Name Writing Highly Maintainable Unit Tests
File Type video
Size 1.04GB
UpdateDate 2025-2-23
hash *****6846225141A8DF3E1D77CA88128E5821F9
Hot 107
Files 01. Course Overview/01. Course Overview.mp4 | 3.26MB 01. Course Overview/01. Course | 2.24KB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/01. Putting Tests into the Frame.mp4 | 6.51MB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/01. Putting Tests into the | 6.10KB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/02. Version Check.mp4 | 369.92KB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/03. What Follows in This Course.mp4 | 8.88MB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/03. What Follows in This | 9.94KB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/04. Proving Correctness of Code.mp4 | 12.75MB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/04. Proving Correctness of | 11.17KB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/05. Testing Correctness at Run Time.mp4 | 10.04MB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/05. Testing Correctness at Run | 9.20KB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/06. Inventing Automated Tests.mp4 | 17.32MB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/06. Inventing Automated | 9.82KB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/07. Inventing the Test Runner.mp4 | 24.41MB 02. Understanding Provable Code Correctness/08. Summary.mp4 | 2.42MB 03. The Importance of Knowing What to Test/01. The Problem of Choosing What to Test.mp4 | 7.34MB 03. The Importance of Knowing What to Test/02. Changing the Class to Support State Testing.mp4 | 12.38MB 03. The Importance of Knowing What to Test/03. Implementing a State Test.mp4 | 12.37MB 03. The Importance of Knowing What to Test/04. On Multiple Assertions in One Unit Test.mp4 | 16.36MB 03. The Importance of Knowing What to Test/05. Completing State Tests.mp4 | 8.75MB 03. The Importance of Knowing What to Test/06. Implementing an Interaction Test Through Derivation.mp4 | 17.63MB 03. The Importance of Knowing What to Test/07. Implementing an Interaction Test Through Interface.mp4 | 16.41MB 03. The Importance of Knowing What to Test/08. Understanding Regression.mp4 | 10.49MB 03. The Importance of Knowing What to Test/09. Summary.mp4 | 3.79MB 04. The Pros and Cons of White-Box Testing/01. Applying Branch Coverage Strategy.mp4 | 17.70MB 04. The Pros and Cons of White-Box Testing/02. Assessing Usefulness of Automatic Mocks.mp4 | 19.84MB 04. The Pros and Cons of White-Box Testing/03. Assessing Usefulness of Manual Mocks.mp4 | 13.57MB 04. The Pros and Cons of White-Box Testing/04. Assessing Maintainability of Automatic vs. Manual Mocks.mp4 | 18.69MB 04. The Pros and Cons of White-Box Testing/05. Leaning on the Compiler and Automatic Mocks.mp4 | 11.99MB 04. The Pros and Cons of White-Box Testing/06. Example- Abstracting Time.mp4 | 34.59MB 04. The Pros and Cons of White-Box Testing/07. Summary.mp4 | 4.29MB 05. Modeling Class Dependencies in Tests/01. Stubbing vs. Mocking Dependencies.mp4 | 8.60MB 05. Modeling Class Dependencies in Tests/02. Letting Dependencies Grow Through Refactoring.mp4 | 20.35MB 05. Modeling Class Dependencies in Tests/03. Evaluating Interaction Tests.mp4 | 11.23MB 05. Modeling Class Dependencies in Tests/04. Understanding Lifetime of a Dependency.mp4 | 21.11MB 05. Modeling Class Dependencies in Tests/05. Avoiding Unnecessary Unit Tests.mp4 | 24.54MB 05. Modeling Class Dependencies in Tests/06. Testing Temporal Coupling Between Method Calls.mp4 | 19.07MB 05. Modeling Class Dependencies in Tests/07. Summary.mp4 | 6.17MB 06. Gaining Resilience by Testing Against Abstract Data Types/01. Introducing Abstract Data Types.mp4 | 11.58MB 06. Gaining Resilience by Testing Against Abstract Data Types/02. Writing Unit Tests Against the Abstract Data Type.mp4 | 18.96MB 06. Gaining Resilience by Testing Against Abstract Data Types/03. Replacing Entire Concrete Class.mp4 | 12.03MB 06. Gaining Resilience by Testing Against Abstract Data Types/04. Varying Implementation of an Abstract Data Type.mp4 | 10.13MB 06. Gaining Resilience by Testing Against Abstract Data Types/05. Extending the Abstract Data Type.mp4 | 13.81MB 06. Gaining Resilience by Testing Against Abstract Data Types/06. Investigating Negative Test Cases.mp4 | 22.61MB 06. Gaining Resilience by Testing Against Abstract Data Types/07. Inventing Preconditions.mp4 | 24.27MB 06. Gaining Resilience by Testing Against Abstract Data Types/08. Summary.mp4 | 4.43MB 07. Testing Against Interfaces to Simplify Maintenance/01. Understanding Possible Options When Deriving a Class.mp4 | 17.30MB 07. Testing Against Interfaces to Simplify Maintenance/02. Introducing Base and Derived Test Classes.mp4 | 12.98MB 07. Testing Against Interfaces to Simplify Maintenance/03. When Implementation Affects Abstraction.mp4 | 7.71MB 07. Testing Against Interfaces to Simplify Maintenance/04. Separating Functional from Non-functional Requirements.mp4 | 12.38MB 07. Testing Against Interfaces to Simplify Maintenance/05. Completing the Definition of Abstract Data Type.mp4 | 12.16MB 07. Testing Against Interfaces to Simplify Maintenance/06. Inventing the Abstract-Test-Driven Development.mp4 | 37.15MB 07. Testing Against Interfaces to Simplify Maintenance/07. Interface Tests in Light of the Liskov Substitution Principle.mp4 | 14.49MB 07. Testing Against Interfaces to Simplify Maintenance/08. Summary.mp4 | 3.37MB 08. Implementing Abstract Interfaces TDD Style/01. Implementing Inheritance.mp4 | 2.96MB 08. Implementing Abstract Interfaces TDD Style/02. Using Abstract Unit Tests in TDD.mp4 | 13.74MB 08. Implementing Abstract Interfaces TDD Style/03. TDD-style Interface Implementation.mp4 | 26.24MB 08. Implementing Abstract Interfaces TDD Style/04. Applying TDD to Discover Missing Tests.mp4 | 20.36MB 08. Implementing Abstract Interfaces TDD Style/05. A Word About Naming Classes and Interfaces.mp4 | 10.54MB 08. Implementing Abstract Interfaces TDD Style/06. Refactoring a Class Covered by Abstract Tests.mp4 | 16.08MB 08. Implementing Abstract Interfaces TDD Style/07. Writing Tests Against Abstract List.mp4 | 30.74MB 08. Implementing Abstract Interfaces TDD Style/08. Discussing the Benefits of Base Tests Class.mp4 | 5.10MB 08. Implementing Abstract Interfaces TDD Style/09. Summary.mp4 | 4.89MB 09. Testing Compliance to Design Principles/01. Inventing Design Pattern Tests.mp4 | 16.45MB 09. Testing Compliance to Design Principles/02. Implementing the Design Pattern Tests.mp4 | 13.15MB 09. Testing Compliance to Design Principles/03. Testing All Aspects of a Design Pattern.mp4 | 21.09MB 09. Testing Compliance to Design Principles/04. Defining Value-typed Semantic.mp4 | 6.80MB 09. Testing Compliance to Design Principles/05. Designing the Equality Tests.mp4 | 10.34MB 09. Testing Compliance to Design Principles/06. Defining Equality Testing Rules.mp4 | 8.72MB 09. Testing Compliance to Design Principles/07. Implementing Equality Testing Library.mp4 | 25.67MB 09. Testing Compliance to Design Principles/08. Using the Equality Testing Library.mp4 | 18.31MB 09. Testing Compliance to Design Principles/09. Summary.mp4 | 5.57MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/01. Discovering Impossible Tests.mp4 | 8.27MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/02. Understanding Error Conditions.mp4 | 9.44MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/03. Division of Exceptions.mp4 | 10.84MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/04. Defining Preconditions and Postconditions.mp4 | 10.06MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/05. Avoiding Condition Checks with Contracts.mp4 | 10.39MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/06. Inheriting Contracts.mp4 | 12.94MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/07. Applying Contracts to a Production Class.mp4 | 21.05MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/08. Asserting the Preconditions.mp4 | 12.76MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/09. Implementing Contracts in Production Code.mp4 | 19.27MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/10. Removing Superfluous Unit Tests.mp4 | 26.91MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/11. Summary.mp4 | 4.94MB 10. Design by Contract from Testing Perspective- Binding Theory to Practice/12. Course Summary.mp4 | 3.60MB