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Name Lynda - Adobe Certified Associate Prep Illustrator

File Type video

Size 516.18MB

UpdateDate 2024-11-12

hash *****DE25B57685B206EFEA99F8747CA2CBFD48

Hot 3

Files 0. Introduction/486814_00_01_WX30_Welcome.mp4 | 3.35MB 0. Introduction/486814_00_02_XR15_Exercise.mp4 | 1.67MB 1. Become an Adobe Certified Associate/486814_01_03_XR30_Objectives.mp4 | 6.55MB 1. Become an Adobe Certified Associate/486814_01_02_XR30_Benefis.mp4 | 4.81MB 1. Become an Adobe Certified Associate/486814_01_01_XR30_WhatIs.mp4 | 4.28MB 2. Create a Personal Study Plan/486814_02_04_XR15_Exchange.mp4 | 13.33MB 2. Create a Personal Study Plan/486814_02_03_XR15_Resources.mp4 | 12.40MB 2. Create a Personal Study Plan/486814_02_01_XR15_Assessing.mp4 | 7.81MB 2. Create a Personal Study Plan/486814_02_02_XR30_Schedule.mp4 | 5.46MB 3. Exam Objectives. Set Project Requirements/486814_03_02_XR30_Copyright.mp4 | 8.14MB 3. Exam Objectives. Set Project Requirements/486814_03_03_XR30_Demonstrating.mp4 | 6.90MB 3. Exam Objectives. Set Project Requirements/486814_03_04_XR30_DesignPlans.mp4 | 6.36MB 3. Exam Objectives. Set Project Requirements/486814_03_05_XR30_CH30_ChallengeRequirements.mp4 | 5.16MB 3. Exam Objectives. Set Project Requirements/486814_03_01_XR30_Identifying.mp4 | 4.91MB 3. Exam Objectives. Set Project Requirements/486814_03_06_XR30_SO30_SolutionRequirements.mp4 | 2.92MB 4. Exam Objectives. Identify Design Elements/486814_04_04_XR30_Files.mp4 | 9.32MB 4. Exam Objectives. Identify Design Elements/486814_04_01_XR30_Terminology.mp4 | 6.02MB 4. Exam Objectives. Identify Design Elements/486814_04_03_XR30_Typography.mp4 | 4.98MB 4. Exam Objectives. Identify Design Elements/486814_04_05_XR30_Color.mp4 | 2.55MB 4. Exam Objectives. Identify Design Elements/486814_04_02_XR30_Principles.mp4 | 2.51MB 4. Exam Objectives. Identify Design Elements/486814_04_06_XR30_Identifying.mp4 | 1.28MB 5. Exam Objectives. Understanding Illustrator/486814_05_05_XR15_BrushesSymbols.mp4 | 26.38MB 5. Exam Objectives. Understanding Illustrator/486814_05_07_XR15_ExportSave.mp4 | 21.80MB 5. Exam Objectives. Understanding Illustrator/486814_05_01_XR15_Interface.mp4 | 20.08MB 5. Exam Objectives. Understanding Illustrator/486814_05_06_XR15_LayersMasks.mp4 | 19.17MB 5. Exam Objectives. Understanding Illustrator/486814_05_02_XR15_Nonprinting.mp4 | 18.71MB 5. Exam Objectives. Understanding Illustrator/486814_05_03_XR15_Swatches.mp4 | 15.61MB 5. Exam Objectives. Understanding Illustrator/486814_05_04_XR15_Vector.mp4 | 14.29MB 5. Exam Objectives. Understanding Illustrator/486814_05_08_XR30_CH30_ChallengeUnderstanding.mp4 | 1.88MB 6. Exam Objectives. Create Graphics/486814_06_04_XR15_TypeTools.mp4 | 26.63MB 6. Exam Objectives. Create Graphics/486814_06_03_XR15_Modify.mp4 | 20.96MB 6. Exam Objectives. Create Graphics/486814_06_06_XR15_Realistic.mp4 | 18.41MB 6. Exam Objectives. Create Graphics/486814_06_05_XR15_Scanned.mp4 | 17.35MB 6. Exam Objectives. Create Graphics/486814_06_02_XR15_Drawing.mp4 | 13.28MB 6. Exam Objectives. Create Graphics/486814_06_01_XR15_Creating.mp4 | 8.37MB 6. Exam Objectives. Create Graphics/486814_06_07_XR30_CH30_ChallengeNewComp.mp4 | 1.50MB 7. Exam Objectives. Archive, Export, and Publish Graphics/486814_07_02_XR15_PrintGraphics.mp4 | 17.57MB 7. Exam Objectives. Archive, Export, and Publish Graphics/486814_07_01_XR15_WebGraphics.mp4 | 12.92MB 7. Exam Objectives. Archive, Export, and Publish Graphics/486814_07_03_XR15_VideoGraphics.mp4 | 12.11MB 7. Exam Objectives. Archive, Export, and Publish Graphics/486814_07_04_XR30_CH30_ChallengeMultimedia.mp4 | 1.97MB 8. The Exam Process and Beyond/486814_08_01_XR15_Registering.mp4 | 12.14MB 8. The Exam Process and Beyond/486814_08_04_XR15_Certificate.mp4 | 11.68MB 8. The Exam Process and Beyond/486814_08_03_XR30_TestTaking.mp4 | 8.45MB 8. The Exam Process and Beyond/486814_08_02_XR30_TestCenter.mp4 | 6.58MB 8. The Exam Process and Beyond/486814_08_05_XR30_ACAChamp.mp4 | 4.15MB 9. Conclusion/486814_09_01_XR15_NextSteps.mp4 | 803.26KB Exercise Files/Chapter 2/Illustrator ACA Self-Assessment Guide.pdf | 21.08KB Exercise Files/Chapter 3/3_5_In_Practice.txt | 2.82KB Exercise Files/Chapter 4/ | 4.97MB Exercise Files/Chapter 4/ | 3.86MB Exercise Files/Chapter 4/ | 1.75MB Exercise Files/Chapter 4/ | 674.62KB Exercise Files/Chapter 5/ | 5.35MB Exercise Files/Chapter 5/ | 1.25MB Exercise Files/Chapter 5/ | 1.25MB Exercise Files/Chapter 5/ | 1.25MB Exercise Files/Chapter 5/ | 730.76KB Exercise Files/Chapter 5/ | 710.54KB Exercise Files/Chapter 5/ | 616.95KB Exercise Files/Chapter 5/ | 412.92KB Exercise Files/Chapter 5/ | 365.19KB Exercise Files/Chapter 6/redrose.psd | 6.82MB Exercise Files/Chapter 6/Sunflower.jpg | 3.98MB Exercise Files/Chapter 6/ | 2.59MB Exercise Files/Chapter 6/ | 1.75MB Exercise Files/Chapter 6/ | 1.03MB Exercise Files/Chapter 6/SunflowerSeedLabel.jpg | 271.02KB Exercise Files/Chapter 6/ | 173.40KB Exercise Files/Chapter 6/ | 167.48KB Exercise Files/Chapter 6/ | 165.59KB Exercise Files/Chapter 7/ | 13.71MB Exercise Files/Chapter 7/ | 8.18MB Exercise Files/Chapter 7/ | 381.55KB Exercise Files/Chapter 7/ | 375.14KB


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