Name [Tutorialsplanet.NET] Udemy - Unity Android Game Development Build 7 2D & 3D Games
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Size 9.87GB
UpdateDate 2025-2-13
hash *****ADA81AF60A0600BE247B890F59109AFB91
Hot 42
Files 1. Lets Start Building Android Games With Unity ( Updated 2019 )/1.1 Android Game | 91.92MB 10. Start Earning Money From Your Games - Monetize Your Games/1. Integrate Unity Video Ads - Super Easy.mp4 | 31.02MB 10. Start Earning Money From Your Games - Monetize Your Games/1. Integrate Unity Video Ads - Super Easy.vtt | 11.53KB 10. Start Earning Money From Your Games - Monetize Your Games/2. Show Ads Every 3 Times Using PlayerPrefs.mp4 | 21.07MB 10. Start Earning Money From Your Games - Monetize Your Games/2. Show Ads Every 3 Times Using PlayerPrefs.vtt | 7.89KB 10. Start Earning Money From Your Games - Monetize Your Games/3. Integrate Applovin Ads To Your Game Easily.mp4 | 68.64MB 10. Start Earning Money From Your Games - Monetize Your Games/3. Integrate Applovin Ads To Your Game Easily.vtt | 21.41KB 10. Start Earning Money From Your Games - Monetize Your Games/4. Integrate Chartboost Ads - Designed Only For Games.mp4 | 61.67MB 10. Start Earning Money From Your Games - Monetize Your Games/4. Integrate Chartboost Ads - Designed Only For Games.vtt | 21.26KB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/1. Creating Leader Boards - Part1.mp4 | 35.45MB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/1. Creating Leader Boards - Part1.vtt | 15.12KB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/2. Creating Leader Boards - Part2.mp4 | 42.47MB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/2. Creating Leader Boards - Part2.vtt | 13.56KB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/3. Creating Leader Boards - Part3.mp4 | 30.26MB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/3. Creating Leader Boards - Part3.vtt | 10.83KB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/4. Creating Leader Boards - Part4.mp4 | 26.02MB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/4. Creating Leader Boards - Part4.vtt | 26.03MB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/5. Creating Leader Boards - Part5 - Uploading APK & Linking.mp4 | 22.52MB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/5. Creating Leader Boards - Part5 - Uploading APK & Linking.vtt | 7.74KB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/6. Create Achievements In Your Game.mp4 | 53.54MB 11. Create Leader Boards & Achievements - Make Your Games Social/6. Create Achievements In Your Game.vtt | 18.62KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/1. Getting Started With C# For Unity Game Development.mp4 | 51.81MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/1. Getting Started With C# For Unity Game Development.vtt | 9.95KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/10. While Loops in C#.mp4 | 60.63MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/10. While Loops in C#.vtt | 8.67KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/11. For Loops in C#.mp4 | 38.51MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/11. For Loops in C#.vtt | 5.02KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/12. Arrays in Unity and C#.mp4 | 77.46MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/12. Arrays in Unity and C#.vtt | 10.30KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/13. foreach Loop in Unity C#.mp4 | 28.82MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/13. foreach Loop in Unity C#.vtt | 4.31KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/14. Vectors in Unity C#.mp4 | 47.64MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/14. Vectors in Unity C#.vtt | 5.48KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/15. Transform Component in Unity & C#.mp4 | 34.97MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/15. Transform Component in Unity & C#.vtt | 3.59KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/16. Unity transform.position.mp4 | 60.63MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/16. Unity transform.position.vtt | 6.50KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/17. Moving Objects With transform.Translate.mp4 | 36.36MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/17. Moving Objects With transform.Translate.vtt | 4.33KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/18. Rotating GameObjects.mp4 | 51.29MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/18. Rotating GameObjects.vtt | 3.85KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/19. Scaling GameObjects and Changing Size.mp4 | 42.87MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/19. Scaling GameObjects and Changing Size.vtt | 3.87KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/2. Understanding The First C# Program.mp4 | 91.68MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/2. Understanding The First C# Program.vtt | 12.69KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/20. Tags in Unity C#.mp4 | 48.95MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/20. Tags in Unity C#.vtt | 6.90KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/21. Checking Collisions With OnCollisionEnter2D.mp4 | 65.62MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/21. Checking Collisions With OnCollisionEnter2D.vtt | 8.90KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/22. Triggers and OnTriggerEnter2D.mp4 | 40.42MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/22. Triggers and OnTriggerEnter2D.vtt | 5.50KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/23. Public and Private in C#.mp4 | 30.62MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/23. Public and Private in C#.vtt | 3.54KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/24. SerializeField in Unity C#.mp4 | 25.84MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/24. SerializeField in Unity C#.vtt | 2.95KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/25. HideInInspector in Unity C#.mp4 | 16.74MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/25. HideInInspector in Unity C#.vtt | 2.09KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/26. Finding GameObjects with Tag.mp4 | 38.86MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/26. Finding GameObjects with Tag.vtt | 5.18KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/27. Finding Multiple GameObjects with Tags.mp4 | 39.09MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/27. Finding Multiple GameObjects with Tags.vtt | 5.02KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/28. Prefabs and Instantiate in Unity C#.mp4 | 50.39MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/28. Prefabs and Instantiate in Unity C#.vtt | 6.44KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/29. InvokeRepeating calling Functions Repeatedly.mp4 | 37.24MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/29. InvokeRepeating calling Functions Repeatedly.vtt | 4.09KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/3. Variables & Data Types in C#.mp4 | 56.92MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/3. Variables & Data Types in C#.vtt | 8.64KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/30. Inputs with Input.GetKeyDown.mp4 | 36.75MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/30. Inputs with Input.GetKeyDown.vtt | 4.49KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/31. Inputs with Input.GetButtonDown.mp4 | 42.70MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/31. Inputs with Input.GetButtonDown.vtt | 5.67KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/32. Mouse Input and Mouse Position.mp4 | 65.29MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/32. Mouse Input and Mouse Position.vtt | 8.00KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/33. Input with Input.GetAxis.mp4 | 101.96MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/33. Input with Input.GetAxis.vtt | 12.47KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/34. Coroutines in Unity C#.mp4 | 90.81MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/34. Coroutines in Unity C#.vtt | 11.33KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/35. GetComponent Function in Unity C#.mp4 | 113.61MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/35. GetComponent Function in Unity C#.vtt | 10.72KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/36. GetComponentInChildren Function in Unity C#.mp4 | 47.86MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/36. GetComponentInChildren Function in Unity C#.vtt | 4.95KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/37. Loading Scenes.mp4 | 147.26MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/37. Loading Scenes.vtt | 17.44KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/38. Unity Time.deltaTime.mp4 | 145.99MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/38. Unity Time.deltaTime.vtt | 15.51KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/4. Start and Update Functions.mp4 | 34.33MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/4. Start and Update Functions.vtt | 4.60KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/5. Awake and Start Function.mp4 | 32.54MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/5. Awake and Start Function.vtt | 4.03KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/6. C# Functions.mp4 | 91.42MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/6. C# Functions.vtt | 13.72KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/7. Destroying Objects.mp4 | 36.10MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/7. Destroying Objects.vtt | 5.26KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/8. If Else Statements in C#.mp4 | 77.08MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/8. If Else Statements in C#.vtt | 8.90KB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/9. Concept of Loops.mp4 | 70.41MB 12. C# Scripting Crash Course For Complete Beginners/9. Concept of Loops.vtt | 4.87KB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/1. Build & Run Your First Android Game on Your Android Mobile (2018).mp4 | 378.01MB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/1. Build & Run Your First Android Game on Your Android Mobile (2018).vtt | 43.93KB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/1.1 Download Unity Remote.html | 132B 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/1.2 Download Art Assets For The Game.html | 116B 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/1.3 Download Unity.html | 99B 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/1.4 Download Android SDK 24.html | 104B 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/1.5 Download JDK.html | 144B 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/2. Android Setup Process (2017).mp4 | 128.00MB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/2. Android Setup Process (2017).vtt | 45.33KB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/2.1 Download Android SDK.html | 130B 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/3. Touch Input Control For Unity Android Game Development.mp4 | 166.32MB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/3. Touch Input Control For Unity Android Game Development.vtt | 22.59KB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/4. Accelerometer Input & Tilt Control.mp4 | 295.72MB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/4. Accelerometer Input & Tilt Control.vtt | 21.85KB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/5. Unity Touch & Destroy.mp4 | 244.51MB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/5. Unity Touch & Destroy.vtt | 22.55KB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/6. Responsive UI.mp4 | 168.50MB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/6. Responsive UI.vtt | 16.72KB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/7. Swipe Input Control.mp4 | 247.94MB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/7. Swipe Input Control.vtt | 27.09KB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/8. Touch Joystick Input.mp4 | 493.38MB 13. Unity Android Game Development Basics For Complete Beginners/8. Touch Joystick Input.vtt | 32.52KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/1. Intruduction To This Section.html | 376B 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/10. Moving Ball With Paddle.mp4 | 15.06MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/10. Moving Ball With Paddle.vtt | 7.34KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/11. Adding Force Only Once.mp4 | 8.57MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/11. Adding Force Only Once.vtt | 4.73KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/12. Adding Bricks.mp4 | 26.10MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/12. Adding Bricks.vtt | 11.14KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/13. Creating Game Background.mp4 | 35.29MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/13. Creating Game Background.vtt | 16.08KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/14. Creating Brick Prefabs.mp4 | 12.15MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/14. Creating Brick Prefabs.vtt | 5.22KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/15. Adding Score.mp4 | 28.91MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/15. Adding Score.vtt | 11.59KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/16. Displaying Score On Screen.mp4 | 10.53MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/16. Displaying Score On Screen.vtt | 5.33KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/2. Setting Up Game Environment.mp4 | 27.77MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/2. Setting Up Game Environment.vtt | 13.93KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/3. Moving Paddle.mp4 | 22.36MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/3. Moving Paddle.vtt | 11.05KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/4. Taking Keyboard Inputs.mp4 | 15.21MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/4. Taking Keyboard Inputs.vtt | 7.72KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/5. Restricting Player Movement.mp4 | 18.22MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/5. Restricting Player Movement.vtt | 8.17KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/6. Adding Ball Bounce.mp4 | 11.34MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/6. Adding Ball Bounce.vtt | 5.82KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/7. Adding Boundaries.mp4 | 12.66MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/7. Adding Boundaries.vtt | 6.48KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/8. Adding Force To Ball.mp4 | 11.18MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/8. Adding Force To Ball.vtt | 4.71KB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/9. Moving Ball On Keypress.mp4 | 6.71MB 14. Create a 2D Brick Breaker Game/9. Moving Ball On Keypress.vtt | 3.15KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/1. Setting Up The Game.mp4 | 64.31MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/1. Setting Up The Game.vtt | 6.89KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/10. Removing Extra Cars.mp4 | 75.12MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/10. Removing Extra Cars.vtt | 7.72KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/11. Speed Up The Game.mp4 | 55.65MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/11. Speed Up The Game.vtt | 5.78KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/12. Different Random Cars.mp4 | 95.88MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/12. Different Random Cars.vtt | 9.37KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/13. Adding Pause Button.mp4 | 115.39MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/13. Adding Pause Button.vtt | 12.09KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/14. Creating Game Menu.mp4 | 106.60MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/14. Creating Game Menu.vtt | 9.57KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/15. GameOver Menu.mp4 | 210.99MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/15. GameOver Menu.vtt | 20.60KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/16. Adding Score UI.mp4 | 129.15MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/16. Adding Score UI.vtt | 11.98KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/17. Activating Buttons at Runtime.mp4 | 90.91MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/17. Activating Buttons at Runtime.vtt | 8.00KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/18. Adding Car Sound.mp4 | 81.61MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/18. Adding Car Sound.vtt | 6.11KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/19. Audio Manager.mp4 | 122.70MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/19. Audio Manager.vtt | 10.93KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/2. Adding The Track.mp4 | 66.69MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/2. Adding The Track.vtt | 8.68KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/20. Scale Game UI To Different Screen Size.mp4 | 79.35MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/20. Scale Game UI To Different Screen Size.vtt | 7.05KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/21. Platform Specific Input.mp4 | 86.28MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/21. Platform Specific Input.vtt | 8.26KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/22. Touch Button Input.mp4 | 278.16MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/22. Touch Button Input.vtt | 26.47KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/23. Touch Input.mp4 | 161.42MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/23. Touch Input.vtt | 13.88KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/24. Accelerometer Input.mp4 | 272.08MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/24. Accelerometer Input.vtt | 16.04KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/3. Moving The Car.mp4 | 64.38MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/3. Moving The Car.vtt | 6.80KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/4. Controlling Car With Arrow Keys.mp4 | 65.76MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/4. Controlling Car With Arrow Keys.vtt | 6.99KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/5. Restricting Car Movement.mp4 | 67.33MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/5. Restricting Car Movement.vtt | 7.23KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/6. Adding Enemy Car.mp4 | 69.04MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/6. Adding Enemy Car.vtt | 8.38KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/7. Enemy Cars in Random Position.mp4 | 132.45MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/7. Enemy Cars in Random Position.vtt | 13.74KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/8. Spawaning Enemy Cars.mp4 | 84.48MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/8. Spawaning Enemy Cars.vtt | 8.39KB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/9. Car Collisions.mp4 | 79.63MB 15. Lets Create a 2D Racing Game/9. Car Collisions.vtt | 8.28KB 16. Bonus Discount Coupons & Download Course Files/1. Bonus Download Course Files & Discount Coupons.html | 4.66KB 16. Bonus Discount Coupons & Download Course Files/1.1 Gamedev Tutorials on My Youtube Channel.html | 93B 16. Bonus Discount Coupons & Download Course Files/1.2 Bonus Discount Coupons.pdf.pdf | 74.22KB 16. Bonus Discount Coupons & Download Course Files/1.3 Join Facebook Group.html | 109B 16. Bonus Discount Coupons & Download Course Files/1.4 Download All Course Files (Sprites & Scripts).html | 108B 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/1. Setting Up Game Level, Player and Platform.mp4 | 34.91MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/1. Setting Up Game Level, Player and Platform.vtt | 12.97KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/10. Fixing Platform Falling.mp4 | 12.79MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/10. Fixing Platform Falling.vtt | 4.33KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/11. Creating Diamonds and Randomly Spawning Them.mp4 | 35.01MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/11. Creating Diamonds and Randomly Spawning Them.vtt | 12.17KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/12. Destroying Diamonds On Collision.mp4 | 15.23MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/12. Destroying Diamonds On Collision.vtt | 5.44KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/13. Creating Awesome particle Effects.mp4 | 32.62MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/13. Creating Awesome particle Effects.vtt | 10.33KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/14. Create UiManager and Text Animations.mp4 | 47.94MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/14. Create UiManager and Text Animations.vtt | 16.70KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/15. More Main Menu UI Animations.mp4 | 51.07MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/15. More Main Menu UI Animations.vtt | 14.68KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/16. Game Over Menu and Animations.mp4 | 30.88MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/16. Game Over Menu and Animations.vtt | 9.69KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/17. Scripting The UiManager.mp4 | 33.08MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/17. Scripting The UiManager.vtt | 12.92KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/18. ScoreManager Score and HighScore.mp4 | 27.18MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/18. ScoreManager Score and HighScore.vtt | 11.18KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/19. Creating GameManager and Controlling The Whole Game.mp4 | 17.86MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/19. Creating GameManager and Controlling The Whole Game.vtt | 6.89KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/2. Controlling The Ball.mp4 | 37.96MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/2. Controlling The Ball.vtt | 13.26KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/20. Final Fixes and Finishing The Game.mp4 | 54.46MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/20. Final Fixes and Finishing The Game.vtt | 17.74KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/21. Building and Publishing To Android.mp4 | 18.23MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/21. Building and Publishing To Android.vtt | 6.69KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/3. Moving The Ball After First Touch.mp4 | 17.16MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/3. Moving The Ball After First Touch.vtt | 7.34KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/4. Checking When The Ball Falls Off The Platform.mp4 | 34.12MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/4. Checking When The Ball Falls Off The Platform.vtt | 13.06KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/5. Camera Following The Ball Smoothly.mp4 | 41.45MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/5. Camera Following The Ball Smoothly.vtt | 14.37KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/6. Join The Community.html | 459B 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/7. Make The Platforms Fall Down After Ball Goes Away.mp4 | 35.00MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/7. Make The Platforms Fall Down After Ball Goes Away.vtt | 10.97KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/8. Spawning the Platforms.mp4 | 32.00MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/8. Spawning the Platforms.vtt | 12.29KB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/9. Random Platform Spawning Algorithm.mp4 | 22.62MB 2. Let's Create 3D ZigZag Game/9. Random Platform Spawning Algorithm.vtt | 7.86KB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/1. Inkscape Crash Course.mp4 | 45.28MB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/1. Inkscape Crash Course.vtt | 16.36KB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/2. Desinging Tappy Ball Game Sprites - part1.mp4 | 21.64MB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/2. Desinging Tappy Ball Game Sprites - part1.vtt | 8.99KB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/3. Designing Tappy Ball Game Sprites - Part2.mp4 | 44.16MB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/3. Designing Tappy Ball Game Sprites - Part2.vtt | 15.65KB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/4. Designing Second Tappy Ball Sprite.mp4 | 27.87MB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/4. Designing Second Tappy Ball Sprite.vtt | 7.98KB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/5. Designing The Pipe - Creating Game Art Assets.mp4 | 20.15MB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/5. Designing The Pipe - Creating Game Art Assets.vtt | 8.51KB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/6. Designing Sky Clounds & Ground - Game Art Assets.mp4 | 41.67MB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/6. Designing Sky Clounds & Ground - Game Art Assets.vtt | 15.24KB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/7. Exporting Your Game Art Assets To Use Them In Game.mp4 | 18.81MB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/7. Exporting Your Game Art Assets To Use Them In Game.vtt | 6.53KB 3. Learn To Create Game Art Assets From Scratch/8. Test Your Knowledge.html | 132B 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/1. Creating Tappy Ball Menu and UI.mp4 | 47.53MB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/1. Creating Tappy Ball Menu and UI.vtt | 18.06KB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/10. Adding Final Tweaks and Finishing The Game.mp4 | 33.70MB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/10. Adding Final Tweaks and Finishing The Game.vtt | 9.72KB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/2. Programming The Ball Movement.mp4 | 45.20MB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/2. Programming The Ball Movement.vtt | 17.44KB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/3. Adding The Pipes.mp4 | 47.10MB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/3. Adding The Pipes.vtt | 17.47KB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/4. Spawning The Pipes.mp4 | 44.76MB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/4. Spawning The Pipes.vtt | 15.75KB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/5. Checking Score.mp4 | 36.48MB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/5. Checking Score.vtt | 12.73KB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/6. Designing UI and UiManager.mp4 | 45.64MB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/6. Designing UI and UiManager.vtt | 14.78KB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/7. GameOver Menu and Animations.mp4 | 29.17MB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/7. GameOver Menu and Animations.vtt | 9.29KB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/8. Adding Attractive User Interface Elements.mp4 | 34.64MB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/8. Adding Attractive User Interface Elements.vtt | 10.67KB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/8.1 Download UI Assets.html | 96B 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/9. Creating Game Manager and Controlling Everything.mp4 | 47.36MB 4. Let's Create Tappy Ball Game/9. Creating Game Manager and Controlling Everything.vtt | 14.56KB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/1. Design The Fruit - It's So Easy But Looks Professional.mp4 | 36.21MB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/1. Design The Fruit - It's So Easy But Looks Professional.vtt | 13.40KB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/2. Design Cut Fruit.mp4 | 47.80MB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/2. Design Cut Fruit.vtt | 16.87KB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/3. Design The Splash Effect For Fruit Ninja Game.mp4 | 24.55MB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/3. Design The Splash Effect For Fruit Ninja Game.vtt | 7.70KB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/4. Design The Wooden Game Background.mp4 | 36.62MB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/4. Design The Wooden Game Background.vtt | 11.12KB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/5. Design The 3D Looking Bomb.mp4 | 38.80MB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/5. Design The 3D Looking Bomb.vtt | 13.81KB 5. Create Game Art Assets For Fruit Ninja Game/6. Test Your Knowledge.html | 132B 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/1. Creating The Fruit Bomb and Background.mp4 | 37.08MB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/1. Creating The Fruit Bomb and Background.vtt | 13.07KB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/1.1 Download 2D Sprites.html | 115B 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/10. Instantiating The Blast Effect.mp4 | 13.40MB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/10. Instantiating The Blast Effect.vtt | 3.23KB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/2. Adding Touch Swipe Effect.mp4 | 29.27MB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/2. Adding Touch Swipe Effect.vtt | 10.83KB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/3. Adding Colliders To Swipe Lines.mp4 | 17.97MB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/3. Adding Colliders To Swipe Lines.vtt | 5.75KB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/4. Adding Touch Functionality For Swipe.mp4 | 18.89MB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/4. Adding Touch Functionality For Swipe.vtt | 5.30KB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/5. Spawning and Rotating Fruits Randomly.mp4 | 47.00MB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/5. Spawning and Rotating Fruits Randomly.vtt | 14.70KB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/6. Cutting The Fruits.mp4 | 27.17MB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/6. Cutting The Fruits.vtt | 7.25KB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/7. Cut Pieces Falling Down.mp4 | 12.85MB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/7. Cut Pieces Falling Down.vtt | 3.79KB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/8. Adding The Bomb.mp4 | 14.98MB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/8. Adding The Bomb.vtt | 4.19KB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/9. Creating The Blast Effect.mp4 | 10.29MB 6. Let's Create Fruit Ninja Game/9. Creating The Blast Effect.vtt | 2.82KB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/1. Creating The Soccer Field and Goal Post.mp4 | 48.03MB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/1. Creating The Soccer Field and Goal Post.vtt | 16.45KB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/1.1 fieldtexture.png.png | 5.61MB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/2. Adding The Ball and Setting Up.mp4 | 23.98MB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/2. Adding The Ball and Setting Up.vtt | 8.28KB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/2.1 | 1.94MB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/3. Instantiating The Ball.mp4 | 19.58MB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/3. Instantiating The Ball.vtt | 9.37KB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/4. Adding Swipe Flick Controls.mp4 | 38.93MB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/4. Adding Swipe Flick Controls.vtt | 18.33KB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/5. Setting Up Camera and Testing Ball Flicking.mp4 | 27.37MB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/5. Setting Up Camera and Testing Ball Flicking.vtt | 10.24KB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/6. Adding Special Trail Effect To The Ball.mp4 | 28.71MB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/6. Adding Special Trail Effect To The Ball.vtt | 12.36KB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/7. Creating Audience and Gallery.mp4 | 25.99MB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/7. Creating Audience and Gallery.vtt | 9.03KB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/7.1 IS098U5QB.jpg.jpg | 93.01KB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/8. Adding Our Goal Keeper.mp4 | 15.11MB 7. Lets Create 3D Flick Soccer Football Game/8. Adding Our Goal Keeper.vtt | 4.29KB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/1. Getting The Player Model and Animation.mp4 | 36.66MB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/1. Getting The Player Model and Animation.vtt | 13.15KB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/1.1 | 5.97MB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/2. Setting Up The Player In The Scene.mp4 | 18.58MB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/2. Setting Up The Player In The Scene.vtt | 5.77KB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/3. Adding Animations To The Player.mp4 | 9.99MB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/3. Adding Animations To The Player.vtt | 4.38KB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/4. Moving and Running.mp4 | 27.33MB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/4. Moving and Running.vtt | 14.24KB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/5. Player Jump and Animation.mp4 | 35.79MB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/5. Player Jump and Animation.vtt | 17.77KB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/6. Camera Smooth Follow.mp4 | 36.17MB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/6. Camera Smooth Follow.vtt | 18.52KB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/7. Adding Grounds.mp4 | 31.31MB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/7. Adding Grounds.vtt | 10.18KB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/8. Designing The Level in Unity.mp4 | 83.28MB 8. Lets Create 3D Runner Game/8. Designing The Level in Unity.vtt | 19.26KB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/1. Why Use Version Controlling - Everything You Need To Know.mp4 | 42.38MB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/1. Why Use Version Controlling - Everything You Need To Know.vtt | 16.99KB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/2. Cloning and Creating New Repository For Unity Game Project.mp4 | 36.32MB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/2. Cloning and Creating New Repository For Unity Game Project.vtt | 13.10KB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/3. Practical Version Controlling Example With ZigZag Game.mp4 | 37.54MB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/3. Practical Version Controlling Example With ZigZag Game.vtt | 14.17KB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/4. Learn About Branching Your Game Projects With Source Tree.mp4 | 19.12MB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/4. Learn About Branching Your Game Projects With Source Tree.vtt | 8.23KB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/5. Pushing Your Local Repository To GitHub & BitBucket.mp4 | 14.82MB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/5. Pushing Your Local Repository To GitHub & BitBucket.vtt | 5.47KB 9. Learn Version Controlling - The Most Valuable Skill You Need/6. Test Your Knowledge.html | 132B [Tutorialsplanet.NET].url | 128B