Name Non Canical Books of The Bible in Audio
File Type music
Size 7.77GB
UpdateDate 2025-3-15
hash *****BDD3589214FBF74A801E6A8AFD37FA4F02
Hot 1
Files Super_Gospel_16hrs.mp3 | 2.20GB Amazing Prophecies of the Promise of Jesus First Coming.mp3 | 48.15MB Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus.mp3 | 64.55MB FirstClement.mp3 | 57.50MB Fourth Baruch.mp3 | 20.50MB Gospel of Bartholomew or Questions of Bartholomew.mp3 | 63.69MB Gospel of Nicodemus.mp3 | 97.21MB Gospel of Philip.mp3 | 119.81MB History of The Rechabites.mp3 | 19.84MB Hymn of The Pearl_Acts of Thomas.mp3 | 8.06MB Ignatius.mp3 | 64.31MB JasherChapters1-10.mp3 | 76.28MB JasherChapters11-20.mp3 | 91.28MB JasherChapters21_30.mp3 | 88.75MB JasherChapters31-40.mp3 | 167.54MB JasherChapters41-50.mp3 | 142.88MB JasherChapters51-60.mp3 | 136.54MB JasherChapters61-70.mp3 | 88.26MB JasherChapters71-80.mp3 | 81.84MB JasherChapters81-91.mp3 | 97.56MB Joseph and Aseneth.mp3 | 64.24MB Life of Adam_Eve.mp3 | 75.93MB Maccabees Entire Book.mp3 | 140.48MB Odes_of_Solomon.mp3 | 126.71MB Polycarp to the Philippians.mp3 | 25.60MB Pseudo_Philo_ or The Antiquities of Philo 1_3.mp3 | 52.63MB Pseudo_Philo_ or The Antiquities of Philo 2_3.mp3 | 76.33MB Pseudo_Philo_ or The Antiquities of Philo 3_3.mp3 | 82.81MB rh_enoch.mp3 | 379.55MB Second Maccabees _Entire Book.mp3 | 252.05MB Sirach, Entire BookEcclesiasticus Ben Sira Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach.mp3 | 465.38MB 2 Clement.mp3 | 15.14MB Syriac_Menander.mp3 | 54.38MB Testament of Adam.mp3 | 18.70MB Testament of Asher (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs).mp3 | 14.63MB Testament of Benjamin (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs).mp3 | 22.61MB Testament of Dan (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs).mp3 | 16.71MB Testament of Gad (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs).mp3 | 15.98MB Testament of Issachar (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs).mp3 | 14.85MB Testament of Job_entire.mp3 | 42.31MB Testament of Joseph (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs).mp3 | 38.53MB Testament of Moses (The Assumption of Moses_).mp3 | 34.35MB Testament of Naphtali (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs).mp3 | 19.78MB Testament of Reuben (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs).mp3 | 19.63MB Testament of Simeon (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs).mp3 | 14.98MB Testament of Solomon.mp3 | 121.21MB Testament of Zebulun (Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs).mp3 | 19.37MB TestamentOfAbraham_ShortRecension.mp3 | 18.81MB TestamentOfIsaac.mp3 | 23.98MB TestamentOfJacob.mp3 | 17.21MB TestamentOfJudah_TestamentOfThe12Pastiarchs.mp3 | 21.14MB TestamentOfLevi_TestamentOfThe12Patriarchs.mp3 | 19.92MB The Agrapha_The Scattered Words of Jesus_Comparable to the Gospel of Thomas.mp3 | 60.12MB The Book of Jubilees Entire Book Little Genesis, Book of Division.mp3 | 674.99MB The Didache_ or The Teaching of The Twelve Apostles.mp3 | 11.67MB The Epistle of Barnabas_Entire Book.mp3 | 66.18MB The Gospel of Peter_Akhmim.mp3 | 22.89MB The Gospel of Truth_Human Voice_Read Along Version.mp3 | 69.59MB The Letter Of Aristeas.mp3 | 101.01MB The Lives of the Prophets.mp3 | 19.87MB The Second Book of Enoch_Human Voice_Read-Along Version.mp3 | 157.69MB The Shepherd of Hermas 1 Visions.mp3 | 37.47MB The Shepherd of Hermas 2 CommandsMandates.mp3 | 41.69MB The Shepherd of Hermas 3 Similitudes_Parables.mp3 | 105.58MB The Story of Ahikar (A Relative of Tobit).mp3 | 114.81MB The Wisdom of Solomon known as The Book of Wisdom.mp3 | 153.49MB Vision of Paul_Apocalypse of Paul_Revelation of Paul.mp3 | 202.10MB