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Name The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle

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Size 16.16GB

UpdateDate 2025-2-13

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Files [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/51. Extras/1. EXTRA LESSON Getting Started with Power Pivot and Power Query in Excel Webinar.mp4 | 555.28MB | 63B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/23. VBA Intermediate Training Discover Excel Automation Secrets/4.1 | 636.43KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/51. Extras/1. EXTRA LESSON Getting Started with Power Pivot and Power Query in Excel | 83.88KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/5. PivotTables | 18.73KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/2. WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training | 1.97KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/3. Excel 2019 Advanced Course Exercise Files.html | 947B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/23. VBA Intermediate Training Discover Excel Automation Secrets/3.1 | 1.28MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/4. Excel 2019 Advanced Course Demo Files.html | 945B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/16. Essential VBA Training for Excel - Automate Repetitive Tasks Introduction/3.1 | 352.43KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/5. Downloadable Course Transcripts.html | 718B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/52. Bonuses/1. Ten Excel Tips and Tricks - Part | 61.74KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/52. Bonuses/2. Ten Excel Tips and Tricks - Part | 58.65KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/52. Bonuses/3. Ten Excel Tips and Tricks - Part | 47.17KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/49. Dashboards/1. Creating an Interactive Dashboard - Part | 32.20KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/40. Preparing Data for Analysis/1. Cleaning | 25.25KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/3. Formatting a Pivot Chart - Part | 23.20KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/42. Formatting PivotTables/2. Custom Number | 23.02KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/2. Formatting a Pivot Chart - Part | 22.95KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/40. Preparing Data for Analysis/2. Tabular | 22.73KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/2. Functions/4. Section 2 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/5. Dynamic Chart | 19.46KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/44. Sorting and Filtering/2. Advanced | 19.38KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/1. Inserting and formatting | 19.34KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/7. Conditional Columns in Power | 7.95KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/51. Extras/2. EXTRA RESOURCE The Most Frequently Used Excel Shortcuts - Infographic.html | 29B .pad/0 | 63B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/52. Bonuses/1. Ten Excel Tips and Tricks - Part 1.mp4 | 336.63MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/3.1 Exercise | 1.27MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/49. Dashboards/2. Creating an Interactive Dashboard - Part | 19.30KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/8. One Approach To Completing Exercise | 18.49KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/4. Get and | 18.18KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/4. Text Functions/3. Section 4 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/6. The VBA Project | 17.82KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/3. Using Errors to Guide | 17.78KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/6. Looping Collections and the For Each | 6.39KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/5. Logical Functions/2. Exercise | 2.50KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/5. Logical Functions/3. Section 5 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/5.1 Microsoft Excel 2019 Advanced Course by Simon Sez IT .pdf | 911.39KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/1. Creating and Manipulating a | 17.75KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/12. Designing a | 17.25KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/2. Combining Data from Multiple | 17.21KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/27. External References and Office Interop/1. Modding the Excel | 17.09KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/2. The Workbook and Worksheet | 16.95KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/6. Lookup Functions/4. Section 6 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/7. The PageSetup Object and Print | 16.91KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/1. Creating a Pivot | 16.88KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/2. Functions/1. Functions - Part | 16.71KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/42. Formatting PivotTables/1. PivotTable | 16.61KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/4. Creating a Map Chart using Pivot | 16.45KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/1. Connecting to Other | 16.29KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/6. Lookup Functions/1. Lookup Functions - Part | 16.15KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/2. Statistical Functions for Description - Part | 16.09KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/7. Advanced Parameter | 16.01KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/5. Exercise | 1.94KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/6. Section 7 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/2. Connecting to Access | 15.73KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/11. Creating a | 15.72KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/43. Value Field Settings/1. Summarizing | 15.71KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/4. Report | 15.70KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/3. Filters and | 15.49KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/3. Grouping and | 15.26KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/2. Working with Pivot | 15.09KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/5. Practical Example of a | 15.05KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/48. Conditional Formatting/2. Graphical Conditional | 14.99KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/5. Exercise | 2.00KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/6. Include a Sparkline with your | 14.99KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/13. Coding a | 14.69KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/1. Introduction to | 14.66KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/1. Statistical Functions for Description - Part | 14.63KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/8. Section 8 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/39. Importing Data/1. Importing data from a text | 14.60KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/4. Text Functions/1. Using Text Functions - Part | 14.43KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/1. The Application | 14.29KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/4. Statistical Functions for Forecasting - Part | 13.99KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/48. Conditional Formatting/1. Highlighting Cell | 13.90KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/27. External References and Office Interop/3. UI Interface Control Options and | 13.79KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/25. Excel Events/4. A Series Of Example | 13.76KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/18. VBA as a Language/4. How to Define and Manage | 13.54KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/4. Text Functions/2. Using Text Functions - Part | 13.40KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/8. Initialization and | 13.31KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/6. Section 9 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/6. The Chart and ChartObject | 13.26KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/3. Solve Order and List | 13.22KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/36. Using PivotTables and Slicers/1. Create PivotTables and | 13.15KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/7. Special Class Variables and | 13.14KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/4. | 13.13KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/4. Import Multiple Files from a | 13.12KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/4. Defining a | 13.10KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/3. Create a New | 13.05KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/3. Date and Time Functions/3. Complex Date and Time | 13.03KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/5. Exercise | 1.66KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/6. Section 10 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/18. VBA as a Language/3. Variables and Method Calling | 12.96KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/2. Scenario | 12.95KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/7. Statistical Functions for | 12.69KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/5. The Worksheet Function | 12.67KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/17. The Environment/2. The VBA | 12.67KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/27. External References and Office Interop/4. Piecing the UI Pieces | 12.65KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/4. | 12.62KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/9. VBA Attributes and | 12.62KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/2. Working with | 12.58KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/5. Exercise | 2.93KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/6. Section 11 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/1. Introduction to Pivot | 12.53KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/10. Inheritance - Defining the Bookmarks Support | 12.45KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/14. Excel Web App/1. Web App - Part | 12.43KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/39. Importing Data/2. Importing data from | 12.26KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/4. Methods for Communicating to the | 12.23KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/18. VBA as a Language/1. VBA Syntax, Keywords, and | 12.23KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/7. The Range | 11.97KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/44. Sorting and Filtering/1. Advanced | 11.94KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/43. Value Field Settings/2. Show Values | 11.89KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/5. Exercise | 1.90KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/6. Section 12 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/1. What If | 11.76KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/5. Formatting Error Values and Empty | 11.73KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/3. Date and Time Functions/1. How Date and Time | 11.70KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/14. Excel Web App/2. Web App - Part | 11.67KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/17. The Environment/3. First Coding | 11.66KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/6. Practice Test of a | 11.55KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/3. Statistical Functions for Forecasting - Part | 11.45KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/4. Detailed Memory | 11.44KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/1. Creating a Calculated | 11.33KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/3. Connecting Slicers to multiple | 11.25KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/5. Connect to Data in Another Excel | 11.18KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/3. Editing an Existing | 11.07KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/5. Code Module | 10.97KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/5. Logical Functions/1. Logical | 10.97KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/8. Section 13 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/6. Completing Exercise | 10.89KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/6. One Click | 10.89KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/2. Creating a Calculated | 10.81KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/3. Date and Time Functions/2. Basic Date and Time | 10.80KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/14. Excel Web App/3. Section 14 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/49. Dashboards/4. Exercise | 5.12KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/15. Course Conclusion/1. | 1011B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/1. Financial Functions and | 10.79KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/7. Exercise | 10.66KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/2. Functions/2. Functions - Part | 10.54KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/16. Essential VBA Training for Excel - Automate Repetitive Tasks Introduction/2. WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training | 1.74KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/16. Essential VBA Training for Excel - Automate Repetitive Tasks Introduction/3. Course Exercise and Solution Files.html | 944B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/2. Personal Financial | 10.52KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/1. Chapter Overview + New | 10.50KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/5. | 10.43KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/4. Pivot and | 10.42KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/6. Stock | 10.30KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/5. Duplicating and Referencing | 10.29KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/25. Excel Events/5. Application | 10.01KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/25. Excel Events/2. Pre-Defined | 9.99KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/3. Code | 9.89KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/3. Connecting Web Data | 9.81KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/2. Excel File | 9.78KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/28. External References and Office Interop/4. ADODB | 9.75KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/3. Table | 9.71KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/36. Using PivotTables and Slicers/3. Create a Top 10 | 9.60KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/3. Sending Values to | 9.58KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/25. Excel Events/3. Event | 9.51KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/1. Create a Date Table in Power | 9.51KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/6. Lookup Functions/2. Lookup Functions - Part | 9.47KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/28. External References and Office Interop/2. Reference | 9.46KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/2. Inserting and formatting | 9.46KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/5. Exercise | 9.45KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/2. Common Power Query | 9.42KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/5. The PivotTable | 9.38KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/5. Looping The For and Do While | 9.19KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/18. VBA as a Language/2. Objects and VBA's | 9.07KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/48. Conditional Formatting/3. Conditional Formatting and | 9.05KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/4. The Name and Names | 8.96KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/28. External References and Office Interop/5. The Scripting | 8.79KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/6. Grouping and Aggregating | 8.69KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/17. The Environment/1. Getting | 8.58KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/1. Introduction to the | 8.55KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/2. Creating A Custom | 8.54KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/28. External References and Office Interop/1. What are References How do they | 8.48KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/2. Logical Constructs The Boolean | 8.47KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/4. Bubble | 8.19KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/3. Goal | 8.09KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/4. Using Slicers in Protected | 7.81KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/1. | 7.54KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/3. Principal and Interest | 7.49KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/1. Area | 7.46KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/2. Combine Data from Multiple Tables with Merge | 7.38KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/6. Lookup Functions/3. Exercise | 7.35KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/8. Writing an Array | 7.27KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/22. Conclusion/1. Concluding | 7.26KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/29. Conclusion/1. Course | 7.26KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/2. Functions/3. | 7.08KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/2. Returning Values from | 7.08KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/1. Exploring the Power Query | 6.99KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/3. Creating your First DAX | 6.94KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/3. Logical Constructs If and Switch | 6.92KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/1. | 6.90KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/5. Exercise | 6.80KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/36. Using PivotTables and Slicers/2. Using Slicers with your | 6.79KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/4. Stack Data into One Table with Append | 6.73KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/4. Determining | 6.72KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/4. Table | 6.71KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/39. Importing Data/3. Exercise | 6.64KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/5. Calculate the Percentage of a | 6.52KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/3. Radar | 6.33KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/7. Get Data From the | 6.26KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/27. External References and Office Interop/2. UI Interface Scope and | 6.13KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/28. External References and Office Interop/3. Office | 6.02KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/49. Dashboards/3. Updating Pivot Charts and | 6.01KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/22. Conclusion/2. Course Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/6. Course | 5.75KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/3. Use Merge Queries to Compare Two | 5.74KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/2. Creating Calculated Columns with | 5.60KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/23. VBA Intermediate Training Discover Excel Automation Secrets/2. WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training | 1.97KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/23. VBA Intermediate Training Discover Excel Automation Secrets/3. Course exercise and solution files.html | 980B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/5. What is Power | 5.46KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/23. VBA Intermediate Training Discover Excel Automation Secrets/4. Course support files.html | 978B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/4. | 5.42KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/3. Creating Relationships Between | 5.38KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/1. Chapter 2 | 2.75KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/1. Unpivoting | 5.31KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/1. Introduction to Advanced | 5.22KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/2. Surface | 5.11KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/18. VBA as a Language/5. Constant Variable Types and Variables through | 5.08KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/4. The COUNTROWS | 5.06KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/2. Understanding the Power Pivot | 4.98KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/5. SUMX and RELATED | 4.62KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/5. Creating a PivotTable from the Data | 4.48KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/7. Exercise | 4.32KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/7. Grouping | 4.21KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/40. Preparing Data for Analysis/3. Exercise | 4.20KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/6. IMPORTANT Checking the Location of your Query's | 3.94KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/6. What is Power | 3.79KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/25. Excel Events/1. What Are | 2.17KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/23. VBA Intermediate Training Discover Excel Automation Secrets/1. | 3.58KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/16. Essential VBA Training for Excel - Automate Repetitive Tasks Introduction/1. Introduction to the VBA | 3.58KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/4. Managing the Relationships of the | 3.56KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/6. Hide Fields from Client | 3.47KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/2. The CALCULATE | 3.39KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/48. Conditional Formatting/4. Exercise | 3.34KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/1. Why use | 3.31KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/44. Sorting and Filtering/3. Exercise | 3.24KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/3. The DIVIDE | 3.15KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/5. Exercise | 3.05KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/1. Welcome and | 2.93KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/4. Using the DATESYTD | 2.37KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/43. Value Field Settings/3. Exercise | 2.32KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/42. Formatting PivotTables/3. Exercise | 2.30KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/6. Exercise | 2.14KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/2. WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training | 1.97KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/2. WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training | 1.97KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/1. Enable the Power Pivot | 1.83KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/37. Closing/1. Wrap | 1.48KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/8. Practise | 1.22KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/4. Course Demo Files.html | 990B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/3. Course Exercise Files.html | 989B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/3. DOWNLOAD ME Course Exercise Files.html | 985B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/4. DOWNLOAD ME Course Support Files.html | 983B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/8. Practise | 940B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/6. Practise | 909B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/50. Course Close/1. Course | 827B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/36. Using PivotTables and Slicers/4. Practise | 715B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/6. Practise | 714B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/8. Practise | 706B [TGx]Downloaded from .txt | 585B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/29. Conclusion/2. Course Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/7. Section 30 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/9. Section 31 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/9. Section 32 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/9. Section 33 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/7. Section 34 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/7. Section 35 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/36. Using PivotTables and Slicers/5. Section 36 Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/6. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/39. Importing Data/4. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/40. Preparing Data for Analysis/4. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/7. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/42. Formatting PivotTables/4. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/43. Value Field Settings/4. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/44. Sorting and Filtering/4. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/6. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/6. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/8. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/48. Conditional Formatting/5. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/49. Dashboards/5. Section Quiz.html | 185B [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/3. Date and Time Functions/4. Section 3 Quiz.html | 185B .pad/1 | 1.29MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/52. Bonuses/3. Ten Excel Tips and Tricks - Part 3.mp4 | 317.78MB .pad/2 | 228.27KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/52. Bonuses/2. Ten Excel Tips and Tricks - Part 2.mp4 | 293.73MB .pad/3 | 278.79KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/40. Preparing Data for Analysis/2. Tabular Data.mp4 | 220.61MB .pad/4 | 1.39MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/49. Dashboards/1. Creating an Interactive Dashboard - Part 1.mp4 | 174.27MB .pad/5 | 1.73MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/4. Text Functions/2. Using Text Functions - Part 2.mp4 | 174.04MB .pad/6 | 1.96MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/40. Preparing Data for Analysis/1. Cleaning Data.mp4 | 164.77MB .pad/7 | 1.23MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/42. Formatting PivotTables/2. Custom Number Formatting.mp4 | 163.29MB .pad/8 | 727.73KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/4. Get and Transform.mp4 | 145.51MB .pad/9 | 503.09KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/1. Inserting and formatting Slicers.mp4 | 143.75MB .pad/10 | 251.39KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/1. Creating and Manipulating a PivotTable.mp4 | 137.92MB .pad/11 | 84.66KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/4. Text Functions/1. Using Text Functions - Part 1.mp4 | 135.59MB .pad/12 | 418.06KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/8. One Approach To Completing Exercise 8.mp4 | 135.58MB .pad/13 | 434.99KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/7. The PageSetup Object and Print Ranges.mp4 | 134.06MB .pad/14 | 1.94MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/2. Working with Pivot Tables.mp4 | 132.45MB .pad/15 | 1.55MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/3. Formatting a Pivot Chart - Part 2.mp4 | 130.45MB .pad/16 | 1.55MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/42. Formatting PivotTables/1. PivotTable Styles.mp4 | 129.78MB .pad/17 | 227.24KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/2. Scenario Manager.mp4 | 126.64MB .pad/18 | 1.36MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/5. PivotTables Recap.mp4 | 125.85MB .pad/19 | 150.06KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/3. Filters and Slicers.mp4 | 123.96MB .pad/20 | 42.97KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/2. Formatting a Pivot Chart - Part 1.mp4 | 120.80MB .pad/21 | 1.20MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/49. Dashboards/2. Creating an Interactive Dashboard - Part 2.mp4 | 119.85MB .pad/22 | 150.31KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/5. Sparklines.mp4 | 119.00MB .pad/23 | 1.00MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/2. Statistical Functions for Description - Part 2.mp4 | 118.25MB .pad/24 | 1.75MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/12. Designing a Userform.mp4 | 117.75MB .pad/25 | 252.82KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/1. Statistical Functions for Description - Part 1.mp4 | 117.50MB .pad/26 | 511.58KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/43. Value Field Settings/1. Summarizing Values.mp4 | 116.86MB .pad/27 | 1.14MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/1. Connecting to Other workbooks.mp4 | 115.60MB .pad/28 | 409.72KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/1. Introduction to Tables.mp4 | 114.08MB .pad/29 | 1.92MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/4. Creating a Map Chart using Pivot Data.mp4 | 113.20MB .pad/30 | 817.60KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/2. Connecting to Access Databases.mp4 | 112.65MB .pad/31 | 1.35MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/48. Conditional Formatting/2. Graphical Conditional Formats.mp4 | 111.85MB .pad/32 | 152.98KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/36. Using PivotTables and Slicers/1. Create PivotTables and PivotCharts.mp4 | 109.51MB .pad/33 | 497.01KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/44. Sorting and Filtering/2. Advanced Filtering.mp4 | 107.77MB .pad/34 | 237.54KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/6. Lookup Functions/1. Lookup Functions - Part 1.mp4 | 107.76MB .pad/35 | 242.21KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/3. Using Errors to Guide You.mp4 | 107.53MB .pad/36 | 479.14KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/6. The VBA Project Model.mp4 | 106.98MB .pad/37 | 1.02MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/39. Importing Data/1. Importing data from a text file.mp4 | 106.19MB .pad/38 | 1.81MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/27. External References and Office Interop/1. Modding the Excel Interface.mp4 | 104.49MB .pad/39 | 1.51MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/1. Creating a Pivot Chart.mp4 | 103.64MB .pad/40 | 367.55KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/4. Report Layouts.mp4 | 102.30MB .pad/41 | 1.70MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/5. The Worksheet Function Object.mp4 | 102.15MB .pad/42 | 1.85MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/11. Creating a Userform.mp4 | 99.93MB .pad/43 | 69.02KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/2. Functions/1. Functions - Part 1.mp4 | 98.20MB .pad/44 | 1.80MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/13. Coding a Userform.mp4 | 97.23MB .pad/45 | 788.88KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/2. The Workbook and Worksheet Objects.mp4 | 96.91MB .pad/46 | 1.09MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/6. Include a Sparkline with your PivotTable.mp4 | 96.58MB .pad/47 | 1.42MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/3. Grouping and Ungrouping.mp4 | 96.53MB .pad/48 | 1.47MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/6. The Chart and ChartObject Objects.mp4 | 96.34MB .pad/49 | 1.66MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/4. Statistical Functions for Forecasting - Part 2.mp4 | 95.72MB .pad/50 | 283.20KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/2. Working with Tables.mp4 | 95.59MB .pad/51 | 418.84KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/1. Introduction to Pivot Tables.mp4 | 94.55MB .pad/52 | 1.45MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/6. Stock Charts.mp4 | 94.47MB .pad/53 | 1.53MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/4. Solver.mp4 | 93.18MB .pad/54 | 834.96KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/5. Practical Example of a Class.mp4 | 92.96MB .pad/55 | 1.04MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/3. Editing an Existing Query.mp4 | 92.47MB .pad/56 | 1.53MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/7. Special Class Variables and Components.mp4 | 92.21MB .pad/57 | 1.79MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/48. Conditional Formatting/1. Highlighting Cell Rules.mp4 | 91.55MB .pad/58 | 456.45KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/2. Combining Data from Multiple Worksheets.mp4 | 90.38MB .pad/59 | 1.62MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/4. GETPIVOTDATA.mp4 | 89.48MB .pad/60 | 529.09KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/7. Advanced Parameter Definitions.mp4 | 89.10MB .pad/61 | 919.04KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/1. The Application Object.mp4 | 88.10MB .pad/62 | 1.90MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/27. External References and Office Interop/3. UI Interface Control Options and Access.mp4 | 87.45MB .pad/63 | 562.31KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/6. One Click Forecasting.mp4 | 87.25MB .pad/64 | 766.15KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/10. Inheritance - Defining the Bookmarks Support Class.mp4 | 86.91MB .pad/65 | 1.09MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/5. Dynamic Chart Titles.mp4 | 86.80MB .pad/66 | 1.20MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/7. Statistical Functions for Inference.mp4 | 86.74MB .pad/67 | 1.26MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/4. Import Multiple Files from a Folder.mp4 | 86.25MB .pad/68 | 1.75MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/5. Formatting Error Values and Empty Cells.mp4 | 86.11MB .pad/69 | 1.89MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/3. Date and Time Functions/3. Complex Date and Time Functions.mp4 | 84.76MB .pad/70 | 1.24MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/39. Importing Data/2. Importing data from Access.mp4 | 84.58MB .pad/71 | 1.42MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/3. Statistical Functions for Forecasting - Part 1.mp4 | 83.89MB .pad/72 | 115.65KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/14. Excel Web App/1. Web App - Part 1.mp4 | 83.59MB .pad/73 | 422.52KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/1. Area Charts.mp4 | 82.83MB .pad/74 | 1.17MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/2. Creating a Calculated Item.mp4 | 82.53MB .pad/75 | 1.47MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/7. The Range Object.mp4 | 81.91MB .pad/76 | 91.73KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/4. The Name and Names Objects.mp4 | 80.97MB .pad/77 | 1.03MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/25. Excel Events/4. A Series Of Example Events.mp4 | 80.79MB .pad/78 | 1.21MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/3. Create a New Class.mp4 | 79.68MB .pad/79 | 324.78KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/9. VBA Attributes and Usage.mp4 | 79.37MB .pad/80 | 649.58KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/3. Date and Time Functions/1. How Date and Time Works.mp4 | 78.83MB .pad/81 | 1.17MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/48. Conditional Formatting/3. Conditional Formatting and Slicers.mp4 | 78.79MB .pad/82 | 1.21MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/36. Using PivotTables and Slicers/3. Create a Top 10 PivotTable.mp4 | 78.76MB .pad/83 | 1.24MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/3. Connecting Slicers to multiple PivotTables.mp4 | 78.57MB .pad/84 | 1.43MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/3. Connecting Web Data Sources.mp4 | 78.56MB .pad/85 | 1.44MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/1. Chapter Overview + New Keyword.mp4 | 77.15MB .pad/86 | 867.46KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/14. Excel Web App/2. Web App - Part 2.mp4 | 77.04MB .pad/87 | 987.90KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/17. The Environment/1. Getting Started.mp4 | 76.41MB .pad/88 | 1.59MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/1. Introduction to the Course.mp4 | 75.25MB .pad/89 | 771.42KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/3. Table References.mp4 | 74.98MB .pad/90 | 1.02MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/6. Completing Exercise 5.mp4 | 74.95MB .pad/91 | 1.05MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/3. Solve Order and List Formulas.mp4 | 74.93MB .pad/92 | 1.07MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/21. Common Keys to VBA/5. The PivotTable Object.mp4 | 74.35MB .pad/93 | 1.65MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/2. Excel File Types.mp4 | 74.23MB .pad/94 | 1.77MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/4. Detailed Memory Management.mp4 | 73.87MB .pad/95 | 129.28KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/4. Pivot and Charts.mp4 | 73.51MB .pad/96 | 500.06KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/43. Value Field Settings/2. Show Values As.mp4 | 72.93MB .pad/97 | 1.07MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/6. Practice Test of a Class.mp4 | 72.85MB .pad/98 | 1.15MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/2. Common Power Query Transformations.mp4 | 72.22MB .pad/99 | 1.78MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/2. Personal Financial Functions.mp4 | 72.10MB .pad/100 | 1.90MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/1. What If Analysis.mp4 | 71.93MB .pad/101 | 68.45KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/3. Date and Time Functions/2. Basic Date and Time Functions.mp4 | 71.44MB .pad/102 | 574.81KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/2. Creating A Custom Type.mp4 | 71.37MB .pad/103 | 640.24KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/1. Create a Date Table in Power Pivot.mp4 | 71.25MB .pad/104 | 764.28KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/5. Logical Functions/1. Logical Functions.mp4 | 70.92MB .pad/105 | 1.08MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/5. Duplicating and Referencing Queries.mp4 | 69.80MB .pad/106 | 200.80KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/28. External References and Office Interop/4. ADODB Library.mp4 | 69.45MB .pad/107 | 565.77KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/1. Creating a Calculated Field.mp4 | 69.39MB .pad/108 | 621.24KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/5. Connect to Data in Another Excel Workbook.mp4 | 68.91MB .pad/109 | 1.09MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/44. Sorting and Filtering/1. Advanced Sorting.mp4 | 68.26MB .pad/110 | 1.74MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/17. The Environment/3. First Coding Manipulations.mp4 | 65.42MB .pad/111 | 589.29KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/3. Code Modules.mp4 | 65.24MB .pad/112 | 773.30KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/2. Inserting and formatting Timelines.mp4 | 64.99MB .pad/113 | 1.01MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/8. Initialization and Termination.mp4 | 64.78MB .pad/114 | 1.22MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/6. Lookup Functions/2. Lookup Functions - Part 2.mp4 | 64.67MB .pad/115 | 1.33MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/25. Excel Events/5. Application Events.mp4 | 63.88MB .pad/116 | 120.42KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/18. VBA as a Language/4. How to Define and Manage Variables.mp4 | 63.82MB .pad/117 | 187.95KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/3. Sending Values to Functions.mp4 | 63.63MB .pad/118 | 374.81KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/26. Custom Objects/4. Defining a Class.mp4 | 62.49MB .pad/119 | 1.51MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/5. Code Module Interactions.mp4 | 62.39MB .pad/120 | 1.61MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/4. Methods for Communicating to the User.mp4 | 62.12MB .pad/121 | 1.88MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/6. Grouping and Aggregating Data.mp4 | 61.49MB .pad/122 | 526.48KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/25. Excel Events/3. Event Parameters.mp4 | 61.33MB .pad/123 | 686.92KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/5. Looping The For and Do While Loops.mp4 | 60.72MB .pad/124 | 1.28MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/17. The Environment/2. The VBA Editor.mp4 | 59.41MB .pad/125 | 606.87KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/28. External References and Office Interop/1. What are References How do they work.mp4 | 58.39MB .pad/126 | 1.61MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/2. Functions/2. Functions - Part 2.mp4 | 58.09MB .pad/127 | 1.91MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/28. External References and Office Interop/5. The Scripting Library.mp4 | 58.08MB .pad/128 | 1.92MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/28. External References and Office Interop/2. Reference Object.mp4 | 57.90MB .pad/129 | 106.82KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/7. Get Data From the Web.mp4 | 57.81MB .pad/130 | 197.72KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/46. Calculations/5. Exercise 08.mp4 | 56.56MB .pad/131 | 1.44MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/4. Bubble Charts.mp4 | 56.56MB .pad/132 | 1.44MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/36. Using PivotTables and Slicers/2. Using Slicers with your PivotTables.mp4 | 56.52MB .pad/133 | 1.48MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/8. Writing an Array Formula.mp4 | 56.19MB .pad/134 | 1.81MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/3. Principal and Interest Payments.mp4 | 56.04MB .pad/135 | 1.96MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/1. Financial Functions and Terminology.mp4 | 55.44MB .pad/136 | 576.98KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/47. Pivot Charts/7. Exercise 09.mp4 | 55.24MB .pad/137 | 775.54KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/18. VBA as a Language/3. Variables and Method Calling Rules.mp4 | 54.70MB .pad/138 | 1.30MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/4. Table Styles.mp4 | 53.80MB .pad/139 | 204.89KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/49. Dashboards/3. Updating Pivot Charts and PivotTables.mp4 | 51.38MB .pad/140 | 634.24KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/3. Goal Seek.mp4 | 50.72MB .pad/141 | 1.28MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/25. Excel Events/2. Pre-Defined Events.mp4 | 49.54MB .pad/142 | 467.92KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/4. Using Slicers in Protected Workbooks.mp4 | 49.53MB .pad/143 | 482.66KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/7. Conditional Columns in Power Query.mp4 | 48.91MB .pad/144 | 1.09MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/29. Conclusion/1. Course Conclusion.mp4 | 47.36MB .pad/145 | 652.61KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/22. Conclusion/1. Concluding Remarks.mp4 | 47.35MB .pad/146 | 668.59KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/18. VBA as a Language/1. VBA Syntax, Keywords, and Comments.mp4 | 47.15MB .pad/147 | 866.07KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/1. Exploring the Power Query Editor.mp4 | 46.99MB .pad/148 | 1.01MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/6. Looping Collections and the For Each Loop.mp4 | 46.50MB .pad/149 | 1.50MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/1. Unpivoting Columns.mp4 | 45.58MB .pad/150 | 427.83KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/6. Lookup Functions/3. Exercise 02.mp4 | 44.91MB .pad/151 | 1.09MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/9. Connecting to External Data/5. Exercise 05.mp4 | 44.10MB .pad/152 | 1.90MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/5. Calculate the Percentage of a Total.mp4 | 43.51MB .pad/153 | 499.10KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/2. Surface Charts.mp4 | 43.43MB .pad/154 | 588.33KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/4. Stack Data into One Table with Append Queries.mp4 | 43.31MB .pad/155 | 708.59KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/28. External References and Office Interop/3. Office Libraries.mp4 | 42.91MB .pad/156 | 1.09MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/2. Functions/3. Autosum.mp4 | 41.28MB .pad/157 | 740.45KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/4. Determining Limitations.mp4 | 40.98MB .pad/158 | 1.02MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/1. Subroutines.mp4 | 40.94MB .pad/159 | 1.06MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/18. VBA as a Language/2. Objects and VBA's Intellitext.mp4 | 40.65MB .pad/160 | 1.35MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/3. Radar Charts.mp4 | 40.52MB .pad/161 | 1.48MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/27. External References and Office Interop/2. UI Interface Scope and Range.mp4 | 40.18MB .pad/162 | 1.82MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/13. Graphs and Charts/7. Exercise 9.mp4 | 39.64MB .pad/163 | 371.53KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/2. Creating Calculated Columns with DAX.mp4 | 39.40MB .pad/164 | 614.77KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/2. Combine Data from Multiple Tables with Merge Queries.mp4 | 38.93MB .pad/165 | 1.07MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/2. WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training Experience.mp4 | 38.01MB .pad/166 | 1.99MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/3. Creating your First DAX Measure.mp4 | 37.89MB .pad/167 | 109.10KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/2. WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training Experience.mp4 | 37.87MB .pad/168 | 132.85KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/23. VBA Intermediate Training Discover Excel Automation Secrets/2. WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training Experience.mp4 | 37.86MB .pad/169 | 145.32KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/2. WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training Experience.mp4 | 37.86MB .pad/170 | 145.92KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/4. Depreciation.mp4 | 37.11MB .pad/171 | 910.34KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/1. Functions.mp4 | 36.77MB .pad/172 | 1.23MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/7. Grouping Queries.mp4 | 36.12MB .pad/173 | 1.88MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/2. Understanding the Power Pivot Window.mp4 | 35.58MB .pad/174 | 434.32KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/1. Introduction to Advanced PivotTables.mp4 | 34.92MB .pad/175 | 1.08MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/16. Essential VBA Training for Excel - Automate Repetitive Tasks Introduction/2. WATCH ME Essential Information for a Successful Training Experience.mp4 | 34.91MB .pad/176 | 1.09MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/3. Use Merge Queries to Compare Two Tables.mp4 | 32.60MB .pad/177 | 1.40MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/49. Dashboards/4. Exercise 11.mp4 | 31.49MB .pad/178 | 521.17KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/39. Importing Data/3. Exercise 01.mp4 | 31.38MB .pad/179 | 633.34KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/4. The COUNTROWS Function.mp4 | 31.31MB .pad/180 | 706.73KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/5. Creating a PivotTable from the Data Model.mp4 | 30.63MB .pad/181 | 1.37MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/27. External References and Office Interop/4. Piecing the UI Pieces Together.mp4 | 29.24MB .pad/182 | 775.09KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/6. Course Structure.mp4 | 27.95MB .pad/183 | 54.54KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/23. VBA Intermediate Training Discover Excel Automation Secrets/1. Introduction.mp4 | 27.82MB .pad/184 | 183.21KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/3. Logical Constructs If and Switch Statements.mp4 | 27.43MB .pad/185 | 581.01KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/4.1 Advanced Pivot Tables Course | 27.09MB .pad/186 | 935.36KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/4.1 PowerQuery, PowerPivot and Dax Demo | 25.98MB .pad/187 | 20.64KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/48. Conditional Formatting/4. Exercise 10.mp4 | 25.18MB .pad/188 | 836.49KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/6. IMPORTANT Checking the Location of your Query's Source.mp4 | 25.10MB .pad/189 | 924.26KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/40. Preparing Data for Analysis/3. Exercise 02.mp4 | 23.92MB .pad/190 | 79.29KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/11. Pivot Tables/5. Exercise 07.mp4 | 23.47MB .pad/191 | 541.54KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/5. SUMX and RELATED Functions.mp4 | 22.91MB .pad/192 | 1.09MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/18. VBA as a Language/5. Constant Variable Types and Variables through Intellitext.mp4 | 22.74MB .pad/193 | 1.26MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/2. The CALCULATE Function.mp4 | 21.03MB .pad/194 | 995.95KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/44. Sorting and Filtering/3. Exercise 06.mp4 | 20.19MB .pad/195 | 1.81MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/3. The DIVIDE Function.mp4 | 19.48MB .pad/196 | 528.26KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/45. Interacting with PivotTables/5. Exercise 07.mp4 | 19.12MB .pad/197 | 898.21KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/25. Excel Events/1. What Are Events.mp4 | 17.98MB .pad/198 | 19.52KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/42. Formatting PivotTables/3. Exercise 04.mp4 | 17.86MB .pad/199 | 145.44KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/5. What is Power Query.mp4 | 16.94MB .pad/200 | 1.06MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/43. Value Field Settings/3. Exercise 05.mp4 | 16.68MB .pad/201 | 1.32MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/24. VBA Language Details/1. Chapter 2 Preview.mp4 | 16.33MB .pad/202 | 1.67MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/20. Introducing Functions/2. Returning Values from Functions.mp4 | 15.92MB .pad/203 | 76.88KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/6. Hide Fields from Client Tools.mp4 | 15.51MB .pad/204 | 501.42KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/3. Creating Relationships Between tables.mp4 | 15.43MB .pad/205 | 584.03KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/7. Financial Functions/5. Exercise 03.mp4 | 15.05MB .pad/206 | 969.02KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/8. Statistical Functions/5. Exercise 04.mp4 | 14.82MB .pad/207 | 1.18MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/4. Managing the Relationships of the Model.mp4 | 14.56MB .pad/208 | 1.44MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/1. Enable the Power Pivot Add-In.mp4 | 14.55MB .pad/209 | 1.45MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/4. Using the DATESYTD Function.mp4 | 14.26MB .pad/210 | 1.74MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/12. Data Analysis/5. Exercise 08.mp4 | 13.27MB .pad/211 | 749.35KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/41. Creating and Manipulating PivotTables/6. Exercise 03.mp4 | 13.24MB .pad/212 | 777.46KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/19. Introducing Macros/2. Logical Constructs The Boolean Type.mp4 | 13.23MB .pad/213 | 788.47KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/5. Logical Functions/2. Exercise 01.mp4 | 12.82MB .pad/214 | 1.18MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/6. What is Power Pivot.mp4 | 12.51MB .pad/215 | 1.49MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/30. Power Pivot, Power Query & Dax Introduction/1. Welcome and Overview.mp4 | 12.28MB .pad/216 | 1.72MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/10. Tables/5. Exercise 6.mp4 | 12.08MB .pad/217 | 1.92MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/1. Why use DAX.mp4 | 11.58MB .pad/218 | 427.42KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/16. Essential VBA Training for Excel - Automate Repetitive Tasks Introduction/1. Introduction to the VBA Course.mp4 | 11.05MB .pad/219 | 970.30KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/31. Getting Started with Power Query/8. Practise Exercise.mp4 | 10.65MB .pad/220 | 1.35MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/35. More DAX Measures/6. Practise Exercise.mp4 | 10.45MB .pad/221 | 1.55MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/32. Useful Power Query Features/8. Practise Exercise.mp4 | 10.38MB .pad/222 | 1.62MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/4.1 Excel 2019 Advaned Course | 9.79MB .pad/223 | 219.87KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/34. Introduction to DAX/6. Practise Exercise.mp4 | 9.15MB .pad/224 | 865.69KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/33. Creating the Data Model/8. Practise Exercise.mp4 | 8.95MB .pad/225 | 1.05MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/15. Course Conclusion/1. Close.mp4 | 7.95MB .pad/226 | 47.95KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/50. Course Close/1. Course Close.mp4 | 7.43MB .pad/227 | 587.99KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/36. Using PivotTables and Slicers/4. Practise Exercise.mp4 | 7.21MB .pad/228 | 811.64KB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/37. Closing/1. Wrap Up.mp4 | 2.54MB .pad/229 | 1.46MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/38. Advanced Pivot Tables Introduction/3.1 Advanced Pivot Tables Exercise | 2.41MB .pad/230 | 1.59MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/1. Introduction to Excel 2019 Advanced Course/3.1 Excel 2019 Advanced Exercise | 2.30MB .pad/231 | 1.70MB [] - The Advanced Excel, Power Pivot & VBA Bundle/51. Extras/2.1 PC Excel Most Used.pdf | 2.17MB


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