Name commodore 64 books nostalgia programming assembler machine code etc
File Type document
Size 219.66MB
UpdateDate 2024-11-20
hash *****4C99FEE928DAFA77FDD3E33AF44CAD20A1
Hot 1
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C64PRG10.TXT | 955.82KB C64SM12.TXT | 73.71KB c64ug210.txt | 370.77KB C64~1.MEM | 29.69KB comal.pdf | 1.89MB Commodore C64 - Educational - [CRT] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Der Rechenloewe Multiplikation-Division 3-4 Schuljahr (1984)(Commodore)(de).zip | 10.47KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [CRT] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fit in der Rechtschreibung (1983)(Westermann Verlag)(de).zip | 9.98KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/ABC - Alphabet Beasts & Co. (1984)(Software Productions).zip | 82.61KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Addition and Subtraction (1984)(Successability).zip | 40.62KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Addition Magician (1984)(The Learning Company).zip | 26.02KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Addybook #05 (1992)(Blaze)[a].zip | 57.22KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Aerobics (1984)(Spinnaker).zip | 62.11KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Alge-Blaster (1985)(Davidson & Associates)(Side A).zip | 36.59KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Alge-Blaster (1985)(Davidson & Associates)(Side B).zip | 27.75KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Alge-Blaster! (1985)(Davidson & Associates)(Side A).zip | 36.83KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Alge-Blaster! (1985)(Davidson & Associates)(Side B).zip | 26.75KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Alien Science Quiz (1991)(Loadstar).zip | 26.50KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Alpha Test, The (1990)(Loadstar).zip | 10.10KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Alphabet Circus (1984)(DLM).zip | 29.38KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Alphabet Trainer (1987)(Commodore Magazine).zip | 5.66KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Arcademic Skillbuilder - Minus Mission (1983)(Developmental Learning Materials)[cr Pirasoft].zip | 15.08KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Atom Shoot (1985)(Compute!).zip | 3.37KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Beckermat (1985)(Data Becker)[cr Fucking Files].zip | 73.80KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Einstein Memory Trainer, The (1984)(Dave L. Rosen & D. Rubin)(Side A)[cr Kotzbrocken].zip | 57.74KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Einstein Memory Trainer, The (1984)(Dave L. Rosen & D. Rubin)(Side B)[cr Kotzbrocken].zip | 69.03KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/First Men in the Moon Math, The (1987)(Fisher Price)(Side A)[cr TCB].zip | 21.36KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/First Men in the Moon Math, The (1987)(Fisher Price)(Side B)[cr TCB].zip | 53.41KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fuehrerschein (1987)(Falken Verlag)(de)(Side A).zip | 33.18KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fuehrerschein (1987)(Falken Verlag)(de)(Side B).zip | 50.14KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fuenf mal Fuenf (1997)(Tiger-Crew-Disk)(de)(PD).zip | 12.81KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 2 (198x)(DES).zip | 37.25KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 2 - 6 to 8 Years (198x)(DES)[cr ASS].zip | 51.43KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 2 - 8+ Years (198x)(DES)[cr ASS].zip | 56.30KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 2 - under 6 Years (198x)(DES)[cr ASS].zip | 41.95KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 3 - 5 to 7s (198x)(DES).zip | 57.92KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 3 - 5 to 7s (198x)(DES)[a].zip | 56.94KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 3 - Over 7s (198x)(DES)(Side A)[cr BTK].zip | 89.02KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 3 - Over 7s (198x)(DES)(Side A)[cr BTK][a].zip | 51.12KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 3 - Over 7s (198x)(DES)(Side B)[cr BTK].zip | 93.57KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 3 - Over 7s (198x)(DES)(Side B)[cr BTK][a].zip | 62.83KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 3 - Under 5s (198x)(DES).zip | 32.09KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 3 - Under 5s (198x)(DES)[a].zip | 30.37KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 4 - Over 7s (198x)(Europress)(Side A).zip | 95.24KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 4 - Over 7s (198x)(Europress)(Side A)[a].zip | 82.37KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 4 - Over 7s (198x)(Europress)(Side B).zip | 95.73KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 4 - Over 7s (198x)(Europress)(Side B)[a].zip | 70.97KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 4 - Under 5s (198x)(Europress)(Side A).zip | 69.45KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 4 - Under 5s (198x)(Europress)(Side A)[a].zip | 69.10KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 4 - Under 5s (198x)(Europress)(Side B).zip | 51.33KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fun School 4 - Under 5s (198x)(Europress)(Side B)[a].zip | 51.16KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Grade A Math (19xx)(Smartworks).zip | 19.15KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Grade A Spelling Program (19xx)(Smartworks).zip | 44.34KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Grade A Vocabulary Program (19xx)(Smartworks).zip | 33.33KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Kidwriter (19xx)(-).zip | 16.58KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Kinder Koncepts (1983)(Commodore).zip | 27.59KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Kindercomp (1983)(Spinnaker Software).zip | 11.07KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Kopfrechnen (19xx)(-)(de).zip | 3.31KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Ladders to Learning - Alphabetical Order (1984)(McGraw-Hill Ryerson).zip | 23.91KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Ladders to Learning - Corner Store (1984)(McGraw-Hill Ryerson).zip | 21.54KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Matchball (1996)(Loadstar)[cr M8].zip | 19.42KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Mathematics II (19xx)(CES).zip | 49.06KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Mathematics III (19xx)(CES).zip | 46.31KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Mathematics V (19xx)(CES).zip | 52.29KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Mathematics VII (19xx)(CES).zip | 55.26KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (1988)(Software Toolworks)(Disk 1 of 3 Side A).zip | 72.29KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (1988)(Software Toolworks)(Disk 1 of 3 Side B).zip | 71.25KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (1988)(Software Toolworks)(Disk 2 of 3 Side A).zip | 1021B Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (1988)(Software Toolworks)(Disk 2 of 3 Side B).zip | 39.43KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (1988)(Software Toolworks)(Disk 3 of 3 Side A).zip | 79.22KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Morsen (19xx)(Andromat-Software).zip | 3.66KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Pitman Typing Tutor (1984)(Pitman Publishing).zip | 16.62KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Playful Professor Math Tutor (1984)(Intelligent Statements).zip | 22.08KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Rechtschreibloewe 1 (19xx)(-)(de)[b].zip | 8.04KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Rechtschreibloewe 2 (19xx)(-)(de)[b].zip | 9.05KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Rechtschreibloewe 3 (19xx)(-)(de)[b].zip | 8.31KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear ABC, The (1984)(Optimum Resource)(Side A).zip | 63.90KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear ABC, The (1984)(Optimum Resource)(Side B).zip | 47.54KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear ABC, The (1984)(Optimum Resource)[h MHI].zip | 63.94KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear Math (1984)(Optimum Resource).zip | 41.42KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear Numbers (1984)(Optimum Resource).zip | 27.16KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear Numbers (1984)(Optimum Resource)[h MHI].zip | 26.84KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear Opposites (1984)(Optimum Resource).zip | 36.04KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear Reading (1984)(Optimum Resource).zip | 54.75KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear Spellgrabber (1984)(Optimum Resource).zip | 67.38KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear Town Builder (1984)(Optimum Resource).zip | 37.75KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear Typing (1985)(Optimum Resource).zip | 64.60KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Stickybear Typing (1985)(Optimum Resource)[h MHI].zip | 64.93KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Tri Math v1 (1983)(HesWare).zip | 60.27KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Tri Math v1 (1983)(HesWare)[a].zip | 60.88KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [D64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/World Geography (1985)(Bobco)(de)[cr FCG].zip | 122.00KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [G64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Etudes Francaises - Echanges II (1988)(Heureka-Teachware)(de).zip | 138.45KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [G64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Learning English - Green Line IV (1989)(Heureka-Teachware)(de).zip | 145.87KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [G64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Reader Rabbit and the Fabulous Word Factory v1.2 (1984)(The Learning Company).zip | 46.82KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [P00] (TOSEC-v2005-07-30)/Kids on Keys (1983)(Spinnaker Software).zip | 12.09KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [P00] (TOSEC-v2005-07-30)/Kindercomp (1983)(Spinnaker Software).zip | 11.65KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [T64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fast Math (1982)(Commodore).zip | 5.69KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [T64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Fast Math (1982)(Commodore)[a].zip | 5.67KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [T64] (TOSEC-v2006-03-30)/Irregular Verbs (1982)(Malmbergs Educatieve Software)(nl).zip | 7.89KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2005-07-30)/Fun School 2 - 6 to 8s (198x)(DES)(Side A).zip | 192.74KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2005-07-30)/Fun School 2 - 6 to 8s (198x)(DES)(Side B).zip | 202.76KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2005-07-30)/Fun School 2 - Under 6s (198x)(DES)(Side A).zip | 265.21KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2005-07-30)/Fun School 2 - Under 6s (198x)(DES)(Side B).zip | 331.74KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2005-07-30)/Fun School 2 - Under 6s (198x)(DES).zip | 24.22KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2005-07-30)/Fun School 2 - Under 6s (198x)(DES)[a].zip | 21.16KB Commodore C64 - Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2005-07-30)/Fun School 2 - Under 6s - Colour Train (198x)(DES).zip | 73.05KB Commodore C64 - 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