Name Locrian - Return to Annihilation - 2013
File Type music
Size 115.50MB
UpdateDate 2025-3-14
hash *****C97B31BF3A93507D2B35A1FB54185A3E7B
Hot 1
Files 07- Obsolete Elegies.mp3 | 35.71MB 02- A Visitation From the Wrath of Heaven.mp3 | 19.48MB 04- Return to Annihilation.mp3 | 15.67MB 06- Panorama of Mirrors.mp3 | 15.40MB 05- Exiting the Hall of Vapor and Light.mp3 | 12.25MB 03- Two Moons.mp3 | 10.38MB 01- Eternal Return.mp3 | 6.59MB Locrian.jpg | 17.10KB