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Name ~Freakanomics Series, The

File Type music

Size 616.96MB

UpdateDate 2025-3-17

hash *****89AD47CA21958BAC1971C1E18AC50E984C

Hot 8

Files SuperFreakonomics/08 Ch 05 What Do Al Gore and Mount Pinatubo Have in Common.mp3 | 33.56MB Freakonomics/02 An Explanatory Note.mp3 | 2.74MB Freakonomics/03 From The New York Times Magazine.mp3 | 917.66KB Freakonomics/04 Introduction The Hidden Side of Everything.mp3 | 9.87MB Freakonomics/05 Ch 01 What Do Schoolteachers and Sumo Wrestlers Have in Common.mp3 | 21.74MB Freakonomics/06 Ch 02 How Is the Ku Klux Klan Like a Group of Real-Estate Agents.mp3 | 22.54MB Freakonomics/07 Ch 03 Why Do Drug Dealers Still Live with Their Moms.mp3 | 19.67MB Freakonomics/08 Ch 04 Where Have All the Criminals Gone.mp3 | 21.61MB Freakonomics/09 Ch 05 What Makes a Perfect Parent.mp3 | 21.30MB Freakonomics/10 Ch 06 Perfect Parenting, Part II; or Would a Roshanda by Any Other Name Smell as Sweet.mp3 | 14.19MB Freakonomics/11 Epilogue Two Paths to Harvard.mp3 | 1.75MB Freakonomics/12 Outro.mp3 | 541.18KB SuperFreakonomics/01 Intro.mp3 | 279.59KB SuperFreakonomics/02 An Explanatory Note.mp3 | 3.27MB SuperFreakonomics/03 Introduction Putting the Freak in Economics.mp3 | 12.39MB SuperFreakonomics/04 Ch 01 How is a Street Prostitute Like a Department-Store Santa.mp3 | 25.81MB SuperFreakonomics/05 Ch 02 Why Should Suicide Bombers Buy Life Insurance.mp3 | 27.78MB SuperFreakonomics/06 Ch 03 Unbelievable Stories About Apathy and Altruism.mp3 | 25.31MB SuperFreakonomics/07 Ch 04 The Fix Is In - And It's Cheap and Simple.mp3 | 22.15MB Freakonomics/01 Intro.mp3 | 556.65KB SuperFreakonomics/09 Epilogue Monkeys Are People Too.mp3 | 3.68MB SuperFreakonomics/10 Outro.mp3 | 399.13KB Think Like a Freak/01 Intro.mp3 | 156.04KB Think Like a Freak/02 Ch 01 What Does It Mean to Think Like a Freak.mp3 | 8.80MB Think Like a Freak/03 Ch 02 The Three Hardest Words in the English Language.mp3 | 15.85MB Think Like a Freak/04 Ch 03 What's Your Problem.mp3 | 9.11MB Think Like a Freak/05 Ch 04 Like a Bad Dye Job, the Truth Is in the Roots.mp3 | 11.87MB Think Like a Freak/06 Ch 05 Think Like a Child.mp3 | 9.53MB Think Like a Freak/07 Ch 06 Like Giving Candy to a Baby.mp3 | 16.27MB Think Like a Freak/08 Ch 07 What Do King Solomon and David Lee Roth Have in Common.mp3 | 15.07MB Think Like a Freak/09 Ch 08-00 How to Persuade People Who Don't Want to Be Persuaded.mp3 | 446.48KB Think Like a Freak/10 Ch 08-01 First, Understand How Hard Persuasion Will Be, and Why.mp3 | 2.85MB Think Like a Freak/11 Ch 08-02 It's Not Me, It's You.mp3 | 393.02KB Think Like a Freak/12 Ch 08-03 Don't Pretend Your Argument is Perfect.mp3 | 1.86MB Think Like a Freak/13 Ch 08-04 Acknowledge the Strengths of Your Opponent's Argument.mp3 | 1.37MB Think Like a Freak/14 Ch 08-05 Keep the Insults to Yourself.mp3 | 891.96KB Think Like a Freak/15 Ch 08-06 Why You Should Tell Stories.mp3 | 2.36MB Think Like a Freak/16 Ch 08-07 The Ten Commandments.mp3 | 1.79MB Think Like a Freak/17 Ch 09 The Upside of Quitting.mp3 | 11.54MB Think Like a Freak/18 Outro.mp3 | 260.94KB Think Like a Freak/19 Podcast Intro.mp3 | 184.17KB Think Like a Freak/20 Podcast 01.mp3 | 2.16MB Think Like a Freak/21 Podcast 02.mp3 | 5.14MB Think Like a Freak/22 Podcast 03.mp3 | 4.48MB Think Like a Freak/23 Podcast 04.mp3 | 5.68MB Think Like a Freak/24 Podcast 05.mp3 | 15.11MB Think Like a Freak/25 Podcast 06.mp3 | 4.25MB Think Like a Freak/26 Audible Outro.mp3 | 68.86KB When to Rob a Bank/001 Intro.mp3 | 307.54KB When to Rob a Bank/002 Introduction What Do Blogs and Bottled Water Have in Common.mp3 | 1.89MB When to Rob a Bank/003 Ch 01-00 We Were Only Trying to Help.mp3 | 264.41KB When to Rob a Bank/004 Ch 01-01 If You Were a Terrorist, How Would You Attack.mp3 | 1.21MB When to Rob a Bank/005 Ch 01-02 Terrorism, Part II.mp3 | 1.78MB When to Rob a Bank/006 Ch 01-03 How About a War on Taxes.mp3 | 1.40MB When to Rob a Bank/007 Ch 01-04 If Public Libraries Didn't Exist, Could You Start One Today.mp3 | 1.12MB When to Rob a Bank/008 Ch 01-05 Let's Just Get Rid of Tenure (Including Mine).mp3 | 1.65MB When to Rob a Bank/009 Ch 01-06 Why Don't Flight Attendants Get Tipped.mp3 | 820.80KB When to Rob a Bank/010 Ch 01-07 Want to Fix New York Air Congestion Shut Down LaGuardia.mp3 | 1.15MB When to Rob a Bank/011 Ch 01-08 Why Restoring the Military Draft Is a Terrible Idea.mp3 | 1.55MB When to Rob a Bank/012 Ch 01-09 A Freakonomics Proposal to Help the British National Health Service.mp3 | 1.94MB When to Rob a Bank/013 Ch 01-10 An Alternative to Democracy.mp3 | 1.66MB When to Rob a Bank/014 Ch 01-11 Would Paying Politicians More Attract Better Politicians.mp3 | 2.19MB When to Rob a Bank/015 Ch 02-00 Limberhand the Masturbator and the Perils of Wayne.mp3 | 364.69KB When to Rob a Bank/016 Ch 02-01 The Next Time Your Daughter Brings Home a New Boyfriend, Be Sure to Ask His Middle Name.mp3 | 1.18MB When to Rob a Bank/017 Ch 02-02 Yourhighness Morgan.mp3 | 481.60KB When to Rob a Bank/018 Ch 02-03 What a Heavenly Name.mp3 | 596.09KB When to Rob a Bank/019 Ch 02-04 The Unpredictability of Baby Names.mp3 | 858.60KB When to Rob a Bank/020 Ch 02-05 Beat This Aptonym.mp3 | 488.18KB When to Rob a Bank/021 Ch 02-06 Announcing the Winners of Our Aptonym Contest.mp3 | 1.39MB When to Rob a Bank/022 Ch 03-00 Hurray for High Gas Prices!.mp3 | 224.77KB When to Rob a Bank/023 Ch 03-01 Somebody Hates Me $5 Worth.mp3 | 1.15MB When to Rob a Bank/024 Ch 03-02 If Crack Dealers Took Lessons from Walgreens, They Really Would Be Rich.mp3 | 1.20MB When to Rob a Bank/025 Ch 03-03 The New-Car Mating Dance.mp3 | 1.95MB When to Rob a Bank/026 Ch 03-04 For $25 Million, No Way—But for $50 Million I’ll Think About It.mp3 | 1.09MB When to Rob a Bank/027 Ch 03-05 How Much Would Pepsi Pay to Get Coke’s Secret Formula.mp3 | 898.79KB When to Rob a Bank/028 Ch 03-06 Can We Please Get Rid of the Penny Already.mp3 | 2.17MB When to Rob a Bank/029 Ch 03-07 Planned Parenthood Gets Freaky!.mp3 | 761.10KB When to Rob a Bank/030 Ch 03-08 Lost $720 Billion. If Found, Please Return to Owner, Preferably in Cash.mp3 | 1.35MB When to Rob a Bank/031 Ch 03-09 How Is a Canadian Art-Pop Singer Like a Bagel Salesman.mp3 | 846.53KB When to Rob a Bank/032 Ch 03-10 Jane Siberry Snaps.mp3 | 382.57KB When to Rob a Bank/033 Ch 03-11 How Much Tax Are Athletes Willing to Pay.mp3 | 1.46MB When to Rob a Bank/034 Ch 03-12 Pricing Chicken Wings.mp3 | 1.20MB When to Rob a Bank/035 Ch 03-13 Why Are Kiwifruits So Cheap.mp3 | 1.25MB When to Rob a Bank/036 Ch 03-14 Pete Rose Provides a Lesson in Basic Economics.mp3 | 528.92KB When to Rob a Bank/037 Ch 03-15 If Only God Had Had Corporate Sponsorship . . ..mp3 | 444.28KB When to Rob a Bank/038 Ch 03-16 What Captain Sullenberger Meant to Say (But Was Too Polite to Do So).mp3 | 2.68MB When to Rob a Bank/039 Ch 03-17 Hurray For High Gas Prices!.mp3 | 2.12MB When to Rob a Bank/040 Ch 04-00 Contested.mp3 | 294.85KB When to Rob a Bank/041 Ch 04-01 What Is the Most Addictive Thing in the World.mp3 | 1.15MB When to Rob a Bank/042 Ch 04-02 The Unintended Consequences of a Twitter Contest.mp3 | 931.93KB When to Rob a Bank/043 Ch 04-03 Contest A Six-Word Motto for the U.S..mp3 | 1.44MB When to Rob a Bank/044 Ch 05-00 How to Be Scared of the Wrong Thing.mp3 | 305.29KB When to Rob a Bank/045 Ch 05-01 Whoa Nellie.mp3 | 771.33KB When to Rob a Bank/046 Ch 05-02 What the Secretary of Transportation Has to Say About My Car-Seat Research.mp3 | 1.43MB When to Rob a Bank/047 Ch 05-03 Security Overkill, Diaper-Changing Edition.mp3 | 753.00KB When to Rob a Bank/048 Ch 05-04 The Latest Terrorist Threat.mp3 | 655.79KB When to Rob a Bank/049 Ch 05-05 “Peak Oil” Welcome to the Media’s New Version of Shark Attacks.mp3 | 2.47MB When to Rob a Bank/050 Ch 05-06 Betting on Peak Oil.mp3 | 1.36MB When to Rob a Bank/051 Ch 05-07 Does Obesity Kill.mp3 | 1.84MB When to Rob a Bank/052 Ch 05-08 Daniel Kahneman Answers Your Questions.mp3 | 2.30MB When to Rob a Bank/053 Ch 05-09 The Perils of Technology, iPad Edition.mp3 | 642.02KB When to Rob a Bank/054 Ch 05-10 This Is What I Call Being Risk-Averse.mp3 | 909.42KB When to Rob a Bank/055 Ch 05-11 Four Reasons Why the U.S. Crackdown on Internet Poker Is a Mistake.mp3 | 1.52MB When to Rob a Bank/056 Ch 05-12 The Cost of Fearing Strangers.mp3 | 1.84MB When to Rob a Bank/057 Ch 06-00 If You’re Not Cheating, You’re Not Trying.mp3 | 248.86KB When to Rob a Bank/058 Ch 06-01 Cheating to Be Hot.mp3 | 762.00KB When to Rob a Bank/059 Ch 06-02 Why Do You Lie The Perils of Self-Reporting.mp3 | 1.70MB When to Rob a Bank/060 Ch 06-03 How to Cheat the Mumbai Train System.mp3 | 467.38KB When to Rob a Bank/061 Ch 06-04 Why Does the Post Office Deliver Mail That Has No Stamp.mp3 | 975.10KB When to Rob a Bank/062 Ch 06-05 Herd Mentality The Freakonomics of Boarding a Bus.mp3 | 1.72MB When to Rob a Bank/063 Ch 06-06 An Experiment for Fake Memoirs.mp3 | 880.48KB When to Rob a Bank/064 Ch 06-07 The Latest Entry Into the Cheating Hall of Fame.mp3 | 608.82KB When to Rob a Bank/065 Ch 06-08 Is Cheating Good for Sports.mp3 | 1.03MB When to Rob a Bank/066 Ch 06-09 Should We Just Let the Tour de France Dopers Dope Away.mp3 | 564.59KB When to Rob a Bank/067 Ch 06-10 How We Would Fight Steroids If We Really Meant It.mp3 | 911.73KB When to Rob a Bank/068 Ch 06-11 How Not to Cheat.mp3 | 836.54KB When to Rob a Bank/069 Ch 06-12 The Absolute Poker Cheating Scandal Blown Wide Open.mp3 | 1.71MB When to Rob a Bank/070 Ch 06-13 Tax Cheats or Tax Idiots.mp3 | 902.67KB When to Rob a Bank/071 Ch 06-14 Have D.C.’s “Best Schools” Been Cheating.mp3 | 733.76KB When to Rob a Bank/072 Ch 06-15 Making Profits from Incivility on the Roads.mp3 | 1.54MB When to Rob a Bank/073 Ch 07-00 But Is It Good for the Planet.mp3 | 225.23KB When to Rob a Bank/074 Ch 07-01 Is the Endangered Species Act Bad for Endangered Species.mp3 | 631.33KB When to Rob a Bank/075 Ch 07-02 Be Green Drive.mp3 | 568.38KB When to Rob a Bank/076 Ch 07-03 Do We Really Need a Few Billion Locavores.mp3 | 2.50MB When to Rob a Bank/077 Ch 07-04 Going Green to Increase Profits.mp3 | 821.10KB When to Rob a Bank/078 Ch 07-05 Saving the Rain Forest One Glass of Orange Juice at a Time.mp3 | 789.29KB When to Rob a Bank/079 Ch 07-06 How About Them (Wrapped) Apples.mp3 | 2.01MB When to Rob a Bank/080 Ch 07-07 Agnostic Carnivores and Global Warming Why Enviros Go After Coal and Not Cows.mp3 | 3.33MB When to Rob a Bank/081 Ch 07-08 Hey Baby, Is That a Prius You’re Driving.mp3 | 763.15KB When to Rob a Bank/082 Ch 08-00 Hit on 21.mp3 | 197.66KB When to Rob a Bank/083 Ch 08-01 I Hope Phil Gordon Wins the World Series of Poker.mp3 | 1.02MB When to Rob a Bank/084 Ch 08-02 Vegas Rules.mp3 | 1.14MB When to Rob a Bank/085 Ch 08-03 World Series of Poker Update Levitt Ties Record That Can Never Be Broken.mp3 | 426.24KB When to Rob a Bank/086 Ch 08-04 One Card Away from the Final Table at the World Series of Poker.mp3 | 1.56MB When to Rob a Bank/087 Ch 08-05 Why Isn’t Backgammon More Popular.mp3 | 1.57MB When to Rob a Bank/088 Ch 08-06 What Are My Chances of Making the Champions Tour (or at Least Hitting the Golf Ball Really Far).mp3 | 1.57MB When to Rob a Bank/089 Ch 08-07 10,000 Hours Later The PGA Tour.mp3 | 1.50MB When to Rob a Bank/090 Ch 08-08 Levitt Is Ready for the Senior Tour.mp3 | 1.16MB When to Rob a Bank/091 Ch 08-09 Loss Aversion in the NFL.mp3 | 999.41KB When to Rob a Bank/092 Ch 08-10 Bill Belichick Is Great.mp3 | 718.85KB When to Rob a Bank/093 Ch 08-11 How Advantageous Is Home-Field Advantage And Why.mp3 | 1.49MB When to Rob a Bank/094 Ch 08-12 Ten Reasons to Like the Pittsburgh Steelers.mp3 | 3.51MB When to Rob a Bank/095 Ch 08-13 The Making of a First-Grade Data Hound.mp3 | 871.92KB When to Rob a Bank/096 Ch 08-14 Annual Kentucky Derby Predictions.mp3 | 471.20KB When to Rob a Bank/097 Ch 08-15 Thankfully, No One Pays Attention.mp3 | 513.60KB When to Rob a Bank/098 Ch 09-00 When to Rob a Bank.mp3 | 259.35KB When to Rob a Bank/099 Ch 09-01 When to Rob a Bank.mp3 | 1.70MB When to Rob a Bank/100 Ch 09-02 What’s the Real Crime Rate in China.mp3 | 863.24KB When to Rob a Bank/101 Ch 09-03 Don’t Remind Criminals They Are Criminals.mp3 | 903.51KB When to Rob a Bank/102 Ch 09-04 What Do Real Thugs Think of The Wire.mp3 | 2.18MB When to Rob a Bank/103 Ch 09-05 The Gang Tax.mp3 | 1.66MB When to Rob a Bank/104 Ch 09-06 Don’t Burn the Food.mp3 | 272.09KB When to Rob a Bank/105 Ch 09-07 When Was the Last Time Someone Answered “Yes” to One of These Questions.mp3 | 750.35KB When to Rob a Bank/106 Ch 09-08 Is Plaxico Burress an Anomaly.mp3 | 1.24MB When to Rob a Bank/107 Ch 09-09 Forget About Having Your Friends Over for Dinner; in Missouri It’s Your Enemies You Want to Invite.mp3 | 1.09MB When to Rob a Bank/108 Ch 09-10 No More D.C. Gun Ban No Big Deal.mp3 | 1.09MB When to Rob a Bank/109 Ch 09-11 What’s the Best Way to Cut Gun Deaths.mp3 | 3.23MB When to Rob a Bank/110 Ch 09-12 I Almost Got Sent to Guantanamo.mp3 | 911.10KB When to Rob a Bank/111 Ch 09-13 Weird But True Freakonomics-Flavored Cop Show Bought by NBC.mp3 | 890.92KB When to Rob a Bank/112 Ch 10-00 More Sex Please, We’re Economists.mp3 | 208.29KB When to Rob a Bank/113 Ch 10-01 Breaking News Soccer Fans Not as Horny as Previously Thought.mp3 | 254.80KB When to Rob a Bank/114 Ch 10-02 An Immodest Proposal Time for a Sex Tax.mp3 | 1.63MB When to Rob a Bank/115 Ch 10-03 More Sex Please, We’re Economists.mp3 | 1.13MB When to Rob a Bank/116 Ch 10-04 I’m a High-End Call Girl; Ask Me Anything.mp3 | 3.02MB When to Rob a Bank/117 Ch 10-05 Freakonomics Radio Gets Results.mp3 | 625.03KB When to Rob a Bank/118 Ch 11-00 Kaleidoscopia.mp3 | 394.35KB When to Rob a Bank/119 Ch 11-01 Something to Think About While You Wait in Line at KFC.mp3 | 1006.94KB When to Rob a Bank/120 Ch 11-02 Postmortem on The Daily Show.mp3 | 801.50KB When to Rob a Bank/121 Ch 11-03 Dental Wisdom.mp3 | 999.40KB When to Rob a Bank/122 Ch 11-04 What’s with All the Bullshit.mp3 | 787.92KB When to Rob a Bank/123 Ch 11-05 If Barack Obama Is as Good a Politician as He Is a Writer, He Will Soon Be President.mp3 | 1.35MB When to Rob a Bank/124 Ch 11-06 Medicine and Statistics Don’t Mix.mp3 | 1.09MB When to Rob a Bank/125 Ch 11-07 If You Like Hoaxes . . ..mp3 | 522.01KB When to Rob a Bank/126 Ch 11-08 From Good to Great . . . to Below Average.mp3 | 1.14MB When to Rob a Bank/127 Ch 11-09 Cut God Some Slack.mp3 | 912.31KB When to Rob a Bank/128 Ch 11-10 Why I Like Writing About Economists.mp3 | 1.00MB When to Rob a Bank/129 Ch 11-11 When a Daughter Dies.mp3 | 5.16MB When to Rob a Bank/130 Ch 11-12 Linda Levitt Jines, 1962–2012.mp3 | 2.36MB When to Rob a Bank/131 Ch 12-00 When You’re a Jet . . ..mp3 | 182.40KB When to Rob a Bank/132 Ch 12-01 How Many Chinese Workers Does It Take to Sell a Can of Baby Formula.mp3 | 843.79KB When to Rob a Bank/133 Ch 12-02 Why Do Animated Films Use Such Famous Voices.mp3 | 1.21MB When to Rob a Bank/134 Ch 12-03 Why Pay $36.09 for Rancid Chicken.mp3 | 2.19MB When to Rob a Bank/135 Ch 12-04 Please Buy Gas!.mp3 | 1.49MB When to Rob a Bank/136 Ch 12-05 Pirate Economics 101.mp3 | 2.40MB When to Rob a Bank/137 Ch 12-06 The Visible Hand.mp3 | 1.73MB When to Rob a Bank/138 Ch 12-07 Black and White TV.mp3 | 948.89KB When to Rob a Bank/139 Ch 12-08 How Pure Is Your Altruism.mp3 | 2.28MB When to Rob a Bank/140 Ch 12-09 The Economics of Street Charity.mp3 | 4.45MB When to Rob a Bank/141 Ch 12-10 Bribing Kids to Try Harder on Tests.mp3 | 1.00MB When to Rob a Bank/142 Ch 12-11 The Salmon Is Delicious An Example of Incentives at Work.mp3 | 655.05KB When to Rob a Bank/143 Ch 12-12 Shrimponomics.mp3 | 1.87MB When to Rob a Bank/144 Ch 12-13 Why Are Women So Unhappy.mp3 | 1.38MB When to Rob a Bank/145 Ch 12-14 What’s the Best Advice You Ever Got.mp3 | 1.33MB When to Rob a Bank/146 Ch 13-00 The Highest Praise Anyone Could Ever Give.mp3 | 173.20KB When to Rob a Bank/147 Outro.mp3 | 445.30KB


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