Name Digital Tutors - Animation Blocking Techniques in Softimage (Delano Athias) [15.04.2013]
File Type video
Size 771.21MB
UpdateDate 2024-7-22
hash *****954DF3AA9866EDA228E8BE774DDE7750E5
Hot 17
Files 01. Introduction and project overview.flv | 8.09MB 02. The 3 steps to blocking in an animation.flv | 54.49MB 03. Getting the scene ready for the animation.flv | 43.18MB 04. Roughing in the initial pose.flv | 108.75MB 05. Blocking in the next extreme.flv | 90.43MB 06. Animating the creature looking around.flv | 120.98MB 07. Animating the creature being distracted and then being struck.flv | 121.51MB 08. Fall of the creature.flv | 115.06MB 09. Finalizing our blocking pass.flv | 108.72MB