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Cymbal.wav | 1.24MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Lofi_Click Spin.wav | 1.24MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Lofi_Cymbal.wav | 1.24MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Lofi_Nintendo.wav | 316.45KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Lofi_Shaker.wav | 316.45KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Lofi_Tambourine.wav | 316.45KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Lofi_Tom 1.wav | 1.24MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Lofi_Tom 2.wav | 1.24MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Shaker.wav | 316.45KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Tom 1.wav | 1.24MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/UNCHAINED_Tom 2.wav | 1.24MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Percussion/VINTAGE PLAYER_Drum Hit.wav | 197.80KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Assusin_Snare.wav | 680.49KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Bandit_ALT_Snare.wav | 693.54KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Bandit_Snare.wav | 693.54KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Builder_Snare.wav | 241.12KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/CAPES_Snare Double.wav | 137.02KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/CAPES_Snare Double_LofiCAPES.wav | 657.51KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Cryptone_Lofi_Snare Low.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Cryptone_Lofi_Snare.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Cryptone_Snare Low.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Cryptone_Snare.wav | 205.84KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Darth_Snare 1.wav | 411.63KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Darth_Snare 2.wav | 411.63KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Eyeball_Lofi_Snare.wav | 833.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Eyeball_Snare.wav | 208.38KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Fever_Snare 2.wav | 228.08KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Fever_Snare.wav | 228.08KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Good Luck_Snare 2.wav | 92.18KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Good Luck_Snare.wav | 92.18KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/INSPECTOR_Retro_Snare.wav | 1.03MB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/INSPECTOR_Snare 2.wav | 197.80KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/INSPECTOR_Snare.wav | 197.80KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/JOJO_Lofi_Snare.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/JOJO_Snare.wav | 375.04KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Jung_Hi_Snare.wav | 86.14KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Jung_Snare.wav | 172.24KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Junk_Crush_Rev Snare.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Junk_Crush_Snare.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One Shots/Snares/Junk_Rev Snare.wav | 148.94KB Drum n Percussion One 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PLAYER_Ostinato.wav | 2.06MB Music Chops/128 Bpm_Cm_INSPECTOR_Bass Line.wav | 4.12MB Music Chops/128 Bpm_Cm_INSPECTOR_Dark Piano.wav | 4.12MB Music Chops/128 Bpm_Cm_INSPECTOR_Music Chop 1.wav | 4.12MB Music Chops/128 Bpm_Cm_INSPECTOR_Music Chop 2.wav | 4.12MB Music Chops/128 Bpm_Cm_INSPECTOR_Sub.wav | 4.12MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Bbm_Builder_Bass Chop.wav | 7.53MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Bbm_Builder_Clav Hits.wav | 3.77MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Bbm_Builder_Music Chop.wav | 7.53MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Bbm_Builder_Synth Sliders.wav | 7.53MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Bbm_Builder_Trumpets.wav | 7.53MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Cm_Synchronize_Bass.wav | 3.77MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Cm_Synchronize_Horns Chop.wav | 3.77MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Cm_Synchronize_Synth Pad.wav | 3.77MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Gm_Music Chop.wav | 7.53MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Gm_Synchronize_Bass.wav | 3.77MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Gm_Synchronize_Horns Chop 2.wav | 3.77MB Music Chops/70 Bpm_Gm_Synchronize_Synth Pad.wav | 3.77MB Music Chops/74 Bpm_Bbm_Maria_Angry Brass.wav | 1.78MB Music Chops/74 Bpm_Bbm_Maria_Music Chop Just the Highs.wav | 3.56MB Music Chops/74 Bpm_Bbm_Maria_Music Chop.wav | 3.56MB Music Chops/74 Bpm_Bbm_Maria_Pluck Hook.wav | 3.56MB Music Chops/74 Bpm_Bbm_Maria_Synth Bass.wav | 1.78MB Music Chops/74 Bpm_Bbm_Maria_Vintage Wurli.wav | 3.56MB Music Chops/74 Bpm_Dm_Fever_Belll Keys.wav | 3.56MB Music Chops/74 Bpm_Dm_Fever_Distorted Horns and Voices.wav | 3.56MB Music Chops/74 Bpm_Dm_Fever_Melody Horns and Voices.wav | 7.13MB Music Chops/74 Bpm_Dm_Fever_Moog.wav | 3.56MB Music Chops/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES_DC Chords.wav | 3.42MB Music Chops/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES_Eerie Synth.wav | 3.42MB Music Chops/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES_Hi Brassy Hits.wav | 2.35MB Music Chops/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES_Music Chop.wav | 6.85MB Music Chops/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES_Plucks n Synths.wav | 3.42MB Music Chops/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES_Space Wurli.wav | 3.42MB Music Chops/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES_Synth Bass.wav | 1.71MB Music Chops/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_B&W Piano.wav | 3.30MB Music Chops/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_Bass Synth.wav | 3.30MB Music Chops/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_Chord Hits.wav | 3.30MB Music Chops/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_Horns.wav | 3.30MB Music Chops/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_Main Line.wav | 3.30MB Music Chops/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_Music Chop.wav | 3.30MB Music Chops/81 Bpm_Cm_Eyeball_B&W Glock.wav | 6.51MB Music Chops/81 Bpm_Cm_Eyeball_B&W Piano Low.wav | 6.51MB Music Chops/81 Bpm_Cm_Eyeball_Bass Line.wav | 6.51MB Music Chops/81 Bpm_Cm_Eyeball_Horns.wav | 6.51MB Music Chops/81 Bpm_Cm_Eyeball_Moog.wav | 6.51MB Music Chops/81 Bpm_Cm_Eyeball_Music Chop.wav | 6.51MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone_B&W Bass Piano.wav | 6.43MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone_B&W Glock.wav | 3.22MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone_B&W Piano Hits.wav | 6.43MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone_Bass Horns.wav | 6.43MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone_Bass Line.wav | 6.43MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone_Melody.wav | 3.22MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone_Music Chop.wav | 6.43MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone_Shriek Horns.wav | 3.22MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone_Synth Horns Melody.wav | 3.22MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone_Woobly Bones.wav | 3.22MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Fm_Darth_Chop.wav | 6.43MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Fm_Darth_Hi Piano Loop.wav | 3.22MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Fm_Darth_Low Piano.wav | 3.22MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Fm_Darth_Synth bass.wav | 6.43MB Music Chops/82 Bpm_Fm_Latin Darth_Horn Line .wav | 4.02MB Music Chops/87 Bpm_Bbm_Menthol_Bass n Melody.wav | 10.61MB Music Chops/87 Bpm_Bbm_Menthol_Keys Ostinato.wav | 3.03MB Music Chops/87 Bpm_Bbm_Menthol_Music Chop.wav | 13.64MB Music Chops/89 Bpm_Abm_Toxic_Bass.wav | 2.96MB Music Chops/89 Bpm_Abm_Toxic_Horn Chop.wav | 2.96MB Music Chops/89 Bpm_Abm_Toxic_Music Chop.wav | 2.96MB Music Chops/89 Bpm_Abm_Toxic_Plucks.wav | 2.96MB Music Chops/90 Bpm_Bbm_JOJO_Detective Synth.wav | 2.93MB Music Chops/90 Bpm_Bbm_JOJO_Music Chop.wav | 5.86MB Percussion Loops/128 Bpm_VINTAGE PLAYER_Hat Loop.wav | 2.06MB Percussion Loops/70 Bpm_Builder_Perc Loop.wav | 3.77MB Percussion Loops/70 Bpm_Synchronize_Hat Loop.wav | 1.88MB Percussion Loops/70 Bpm_Synchronize_Perc Loop.wav | 3.77MB Percussion Loops/77 Bpm_CAPES_Claps_Lofi.wav | 1.71MB Percussion Loops/77 Bpm_CAPES_Perc Loop.wav | 3.42MB Percussion Loops/77 Bpm_CAPES_Perc Loop_Lofi.wav | 3.42MB Percussion Loops/80 Bpm_UNCHAINED_Perc Loop.wav | 3.30MB Percussion Loops/81 Bpm_Eyeball_Percussion.wav | 3.26MB Percussion Loops/81 Bpm_Eyeball_Tambourine_Lofi.wav | 1.63MB Percussion Loops/87 Bpm_Menthol_Perc Loop Open no Snare.wav | 3.03MB Percussion Loops/87 Bpm_Menthol_Perc Loop.wav | 3.03MB Percussion Loops/90 Bpm_JOJO_Creepy Christmas Bells.wav | 750.04KB Percussion Loops/90 Bpm_JOJO_Creepy Christmas Bells_Lofi.wav | 750.04KB Percussion Loops/90 Bpm_JOJO_Fd Ride.wav | 2.93MB Percussion Loops/90 Bpm_JOJO_Perc Loop.wav | 2.93MB Percussion Loops/90 Bpm_JOJO_Perc Loop_Lofi.wav | 2.93MB Percussion Loops/90 Bpm_JOJO_Tiny Cymbals.wav | 2.93MB Percussion Loops/90 Bpm_JOJO_Tiny Cymbals_Lofi.wav | 2.93MB Samplers/128 Bpm_Am_VINTAGE PLAYER.wav | 4.12MB Samplers/128 Bpm_Cm_INSPECTOR.wav | 8.24MB Samplers/70 Bpm_Cm_Synchronize.wav | 7.53MB Samplers/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES.wav | 6.85MB Samplers/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED.wav | 3.30MB Samplers/81 Bpm_Cm_Eyeball.wav | 6.51MB Samplers/82 Bpm_Cm_Cryptone.wav | 6.43MB Samplers/82 Bpm_Fm_Darth.wav | 6.43MB Samplers/89 Bpm_Abm_Toxic.wav | 2.96MB Samplers/90 Bpm_Bbm_JOJO.wav | 5.86MB SFX One Shots/128 Bpm_Cm_INSPECTOR_ Bouncy Synth.wav | 4.12MB SFX One Shots/128 Bpm_Cm_INSPECTOR_ Pulse Synth.wav | 4.12MB SFX One Shots/70 Bpm_Synchronize_Scifi 1.wav | 2.12MB SFX One Shots/70 Bpm_Synchronize_Scifi 2.wav | 2.35MB SFX One Shots/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES_Hi Drone.wav | 3.42MB SFX One Shots/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES_Higher Drone.wav | 3.42MB SFX One Shots/77 Bpm_Cm_CAPES_Siren.wav | 3.42MB SFX One Shots/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_ Space.wav | 3.30MB SFX One Shots/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_Laser 1.wav | 1.24MB SFX One Shots/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_Laser 2.wav | 1.03MB SFX One Shots/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_Laser 3.wav | 1.65MB SFX One Shots/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_Laser 4.wav | 1.03MB SFX One Shots/80 Bpm_Gm_UNCHAINED_Siren.wav | 1.96MB SFX One Shots/82 Bpm_Cryptone_Slow Toon.wav | 2.41MB SFX One Shots/82 Bpm_Cryptone_Toon Fall.wav | 1.41MB SFX One Shots/82 Bpm_Cryptone_Toon Jump.wav | 1.81MB SFX One Shots/87 Bpm_Menthol_Sci fi 1.wav | 3.03MB SFX One Shots/87 Bpm_Menthol_Sci fi 2.wav | 3.03MB SFX One Shots/89 Bpm_Toxic_Scifi.wav | 2.96MB SFX One Shots/90 Bpm_Bbm_JOJO_Dark Laser.wav | 2.39MB Lab Leak Vol. II.png | 2.51MB


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